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So I had this "Idea" for more in depth injuries.
All comments welcome.

By receiving 20+ damage in a single hit, roll Fort save (DC=damage).

If you fail, roll a D12 and consult the table.
(By rolling a 1 on the save add * to the effect.)

You receive a wound that, in case of the ability damage, can be healed only by “Treat deadly wounds” rule or Lesser Restoration and similar healing spells. This however does not heal any HP or Ability Points. It merely allows it to be healed naturally or with another spell (Example: Setting the bone back before it can heal.) So if you receive one of these injuries you will need to spend more than just one lesser restoration spell, if you want to be back in action right away.

Similarly the Serious Bleed damage can be only stopped by the “First aid” rule or Lesser Restoration and better healing spells.
(Note: Treat the Con bleed as normal ability bleed.)

The table is a bit ruthless but as stated above, this should represent serious injury.

B; Bludgeoning,
P-S; Piercing-Slashing,
M; Magic,

The Table:

1. Head
P-S: 1D6 Serious Bleed
M: Dazed for 1D6 rounds
B: Staggered for 1D6 rounds.
*: Character becomes Unconscious
(Gains amount of nonlethal dmg that equals current HP)

2. Chest
P-S: 1D6 Serious Bleed
M: Sickened for 1D6 rounds.
B: Fatigued for 1D6 rounds.
*: Character becomes Exhausted. 1D6 Con damage.

3. Stomach
P-S: 2D6 Serious Bleed
M: Sickened for 1D6 rounds
B: Fatigued for 1D6 rounds.
*: Character becomes Nauseated. 1D6 Con damage.

4. (5.)Leg Right (Left)
6. (7.)Foot Right (Left)

P-S: 1D6 Serious Bleed
M: 1D6 Dex damage. Character moves half speed
B: 1D6 Dex damage. Character moves half speed.
*: 1D4 Con bleed (Leg is cut off/Useless) Movement only 5 ft. step.

8. (9.)Arm Right (Left)
10. (11.)Hand Right (Left)

P-S: 1D6 Serious Bleed
M: 1D6 Str damage. -2 on non STR checks.
B: 1D6 Str damage. -2 on non STR checks.
*: 1D4 Con bleed (Arm is cut off/Useless.)

12. Roll Again.

Optional Head Injury (Roll 1D4):

P-S: 1D6 Serious Bleed
M: Dazed for 1D6 rounds
B: Staggered for 1D6 rounds.
*:Character becomes Unconscious (Gains amount of nonlethal dmg that equals current HP)

1. Eyes or Ears
1D6 Wis damage
*: Permanent Deafness or Blindness

2. Neck
1D6 Con damage
*Permanent Muteness

3. Brain
1D6 Int damage
*Character becomes Unconscious (Gains amount of nonlethal dmg that equals current HP) or permanently Confused.

4. Roll two effects

Serious Bleed ... is serious!