
GM Meowngkare's page

432 posts. Alias of Kittenmancer.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Smaranda

Female Human Witch/1 (0 posts)
Magaambyan Arcanist
Liberty's Edge Asha Ebele PFS

F Human (Zenj) Oracle 1 (0 posts)


Magaambyan Arcanist
Asha Ebele

Female Half-Elf (Wildborn) Oracle (spirit guide) 3 - HP: 13/23 | AC 15 T 11 FF 14 | Fort. +2 Ref. +2 Will +3 | Perception +8, Initiative +1 (243 posts)
Gun Scavenger
Avanoa le Gataifale

Hardy Glaive who Fuses Flesh and Steel M:22/22 S:14/14 I: 8/8 A:3 (10 posts)
Velriana Hypaxes
Briar Barb

Hound | Hunt 2, Prowl 2, Study 2, Survey 2 | Resistances - I:2, P:2, R: 0 | Harm:1 | Load: Medium (83 posts)

F Human Druid 8 HP: 83/83 | AC: 25 T: 13 FF: 23 | Fort: 10 | Ref: 5 | Will: 9 | Perception +13 Initiative +2 (40 posts)
Carver Hastings
Damian Catus

M Human Paladin of Sarenrae 5/Oracle of Life 3/ Medium 1 | HP 85/85 | AC 20/14/17 | F +13, R +10, W +15 | CMB +7, CMD 21 | Scimitar +7/+2 (1d6) | Longbow +10/+5 (1d8+6) | Init +1 | Perception +4 (Deaf) (497 posts)
Asweya Stiyo
Deliwe Xingwana

Half-elf Paladin 1/Oracle 2 (7 posts)
Des Bumblebrasher

Goblin Oracle 2 | HP 32/32 | AC 17 | F+7 R+5 W+6 | Focus Points 3/3 | Perception +4; darkvision | Stealth +4 (55 posts)
Dys Thunderclaw

Female Gunslinger (Musket Master) 2 | HP 14/20 | AC 19 Tch 16 Ff 14 | Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +2 | Darkvision 60 ft, Perception + 6 | Init +6 | CMD 14 (113 posts)
Lady Origena Devy
Erika Erlingsson

Scion of Frigg- Legend 3 - 9/9 LP - 7/7 WP - Health: -0, -0, -0, -1, -1, -3, Incapacitated - Purviews: Prophecy 2, Magic 2 - Join Battle: 6 - Dodge DV: 3 - Parry DV: 2 - Glock: Speed 4, Accuracy +1, Damage +3L, Range 20 (66 posts)
GM Catullus

Map Link | Loot and stat tracker | NPCs and influence tracker (1,057 posts)
Daji the Fox
GM Eldest

Encounter maps (358 posts)
Weather cock
GM Harrow

Roll20 Map | Loot inventory (484 posts)
GM Meowngkare

Roll 20 Link (432 posts)

Skinwalker (Female) (Inja) (Druid) ((Guardian)) (6(1)) HP: 83/83 | AC: 18 T: 14 FF: 15 | Fort: 9 | Ref: 5 | Will: 9 | Perception +14/24 Initiative +2; low-light vision (88 posts)
Azlanti Rune Warden
Kai Misipeka

N/A Human Envoy 1/Mechanic 4 | HP 34/34 | SP 30/30 | RP 8/8 | F+4, R+7, W+6 | EAC 12 | KAC 13 | Init. + 1 | Perception + 11 (356 posts)
Matrena Goldthorpe
Kethe Cinderfell

Female Dwarf Druid 4 / Conjurer (preserver) 4 / Mythic 2 (hierophant) | WP 32/32 (16) | VP 31/31 | PP 5/5 | AC 16/14/13 | Fort +8; Ref +4; Will +10; +2 vs. poison, spells and spell-like abilities | Init +2 | Darkvision 60 ft. Perception +12 (48 posts)
Kyra Kyralina

Female Iberican Key | Stress: ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ | Harm: n/a, Healing: ❑❑❑❑ | Body ▣ (Maneuver ▣,), Mind ▣ (Survey ▣), Spirit ▣▣ (Command ▣, Consort ▣▣, Sway ▣▣) (34 posts)
Velriana Hypaxes
Kyralina Licina

Female Human Bard 1 (57 posts)
Lor-Sinn Imass

Tiefling Paladin (hospitaler) 1/Oracle of Life 3 | HP 38/38 | AC 19 T 13 FF 16 | F +6 R +4 W +3 | CMD: 17 | Resist cold/electricity/fire 5 | Init +3 Per -2 | Darkvision 60 ft. (293 posts)
Manush Karapetyan

Hexes, DC 14:
Cackle; Evil Eye -2, 7 rounds
Gnome Witch (Veneficus) 1 | HP 9/9 | AC 12 (T 12, FF 11) | F+37 R+2 W+2 | Init. +1 | Perception +6, Low-Light Vision (22 posts)
Orc Seeker
Murob Dura Gash

Loot Tracker Expert 1 / Hedge Witch 3 | HP: 27/27 | AC 11 (11 touch, 10 ff) | CMB +0 CMD 11 | F+4 R+4 W+8 | Darkvision 60 ft.; Per +11 (+13 for hidden objects) Init +7 (179 posts)
Quresha Shifa

Human | Wounds: 3/3| Pace: 6, Parry: 7, Toughness: 9(3) | Power: 8/10 (37 posts)
Sanjana Nirman Niraimadhi

Kashrishi Thaumaturge 12 | HP 116/116 | AC 31 | Fort +17, Ref +19, Will +21 | Perception +21 (+0 Init) | Class DC 31 | Exploit Weakness 8 (108 posts)
Ratfolk Elder
Sette Tawhoq

Ratfolk Alchemist 2 | HP 15/15 | AC 18/15/14 | F/R/W +4 +7 +0 | Initiative +4 | Perception +7; Darkvision 60 ft. | Sense Motive +0 (72 posts)
Belkzen War Alchemist
Skalla Kel Tath

Female CG Half-Orc Skald (fated champion) 2 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (16 when raging) (11 Tch, 16 Ff) | CMB: +4, CMD: 15 | F: +6, R: +3, W: +4 | Init: +1 | Perc: +4; darkvision 60 ft. | Raging song 3/5 (192 posts)
Smaranda Zografu

Dhampir Monk (Spirit Master) 8 | HP: 68/68 | AC: 22 T:22 FF:18 | F +9, R +10, W +9 (+2 vs. necromancy, disease and mind-affecting effects) | Init +5, Per +15 (darkvision) | CMD 36 (354 posts)
Talvek Drassed

Tiefling Investigator (empiricist) 6/Swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 | HP 34/66 | AC 25 Tch. 15, Ff. 21 | Fort +6, Ref +12, Will +3 | Resist cold/electricity/fire: 5 | Init +5 | Perception +14; darkvision 60 ft. | "Jackdaw" (1,130 posts)
Hikal Balatum
Torra Voliokerdam

She/they Dwarf Kineticist 7 | HP 81/81 (14 NL) | AC 18/13/15| DR 3/adamantine | F +12 R +9 W +7 | CMB +4; CMD 17 | Init +3 | Speed 20 ft. | Perception +18; Darkvision 60' | Sanity: 36/36, Threshold 2, Edge 18 (740 posts)
Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed

HP: 13/37 | AC: 17_ T: 12_ FF: 15 | Perception +13, Initiative: +2 | Fort: +9 _ Ref: +6 _ Will: +10 (+14 vs. fey) | CMB: +5, CMD: 15, Speed: 30
Non-binary NG Undine Druid (feyspeaker) 7
Bluff +14, Diplo +23 (+25 vs fey), Disguise +10, Heal +12, K. nature +13, Ride +8, SM +16, Spellcraft +13, Survival +13, Swim +14, UMD +16
(69 posts)
Vesi Medvyed

Non-binary Human (undine) | Druid 4 (Leaf Order) | HP 48/48| AC 21 (+2 with shield raised) | F +10; R +8; W +11 | Perception +11| Focus points 2/2 | Artwork 1 Artwork 2 (230 posts)
Elvi Kaldroon
Yaziyah "Speaks For The Dead"

Oracle (Spirit Guide) 9 | HP 80/83 | AC 22/13/19 | F+8 R+7 W+8 | CMD 25 | Init. +2 (War Sight) | Perception +12 | SM +3 Human (Shoanti)
4/day: Blessing of Fervor, CCW, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire | 6/day: CSW, Magic Vestment, Prayer, Rage, Remove Disease
(482 posts)
Yaziyah Tanja

Female Shoanti Shaman 11 (Lore) HP: 2/89 | 28/28 | AC 25/13/23 | F+9 R+9 W+15 | Per +13 Init +7 | Hex DC 20 (656 posts)

NG Tiefling Witch 7 | HP 45/45 | AC 19-15-16 | F+5, R+6, W+7 | Resist cold/electricity/fire +5 | Per +10, Init +5, darkvision 60 ft. | Hex DC 19 (769 posts)
Zenabiq Almuhit

F Undine Commoner 1 | HP 7/7 | AC 11/11/10 | Fort +0 Ref + 1 Will +1 | Resist cold 5 | Init +1 Perception +1 | Darkvision 60 ft. (19 posts)
Jask Derindi

Level 1 - Bless, Divine Favour, Moment of Greatness, Obscuring Mist, Shield of Faith; Level 2 (DC 15) - Bull's Strength, Burst of Radiance, Ironskin, Protection from Evil (communal)
Warpriest of Frigg 6 | HP 44/44 | AC 29 (31 against evil) (Tch. 16, Ff. 26) | Fort +9/11, Ref +8/10, Will +11/13 | Init. +3, Perception + 8 (227 posts)