![]() Raising this post from the dead for those like me went on searching google about Eidolons and the Medicine skill and this was the first result, but the comments below are both wrong Gortle wrote:
Leomund "Leo" Velinznrarikovich wrote:
Jason confirmed in the tweet below that Eidolons and Summoners share the same cooldown for any Medicine actions, I guess it is still debatable whether you can run 2 BMs against ANOTHER target, but you most definitely cannot do it twice on the Summoner/Eidolon, otherwise it would be incredibly OP. In the future try to think about the most important rule in pf2e when you find a combination that is "too good to be true, it probably isn't" https://twitter.com/Ghilteras/status/1672639468959064064 ![]()
![]() Blake's Tiger wrote:
Yes because it lacks the Aura trait so you would be inclined to not think it moves with you right? Except in the description of Bless it clearly says "aura" albeit with non capital A. It's just confusing. Furthermore the Emanation says: Quote: An emanation issues forth from each side of your space, extending out to a specified number of feet in all directions. According to this when you increase the Emanation range it increases from each side of your space because that's what an Emanation is right? So what happens when you cast Bless and walk away? The Emanation would stay where you were when you casted it right? Ok so then you spend one action to increase the range, what happens? It would not be an Emanation anymore because it does not "issue forth from each side of your space" unless we want to entertain the bizarre thought that it resets its position back to you. So either Bless is an Aura or Bless is not and it's not an Emanation anymore if you increase the range. In either cases we need an Errata, except we JUST had an Errata about Auras a couple of months ago.. This is why I think we really need an official clarification, I really don't understand why nobody from Paizo is chiming in on this, there is this thread here, 3 threads on Reddit, 1 on rpg.stackexchange and countless Facebook posts about this. How many confused GMs we need to make a dev post or tweet an official clarification? ![]()
![]() The AP says that players can earn the favor of certain characters in the city of Otari by completing side quests and where the side quest is not available they can just gain favor by Making Impression using Diplomacy. How does it work? Some of them start Indifferent or even Unfriendly. How do you move them all the way to Friendly or Helpful? When do you actually get the discount? Make an impression is temporary, is this an exception? Do they just need to roll once or do they need multiple rolls? If so what's the cadence? Like one roll per day? Thanks ![]()
![]() Quote:
what does it mean probably? The mileage might vary and there is no guarantee that PCs would not antagonize one NPC at one table vs another. Quote:
this is not a specific AP questions as this happens in every AP or PFS module. The NPC Stat blocks link is also unhelpful since, as I stated before, I already looked into them to find matching careers Quote:
this is not about roleplay, it's about altercations and possibly combat if one PC antagonizes a NPC Quote: They're not given full stat blocks because the adventure assumes you won't need them, but they have a level in case you want to expand that character's role, or need to come up with a skill bonus or save DC on the fly. Believe it or not it's very common for PCs to antagonize NPCs and I don't think the GM should make up statblock on the run just because Paizo provider with specific careers that are undocumented. There is no rule about how to come up with skill bonus or save DC on the fly for Evoker or Zookeeper so it's just confusing. I think if Paizo provides a specific career it should provide a statblock or stick to generic career names that can be found somewhere in the manuals ![]()
![]() Hi, I'm running Agents of Eastwatch and I noticed some NPCs have weird super-specific career names like Evoker (Marin Porphyry) or Zookeper (Remy) and I cannot find their stat blocks anywhere in the GMG or Bestiary. Why are we getting this specific career references instead of generic ones (like mage for hire or merchant)? How are GMs supposed to associate the right stat blocks with the NPCs provided by the GMG? ![]()
![]() Hi, I'm running Agents of Eastwatch and I noticed some NPCs have weird super-specific career names like Evoker (Marin Porphyry) and I cannot find their stat blocks anywhere in the GMG or Bestiary. Why are we getting this specific career references instead of generic ones (like mage for hire in this specific example)? How are GMs supposed to associate the right stat blocks with the NPCs provided by the GMG? ![]()
![]() albadeon wrote:
This is all interpretation, not RAW. The Feat description should tell you how the Feat works in regards of MAP, like Twin Takedown or Flurry of Blows. This leads to people giving their own interpretation on rules when worded poorly especially because Cleave is a single attack, it's just the same attack that kills the first creature then hits another one, you utilize another Strike roll to check if you hit it but it's not another attack. It might be clear for you, but for most of others it's not, there is a discussion like this on Reddit and one on the Facebook group as well, which means it's not clear at all. I honestly don't know why the Errata did not address this. ![]()
![]() Looks like the Errata came out but there is no patch for Cleave feat. The feat does not specify it contributes to Multi Attack Penalty like other feats that do similar things such as Flurry of Blows and Twinned Takedown. For those feats the description specifically says that they contribute to MAP, but in Cleave there is no mention of it. Everyone thought this was an oversight, but the Errata came out and it did not fix it so what do we do? By RAW Cleave is not affected by MAP, but by RAI it is because it's a reaction in your turn, not outside your turn and the feat says to make a Strike and Strike has the Attack tag which is affected by MAP. I don't really like when things are left up to interpretation so can we have an official clarification about this and can we make this part of the Errata? ![]()
![]() John Lynch 106 wrote:
I am pretty sure that forbidding Avoid Notice or any Stealth checks entirely just because of an Armor Trait is absolutely out of the question. I think it's either a -1/-2 circumstance penalty or whatever the Check Penalty is for the Armor regardless of your Strength score, hopefully a DEV will see the post and chime in. ![]()
![]() the "Noisy" armor trait says "This armor is loud and likely to alert others to your presence when you’re using the Avoid Notice exploration activity." Does it mean we cannot use the exploration activity or that we can but with the Check Penalty regardless of STR score? How about other stealth checks not part of Avoid Notice activity? We just apply the penalty regardless of STR? The words here are very unclear and could use a better wording.. ![]()
![]() Spamming Treat Wounds without limit makes no sense as Adventure Paths rarely takes into account time sensitive quests and it becomes an extra burden for the GM. Stamina/Resolve is indeed a much better system so either they use that or they limit the number of uses of Treat Wounds per day. Another example of a much more elegant system is like short rests are handled in 5e: you can only use your hit die to heal a number of times equal to your level. Spamming Treat Wounds without limits has to go away also due to the stupidity of rolling up to six times per use, it's unbearable. How could the devs expect players to like that? ![]()
![]() Treat Wounds should just be limited to 2 times per every rank you have in Medicine per day so if you are Untrained you cannot do it, Trained you do it 2 times per PG per day, Expert 4 times per PG per day, Master 6, Legendary 8 Spamming it without limit and rolling up to 6 times per use makes no sense as it's incredibly boring and Adventure Paths rarely takes into account time sensitive quests and it becomes an extra burden for the GM. ![]()
![]() Ediwir wrote:
The rest of the damage goes to the PC, the shield is not taking all the damage, only up to its hardness. With the current RAW I think you can only get one dent per shield block. ![]()
![]() I think an item can get multiple dents with a single strike, but not shields under shield block usage as the extra damage past hardness goes to the PC. The shield only takes up to hardness damage, which means only 1 dent per shield block. With the current RAW breaking a shield with a single shield block seems not possible. They should really post an errata if it's not like that ![]()
![]() - Initial Problem:
- Initial Solution:
In Starfinder you can heal out of combat to a degree without consuming consumables and without using spell slots or spell points. Why you guys put Resonance in place without the Stamina system? Of course without ANY capability of naturally recovering HP out of combat PCs are forced to get battle medic or natural healing feats or to get the cleric class to keep the adventure day longer. Is that fair? In modern RPGs people are going away from the concept of the holy triad dps/support/tank. You should let people play whatever they want and the system should provide balance to any party. If a party wants more healing in place of DPS or the other way around it's up to them, but the system should never punish parties that are without clerics, so why not use the stamina/resolve system from Starfinder to fix some of the problems introduced by Resonance? ![]()
![]() Resonance would work fine if you give us a Stamina system like Starfinder or short rests like in 5e. The problem is not limiting magic items, that would be a good thing, I hate wand of CLW spam.. But the problem is how to heal out of combat. You force us to stick with clerics in party and even with that we struggle to keep the party going and prolonging the adventure day. Just give us a way to heal out of combat and Resonance will work fine. Use medicine, short rests, Stamina, whatever. As long as PCs can heal out of combat without burning spells or using consumables that are restricted by Resonance the adventure day will last more than 2 encounters. ![]()
![]() Looks like the whole system was built on top of this bizarre aggressive scaling and I don't think they can go back without reworking all the hazards and monsters, which means the playtest paperback will become worthless.. They need to justify it and make it work or they would admit that they failed to design the very base of the new system. ![]()
![]() Chess Pwn wrote:
By RAW it can only soak up to its Hardness so you take the rest, which means a shield can currently never be broken in a single hit. Maybe Mark Seifter can clarify this point for us? Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
The only situation where I think Resonance makes lots of sense is if we have short rests or stamina or any other mean to heal out of combat, otherwise if you cannot even drink potions to heal you NEED healbots and even with them your adventure days will be 2 encounters. Without healbots you'll probably need to do long rests every encounter which makes no sense to me as it force people to spec healers just to keep the party going for one or two more encounters. ![]()
![]() The only thing Resonance needs to work well is to bring back short rests or stamina or any other mean to heal out of combat, otherwise if you cannot even drink potions to heal you NEED healbots and even with them your adventure days will be 2 encounters. Without healbots you'll probably need to do long rests every encounter which makes no sense to me as it force people to spec healers just to keep the party going for one or two more encounters. 5e nailed this perfectly with short rests as HP and some cooldowns are recovered like that and while it makes sense to catch your breath in a dungeon it does not to sleep 8 hours in it or exit/re-enter, which screws up the adventure forcing the DM to respawn mosters or hazards. ![]()
![]() John Lynch 106 wrote:
Most people don't. See how many threads against crafting we have already and how many people marked them favorite. I guess we just don't see any appeal on the fact that a single PC with crafting can craft anything. To be honest and I'm surprised that Mark Seifter in the last Friday podcast said they are not considering any changes to crafting. Maybe they are not reading the forums? I'd very much rather have crafting specialization: dwarven blacksmith that knows how to forge armors and swords, the ranger that skin animals and makes arrows/bows/leather armors, the mage that crafts ring and wands, the druid that crafts potions instead of having a single PC that can do all of that and more. It really makes no sense for me for a single PC to ingest all the formulas. What if 2 PCs have crafting? Without specialization they just would end up being redundant. I'm pretty sure this will be a common problem especially in Pathfinder Society. FInally the Item quality problem highlighted by my example is still a mystery.. ![]()
![]() Nightwhisper wrote: in 3.5e and PF1e, AC did not rise by level. Instead, it rose by magic armor (+5), natural armor (+5), ring of protection (+5), and probably a couple of other sources of +5 that I'm forgetting. Itemization you can always control, the +1/lvl you can't. It just goes up regardless. There are no mob rules in pf2e so the low lvl monster will always critical miss, while on 5e I can still effectively use them as minions as mob rules are statistical. Also we lack variants of monsters that are elite, no orc or goblin elite. A mid level PC can literally kill hundreds of them without ever being hit. ![]()
![]() Before rolling initiative you are in exploration mode so if you beat the opponent Perception DC (10+modifier) with your Stealth check you are unseen and there is no seek action. Why would anybody be actively seeking me if they are unaware of my presence? What is not clear is whether you can attack directly or if you need to roll again for initiative when you are standing behind an unaware enemy ready to backstab him and whether beating their Perception DC is enough or if you need to roll again for Initiative before being able to attack. Rolling again seems redundant. Think of a Rogue that beats the guard Perception and sneaks up behind him. Why does he have to roll again for initiative? And what if the guard beats this roll? The rogue is suddenly detected? So basically that would mean that rogues need to beat TWICE the perception of anybody to surprise them, once to move behind them and another one for initiative? It makes no sense, I'd rather give the rogue a free attack and then roll initiative, if the rogue beats it then it can attack twice against flat footed. I think RAW needs to clarify this asap. ![]()
![]() DerNils wrote:
I don't understand this Perception vs Stealth interaction. The moment the players search the room they roll for initiative as the ooze will attack once a PC will be within 10 foot from it. That being said the ooze can pass for a pool of mud when it's inactive, but it is visible when it manifests, it does not require any seek actions or flat checks, unless there's no light. ![]()
![]() out of combat healing must be addressed otherwise adventure day will be restricted to 1 or 2 encounters. I hate when players want to sleep as soon as the spell slots are spent or keep exiting/re-entering the dungeon. It screws up the adventure as it forces me to have the villains to move or act or restock or respawn. Resonance made it worse as you cannot even drink potions or use wands, which makes a group without healer impossible to handle and a group with a healer only possible to handle when the spell slots are not consumed, which forces clerics to only cast healing spells to not burn precious spell slots. We need out of combat healing back in the game asap, being it with short rests or stamina system like Starfinder. ![]()
![]() Mark Seifter just answered this on the official Paizo Twitch. It does not look like they will change crafting for now, which is a really underwhelming answer as this thread clearly showed how incomplete the system is, but I guess they have bigger fish to fry considering the major problems stirred by no out of combat healing, +1/lvl to everything, resonance etc. etc. ![]()
![]() Rameth wrote:
The RAW are pretty clear on Bestiary p.12 "Damaging a mechanical trap or another
It does not say you must subtract Hardness from the damage or whatever. ![]()
![]() No I did not say that NPC does not roll initiative. 1) By RAW passive perception exists in the playtest, it's called Perception DC. You should only roll Perception if they actively seek. 2) For initiative if the Sneak beats the Perception DC you should be allowed to attack and get flat footed bonus under Errata. The NPC then rolls Initiative with Perception to determine who goes first, but the PC does not re-roll. He/She uses the Stealth roll already made, why roll again? If the NPC beats the previous Stealth roll then he goes first, otherwise the PC goes, but the NPC is not flat footed, unless the PC is a Rogue. Where would be the house rule in that? ![]()
![]() The only scenario in which it makes sense for Untrained to only be 5 points away from Legendary is if you gate lock most of activities with ranks, which is pretty hard to do as people can be very creative and you'll never find a way to gate lock everything. Even if they manage to do that imagine how a character that can sport a +20 at Untrained skills would feel frustrated because that large bonus would be effectively useless. ![]()
![]() Volkard Abendroth wrote:
In case you have not noticed this is what's been going on in the past 2 years with people leaving Pathfinder for 5e. PF2e needed to come out a year ago, but they needed to finish Starfinder first, which is opinionated, but still a success, mainly for the fact that there are no competitors in the sci-fi niche. It's not too late to fight back before 5e gets the whole pie and the only way to do it is to provide feedback so PF2e can become better. It won't change dramatically of course and why should it? It has some excellent ideas. It need work and tuning, sure. We need to help. ![]()
![]() Formulas can't be the gatekeepers because any magic item can be reverse engineered to get the formula. A PC that select the crafting must choose which kind of stuff he/she wants to craft, they cannot just craft everything. It makes no sense. Potions must be separate for instance from swords and armor. Wands and Rings can go together, but not with boots or leather armor or bows.