So ... a long story short I have setup the Sacred Killer from NPC Codex as one of the bosses in my campaign. It says that as a part of his "Before Combat" He should attempt to cast his scroll of invisibility ... but ... how? No sorc/wiz/brd lvl's, no UMD and no Rogue Talent Minor Magic. Am I missing something?
Firstly, thank you for your response Lazar. Certainly, after some time, what you are suggesting came to my mind as well and I updated the rule again. (1. The Fort save can be Ref save instead, player’s choice. 2. Any damage rolled on any body part is dealt to an item worn on that body part as per successful sunder attempt. “Wear armor or bad things will happen.”)
Secondly, if by “simulationist obsession” you meant “realism obsession” then you are right (and it explains all). :)
Debilitating blow 2.0
Body part........|Projectile...........................|Bludgeoning............. .......................|Magic........................................|Crit Fail
Head Injury..| (Any weapon type)
Note: Characters using Total defense or Fighting defensively are immune to Debilitating blow from enemies they can see.
The home-crit version does not compute with me as I feel that whatever I do with it, I will unbalance the rules too much. So this is what I will stick with ... so far this is the final version. By receiving 20+ damage in a single hit (while bloodied or just gaining the bloodied status), roll Fort save (DC=10+HD of the attacker). If you fail, roll a D12 and consult the table.
You receive a wound that, in case of the ability damage, can be healed only by “Treat deadly wounds” rule or Lesser Restoration and similar healing spells. This however does not heal any HP or Ability Points. It merely allows it to be healed naturally or with another spell (Example: Setting the bone back before it can heal.) So if you receive one of these injuries you will need to spend more than just one lesser restoration spell, if you want to be back in action right away. Similarly the Serious Bleed damage can be only stopped by the “First aid” rule or Lesser Restoration and better healing spells.
The table is a bit ruthless but as stated above, this should represent serious injury. B; Bludgeoning,
The Table: 1. Head
2. Chest
3. Stomach
4. (5.)Leg Right (Left)
8. (9.)Arm Right (Left)
12. Roll Again. ***************************************
P-S: 1D6 Serious Bleed
1. Eyes or Ears
2. Neck
3. Brain
4. Roll two effects
Serious Bleed ... is serious!
So I had this "Idea" for more in depth injuries.
By receiving 20+ damage in a single hit, roll Fort save (DC=damage). If you fail, roll a D12 and consult the table.
You receive a wound that, in case of the ability damage, can be healed only by “Treat deadly wounds” rule or Lesser Restoration and similar healing spells. This however does not heal any HP or Ability Points. It merely allows it to be healed naturally or with another spell (Example: Setting the bone back before it can heal.) So if you receive one of these injuries you will need to spend more than just one lesser restoration spell, if you want to be back in action right away. Similarly the Serious Bleed damage can be only stopped by the “First aid” rule or Lesser Restoration and better healing spells.
The table is a bit ruthless but as stated above, this should represent serious injury. B; Bludgeoning,
The Table: 1. Head
2. Chest
3. Stomach
4. (5.)Leg Right (Left)
8. (9.)Arm Right (Left)
12. Roll Again. ***************************************
P-S: 1D6 Serious Bleed
1. Eyes or Ears
2. Neck
3. Brain
4. Roll two effects
Serious Bleed ... is serious!
Necromancer wrote:
You wrote the name wrong... its Aigor
Soo this is a "thing" I attempted. I didnt actually make any research apart from core rule book but I felt something is missing. This is (I hope) something that can give real life substances and services meaning within the game. In case of substances one cup/shot brings "Effect" into play and automatically calls for a save. If save fails "secondary effect" comes into play. Any suggestions and critique is welcome. Real life substance|Effect, (dissapears in 6 hours)|Save DC
Distilled alcohol, |+1D6 Cha, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Strong tobacco, |+1D4 Int, Wis, Cha, -1D4 Con, |Fort 18
Weed, |+1D6 Wis, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Shrooms |+1D6 Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Steroids |+1D6 Str, Dex, -1D6 Wis, Int, |Fort 20
Ecstasy, |+1D6 Dex, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Cocaine, |+1D6 Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Heroine, |+1D6 Wis, -1D6 Con |Fort 20
Pervitine, |+1D4 Cha, Wis, Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 22
By failing the save by 5 or more every morning character gets the nauseated condition for 1D4 hours and sickened condition for the rest of the day. Using the same substance cures the morning sickness for the rest of the day. Casting remove curse (or possibly remove disease) cures the morning sickness permanently. Using racial substances (like Dwarven hammer weed or elven sunleaf wine) decreases the save by 5 for characters of given race. Services (takes 1 hour) |Effects, (disappears in 24 hours)
Soooo what do you think guys and gals?
Amdoran You do have an effect at all the soldiers within you reach which proves your suspicions and no soldiers manage to climb your ladder. Fort save:
Fort saveDC16: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Sumak The enemies are surprised about your sudden attack.
Saya Know Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Your spell goes trough some strange barrier protecting Otho which nearly prevented the effect. You burn his body to a crisp and he falls on the ground... laughing. Sladan As the soldiers start crawling up you fire two arrows. Attack: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (1) + 13 = 141d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Both hit. Npcs defend. Soldiers start to crawl up the ladders.
As the ladders hit the palisade you are spread up to cover them.
Reflex DC14: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Both traps are sprung but none of the soldiers are caught. Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
You can find the map in my profile page. Turn 4:
Saya Kormek turns to you with his shield ready and a confused face as the javelins completely missed him hitting the palisade instead.
You are surprised but all you feel is a unity of evil from all the soldiers. It sends shivers down your spine as you never felt so much evil in one place. Otho He continues to protect himself with his shield moving forward. And so do his soldiers. They throw spears but none of them goes trough. "What is that wile witchery! It must be the girl! Kill her! Kill her soldiers of Norfall! It was she who bewitched your town!
Tarius and Gnaus join the others on the palisade. Map. That was Turn 2 Turn 3:
The mist is not blown away by the wind. You are not able to see what happened to the fire. Amdoran prepares his shield (Total defense) Otho prepares his shield (Total defense)
The soldiers march forward holding their shields in front to protect them selves and start throwing spears but none of them passes the wind wall. Tarius Ganus Bardo and Tobyrun frantically out of the mist.
A wall of wind appears just before the palisade. Tarius shouts: "Drop your weapons and come home. You are soldiers of Norfall." The soldiers do not respond.
Suddenly out of the fire ascends a burning skull with a magical symbol on its forehead. It floats for a moment above the fire, then opens its mouth and dark mist spreads from it. Inis:
Sumak: 1d20 ⇒ 12 Saya: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 Sladan: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15 Amdoran: 1d20 ⇒ 19 Otho: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
The Initiative:
7.NPCs You dont need to post in this order, do your move whenever you can.
Willsaves DC16:
Saya: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 is shaken. Sladan: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 is shaken. Sladan takes: 1d4 ⇒ 4 wis damage. Gnaus: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17 is shaken.
Map. Turn 1:
The army stops not far from the palisade.
"YEA!" scream the soldiers all at once with a strange disembodied voice. Otho continues: "But what is this .. you signed up with the witch.
"NO!" Scream the soldiers again. Saya
Sense motive Sladan: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Before you run out of the fort you hear Kormek saying "Why now ... something has changed." Saya:
You feel weak magic around the fire. Knowl Arcana: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 Weak enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting] Sladan sees a small army of men moving about slowly reaching the town.
Amdoran does not feel anything noteworthy. Saya leads you to the boy's room in the fort
After a moment of confusion you hear one of the halfling brothers scream "THEY ARE COMING!" Realizing how far away they have been in hiding you got 10-15 minutes before they will reach the palisade.
Tarius looks around the gathering of scared townspeople who just watched Saya casting a spell on them.
PerceptionDC20: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25 As Sladan exits the town it takes him only a few minutes to spot the small army of red eyed soldiers hiding down the road, in the treeline some distance away from the palisade. They are perfectly, almost unnaturally, still. Tarius is nearly finished with the assembly. Only few of the townspeople are left and even those are hurrying to the assembly point in front of the fort. Sumak: I presume you tried detect magic on Saya while she was casting.
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 12 You notice that the face of Tarius who happens to be looking is rather disgusted one, but that is not surprising to you. Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Sumak You look at Tarius as he answers "No one went in or out... we had someone guarding the entrance at all the times. Durring the day it was Bardo and Toby the halfling brothers and during the night it was the young boy Maximus." Sumak's AC:
Sense motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
The wolf does not feel anyone apart from Tarius Gnaus and Sladan After Amdoran stops talking Kormek bends down and covers the dead man, then he picks up the body by its legs. "Something is fishy here. Since the sun rise they should be long here. On the other hand, even with the ladders they where making in the woods, it would be difficult to storm the palisade if enough people would be defending it... which now it definitely is. That leaves only one option left. As our furry friend just stated, an impostor who strikes at the right moment... Maybe killing us in sleep. But how would he get here? he looks at Saya "Are you able to identify the possible intruder, girl?" Kormek looks at the body he is holding by its legs. "Lets get this corpse to the fire." he asks. Tarius looks disturbed. "I ... I will assemble the village people."
Sumak: You know the religion is in existence even now in Ameris and understandably not popular.
As all the other religions it and its followers are frequently checked for any signs of magic using. You don't know much about the symbol, but what you do know is that this one is often used written on paper or piece of skin as a part of some sort of ritual, where during the ritual this paper is destroyed in some fashion.(Submerged in acid,... etc.)
Tarius yells at Saya.
Kormek replies to Amdoran "We had a long war with whippers of Zon-Kuthon, a ruthless sadistic god. They have terrorized the whole world but we beat them just before we set off for Ameris... This is strange. The symbol... here at this time."
Saya successfully dispels.
Saya is soon joined by the others, all disgusted by the horrendous display.
You check the body and find out a weird thing. It is the fact that he is lacking any blood in his veins. Confusingly enough you are sure the man was dead for at least two days. You would be pretty sure he died of blood loss and not the cold but there is no wound. Saya: You focus on any auras and to your surprise you feel two magical auras. One of them is moderate aura and from your arcane knowledge you know its illusion (figment) spell that you feel is still active on the surface of the body. The other one is some feint traces of evil dark energies from inside of the body.
Sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21 You realize its from anger rather than cautiousness.
"Kelfed... was my trainer... he got me into the order ... Please tell me what happened to him, where was he taken?" Sumak
Sense motive: 1d20 ⇒ 16 You have the impression that there is a hint of pity in Kormeks voice. Sladan Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22 By the corner of your eye you notice Tarius and and the boy caring, what looks like, a body bag out of the fort.
Amdoran : Dex: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9 Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
"Well there was this homeless drunker here some time ago... this used to be his. I bought it for two pints of mead. " Bluff: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 Sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17 You realise that the man is lying and that you asked the wrong question. If this man is one of your tutors lost brothers from the order of paladins, he ,like your tutor, would be extremely careful arround the people demanding answers that you do.
Sumak and Amdoran
I got to deal with this poor soul." he points at the dead man. Please meet us in the Inn. We got some food for you you must be hungry... He says finally. Gnaus leads you and when you enter you see Saya, Sladan and Kormek.
Amdoran: You are very much surprised to see that the man who sits by the slave-folk and the girl has a large round shield with a golden "A" in the middle. You actually have to look twice to check if it isn't your tutor, but to your disappointment its not.
Unfortunately you are by the fort and they are by the gate. You can see them tho :) Kormek to Sladan
Sumak and Amdoran
Then he continues: "This is not all. One of the soldiers run away from Otho. He told us that Otho made them to drink some liquid. It made the aggressive and he called it "evil". He is here... Sumak Amdoran and Tarius follows Gnaus inside the fort into a long room with many beds. On one of them lies a soldier with shackles on his hands and next to him stands young village boy with a scared face. "Whats wrong?" Asks Tarius. "He ... He is dead." Answers the boy. "Well... this was him... we need to bury him." Tarius sighs.
Tarius turns to Sumak and Amdoran. "So what is the plan and what about the witch? Will she be charged?" Saya