
Gary Pepper's page

**** Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast 187 posts (2,773 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 2 wishlists. 19 Organized Play characters. 10 aliases.


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Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Getting that kind of news is never the best. I am hoping for the best for your mother and for you.

Grand Lodge

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Fumarole wrote:
Looks like you are correct. ** spoiler omitted **

Yup sounds good to me, was thinking the same

Grand Lodge

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Just got my Flip-Mat this weekend and it looks great! However I noticed there seems to be a door missing, either that or I am blind.

Knock knock:
How does one get into the cells/prison area?

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast

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I cannot wait to run a few of these for my locals. It will be amazing!

Grand Lodge

So looking forward to getting this one!

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast

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Huzzah! Is that Zarta!

Grand Lodge

Thank you Deigo that is much appreciated.


Grand Lodge

Good Afternoon,

I was looking over my order history and noticed that order 36532688, my 15 % discount for having over four active subscriptions was not applied. Could you check this out for me please? Thanks in advance for your time.

Grand Lodge

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I too will be trying my hand at submitting an article or two.

Grand Lodge

I am down to play and may have maps to bring.

Grand Lodge

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Schedule recieved and accepted. Looking forward to another great year!

Grand Lodge

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Following in line with HMM from last year I figured I would start this up here.

Afternoon: Checking in

Evening: Free

Morning: 1-36: Enter the Ashen Asteroid

Afternoon: Free

Evening: 1-36: Enter the Ashen Asteroid

Overnight: Sleep

Morning:  1-36: Enter the Ashen Asteroid

Afternoon: Free

Overnight: Sleep

Morning: 1-32: Acts of Association

Afternoon: Free

Evening: 5-8: The Confirmation

Overnight: Sleep

Morning: 1-32: Acts of Association

Afternoon: Free

Evening: Free

Overnight: Sleep

Morning: Checking out

What did you fine folks get?

Grand Lodge

With Warm smiles this dwarf waves to those confirming their travel preparations.

Waiting on Volunteer Status as well.

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast

So outside of the deliberations on how to handle Big Mina I have a question regarding one the Boons present on the chronicle and wonder what the general consensus is on granting it.

Boon in Question:
Souvenir Cestus (Slotless Boon; Limited Use)

In the Scenario on page 12 under Treasure it Reads

It Rests Beneath wrote:

If the PCs kill one or both crest-eaters, they can fashion parts of their shells into bone cestuses (Starfinder Alien

Archive 31). This is reflected on this scenario’s Chronicle sheet.

RAW in me thinks that if they do not kill *Omitted* they do not gain access to this Boon and item.

Grand Lodge

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
Gary Pepper wrote:

A bit late to the posting but, Hotel and transport confirmed, Volunteer survey submitted!

This ever friendly dwarf will be headed to PaizoCon this year.

Awww yeah!

hmm... Need I be worried...

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Getting around to the reporting of things and wanted to say my players did as expected and even surprised me.

They were able to accomplish the unthinkable and diplo rolled their way through the whole thing!

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

A bit late to the posting but, Hotel and transport confirmed, Volunteer survey submitted!

This ever friendly dwarf will be headed to PaizoCon this year.

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast

I am set to run this tonight and knowing my players half are the "Lets blow up everything" and the other half are "Lets Talk this out."

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Man this thing is very, very dusty.

bigboom wrote:
Hmmmm... As much as I like the idea of throwing together a character named Slappy, I'm starting to contemplate a half-orc solarion named Blazin' Bubba!!

Now with a name like that it sounds like you are possibly going into a Stellar Rush build.

Thank you for the invite Numbat! I think I am finally getting to a point everything has finally fallen into a good flow and I can once again maybe start PbP again though I am going to limit myself to one table.

So depending on the needs of the Party I have a few Characters in level range.

Captain Balthazar Edison - Lvl 3 Android Envoy (Get'em and Inspiring Boost)

Mardonnen Needlefeet - Lvl 2 Halfling Mechanic (Drone)

Morroda Metalbender - Lvl 1 Half-Orc Soldier (Coordinated Shot)

Gorjhect the Watcher - Lvl 1 Dwarven Mystic (Healing Touch)

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast

3 people marked this as a favorite.

TOZ you are a wonderful person

Grand Lodge

Did I miss the Call to Vol?

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
GM Aerondor wrote:
If you could remove me from appearing as a player in this game it would be much appreciated and keep my games list under control.


Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

I am ok with any where we end up but I will do my best to learn quickly.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
Arratoi wrote:
Hey guys. Bad luck/news... I caught the stomach flu and am bedridden with stomach problems and a fever that won't go away. I'll probably be out of commission for at least a couple days please bot me as needed!

Thank you for the Heads up. It seems the Paizo Site has also caught some sort of bug too so we will have to wait and see

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Alright seems like we are all here. GM Post coming soon.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Hey Chris. Could you please remove me from this campaign, thank you.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Dungeon Master S: in light of everything happening in my part of the world I humbly wish to step away from the table.

Things have been quite hectic with the Mendocino Complex Fire now reaching the status of the largest fire in California ever with more than 300k acres destroyed.

Thank you all for understand and for the late notice.


PS: if you would please remove Gary Pepper from the active character I would appreciate it.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Thank you Chris, things are starting to calm down a little for me at this time now that they are getting the fire lines under control. For those of you who havn't seen my little community of Lake County has two fires that have devastated over 90,000 acres and the smoke is measured at more than hazardous.

My family and myself are safe at this time and have heard word we may return home by this weekend possibly.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

I am cross posting on all of my threads even those currently on hold and pending.

If you happen to be following the news my Home county in California is on fire at this moment and I am in an advisory evacuation location.

Not only this but I am also a County Employee and am being pulled into emergency services and response.

Please Bot me as necessary at this time; I am unsure when I will be able to return. My apologies in advanced and thank you all for understanding.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

@Chris: I like that option for displaying initiative rolls. Might also go part in partial to a SOP for Dungeons and what not. "I am Scouting and ducking constantly from shadow to shadow." Well we know what that person is doing for their initiative rolls.

I agree with you 100% Numbat. I have been looking at all the fun bits for playtest and starting to like it. I have a renewed vigor for roleplaying in general.

That is partly why I am coordinating at my local store to get things going for playtest played in mass to get as much insight and feedback as possible.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

I could not have said this better myself. I intentionally tried something I know cannot work to see how you would handle it as a GM. The reason is we are here to learn about GMing in PbP and what are the best ways to handle situations such as these when they come up.

Mind you I did not due this in an attempt to be a mean player or GM I only seek to create an opportunity to gauge how you would handle this situation and to present a teaching/learning opportunity for everyone.

Great Job Lysle ^-^

Kudos to you!!

Side Note: I am a Venture-Lieutenant if this helps.

Grand Lodge

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Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

No worries at all Elinnea. All is good you have been doing an amazing job running us through this scenario and it's a breathe of fresh air for me as I usually am the one who runs more often then plays.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

I am still wanting to stick to my roots of play. I am thinking either Monk or Paladin.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
LINE-04 "Lynn" wrote:

Alright! I'm hyped to play the first Starfinder special with a bunch of great players!

I'll be bringing my -701, who is currently in the middle of a game that will take her to 3rd level in time for August 13th.

Woo!! Toot Toot Hype train! I am excited.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
GM Valen wrote:

Looking ahead, is there any problem with using a pregen for these quests (or, for that matter, switching pregens in-between quests)?

I understand it is allowable for SFS play, but wasn't sure if that was the case for "class".

Level 1 Pregens are acceptable.

In this case though I believe you must use the same one for each of the quests.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
Bugface wrote:

Hey there, I'm sure we'll have lots of fun!

I wanted to warn you that I did sign up with a character who's level 1 currently but I play on roll20 a fair bit and they should be at least level 3 by August 13th.

Sounds good to me.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
Wilen Proudbrew wrote:

Yup, my understanding was to *actually* join for both game day sessions, and also hoping to continue in the long run. I'm a big-fan of long-running parties.

So, is GM rotation the convention in this group (I wouldn't be against that either)?

Glad to have you Wilen. Looking forward to Game Day 7.

The original plan when this group started was to have a single GM run us through the scenarios of season 4. Some of us were going to have to burn replays in order to play through all the games.

That GM is no longer able to continue the campaign so we rebuilt and decided to rotate out a few times. I am intending to run most of the games but will rotate out on a few to save our replays and my sanity. Check out the campaign tab to see what we have lined up in order.

Have you played any of the Scenarios on the list?

Grand Lodge

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Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Elinnea you have done a fantastic job with the Skitter Shot and 5uper Goblins Pregens converting to BB Code.

Well done!

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con


Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
Alfred the Android wrote:
I love PBP. It’s such a great medium for developing a character’s backstory, even when you’re an NPC ally. Alfred now has a backstory in his profile.

OMG I love it!!

Have fun at Origins Redelia

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations to Michael for surviving his first PaizoCon!!

To all 5 of the newest Service award winners.

Quite the list of 5star GMs!! Congrats to all of you and thank you for putting in the time to deliver an amazing experience for all.

Grand Lodge

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Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
GM Hmm wrote:

^ I continue to heart Larry.


I too heart Larry he is an Awesome guy and a fantastic VC.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Indeed I was peppered with questions not enough to be considered an as-salt though. Some questions included some of the areas on how to start in PbP as a player and also a GM.

Grand Lodge

Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con
R. Sweet wrote:
no worries, knew you were gone, we are still in the combat that hadn't quite started afore you went and had fun w/o us.

I ended up running 6 games this last weekend (including the special 8-99C) along with speaking at the PbP Seminar.

Much fun was had and plenty of people to meet with the love of the same hobbies.

Grand Lodge 2/5 5/5 Venture-Lieutenant, California—North Coast

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All good stories must start at the beginning.

My flight came in about 45 minutes later than expected but I still made ot here alive. Hopped the Shuttle from the Airport to the Hotel and Ran into Calinda and Eric Conrtibutors to Wayfinder if I am not mistaken. Fun Magnetic Stores were shared.

After hopping off the shuttle as it arrived I met up with Adam Daw chatted with him for a few about what games we will be running during PaizoCon.

Any good GM should be prepared for the games they intend to run which includes maps right! Well this GM forgot the Maps he needed for the Special and the Custom Maps so I set to work with a little Arts and crafts time ensused where I met up with Jared Thaler VC from Sacramento where he also started some arts and craft time. Alistair Rigg dropped by for a second.

Painlord wandered over and I spoke with him for a few and then had to go meet up with Larry Smith to talk about the upcoming seminar on PbP Stay tuned for more info I went back out and sat down with a bunch of great people. Still sitting her talking with the die hards as I write this. Some of those who stopped by include: Cheryl (silbeg's Sister), Her husband Paul, Jim & Bret from New Orleans, Greg Vaughn, Julian, Gavin, Kate Baker, James Anderson, Leg o'Lamb, Jacob, Andrew Mullen and Jeff Swanks. There are a few more but I cannot remember right now

Thats about all for now. I will most more later. Now is the time to finish Preping for my tabel of SFS 1-12 Ashes of Discovery Tomorrow at 8AM.

Grand Lodge

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Venture Lieutenant, California-North Coast | Lake County Warhorn | Konocti-Con

Oh you do, do you. I heard you are speaking along side a pirate, a dwarf and Lady Maianna herself about PbP this weekend ;)

Grand Lodge

Sean Montgomery 43 wrote:

Thursday afternoon, arrival and check-in at hotel.

Friday, May 25
8am: Check out the PFS playtest (and wish we were playing ;)
10:00 - 11:00 AM: Olympic 2 Welcome to PaizoCon
01:00 – 02:00 PM: Olympic 2 Secrets of the Pact Worlds
02:00 – 03:00 PM: Olympic 2 Starfinder Society & Organized Play
03:00 – 04:00 PM: Olympic 2 Starfinder Adventure Path Q&A
07:00 – 11:59 PM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–09: Live Exploration Extreme!

Saturday, May 26
08:00 – 01:00 PM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–13: On the Trail of History
01:00 – 05:00 PM: Cascade 6 Into the Perplexity
05:00 – 06:00 PM: Olympic 2 Find Our Path
07:00 – 10:00 PM: Grand Ballroom PaizoCon 2018 Preview Banquet
10:00 – 11:59 PM: Cascade 13 Inspire Courage: Open Bardic Performance

Sunday, May 27
08:00 – 01:00 PM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–14: Star Sugar Heartlove!!!
01:00 – 02:00 PM: Olympic 3 The Future of Paizo: 2018 and Beyond!
02:00 – 03:00 PM: Olympic 2 Pathfinder Society Q&A
03:00 – 04:00 PM: Olympic 1 Organized Play, Nonprofits, and You
05:00 – 06:00 PM: Olympic 2 Secrets of Golarion
07:00 – 11:59 PM: Grand Ballroom PFS #8-99C: The Solstice Scar (Tier1-2)

Monday, May 28
01:00 – 06:00 AM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–15: Save the Renkrodas
08:00 – 01:00 PM: Grand Ballroom SFS #1–11: The In Pursuit of the Scoured Past (For Levels 3–6)
Also hope to catch the last part of the playtest feedback in olympic 2 from 11-1pm.
Tuesday 8:33 am flight home to SR CA!

Holy crap Sean your going too?!! When you say we does that mean your brother is coming too?

Grand Lodge

Steve Geddes wrote:

That’s a fantastic idea.

My advice to anyone who sees a long, black-and-white box on the table is to spare yourself some trauma and move to the next room.

But that sounds like so much fun. ;) By chance does said box happen to have had a card hidden in the lid?

Grand Lodge

Hmm wrote:

Do we know what PaizoCon's event number is? I like to prefill chronicles with the convention information to save time.

I Do believe that is 558495 it is listed on each of the events I am set to GM.

I could be wrong though so dont quote me ^.^

Grand Lodge

Sara Marie, Katina and the rest of the Customer Support Team and Amazing and I cannot speak any more highly for them. Well unless I can give them a raise that is

You all are doing an amazing job and thank you so much for everything.