Kutholiam Vuere

Gerrsun Greatoak's page

28 posts (344 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


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Welll........Neither City of Heroes NOR Warhammer online are gone.

For those who want to look for it.

For about two months, City of Heroes has been back out in an emulator form and going strong. The Homecoming server is the one I am on and can be found with a quick google search. And apparently NCsoft is aware and uncaring about its existence.

As of last month about 9k people were playing.

As for Warhammer Online, there is Return of Reckoning which is a server emulator for it as well.

Both seem to be enjoying a resurgence.

Not sure what is says about the game industry when people would rather play older mmo's than newer ones.

Just info if anyone wanted to go out and find that old game.

darth_borehd wrote:
Do you get points for putting your sofa in the correct location?

Yes in fact you can get all the points and if you control enough of those feng shui sites, the whole fabric of reality can change in your favor.

Don't believe me? Ask the Thunder King in the Netherworld.

I WAS having a bad day and then I checked Paizo and saw Feng Shui 2 and I squeeed.

I squeed like a lil school girl.

Like a lil chimpazee school girl from an alternate future using a rocket launcher to blow up a bus full of Architects of the Flesh.

Yes. That's how much I squeed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

MOBA is a Massive Online Battle Arena. As far as I can tell all MOBA's follow a similar pattern. Pick a hero, choose a lane to defend or control, watch as your side send minions along lane that you have to defend OR kill the opposing sides minions/hero.

I'm already on the fence on PFO, the inclusion of extensive PVP stuff AND/OR a MOBA style interface would put it in the 'Don't buy' category.

And I smell troll in this thread, so I'll see my way out.

Yes it still has 38 hours to go for the kickstarter so if anyone feels motivated to drop some change on them... :)

IceniQueen wrote:
So after playing a little of D3 last night I and my BF who was watching me play came to the same conclusion, it is very much like Dungeon Siege 3. We both were really hoping for a world you could rotate the views with and I thought this was something Blizzard was going to do in D3. Over all from the little I got to play last night, not thrilled about the skills, but I will make do and try to enjoy. Not sure if the BF will get it and play, but I may let him use the guest pass to try it.

www.grimdawn.com just got kickstarted and it looks VERY similar to D3, to me anyways. It looks to have the camera rotating you are looking for.

Also, look at www.pathofexile.com for a dark gritty game that looks a lot like a true D2 sequel.

And of coure there is torchlight2 on the horizon as well.

The ARPG desert seems to be all aflourish. :)

Awesomely enough my party is just about to descend into an abandonded dwarven mine. Might just have to pick up two sets. :D

Preachy aliens annoy me.

Preachy aliens that look like Theodore Ted Logan really annoy me.

We had someone who wanted to play a female mogrelwoman who had been kept as the 'entertainment' slave for a band of dark dwarves....

and then there was the other time where a new player wanted to play a wemic, which was allowable under 2nd edition I think, and then proceeded to name him Satan....

Oh I misunderstood, I thought this thread was "Character Concepts you wish HADNT made it to the table. "

Oh I loved the setpiece.

I had my friends rolling with laughter when Badeye's morningstar missed a player and smashed through the floor and from below in that odd voice, Mika the 'fallen angel' said out loud, "Looks like someone is trying to go to heaven."

Written to avoid spoilers.

Bryson's a 'Brief History of nearly Everything' was a good read. The section on the bacteria in our body made me realize I'm mostly kept alive just to provide a fertile breeding ground for innumerable bacteria and other microscopic beasties.

It's nice to feel loved. :P

Taking another swig of his mead, Eremus purses his lips once again and nodding, speaks slowly, "So this Brown-scales might or might not be happy for us to show up then? Hrmm. Makes things a bit more ... interesting. Especially if we are looking for someone he might not want to be found."

Looking to the rest, "Sounds like we might have to be real careful when we show up. I have a few ideas but what does everyone else say? We go in nice and diplomatic maybe under the pretense that we are there to confirm the alliance with Waterdeep still holds?"

Grinning at the gold masked man,"I don't suppose you want us going in swords raised, magic fire dripping from our fingertips do you?"

Ok. I will make a new persona for Eremus and pick a pic too.

Also, if there is any posting going on this weekend, I wont be around to respond until Sunday afternoon.

Eremus is easy-going to most anything and if negotiations involve any sort of malfeasance or evil, he won't likely want to be involved. Also, There will have to be a strong motivation to convince him to do something illegal.

Otherwise, I will see you all Sunday.

Nodding to the druid and the drow and the rest who have approached, Eremus introduces himself, his mop-headed unkempt brown hair hanging just slightly over his eyebrows. "Eremus Vagabond. Nice to meet all of you. We seem to all have drawn some sort of attention to ourselves here in town to have been hand picked for employment by the city itself. "

Downing a draught from his mead and wiping a drop on his sleeve, "Who might all of you be?" Smiling, he regards them each in turn briefly before thanking the gold-masked man. "Well...a little bit of sauce never hurts."

[May help if we all give a brief description of ourselves as we are all coming together. Eremus Vagabond is a young man, mid twenties with a tanned face and brown tousled hair. He smiles often a crooked grin almost a trademark. He wears fairly non-descript brown and green clothes and almost seems just a bit dusty...and doesnt seem to care.

Also, I noted you said Gerrsun instead of Eremus. Do I need to create an alias on the paizo formus for Eremus and pick a picture? I'm kinda new to the PBP here so wasnt sure.]

Im happy with your dice rolling for me.

The group of burly dockworkers going cold with fear over the sight of a single drow was not lost on him, drow had a very bad and somewhat well-deserved reputation in this part of the world. In hopes of defusing the situation some and distracting attention from dusky woman, Eremus turned to the troubadour in the corner and flicked him a gold piece.

"Minstrel. Surely you could lighten the mood with a song here? Something a little bawdy maybe?"

Seeing the minstrel catch the gold and nod, Eremus grins as the familar strains of 'The Lady of the Manorhouse' begin and maneuvering between the crowded tables makes his way over to the golden masked person sitting in the booth.

Nodding to the catperson, "Milady.", he slides into the booth across from the golden mask.

"Hope you don't mind a little risque tune from the bard there... usually a pretty good distraction." Smiling and bunching his green heavy stitched cloak around him he set his mead down on the table and introduced himself.

"Eremus Vagabond, servant of Shaundakul, but I guess you already know all that. How can I help a Lord of Waterdeep?" [Assumptions are the gold masks are known about by the common public]

Nice start so far. I still need to pick up a few magic items to round out Eremus but I will do so this evening[Monday evening]. Likely just a few potions, [a few healing, one gaseous form, that kind of thing]

Also, is the Magic of Faerun book a valid source for magic items?

Having made up his mind it was time to move on again, having turned so the winds were at his back once again, Eremus set foot on the cobblestones of the road which would lead him out of Waterdeep and somewhere else. He felt that almost electric cool jolt as his soft worn leather boots touched the reddish-brown stones and looked up smiling a crooked smile.

His tiredness fading almost immediately, he had not walked ten steps before his attention was drawn to three men cloaked in darkness who seemed to be waiting for someone in an alley.

As they saw he had noticed them, one of them spoke, 'Eremus Vagabond."

Surprised they knew his name, Eremus took a step towards the alley, making sure his options for flight were still a possibility. Muggings and worse were always a possibility and rumors of kidnappings to serve down in Skullport occasionally floated around but Eremus couldn't imagine these men would have any need for a tired dusty unkempt soul such as himself.

Still he spoke to the shadowed men, "Yes. That's me."

In a voice clipped and succinct,his accent betraying his education, one of the men in shadows responded, "Your presence is requested at the Wild Boar Inn this evening to discuss something of importance. Tell no one of this and see you arent followed."

Intrigued, Eremus nodded and opened his mouth to ask another question before the cloaked figure cut him off,"All will be explained then. I have no other information to give you except it is of importance to the realms and could be beneficial to you and your cause, priest."

Laughing, Eremus nodded to the men and smiled again,"Tell whoever you serve I shall be there." And with that he wandered off barely noticing the men in the shadows disappearing.


Later that day, He gathered his few possessions from The Stuck Pig and bid his friends there goodbye, leaving behind a small sack of coins hidden in a floorboard of one of the guest rooms. Tenants of the faith of Shaundakul were scarce and hard to pin down so those faithful took it upon themselves to do whatever they felt might encourage travel or help travellers. An unexpected windfall after a long journey seemed just the thing to Eremus.

Now at dusk, Eremus looked at the signboard of the Wild Boar Inn and grinned to himself, "From one pig to another... I hope it's not another cooking job. "

Eremus waited as a large fellow, burly and well into his cups, staggered from the inn, pushing the doors open with a slam, regarding Eremus with tired bloodshot eyes.

"Safe travels." Eremus remarked as the man grunted and staggered into the fading light of day.

Much like the Stuck Pig, the Wild Boar had its usual rowdies, but mostly was full of folks who'd put in a long day of work and wanted to wash away a bit of it with a drink or two. He noticed several fisherman and a few of the local guard, off duty, flirting with one of the waitresses. A chatty fellow was over in a corner plucking on a lute warming up for a performance and chatting with a few of the locals. Occasionally they erupted in laughter.

As he sat down and asked for a spiced mead and some cheese, he noticed what at first he thought to be a person in thick furs, a barbarian from the North but they turned briefly to look away from a cloaked figure sitting in a booth and he realized the features were feline, a cat person? His interest peaked he wondered if this might be related to whatever he was called here for.

His mead having come, he sat enjoying it, downing his cheese as the cloaked figure made a motion for him to come over. Mead in hand he stood up to walk over as the door to the inn pushed open and a drow stepped in looking around.

As the bar got silent for a moment, he grinned to himself, "Oh...it IS going to be an interesting night."

Here is Eremus Vagabond. [Last name self given]

Thin and athletic with brown eyes and generally unkempt light brown hair, Eremus always appears to have just come off of the road or from a long trip. More often than not he has. Despite his appearance, he is never without his crooked grin and favorite green travelers cloak.

Cleric of Shaundakul
Level 5

Strength 12 +1
Dexterity 10 -
Constitution 12 +1
Intelligence 10 -
Wisdom 16 +3 [+1 from 4th level stat bonus]
Charisma 14 +2

Fortitude 5 [4 base + 1 Con]
Reflexes 1 [1 base]
Will 7 [4 base + 3 Will]

Hit points 29 [8 max at first + 1 from Con + 5 at 2nd,3rd,4th, and 5th levels]
Armor Class 18 [10 plus +1 Chain Shirt [5] plus +1 large heavy wooden shield [3]]
Base Attack Bonus 3


Warhammer +1 [5 to hit, damage d8 +2, crit X3/20 only]
Light Xbow [4 to hit, damage d8, crit x2/19-20 range 80]

Concentration 5 [4 ranks +1 Con]
Craft [Cooking] 2 [2 ranks]
Diplomacy 5 [3 ranks +2 Cha]
Heal 9 [4 ranks + 3 Wis + 2 Self Sufficient feat]
Know[Religion] 3 [3 ranks]
Know[planes] 3 [3 ranks]
Listen 5 [3 Wisdom + 2 Alert feat]
Spot 5 [3 Wisdomw +2 Alert feat]
Survival 5 [3 Wisdom +2 Self sufficient feat] [bonus skill from Travel domain]

Self Sufficient [+2 to Heal and Survival skills]
Alert [+2 Listen and Spot skills]

Standard Adventurers kit [its in 4th edition but its a good idea. Dont have the specs for it at hand but its things like bedroll, rations, and so on all together in one buyable pack for like 15 gold]

Magic equipment
+1 Chain Shirt
+1 large heavy wooden shield
+1 warhammer
+1 cloak of resistance
Pearl of power 1st level
Two potions of Cure light wounds
One potion of Fly

Again wasnt sure about magic prices. The DMG says 5th levels have 9k for magic items. Are you saying we have 25k to play with?

Don't have spells yet but the domains are Travel and Air

Travel bonus power is to function asif under the freedom of movement spell for number of rounds equal to Wis modifier I think.
Survival is a bonus skill.

Air bonus power is to destroy earth elemental creatures as if they undead.

TheOcho wrote:

The Compendium is the only feature available for use right now. The site is still missing everything else. As far as I know you do not need to be registered to view/search the Compendium (at least a couple days ago you didn't). From running some searches it seems to be pretty spot on for PHB info.

LINK to the Compendium.

Thanks for the link Ocho.

Anyone played with this yet or is it even available?

Any reviews on ease of use, does it allow for finding players across the net, how quick is it to setup an adventure? etc...

On magic items in Forgotten Realms, I have always loved the Travellers Cloak.

and for a priest of Shaundakul, I'd think it'd be almost standard.

In fact...... *plot idea hatching* :D


I thought the magic limit was 2500, or is it 25000. Thats a big difference. :P

EDIT>>>I reread the original post. Ahh I see how it was worded my mistake.

Heh No no! No halflings. I have played enough halflings to last a lifetime. ;P

Sounds like a good group so far.

After looking over the FR handbook last night I'll either do a human or a tiefling cleric of Shandakul.

I think if I recall there is a level adjustment for tieflings of +1 so I may go human just depends on which of the two sets of stats appeals to me. I'll try to have the stats all rolled up by tomorrow.


Brown hair greasy and toussled from working almost seven days straight, Eremus wandered the cobblestone streets of Waterdeep in the greyish purple light of morning. He was too worked up to sleep despite being exhausted and even if he did want to sleep his room was back at The Stuck Pig and he'd seen enough of that place for the week to want to go back.

Some sort of festival had been in town all week and the inn had remained open the entire time. All day and all night and as the cook, he was there for almost the whole week. He didn't even know what festival it was really, not being a local. He wasn't really a local anywhere so he never got down all the customs and festivals that people celebrated. Given the time of year he figured it was a summerfaire but he couldnt be sure.

Looking out over the wharf watching the fishing ships sail out of the harbor he smirked slightly. He recounted all the places he'd been since leaving Daggerdale soo long ago... Deepingdale, Silverymoon, Tilverton, and now Waterdeep. And there had been several smaller stops in between those too. Places he'd stayed for a short while before moving on. Too many too count it seemed but he still remembered them, or at least something of them when he found himself in a quiet moment remembering his past travels.

As the breeze from the ocean, cool and stiff, blew across his face, he smiled slightly and wondered if it wasn't time to move on again. He knew the Stuck Pig wasn't going to be his home forever, and Waterdeep itself, despite its size and its wonders also just didnt quite feel like home. No place did really which made him wonder if that should bother him. Most young men his age were looking to settle down, start families, and start putting some coin in their pocket but not him. It just didn't sound appealing. And as he thought about it he knew it didnt bother him in the least, not having a home, so he figured he had gypsy blood in him and was born to wander. Vagabond...

He sighed, the weeks work finally catching up to him and tiredness creeping into his body, and looked down at the docks below watching the shoremen and netmakers busily hauling ropes and crates around in what seemed like a chaotic mess but seemed the more he watched to be going exactly where they needed to go.

He watched them for a few moments longer and nodded to himself and then made up his mind; the next opportunity he had to leave town, he would take it. See where it would lead him. He wasnt sure if it would be to danger or coin but one thing he did know, it would be different, someplace new and that made him smile again.

It was then that he noticed that the winds instead of blowing at his face from off of the bay now blew at his back, whipping his journeymans cloak causing the edges to snap and crack. The tiredness he felt also seemeed lessened and as he turned back towards Waterdeep.

I am new to play by post but I have the general gist of it and am a long time DnD/other rp gamer. I'd be interested in joining as well.

It's Forgotten Realms yes? I am at work at the moment but can post later when home about a race and class. Am leaning towards a cleric of some sort.

WHA WHA? Vacationing in the US? But how am I suppossed to provide a legitmiate smackdown to a balor without some spanking new dice?

I hope they realize their vacationing plans may just have doomed a campaign world to endless demonic suffering.


That being said, :) thanks for the response. I appreciate the quick response. Also, for future reference, I, for one, would not mind being told that the product is on back order if yo uthought you might get it in in a month or 6 weeks or so. As oppossed to cancelling the order.

Thanks again.


Along with a Dungeon sub I also ordered a set of transparent and black dragon dice from Q-Workshop. I got a message indicating that part of the order was cancelled. Is that set just sold out or are you guys just not carrying them anymore?

The email was succinct in that the order was just 'cancelled', nothing more.

The Q-Workshop site seems to be up and the dice seem to be available so not sure what's up.

Anyone else having a problem with dice orders getting cancelled?