Giridan's page
Organized Play Member. 94 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
So I'm kinda at a loss of how I want to set up my 3rd level character. I know I want him/her to wield a whip and probably do minor speaking for the group. I want them to specialize in the steal maneuver. Class/race etc. suggestions?
So my GM wants to run a mini-campaign in which is set in the Wild West. She has is set so that humans are equivilent to the historically accurate white people of the time. And the historical Mexicans are represented by orcs. Indians by elves. Ireland/Scottish by dwarves. She made it clear that if you didn't choose human it would have in-game negative effect. I think she wants everyone to go gunslinger or swashbuckler, but I want to do something outside of the box. I would like creative ideas on characters that I could work with. GM also said that melee weapons would be pretty useless.
This is proving to be quite difficult. Thoughts? I have a monk (MoMS), a hunter, oracle, and a slayer. The hunter weilds a bow. Slayer dual wields.
In my opinion batman would have to be an investigator. Probably with plenty of brawler levels too though. But is there any conflict in this build? Primarily with the armor profiency and wearability.
So I am running a campaign in which my players are investigating crypts below a string of pyramids. There is a summoner who is attempting to summon " one of the old gods". But to do this he had to summon Anubis in sections. These are now being modeled by golden organs such as the heart, lungs, and liver. When the party gets close I will begin the final stages of the process, being the actuall summoning of Anubis' body. To summon Anubis the summoner must give his own life. Once this is done Anubis will exist in a mortal form. I am assuming that since my players are good they won't let an angry God of death just walk out so I need to create an appropriate monster. He will start off at CR14 and as he collects the golden organs he will gain power. Any ideas on what kind of abilities to give him? I have decided he will weild a pair of Khopesh. Ideas please!!
So first off I want to preface this by saying, i looked for the answer before coming here, but to no avail. So in a campaign i was in about 6 months ago the GM declared that if a magic item gets sundered (ie: our barbarians +2 flaming, corrosive greatsword that gets sundered by a gravenight[this was attempted, but failed]) that when it breaks it looses all magical properties within it. And there was no way to restore the magic within it.
Also he said that we could not add enchantments on to existing items. (ie: my adamantine dagger, i wanted to enchant it up to a +2 weapon) Can these things actually be done? I am about to run a campaign and want to clarify for my players, who are a lot of the same people.
So, are there any reprocussions from drinking alcohol in pathfinder? If you drink specific kinds I know you can get bonuses and penalties, but what about just regular drinks? My players always seem to be wanting their characters to drink at a tavern. But if I want to have an assassin try and kill them (by blade) what disadvantages would they have? If there are already rules for this i a m very sorry. Wouldn't it depend on the constitution? Like a number of bottles = Con modifier before you have to start making Con checks to not get the penalties. And there probably would be a few levels of negative effects.
So I'm running an evil campaign and my players are going to be starting off in jail. They are level 11 and the jail will be manned by "Paladins" (warpriests and clerics etc. as well). I'm hoping to find a way to have them restrained magically. My first thought is magic circle against evil with the extensive precautions. I'm not wanting to put them in chains just because my players will just bang on their chains until there ain't chains no more. One of them is being a monk so I don't want her unarmed striking the chains to dust. I want them to be more creative. I'm looking for ideas and/or flaws with my current idea. Should I just 'create' my own spell?
I'm a pretty loose GM so I'm open to even farther out ideas.
So i went to my players to start new game, and i suggested the concept of a good vs evil campiagn. they like the idea and most everyone was on board. then one of the players (the one who usually GM's) asked if they got to choose if they were the evil or if they were the good side. I said sure, but then everyone was excited about an evil campiagn. I don't have any issues with it, but can you guys think of anything I should say and/or lay out? class restrictions or race restrictions? im not thinking so...maybe no antipalladin. So what should my overall plot line be? I really hadn't thought through this and was interested in what your guys' opinions were.
The investigator gets studied combat and studied strike. Studied combat states it lasts until he damages his opponent. Studied strike says that it activates when studied combat is active and you hit. Assuming I took swift study and I could attack twice per round getting my studying bonus on both attacks assuming they both hit? Am I understanding the way these bonuses interact correctly?
So I'm level 13 bard and I have 6 mythic tiers. I have a cloak of displacement. I had my cloak active and a high level/mythic tiered NPC with a vorpal weapon rolled a 20. We didn't roll for my percent miss. (Because I just had it constantly going for the fight). But would having the concealment cause any disadvantage against this?

I need some advice guys. I was running the RotRL campaign as due to its popularity. There were 5 players: a cavalier, paladin, zen archer, sorcerer, and a ranger. They all started with a 20 pt buy, except the cavalier who accidentally did a 15... Anyways, they were going about thistle top, and had learned of nualia's existence. They were on her level and got caught up with the guisarme trap. The cavalier fell in, the paladin acro'd accross and then this is when things got hairy... They were arguing, and so obviously nualia heard them. She came out to get the paladin by suprise. Then in subsequent rounds the zen archer crit failed the acrobatics check to jump it and failed the reflex saves to get out go the trap. The trap then brought his current hitpoint count negative. Then killed him. The sorcerer cast magic missile every round. The trap killed him and his body joined the cavalier in the hole at which point the ranger destroyed the trap door leaving it dangling open. Then nualia splayed the paladin. And over the subsequent 3 rounds she had killed the whole party except for the sorcerer who ran away. Where do I go from here? Has this happened to other people?
This is my attempt at building a paladin variant for a diety in a campaign that is true neutral and has reign over the elements of fire and lightning. in_of_Qatesh
Over powered? Under powered? Questions, comments, concerns?
So my GM has his own predetermined world where there are other dieties as wells. This is totally cool, and i admire the work he put into this. But, these last few sessions the antipaladin (who used to be a paladin) has not acted evil whatsoever. The GM made no penalties for this. I brought it up and he said that it was fine. Then she (yes the antipaladin is a girl) switched dieties...again! This was her 4th diety. 1)Iomede, 2) lamashtu, 3) asmodeus, 4) katesh. Katesh is a TN diety who is in charge of volcanoes and fire. Anyway, after a session of worshipping Katesh my GM then created this idea of a TN paladin. And basically this paladin has the option to choose which abilities they want from which class. So they could have the fiendish boon and lay on hands and the aura of courage etc. Etc. Is it just me who finds this horrendously unfair?
So i have this idea for a campaign in which each player actively represents each of the four elements (wind, water, fire, earth). So they start off e"nding" their last quest. They r in a dungeon and attemping to find the room that opens a lockes door. They run into some genies that have been more or less banished from their respective planes and are trying to find a genie in a lamp amongst all this treasure. They cooperate and open the door and theres the treasure.
Thats all i have as of now but im thinking that theybwill find a genie who transports them all to the different planes. So the party helps drop them off but im not entirely sure what to do after that? There needs to be combat and im thinking that they will do some sort of proving to the natives that they deserve to go back. This wilk be combat. But what else? I would love to hear suggestions!
so I am currently in a party of an antipaladin of lamashtu, A bloodrager, Tengu Swordmaster rogue, phalanx soldier, Crossbowman, Two-weapon fighter, Monk, and myslef who is a warpriest of a diety called Poroes. Poroes is a deity who is LN and specific to this game. His favored weapon is unarmed strikes. Anyway; My question was in combat what should our caracters do? Like on round 1,2,3...etc. My character is the leader and I want to be able to give a competent battle plan so as to properly lead my party. I am going holy vindicator so I am channel heavy and everyone else is simply melee anything that deserves it. Most of us are L or G but the crossbowman is N. I dont think our alignments really matter, sorry for rambling. Anyway, these characters are already set, so if you have questions please ask me so I can answer them accordingly. And thanks in advance for the help!!!
How should i describe my character's stigmata when it first happens? Does blood just start spewing out of my forearms onto my shield, and somehow or.other im harder to hit? Purely for character description as he unlocks thisnew ability. Could i have some suggestions?
So, I'm a lawful neutral warpriest,and my girlfriend's character used to be a paladin, but her character had a bad week, and then (I'm still not sure why) she turned to an anti-paladin. I need a problem solver, I can't figure much out for a solution that my character, (who slays demons) is okay with. And have him at least be not in conflict with this new anti-paladin.
level 5 Warpriest. Mythic Tier 2 Heirophant. As of now I have Dazzling display, Improved unarmed strike(IUS), Weapon focus (US), Cosmopolitan, Alignment channel(law), Combat Casting. MYTHIC: Dual path[marshal], Path abilities: Relentless healing and Faith's reach. I have currently a set of dragon hide full plate of fortification, and a dragon hide heavy shield. I will be going into Holy vindicator. What suggestions do you guys have? I have played him already so changes are a no. but any advice for the future will be greatly appreciated. Things such as what mythic abilities/ mythic feats to take. Items to grab? Feats to get? combat tactics? what level to start taking Holy Vindicator? any and all comments about the future of this character will be appreciated.
If you take the legendary Item ability Intelligent do you get one of the special abilities at no cost, or do you have to get the special abilities at later levels? Planning on grabbing this at tier 2, but I Am Unsure if I can get Intelligent and upgrade-able, and rejuvenating. Someone please clarify.
I am currently playtesting a warpriest and I was wonder what your guys' opinions were about going holy vindicator. that is all
When is the advanced class guide officially coming out?

so, My GM is running a second campaign, (primarily because only two pf the original 8 were still alive). In this game he is allowing the Advanced Playtest guide classes. I choose warpriest. I am human level 4 MT 1. (he's having us go mythic because he wants to be able to put our characters to the limit, and not worry too much about actually killing us.) I have STR 14; DEX 11; CON 14; INT 10; WIS 16; CHA 14. I have the feats I'm proved unarmed strike (because the deity he is following favorite weapon is just fists.) Weapon focus unarmed strike. Skill focus intimidate. Dazzling display. this campaign seems to consist of fair amounts of undead. At least for now. When I built him I wasn't aware of the rest of my group, which is as follows : A paladin, A fighter (crossbowman), and Sword master Tengu rogue, a monk (with too many archetypes), a bloodrager, and a pole arm using fighter. We have enough tanks, so what can I do to support this group as much as possible? Spell wise? Feat wise? My plan was to originally be a terrifying Warpriest, still would like too, but not a must do. The paladin is the leader, but I'm the one who mythiced onto Marshall and Heirophant(feat mythic[dual path].) Any suggestions ate welcome. note, my GM does not give much money, and does not allow retraining. otherwise I would just go cleric. Oh!! my blessings are War and Protection.

so, My GM is running a second campaign, (primarily because only two pf the original 8 were still alive). In this game he os allowing the Advanced Playtest guide classes. I choose warpriest. I am human level 4 MT 1. (he's having us go mythic because he wants to be able to put our characters to the limit, and not worry too much about actually killing us.) I have STR 14; DEX 11; CON 14; INT 10; WIS 16; CHA 14. I have the feats I'm proved unarmed strike (because the diety he is following favorite weapon is just fists.) Weapon focus unarmed strike. Skill focus intimidate. Dazzling display. this campaign seems tp consist of fair amounts pf undead. At least for now. When I built him I wasn't aware of the rest of my group, which is as follows : A paladin, A fighter (crossbowman), and Swprdmaster tengu rogue, a monk (with too many archeatypes), a bloodrager, and a pole arm using fighter. We have enough taks, so what can I do to support this group as much as possible? Spell wise? Feat wise? My plan was to originally be a terrifying Warpriest, still would like too, but not a must do. the paladin is the leader, but I'm tge one who mythiced onto Marshall. And Heirophant(, feat dual path.) Any suggestions ate welcome. note, my GM does not give much money, and does not allow terraining. otherwise I would just go cleric. Oh!! my blessings are War and Protection.
My Character is a level 4 warpriest and I am going for an intimidate heavy build. I already have skill focus Intimidate, but my GM requires me to role play out all of these intimidations and I am having trouble coming up with things to do or say to truely strike fear into my enemies hearts, whether they be Owl-bears or NPC's. Thoughts?
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