Galactic Swashbuckler |
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rknop wrote:It sounds like Laarafel is not interesting in finding a way to make it work, but is interested in getting the Con shut down for whatever motivation.
*Anybody else* who has issues signing up with Warhorn because of being vision impaired or for any other reason, the VOs have indicated a willingness to help. I know that there is a vision impaired person who's played in a couple of VTT games here (that were mustered via Warhorn). Please reach out to the VOs and find a way to make it work. They really do want to help make it work for you. There's no exclusionary sign hung out anywhere; it just may require a little manual intervention to get things working for you.
(And, heck, that kind of thing happens all the time. I know that a few times I've had to ask for manual intervention to get my subscriptions to ship right, for example.)
You haven't walked a mile in their shoes. As someone who advocates for my kid when they don't have the words to advocate for themselves I would suggest you can be a part of the solution without being a part of the problem. The first line and in stars are unneeded to be super helpful for people who want the help you are offering.
For people who spend their entire lives fighting to have a semblance of what we typicals consider to be normal? Have a little respect for the progress they have pushed through when people put up walls to stop them.
All of that being said. I know Paizo is extremely inclusive, I know the Con organizers will bend over backwards to assist people on a case by case basis if needed!
I also know that as someone who is typical, I can't fully understand the feels of someone who isn't and the irritation they experience when people don't try to see it from their perspective.
Hope that the organizers sort out a fair way to get people to the tables one way or the other, but I also know this is going to be thrown together VERY last minute and just ask that they do their best.
Completely disagree that respect should be one-way here. The approach was all wrong. It wasn't posed as awareness of an issue. It was outrage in the form of a threat and looking for a fight. All attempts to understand and help with the issue were tacitly ignored. I can understand the frustration, but this is the wrong way to approach the issue. Threats over shutting down a fan-made free event should not be encouraged.