Kutholiam Vuere

Gerrsun Greatoak's page

28 posts (344 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

There was a new Rat Queens at the comic book store last week.

It was odd.

Just not very coherent, not with the last story or even within itself.

It definitely did not have that spark it had at the beginning.

Don't know if this is allowed but I wrote a book and put it up on Amazon for digital download.

It's my first and I had a blast writing it, but I've only sold a few copies,(a few being three), and I am pretty sure they bought it to be nice and have not read it.

It is about a young price who becomes enthralled with the story of an old man, Jorem, and his experiences many years prior with the Black Djinn, a harbinger of chaos and death. The old man's tale eventually focuses on a wondrous oasis where he and the djinn fall in love but when Jorem uncovers that they are near the lost city of Indralakatra and begs to go visit, their love is strained and Jorem must decide if he can love a being of such horrible power.

It does have a same sex relationship, just to let folks know ahead of time, but it is more a romantic book, than a 'heaving, thrusting' book. :)

And the first chapter is free on Amazon Kindle, read it and review. If you like it, it's just a couple of dollars.

Anyways, it is called Indralakatra, Tales of the Black Djinn.

Thank you for your time, and mods, if this breaks the rules, please delete and I won't post it again.

Camren Rooke, using my alter ego of Hemmick Rand

The website www.cohtitan.com has a lot of this information about the shutdown and is also spearheading the protest to keep it from happening. Head over there to check out all that is going on.

Specific rumors have been debunked by devs and others.

1. This has nothing to do with licensing so there isnt any sort of licensing issue between Cryptic and NCSoft. As Jack Emmert has stated, Paragon Studios was allowed to use the game engine in perpituity for City of Heroes and for a potential city of heroes 2 game.

2. Sony Online Entertainment has not expressed any interest in the franchise.

3. There are talks between NCSoft and Paragon Studios employees but the community manager for COH urges people not to read anything into this.

Lastly, there is a petition online that will be sent to NCSoft. Yes everyone is aware petitions don't usually do anything but still, it will only take a few moments.

http://www.change.org/petitions/ncsoft-keep-ncsoft-from-shutting-down-city- of-heroes

Also, if you want to see what all the fuss is about City of Heroes is completely free so go out to their main site. na.cityofheroes.com and pick it up. You too can be a superhero!

Anyone played with this yet or is it even available?

Any reviews on ease of use, does it allow for finding players across the net, how quick is it to setup an adventure? etc...

Along with a Dungeon sub I also ordered a set of transparent and black dragon dice from Q-Workshop. I got a message indicating that part of the order was cancelled. Is that set just sold out or are you guys just not carrying them anymore?

The email was succinct in that the order was just 'cancelled', nothing more.

The Q-Workshop site seems to be up and the dice seem to be available so not sure what's up.

Anyone else having a problem with dice orders getting cancelled?