Stag Lord

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RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32. RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Marathon Voter, 8 Season Champion Voter, 9 Season Marathon Voter. 3,493 posts (3,975 including aliases). 20 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 17 aliases.


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RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

lol gotta respect the hustle

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

During hexploration starting add a ruin with a haunt that replays defenders losing to grendel but don't make it fully obvious.

If you haven't done the stag king he could have some terrified scribblings about ti (maybe make his drinking a reaction to PTSD when something horrid came and killed his previous crew and only the amulet N gave him spared him from death.

Later when Trolls are rising up one of the fey (tyg titter-tut or perlivash) can have a rumor the Troll sought out an audience with a great monster and it was found in pieces

Later when the tiger claws start riling up they avoid a hex they believe grendal to be in.

basically seed it all along.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

having some personal issues will not likely be posting for a couple days bot me as needed.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

having some personal issues will not likely be posting for a couple days.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

having some personal issues will not likely be posting for a couple days.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Sorry got a little busy at work will be posting today or at worst tomorrow

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

fort check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Spindleshank falls asleep thanks to some quick action and thinking on Amelia's part.

So this is a rule of cool over-ride, that was a contingency phantasmal killer which should end spindleshank in 1 round on a failed will save. I'm ruling the sleep effect interrupts the part where basically the victims own mind kills them via illusion.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

It's not illegal

Elbin consents tot he spell.

"The nasty bard is two bards a girl and boy both pretty and looking almost the same. They will talk to gangs and after gangs get more violent, ambitious, and angry at one another.

They talked to those ex-guards trying to make security work. Instead they ended up forming a gang. There's blood on the street because of those two but what they don't know is that I saw...

They have been careful but Elbin likes music, knows instruments. Maker's mark on the boy's banjo is Pitax, masterwork possibly magical instrument."

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Spindleshank smirks, still confident in his position.

"Very well, tell your betters that the theft was a commission. We were paid to..."

Spindleshank starts choking. His hands instinctual go to his throat but there's nothing there.

Spellcraft if ya got it.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Spindleshank sits in a relaxed pose, he hasn't quite put his feet up but it's close. The body language is smug.

"They sent you, that's quite funny. Where's the paladin? He was clearly in charge.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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@Allan, for the most part it's a general incompetence be it in one case taking a bribe publicly, one nearly killed a bistander in pursuit of a suspect, more than one washed out for failing 3 physicals, it's a mixed bag of failure.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

no worries, we will keep your spot warm.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Okay with much hand waiving you arrive at the station about the same time. Team Waterfront has some washout ex-watchment to book which causes a bit of a stir and you find out Elbon and his "dog are waiting for you in a interrogation room. He has asked for Roedar in particular.

Spindleshank has also been transferred to the station for questioning.

Most importantly what are you reporting and when you've decided whos questioning who we shall proceed.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Okay so I was really hoping to see you guys take the invitation to roleplay getting back to base form your respective missions and discussing things a bit.

The game doesn't work if you are all playing off of the GM.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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If everyone is cool I'm saying you all return to HQ to discuss your next steps.

Elbin and Spot are waiting for you when you get there, claiming he was promised protection.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Murderbait:

Fagen smirks
[spoiler=also in Orcish]
"They fought an died so that their children struggle and die in the winter's cold without me? Are you under the impression I invented poverty? Look around this neighborhood and tell me how much of your watch's budget on magic baubles could do more here. You work for a system that buries the poor so that the rich may live comfortably."

He punctuates his speech by spitting on the ground. someoen says something in draconic from behind him and he and several fo the "boys" disappear.
Spellcraft 18:
That was invisibility 10ft radius

Okay spoiler tags have limits :P

Alan's knowledge check:
Not illegal to point or even threaten but totally illegal to fire.

We can move this to the Tea shop if you like, or you can regroup with others.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Waterfront:

Since there were 2 PCs in the scene and the one that wanted a combat stated "bot me" I'm going to narrate this one away.

With Tackleberry raining down bombs and crossbow bolts, Hightower using a reach weapon from the fire escape landing, and Sven plugging the entrance to the basement the old guard types find themselves badly outmatched as they need an 18 or better to hit Sven, and can't hit anyone else this becomes frustrating and painful for them.

Tack, Sven and Hightower all ko 2 a piece before the remaining 3 run for it. These were 1st level fighters.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Murderbait:

Fagen pulls a card of his own, it is one given to clients of First & Basil
"You want to know about pies lad, ask yer boss. Mind you ask politely they have much larger predators then yerself lad even if yer a bit to old to be one oh my boys.

I gave ya yer lead sir paladin, kindly take this mercenary and that lil traitor and get the hell off my property.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I hadn't posted my WIP character yet becaus eI'm still tuning background and equip but here's where I'm at

Storing on a google doc at present Akoris Sands

I haven't quite equipment (4,824 GP of 6k spent thus far thinking about a defensive item aside from cloak of prot) and I'm working on background now (wanted to read a bit of the old thread and find a tie in.

The main beats of the story I have thus far:
-1st level trained by a Tengu Monk that turned out to be LE and was using him.
-Had some unfair run ins with the law because of being set up as a fall guy by the Tengu
-Made friends on the streets and sort of turned into an aladin type street rat
-Learned to be a Ninja by blending monk training with working with a rogue crew that followed int he wake of these adventurers exploring tombs.
-Found faith in Bastet matching new outlook which went from LG to CG.

Adventure Hooks
-Possibly had a bad run in with those scorched hand characters I know are in the AP
-Tengu mentor could be tied into whatever evils you want to cook up

Okay finished equipment I found a keen magic item I wanted and ended up trading out some wand charges (prorated at 15gp a charge) to cover the overage giving a R of 1 gp :D

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

HP: 3d8 ⇒ (4, 7, 6) = 17 This helped my HP situation sweet.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Can I assume all Paizo classes are acceptable? Also what races are available?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Oz:
One of the guards clears his throat, then mentions "The cafeteria makes this thing called limeade, it's pretty good.

Visibly gives Amelia an up and down, I could um go get you some" -he actually blushes a little as the other guard smirks.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Sorry for the delays folk but I'm back and ready to rumble.

Team Waterfront:

Tackleberry's shot does seem to give them pause but they move on.

Elbin and Spot duck into the basement and disappear into the shadows, the goblin has like a +20 modifier if you care that much on perception let me know.

Instead of making this a messy initiative I'm just going to do it this way for this combat PCs involved have a total of +5 innit which is better then 2 baddies at a +2

PCs and allies innit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
badguys innit: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

So take your actions. Bear in mind at this point you're in the middle of an alley they have plugged either end and are 4 on one side 5 the other. There's a fire escape and the basement widow. They have to close 15 f to attack on either side and will provide flanks unless you pull something out or take a superior position on the board.

These guys are chumps so this should go fast.

Team Oz:

As you're about to try and get a runner to Callahan one of the guards says Spindleshank want to talk

Team Murderbait:

Fagen hides his emotions as well as he can Bluff: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

"Alright copper, I'll give ya a chance to see if you got what it takes to put a stop to this."

"The fairies like the tea shop that's come by way of Tian-Xia called Gran Yukai's Wabi Sabi teas. You can find them there sometimes, or leave a message with the proprietor but heaven help you if you cause trouble there."

"Even if they ain't there you can at least talk tot eh patrons or maybe run into them."

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Rather than grab a character I've previously generated (I actually kind of have tons) I'll bring something that's been banging around in my brain for awhile. A shruken focused ninja with a likely pair of dips. Would be a very skilled character with a niche close range specialty but it ramps very nicely.

I'll likely re-flavor the Ninja as being a more Egyptian styled rouge/assassin

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Sorry been spotty on my side, work has beaten me over the head all week with a pool queue

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

yeah I can relate to how the dice can hate a GM with a passion

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Murderbait:

"Now you listen 'ere copper out there the laws on yer side but in here I makes the rules. Ace should have told you to have soem manners comin' into my house.

Yer right, I didn't order them that died killed, but that means I have a problem I gotta deal with. I didn't call for no Bobbies, this is my fight. If ya think I'm letting you arrest that monster yer mistaken cause I'm gonna kill it. I ain't for arrestin' no monsters."
His posture is aggressive but he's keeping space between you. Some of the hands holding crossbows are a heck of a lot steadier than others.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I love my character but not the way this game has gone so I get it. I think a big part of it is that we only barely have started to gel as a group tactically and the RP between characters has been lacking since we lost the wyveran dude with the kid in tow.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Waterfront:

Hightower easily clears the debris in front of the broken out window.
"Sven You can make a choke point here while I hold the fire escape with Tackleberry using ranged strikes.

Tackleberry doesn't wait and scampers up to the first fire escape (using quick runners shirt) landing before firing a bomb-bolt from his crossbow.
crossbow shot: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10 still splashing the area with a tiny bit of fire damage but not really doing much.

Hightower gets to the landing and holds.

It will take them a round to close and fight so take whatever actions you like in the round. Then I will roll out innit.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Murderbait:

Ace Sweetchuck takes you to a part of down called the Brine Bread district or "The Brines" so named for a commoner dish that bakes fish scraps into salty bread that's sold very cheaply in pretty much every bakery (Mivon partly subsides it.) The air is consistently filled with the scent of both fish and baking bread.

This district is near a rich district that sits on the river and where many of the poorer servants that are not live in servants reside.
The Brines are near the city's defensive wall but not really convenient to the gates into the city or the 2 rivers that run through the city.
There are open air alleyway markets, the buildings are close together and on the tall side making the area somewhat poorly illuminated and generally crowded for most of the day.

The area of the district Sweetchuck is taking you to has some textile sweat shops and inexpensive long term storage areas. It is n area of the city know for both crime and contraband.

Those who make high perception rolls (DC 25) will occasionally catch glimpses of children and small folk shadowing you. They run off when confronted but are soon replaced. You're being watched right up to where it's clear you're headed to a derelict warehouse.

The street gets really quiet as you approach, to those who have been in battle it's like that moment before someone shouts and the violence erupts. As your feet hit the street opposite the front entrance the doors just open.

If you walk in after Ace you're greeted with an enormous looking man standing in the middle of the room about 50ft from the door. HE is built like a sumo wrestler if a sumo wrestler was dressed like an impoverished Victorian.

"Well look at what we have here lads and lasses, looks like the prodigal son has returned and he brought us presents he did. Ace old boy do introduce us to your new guard friends."

he looks pointedly at Ace's uniform

"Wouldja look at tha' Acey-boys gone and joined the bobbies. Guess they don't look for folk that know how to fight anymore eh"

Ace looks determined:
"Act tough if you'd like but then explain, I know 2 out of three of those bodies that dropped even without their skin that was Crooked Charley's bum leg and I hear they found Gabe's bludger sap busted in half. You order those hits?

Fagen laughs:
"Why should I talk to you, or your new friends? Do they know what you are ya little coward? Little traitorous slive gets a job and he turns his back on his crew, his family? I don't talk to little traitors."
Fagen's face takes on a look of malice
"Go back to wherever you call home now ya little shit and count your lucky stars I'm not spoilin' to kill ya in front of your new bobby friends."
It is notable there's several small sized folk pointing crossbows at the lot of you.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I think you guys settled on forcing them through the hole after you as fair escape only works if everyone is trying to get away, Sven seems intent on making some arrests and plugging up the hole so we'll have to play that out

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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big post got eaten on Friday and weekend was bit on the busy side.

So I'm reworking it now because I'm fearful of a TPK.

I statted the Murderbait thing under the assumption y'all would investigate the murder scenes or go in and hear out the lesser evil in Fagen so that when a fight broke out between him and his his former fey ally the CR of the challenge would be adjusted by Fagen balancing things to your side. I'm pretty sure that plan is going to go tits up so I've adjusted it a bit as you guys can prolly take down Fagen (CR5ish) as long as you keep the rest of the gang from joining in but not the Fey (CR7) without the CR5.

I play hardball as a GM but that's just too heavy. Apologies, though it;s nice to be able to adjust between posts. So sorry about the delay.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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As a heads up going to post a bunch tonight. GF had an emergency last night and I had some issues of my own that carried into today.

-Team Murderbait is going into a very dangerous situation that can go in several directions but I'm very happy you remembered to bring cold iron. There's 2-3 twists and an ugly scenario that can lead to party death so I'm making sure my ducks are lined up well. If I pull it off correctly and you guys don't do the worst possible thing we should end up with a solid reoccurring villain being established and some secrets revealed.

-Team Oz you guys played your situation about perfect.

-Team Waterfront, I figured this one might be a fight or you'll might escape as the close it becomes clear it's not a gang it's members of the old watch guard with altered uniforms. Knowledge local 15 would let you know some guys got fired and created a mercenary band. This is them, no magic just a bunch of low level stabby types.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Waterfront[/spoiler:

You are assuming correctly. The gangs are now visible and all lightly armored with finesse style weapons except a couple on either end using anduali longswords and breastplates. They are clearly coordinating in a militaristic movement pattern.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Waterfront:

@Roedar Kn Local + Perception
You notice that there's a boarded up basement window that looks loose meaning you can probably get into that basement and either force your enemies through a bottleneck or lose them on another exit.

There's also a fire escape which works if they don't have ranged weapons but would be an exposed escape if they do.

Spot and Elbin seem eager to leave any confrontation.
Tackleberry likes to fight it's in his nature
Hightower would have a harder time withthe basement an easy time witht he climb.

What you disclose it up to you.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

yep it retroacts

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

There's an onion of geeky references and tropes in the plot that are there to be uncovered. Smart Monkey Urban Barbarian/Mutegentic Warrior is actually sort of a riff on Mojo Jojo.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Waterfront:

Spot to Roedar: Ex-alphas are mad at new Alphas, you should strike hard and fast before they surround you.

BTW the goblin dog is at least 4-5 int based on that sentence

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Oz:

After touching the quill, smirking in a cat that ate the canary kind of way Wheeler responds in perfect common:
"Very well Amelia I was never so fond of the brute act anyway. Very astute of you to see through my brutish reputation and discern that I am the capo and not Spindleshank. I was once a slave of Challax but I educated myself and fought me way free of them. I do not appreciate those who follow your partner's god."

He casually dislocates his thumbs and slips out the table manacles (taking 10.) Relocates his thumbs then steeples his hands.

[b]"I'll take a pardon for myself and my confidants in exchange my cooperation and knowledge of an eminent threat to this city's government and it's people. Get that signed by your mayor and I'll sing you a song of blood and fire, you can have your cleric who's aftershave has a most distinctive odor cast a truth verification spell if you like.

He could also verify that I could snap your pretty neck before anyone could do much about it. The Watch in this case is the enemy of my enemy."

In Vanaran to She: Your were fun to spar with, perhaps we'll meet another time under different circumstances. I find you rather fetching. There are so few of us in these lands after all.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Waterfront:

"His name is Spot, and he bites."

Perception- Dog looks stronger and seems to be in better health then any goblin dog you've ever seen.
Sense Motive- Elbin is nervous as hell, he wants to talk but something has him spooked rather badly. It's the kind of reaction you'd see from a rat that knows a cat is near.
Handle Animal- The Goblin Dog seems pretty okay with you (you smell like a friend) something about the fact that you're not getting bit seems to lend the goblin courage and he tries to catch you eye when he makes a hand motion with 4 fingers and a slight gesture down the alley and a 5 gesturing to the other end, then he presses his fist into his palm.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Oz:

Wheeler laughs and continues in Vanaran: "You chase after who you're told to chase and in return they give you treats, you're a dog to them. I'm in prison but my food is brought to me, I have shelter, protection, and leisure time until the walls come down.

They will come down soon enough. You'll tear each other apart out on the streets or some disease will get you. If you're really unlucky you'll be toyed with and skinned before you die.

You have no threats that scare me, perhaps you can make an offer of some sort and maybe I'll listen but you can stop trying to throw me off balance with pitying insults. I take no issue with the dog, I look for the master.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Oz:

Mullancy nods and passes along the messages

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Murderbait:

Lt Callahan actually has some cold iron pellets for her blunderbus she hands them over, there's about 5 shots worth. Rest of you can borrow a basic weapon but it is expected to be returned. By basic I mean dagger.

Ace speaks: "They fey weren't friends with Fagen, it was more like a truce. He used their existence like a boogyman, if you fail him he might rescind your protection and then the fey might eat you.

Fagen will not be kind, I left the gang and I've tried to bring others out since. Last time he saw me he tried to hurt me and I might have used wand of grease I borrowed and made him look silly."

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Waterfront:

Elbin's rodent is a goblin dog mixed with something else, troll? It's surprisingly clean (goblin dogs normally carry filth fever) as is he despite the fact he clearly lives on the streets.

He eyes Hightower, Tackleberry, and Sven before looking at Murtaugh.

"You brought muscle but I'm not sure you want to fight. Some of the gangs are beefed up now. Some new drug makes 'em stronger dumber and angrier.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Oz:

Wheeler seems less than surprised to see She again.
Like all his dialogue he sticks to Vanaran.

"She returns, smelling a bit of brimstone. Been hanging around lawyers?"

His posture is relaxed, he's even leaning back in his chair a bit.

"Gangs fighting or are the humans sick? Still think you're free?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.

About my GM style:

-Not all solutions are combat solutions, there are usually compromises or alternate options.
-Not everything is statted to be taken down at your level, you can pile up on it with NPC allies or address some threats later.
-Some threats will level with you.
-Some leads are red herrings.
-I'm usually up to something.
-Above all things I favor a good story.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Oz:
One thing that's rather striking is that Wheeler has been pretty much a model prisoner, not getting into fights and even breaking up some. He's monstrously strong particularly when he rages but he has shown confident restraint.

Team Waterfront:
Murtaugh explains on the way:
My snitch is a goblin hobo named Elbin. I pay him in elven food and fireworks. He's actually pretty smart and watches everything but no one pays him much mind. He panhandles around the docks but the gangs don't really bother him on the count that he's rumored to have explosives.

He speaks at least 5 languages and he reads which if you know goblins is a rare thing. Oh and he calls this large rodent thing his dog, it behaves for him so don't attack it.

Team Murderbait:

"I don't think it's Fagen, Fagen doesn't skin people. He used the threaten us that'd he'd leave us out for the fairies to kill. He said they hunt people for sport sometimes like its a game. HE taught us this rhyme:

The first chap, kills with a sword
He'll blood his cap,peasant or lord.
Hear his whistle while you walk,
you'll be dead soon you're his stalk

Next there's the flayer, he starts off small
His claws are the slayer, he targets all
You'll see him as a friend,
Which is how you end.

One was so quick, he's hard to see
His weapon tricks, and he makes three.
Fall for his trap,
Land in Pharasma's lap

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

You have time to memorize

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Please try to follow the examples set by myself and Alan and use spoiler tags with team names so this thread is legible.

Mahooney is on the Dock team, forgot to remove her from Murderbait.

Team Waterfront:

Mahooney- I'm capable with a sword I'll take the other side.
Murtaugh- Tackleberry can provide ranged support but me an' Roedar are gonna need to talk to the snitch. I know Sven can intimidate I saw that, Hightower I'm pretty sure you cna too as long as you don't talk too much 'cause you're too nice.

Team Murderbait:

Ace Sweetchuck- I was always the bait. I seem weak and nice so they'd use me to distract folk while they pick pocketed or scammed them into an area where they'd get robbed. I'm not proud of it but it's what I had to do to get by when I was younger, I had no one else. There's good people in the gang but that Fagen makes them do bad things. I've seen him kill.

Team Oz:
Mullancy- I can also use the message spell to relay messages from say the other side of a door?

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Team Murderbait:

Ace reluctantly admits he knows 2 out of 3 of the victims and that when he was younger he used to run with a gang. Both victims are members of that gang, he says he thinks he knows where the leader can be found and that maybe some of the members might talk to him.

The leader is a human with an odd fighting style that is deceptively fast. He's fat but don't be fooled he strikes as swiftly as a snake. Leader's named Fagen and he hurts the gang that works for him.

It's very clear Sweetchuck is very uncomfortable with this topic. He looks down a lot and sometimes involuntarily shudders.

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