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So I had this "Idea" for more in depth injuries.
By receiving 20+ damage in a single hit, roll Fort save (DC=damage). If you fail, roll a D12 and consult the table.
You receive a wound that, in case of the ability damage, can be healed only by “Treat deadly wounds” rule or Lesser Restoration and similar healing spells. This however does not heal any HP or Ability Points. It merely allows it to be healed naturally or with another spell (Example: Setting the bone back before it can heal.) So if you receive one of these injuries you will need to spend more than just one lesser restoration spell, if you want to be back in action right away. Similarly the Serious Bleed damage can be only stopped by the “First aid” rule or Lesser Restoration and better healing spells.
The table is a bit ruthless but as stated above, this should represent serious injury. B; Bludgeoning,
The Table: 1. Head
2. Chest
3. Stomach
4. (5.)Leg Right (Left)
8. (9.)Arm Right (Left)
12. Roll Again. ***************************************
P-S: 1D6 Serious Bleed
1. Eyes or Ears
2. Neck
3. Brain
4. Roll two effects
Serious Bleed ... is serious!
Soo this is a "thing" I attempted. I didnt actually make any research apart from core rule book but I felt something is missing. This is (I hope) something that can give real life substances and services meaning within the game. In case of substances one cup/shot brings "Effect" into play and automatically calls for a save. If save fails "secondary effect" comes into play. Any suggestions and critique is welcome. Real life substance|Effect, (dissapears in 6 hours)|Save DC
Distilled alcohol, |+1D6 Cha, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Strong tobacco, |+1D4 Int, Wis, Cha, -1D4 Con, |Fort 18
Weed, |+1D6 Wis, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Shrooms |+1D6 Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Steroids |+1D6 Str, Dex, -1D6 Wis, Int, |Fort 20
Ecstasy, |+1D6 Dex, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Cocaine, |+1D6 Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 20
Heroine, |+1D6 Wis, -1D6 Con |Fort 20
Pervitine, |+1D4 Cha, Wis, Int, -1D6 Con, |Fort 22
By failing the save by 5 or more every morning character gets the nauseated condition for 1D4 hours and sickened condition for the rest of the day. Using the same substance cures the morning sickness for the rest of the day. Casting remove curse (or possibly remove disease) cures the morning sickness permanently. Using racial substances (like Dwarven hammer weed or elven sunleaf wine) decreases the save by 5 for characters of given race. Services (takes 1 hour) |Effects, (disappears in 24 hours)
Soooo what do you think guys and gals?
Posting Schedule
Posting Contents (more than one post may be required)
Posts should be in accordance with the Paizo forum. Do not author a character's actions into your post unless that character is your own. This applies to player characters and non-player characters alike. As the dungeon master, I am exempting myself from this rule, but I will try not to abuse this privilege. If anyone feels that I am unfairly taking control of their character away from them, please message me and discuss this issue as soon as possible. However, taking control of characters in response to late or missed posts is another matter: I will not respond to criticism over that. I will not specify further requirements for the format and nature of posts at this time. They will come later, but for now, do not feel constrained. Multiple Postings
Posting Competitive Actions
If this does happen, and the situation is sufficiently important, we will probably settle it as an encounter, with proper initiative rolls. One side may be rescheduled to the "DM's posting schedule." Alternatively, I may present an alternate posting schedule, such as tri-weekly, until the matter is resolved. That takes care of the game-mechanics portion. I will also have to consider whether such a situation was warranted or disruptive. When I make my decision, the interests of the players and the party will weigh more heavily than the natures of the characters. Questions and Clarifications Concerning Specific Posts
I am willing to sort out these misunderstandings and even possibly "turn back the clock," but only to a certain extent, and only if the situation can be resolved relatively simply. Sometimes, all we can do is sit back, shrug our shoulders, and curse fate. In general, I do not offer compensation for misunderstandings other than my apologies. I ask that all players cooperate in this by showing patience and understanding. Re-dos
Posting and Initiative Count
Late Posts
A late post that I have time to respond to will not be counted as a missed post (see below). A late post that occurs before my posting but that I do not have time to respond to will be treated as a missed post, however. It goes without saying that a post that is made after I make my post will either be treated as a post in the next posting period (if it makes sense) or will be invalid and will be counted as a missed post in either case. I would advise players who make posts after their due date, but before my due date, to specify whether the post is supposed to be for the past posting period or the next posting period. Missed Posts
If a player misses more than four posts in a calendar month, they will enter a probationary period (see below). If a player misses four consecutive posts, I will take control of their character and move to retire the player, especially in the case of there being no communication. Advance Notice of Unavailability
Stand-in Players
Probationary Status
If there are other people who are interested in becoming players, and if it should happen that I gain control of the player's character during this time, especially because of a missed post, I will probably maneuver that character out of the party. Players who lose their place in the party in this manner may return if there is somehow a mutual sense that they can do so. However, they will lose their seniority in relation to any observers who wish to join the party.
You find your self sitting in The Twohanded Dagger Inn, in the city of Norfall contemplating about what you experienced so far in this strange continent called Ameris.