The Mad Priest (Ghost)

Gatekeep3r's page

Organized Play Member. 18 posts (36 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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So I was looking at the list of legal sources for pathfinder society and saw that the drugs and paraphenalia from the alchemy manual were legal. I had to pull out my GameMastery Guide to figure out how they worked. My question is this: The GameMastery Guide is not on the list of legal sources - are drugs from it (specifically aether) legal for use if the required tools are posessed by the character? Was the Guide just an oversight on the list or intentionally left out?
Please let me know, thanks.

Dark Archive 1/5

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I don't know about that Malag. The specific thread says to add the item created by the book to your character item sheet. It would seem you get to keep the golem. I would agree with Warhaven and count it as the one active companion at a time. I personally would love to have a golem as a companion. Wizards built the things for a reason. We have no physical capabilities in combat! Quick build a golem. Huzzah!


Dark Archive

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So you are playing in PFS, and you run up into something with damage resistance 10/cold iron or silver. Normally, you would have to either be a lesser summoner and use the feats to give the eidolon the equivalency or wait till level 7 to get a bodywrap of mighty strikes +3 that only applies to 2 attacks anyway. There is, however, another way. Elemental damage bypasses normal damage reduction and an eidolon can wear rings. Equip the eidolon with two rings of retribution (or if you wear the monkey palm amulet 3) and have him charge into battle. Since the rings can be detonated as an immediate action, the eidolon will be able to use them as it is being destroyed by attacks of opportunity. Boom, 20d6 worth of fire damage. Worried about the eidolon dying? Hey, it can be summoned back in 24 hours. Coincidentally, the rings can be reused in 24 hours too. Bombs away!