j l 629 wrote:
This sort of logic fits a Lawful Evil character more than a Neutral one. Especially when the exchange is in lives. And the baby thing is plain evil. ![]()
As much as I itch to try out Dark Heresy and all the 40k goodness it brings, Eberron is more familiar. Ah well, still having fun reading it. Being an Adeptus Sororitas would have been lovely. Eberron gets my vote. PS. I'll find me an avatar...maybe later. I'll just ramble on until my post is noticably large. For now. ![]()
nightflier wrote:
No mention of me? D: Maybe I should get an avatar for this alias just so people will notice my incredibly short posts. Haha. ![]()
Slatz Grubnik wrote: Well, the title says it all.. I'm looking for the opportunity to play in a PRPG PBP. I'd prefer to play in a game that has the hope of going through an entire AP, but will be willing to play in anything really.. Oh hey Slatz, we're looking for another arcane caster for our revived Ravenloft game if you're interested. Feel free to drop by. Linky ![]()
Althesia's background: They found her as a child, walking the dangerous paths of the Woods with nothing but a dreamy smile on her face. And she was an elf. The weathered lumberjack who took her in against all advice always had a smile on his face whenever he recounted that story. It seemed so long ago, and yet the elven child he had found decades ago had only just come of age. But even with her aging guardian, it was a hard life. The longstanding prejudice of elves in Darkmoon Vale had forced her to take the most unwanted jobs in Falcon's Hollow, but she persevered, if only to make ends meet. And when her guardian had to retire, well thievery did pay out more. But now the taint had come to Falcon's Hollow. A few dozen were afflicted with it, as the rumors say, but one thing she did know was that her guardian was one of them. Leaving her guardian in more capable hands then hers, she joined a group that went to search for a cure before it's too late. PS. she's a rogue. Hehe. ![]()
Boxy310 wrote:
If I recall, 3.x has a pair of feats that already do this, except with Spring Attack as a prereq and can be taken by all. With the appropriate BAB of course. Bounding Assault and Rapid Blitz methinks. Plus the term 'Lightning' Strike makes me think it should be based on dexterity than strength. ![]()
I actually think tactical feats make a good representation of a fighter/captain variant. Though I'd add a class feature (or fighter-only feat) along the lines of uh.. Battle Plan (Ex): A fighter may spend a move action to grant his allies tactical feats that he possesses for a number of rounds equal to half his fighter level(minimum one). Something like that. And maybe another one that allows you to use a swift action instead. A less selfish version of Solo Tactics, if you may. ![]()
Nice. If I recall, there's a thread in the gitp forums that compiles their official 3.5 stats (at least the ones that are shown in comic)Here it is. Oh, and dashing swordsmen are immune to damage from shattered glass. ![]()
After much stressing out, I decided to be a Warlord. I must now make my character as big a ham as possible. Oh, and guys, feel free to add a +3 bonus to initiative and a +1 morale bonus on saves against fear spells and effects for being close to me, and a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls just for looking at me. Yay! ![]()
Here in the Philippines, we seem to eat anything. There's balut (boiled duck embryos), isaw (barbecued chicken or pig intestines), field crickets, dog meat, cat meat, a soup version of black pudding and rocky mountain oysters, roasted chicken blood, and the always fun pinikpikan (where you beat the chicken to death before cooking it). And then some. ![]()
The Grandfather wrote:
Yeah, but if power attack is ruled by BAB, then the line "For the purpose of these attacks, the monk's base attack bonus is equal to his monk level." would mean otherwise. Methinks. And while a monk's unarmed strike specifically says 'no offhand', the other monk weapons don't. Full strength bonus though. So, would there be offhand penalties for flurrying with the other monk weapons? ![]()
Hmm, these came up during a prolonged thought experiment. Power attack states that on an you halve its damage bonus on an offhand attack. A monk's unarmed strike has the line: "There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes." So would this mean that you have a -1/+2 power attack for your entire flurry? (No offhand penalties?) To add to that, a monk's flurry states that "A monk applies his full Strength bonus to his damage rolls for all successful attacks made with flurry of blows..." It's a bit of a logic stretch(..or fail), but would this mean that with monk weapons, there are no offhand penalties on a flurry? Same goes for the Double Slice feat, I suppose. And if not, is it so bad to make it so? And, since the archived link I found didn't have a specific conclusion, when power attacking a flurry of blows, do I use my monk level or BAB when determining my attack penalty and bonus? ![]()
11, 15, 9, 15, 11, 12 Not as good as most, but good enough I suppose. Probably a human fighter or barb, can't decide yet. Haha. Will fix it up later, I has dental appointment D: ![]()
I suppose you could just add the bab of the other classes as normal, while monk levels count as full bab classes. I think I can vaguely read the RAW wording as such. So a fighter 5/ monk 5 will get +8/+8/+3, without monk 8's second iterative attack. While a rogue 5/monk 5 will get +6/+6, less bab and less iteratives. Makes more sense to me. ![]()
With a completely uneventful and peaceful journey behind them, Baldoin and the human child arrived at a small clearing in the woods, where a small cottage stood, ringed by a small fence. Immediately, the child ran towards the front door, rapping at the door excitedly. "Shaina!" A shrill voice called out as the door opened an inch. "What did I tell you about..Reverend One." "Ah, so that's your name." Baldoin commented as the child ran towards her mother with a laugh. The mother startled out of her reverie and with a small gesture, bowed low in front of him. "Thank you for returning my child, Reverend One." She said. "I see you know of the Maseteran customs." Baldoin noted. "We once lived in the shadow of the Mountain." The mother said, trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. "I only hope my little Shaina did not cause you too much trouble, Reverend One." "None whatsoever." Baldoin smiled. "However, I will need to have a talk with you miss..? Alika. Right. I will need to speak with you about your child, Shaina is it? And I would appreciate it if we could do this without your child present." Alika nodded, and ushered Shaina inside the house before turning an expectant eye on Baldoin. "Shaina is, how should we say this," Baldoin began. "Touched. Don't panic. Don't even say anything. I assure you, there are steps you can take to, I said don't panic! There are steps you can take to keep her abilities at bay until she is of age. How old is she? Five? Her abilities are very strong for her age, but her body will not be able to take the strain of her powers until she is of age. And could you please stop screaming?" It took Baldoin a moment to realize that the screaming was coming from inside the house. "Stay here." He cautioned Alika, and ran into the house. Barely noting the ramshackle furniture and Shaina's token on top of a table, he moved towards the lone door further inside the house. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door. ooc:
Too much? Haha. It's a rough draft, but it will do. No offense for the first line Kyrt, I couldn't resist. Anyway, after Gorgrom's battle, I got a feeling that the 'presence' would have been a combat encounter, so I made another situation. Haha. Lunchtime, and I eats. Kyrt: I might be taking some liberties on this. I can tone down intrusion on general game mechanics if you want. I kinda take free reign a bit too much. So far, I've got a basic handle of what Baldoin is doing from the first few posts. I'll expound more on the ooc thread. But to summarize, a 'Touched one' is a sorcerer of a short-lived race. Inexperienced sorcs can cause the artificial instabilities, which extraplanar beings could/might exploit. Later in life, sorcs develop mental defenses that guard against such intrusions. Eh. I have a taste for grand schemes.
Again, I can tone it down if you want. ![]()
Warforged Gardener wrote:
Then again, an attack action is defined as a standard action. Also why you can't full attack with a vital strike. And Spring Attack requires a 'single melee attack' in between your move action. 'Melee attack' which falls under the subset of 'attack action' Aand..the guy above me beat me to it. ![]()
I like the druid 5 vs. CR5 encounters waay up there, minor/major nitpicks though. Crocs are actually large sized, so you can't really use the 1d12 tail slap. Same with the large sized tigers, I'm afraid. For multiple attacks, yeah the Leopard has 3 attacks (no rake or pounce available) with pitiful damage. Splurge for an Amulet of Mighty Fists for damage. Aand..the highest single attack damage you're liable to do for medium animal forms is a 1d6 bite from most of the dogs/cats. So, don't count on a level 5 wildshaped druid to do much. Best to wait for level 6 and that dire tiger form and the pounce, rake, trip and grab abilities. Oh, and consider the controversial ability (by RAW) to keep Shield AC. +2 AC always helps. ![]()
Funny, I always though the best way to escape scent was to disguise your scent. Disguising minor details does a +5 to your disguise check. The dog gets his perception check, and detects the scent of something...other than a thief sneaking about. I dunno. Wouldn't that work? Besides, if you're planning to sneak about, stealth isn't the only thing you would be relying on. ![]()
I'm not really losing any sleep over shield AC. Especially since it's hard to rationalize keeping shield AC under wildshaped. Anyway, the description of what you lose polymorphed seems to be pulled directly from the 3.5 wild enchantment, which says you gain back armor bonuses. Wild enchantment stayed the same from 3.5 to 3.P. Polymorph says you don't gain armor bonuses, wild puts it back. Simple as that. Or not. The problem with that would be it clashes with the part where all your gear melds into your body. Constant bonuses still work. Fine. It's easy enough to assume that constant magical effects still work, because...magic. Weapons in particular are exempt, since you're using natural attacks instead of your manufactured weapon. After all, all your weapon's enchantments are tied specifically to the weapon you're using, not to the natural attacks you subsequently replace your weapons with. Or require actions to use.
Armor bonuses are the specific restriction of polymorph. Rightly so, armor melds into your form. But you still keep constant bonuses from the armor, since a common suggestion for pouncers is to use Rhino Hide armor. Armor enhancements tend to enhance the entire body, instead of just the armor itself. While enhancement bonuses specifically upgrade your armor. Then again, what's stopping a dire ape or human-shaped earth elemental from wearing armor over their shifted forms? Now, shield bonuses are where it all clashes. Strictest RAW says you only lose armor bonus, which leaves shield bonuses open. But they operate on almost the same exact principle as armor bonuses, AND they meld into your form. Even enhancements like arrow-catching seem off, since they require a physical shield to work, but by RAW, it's a constant effect. In the end, we return to the RAW and the RAI. I like the balancing theory, mind-boggling as it may be to some. And I'm sure other people can rationalize where the shield AC goes better. Until then? Maybe it sort of..somewhat...somehow..melds into your form and acts like a second layer of natural armor. But then again, wildshape IS a supernatural ability...So I say, a wizard did it. That said, any official rulings on the matter? *poke poke* ![]()
Any specific stats and starting int? You're an elf, so you get a +2 int. Unless you're going for 10 int. And skills: Swim has fairly static DC's, and you can swim easily enough in calm water. Unless you're going mounted combat, ride doesn't need to be high. Stealth is also an option, better that your bounty isn't aware that you're around. Oh, and if you're aiming for any prestige class, check their skill requirements. ![]()
grasshopper_ea wrote: I can think of a couple ways to get a druid +1BAB.. some of them involve free feats. Something noone has brought up is the ADVANTAGE that wild shape maxes out early. 8 druid 12 fighter would be incredible with weapon training(close) and dire tiger pounce Myself, I like 12druid 8 fighter better, to get the huge elementals. You never know when you need them. Thematically, there's also 8druid/12barb (greater rage+dire tiger pounce, and I.Uncanny Dodge), while 8druid 12ranger lets you advance your animal companion, and is even more thematic. Doesn't give you much though. Mix and match all you want. ![]()
Christopher Van Horn wrote:
You could make the same argument about all your other equipped items, because they are all melding into your form. The only things that you actually keep in wildshape are constant bonuses(except armor bonuses, so no bracers of armor for you), and it seems like Shield bonuses are pretty constant with no need for activation. Like..uh..a thick armor-ish patch of skin on the dire tiger's right front paw that lets it block attacks like a shield. Very Wide Tangent: The other edition actually had the same question when druids came out, since their wildshape didn't specify what happened to the shield. FAQ cleared up that you keep your shield bonuses. (No relevance at all to this debate though.) ![]()
Actually, RAW says you only lose armor bonus when you do any polymorphing(polymorph subschool description), and wild gives you back that lost armor bonus(and accompanying enhancements). Presumably you keep your shield AC. How, is a complete mystery upon myself. Though the definition of 'armor bonus' for that specific rule is vague enough. ![]()
A Man In Black wrote:
Yeah, I kinda get that. Given enough bonus damage, multiple attacks still win over high damage vital strikes. Still fun to try to make them viable, and your pounce forms aren't suffering so much from a 2-feat expenditure. And if you really want multiple attacks, giant octopus has 8 secondary tentacles and 20ft reach haha. |