Kutholiam Vuere

Gerrsun Greatoak's page

28 posts (344 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.

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Welll........Neither City of Heroes NOR Warhammer online are gone.

For those who want to look for it.

For about two months, City of Heroes has been back out in an emulator form and going strong. The Homecoming server is the one I am on and can be found with a quick google search. And apparently NCsoft is aware and uncaring about its existence.

As of last month about 9k people were playing.

As for Warhammer Online, there is Return of Reckoning which is a server emulator for it as well.

Both seem to be enjoying a resurgence.

Not sure what is says about the game industry when people would rather play older mmo's than newer ones.

Just info if anyone wanted to go out and find that old game.

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MOBA is a Massive Online Battle Arena. As far as I can tell all MOBA's follow a similar pattern. Pick a hero, choose a lane to defend or control, watch as your side send minions along lane that you have to defend OR kill the opposing sides minions/hero.

I'm already on the fence on PFO, the inclusion of extensive PVP stuff AND/OR a MOBA style interface would put it in the 'Don't buy' category.

And I smell troll in this thread, so I'll see my way out.

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The Thief games from Lookingglass Studios.

For gameplay that let you get into the role of a thief, they were tops!

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M Half-Elf Alchemist|HP:50/40|AC:15|T:12|FF:12|CMD:15|F+9| R+9| W+6|Init+4|Per+10 Half Elf Alchemist 6th

*cues Dramatic Hamster