
GM Meowngkare's page

432 posts. Alias of Kittenmancer.


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Roll 20 Link

Hey folks, unfortunately I have to pull the plug on this one. I've been low energy for a while and just haven't had the headspace to try and keep everyone engaged. On top of that I recently had some bad news at work which will require some reshuffling and rethinking of near-term, and one of my cats potentially has cancer and will require a lot of care.

I'm sorry.

Playing with you all has been an absolute pleasure, and I hope to do so again in the future. Wishing you all the best, and take care!

Roll 20 Link

Hey peeps, how is everyone doing? We haven't heard from Jeryn or Gofran in a bit, is everything ok?

Roll 20 Link

After a silent exchange of glances with Jahsi, Nketiah nods. "Very well. And we will do our best to equip you for the journey with supplies. Some of our scouts will guide you close to the spot where the trail was lost."

Akosa walks away, returning in a short time with several elves carrying neatly packed tents, rations, waterskins and padded wooden boxes with vials inside.

Loot: 2 pup tents, four full wateskins, 4 weeks' worth of rations for the entire party, mosquito netting, healer's tools, 6 vials of lesser antiplague, 4 lesser potions of healing, 3 elixirs of life, 10 vine arrows.

Jahsi likewise leaves and returns with a couple of long bundles wrapped in oiled leathers, kneeling to unwrap them and present them to the departing group.

"This was the favourite bow of one of the warriors who perished at the hands of the Cinderclaws, she would appreciate it being used to continue the fight against them. This sword was gifted to me long ago, but it is not my kind of weapon, so I gift it to you, to help you in your mission."

+1 striking shortbow, +1 striking greatsword.

With a smile, Nketiah offers her staff to Bea, an amulet wrapped around it. "A token of appreciation for your story," she says. The charm was given to me years ago by a friend, when I was facing a dangerous task. Please take it, with our wishes of good fortune."

Verdant staff, dragon eye's charm.

Roll 20 Link

The Ekujae listen to Bea attentively, looking at her and not at Nketiah, who is translating. When she finishes the story, they thump their fists on the wooden floor in appreciation, making the platform vibrate.

A few more stories are told, Jeryn or Nketiah translating for those who are not fluent in Elven, and then the audience disperses, returning to the festivities. Nketiah approaches the group, her expression serious.

"From your story it is clear that both you and my people have a stake in the fight against the Darkness. And I hope that we can work together and help each other in this." She pauses as Jahsi and Akosa approach and come to stand next to her, regarding the party in somber silence.

"After we drove the cultists away from the temple of Ketephys, we sent scouts east to track them as they fled. Yet these scouts could not complete their tasks, for while they were pursuing they were struck blind - all of them."

Akosa interjects. "They said it was as if the air had turned to embers and ashes, and they could not breathe or see - as if they were somehow caught in that terrible battle our people fought against the Darkness, thousands of years ago."

Nketiah nods, and continues. "When I studied the broken pillar that the Cinderclaws let behind in the temple, I could tell that some of it was meant to channel power against our people in particular. The Darkness has a grudge against us, and I think the Cinderclaws are using the power of that grudge to keep us from striking back against them where it matters most - at the seat of their power."

She looks to her father, who folds his hands in front of him, gazing at the group. "My friends, I know it is much to ask, and you have not known us for more than a day, but ask I must. Would you go to where my people cannot, and see what you can discover of these cultists? If we are wrong and you end up blind, I promise that you will be healed."

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Roll 20 Link

Hours pass as most everyone is busy with the preparations. At midday, the celebrations begin - with food, drink, music, dancing and contests of skill. There is a lot of laughter, and several youths dare each other to speak to the strangers, enticing them to eat some of the spicier food, challenging them to a round of dance-off, or just being curious.

Late in the afternoon, the atmosphere turns expectant and the noise dies down a little, eyes turning towards a platform that has been so far empty, with woven grass cushions set into a wide circle. As the last rays of the sun dim beyond the canopy, Nketiah strides onto the platform, and a hush spreads as she strikes her staff against the floor.

As part of each major celebration, the Ekujae tell stories in a storyteller's circle, Any guests are welcome to tell their own stories as well.

Most of the younger Ekujae scamper to take a spot on the platform, watching Nketiah with rapt attention. The twin leaders of the clan motion to Bea, Beau, Gofran and Hammid to join them, and room is made for them in the best spot - in front of the speaker.

Once everyone is settled, Nketiah's voice calls out, clear and strong in the expectant silence, speaking in Elven. "Come, children of the Leopard Clan! Dusk has fallen! Let us call a moth to tell us a story!" As one, the Ekujae lift their cupped hands in front of them, each conjuring a small ball of light into their palms.

"I have caught a little moth!" Nketiah says, dramatically clutching the air in front of her. "It has a story to tell. It is a story of a Great Darkness."

"We will listen," the Ekujae reply in unison.

"There was once a time of anguish. A time of destruction. A time of night so dark that even moths refused to fly. From a hole in this night came a Great Darkness, who saw the world suffer, and thought only that it wanted to see more suffering. The Darkness sought to burn all that remained, until there was nothing left but ashes."

"Burn, burn, burn," whisper the Ekujae, the sound of their voices hissing and rustling.

"The first people that the Darkness found were a brave people, who stood before the Darkness with their weapons, and did not run. The Darkness sought to destroy them, saying 'You shall fall before me, for I am Death and I am Fire.' But the people were not afraid, and replied, 'You shall not break us, for we are the guardians of this land, who stayed to defend it when all others fled.'"

A thump reverberates through the platform as the listeners hit the floor with an open palm, all at once. "We stayed."

"Oh, what a terrible battle it was! The people shattered their spears against the Darkness again and again, but no living being could pierce its hide. At last, the greatest among the people, the kindest, the most righteous, gave their lives to forge their souls into weapons for the people to wield. Oh, how their souls burned, like bright coals in the night!"

"They burned!" moans the audience in anguish.

"The people took up the souls of those they had most loved, and in wrath split the skin of the Darkness. They spilled the blood of the Darkness across the whole of their lands. They broke the horn and teeth from the Darkness and flung them into the sea. Yet still the Darkness would not die!"

A wordless wail rises.

"The people forced the Darkness back into the place from whence it had emerged. The people trapped it in the space between spaces. The people swore they would stand guard so that the Darkness could never escape to threaten the land again."

Another resonant thump. "We stand guard."

"Could the people imprison the Darkness forever, when even the best among them could not defeat it? Was it foolish to expect them to try?" Nketiah pauses, then says, "That is the story that we have been given."

"We will remember," the other Ekujae reply.

A few long moments pass in silence, then Nketiah smiles at the visitors and switches to Taldane. "Well, friends, do you have a story of your own that you would like to share?"

Roll 20 Link

"Here, you can help strain the birré, and mix this powder into it. You have to do it slowly and evenly, listen to the song and let it guide your movements." Nketiah shows Bea how it's done before stepping back and letting her handle it.

Roll 20 Link

After a night's rest, the atmosphere in Akrivel the next morning is buzzing as the Ekujae prepare for the harvest moon feast. The elves sing as the enticing smells of food spread under the dense canopy - roasted venison and root vegetables seasoned with herbs and fiery chilies. The sweet and tangy aroma of fermented fruit drinks joins them as large vats are uncovered and their contents decanted into pitchers. Jeryn is sent to fetch the guests once they awaken, and everyone breaks their fast on a simple meal of unleavened bread, honey, beries and nuts, accompanied by a strong-smelling hot herbal brew and water.

"A joyful day to you," greets Nketiah, approaching once everyone has eaten. "You are welcome to join us in our preparations, or just take in the sights until noon. But at noon you are invited to our storyteller's circle, and I think you will want to hear the tales we tell there - and maybe share one of your own, eh?"

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Roll 20 Link

Ok, let us know when you're ready to jump in again. Enjoy your vacation!

Roll 20 Link

As Hammid shakes his head, indicating he does not wish to respond, the twin leaders smile. "You must be tired. Jeryn, will you please show them to the guest platform that was prepared? You can rest there."

With the audience apparently concluded, the group retires for the night. There are no burning torches to light the way, but strategically placed openings in the canopy let in the light of the stars and that of the almost-full moon. Here and there the paths are marked with softly glowing fungus, and their guest platform has two magically-lit lamps in tones of yellow and green.

Anything you'd like to do, or talk about before taking your rest?

Roll 20 Link

We'll take it slow and wait for you, Jeryn. I don't know how second edition works either. :D

I'm also starting my new job, so things will be slow on my end for a while as I adjust to working full time again and figuring out my schedule.

Roll 20 Link

The twins listen as answers are given to their questions, their expressions betraying no reaction. Only when Gofran presents the arrowhead there is a flicker of surprise and recognition, and Ose Atsu nods.

"That was stolen from us some time ago. I am glad that it found its ways into hands that can use it for good."

Ose Atsu shakes their head sadly as Gofran asserts that the manifestation of Dahak has been dealt with. "Long ago, when our people fought the Great Darkness, we did not manage to destroy him, only imprison him in the gates. He is still there, and next time you pass through you might encounter him again."

Then they look curiously at Moonlight, who has been silent so far.

Roll 20 Link

The leaders of the Ekujae are identical twins, their ages difficult to discern. As the group reaches their platform, they nod in greeting.

"We are Ose Panin and Ose Atsu of the Leopard Clan. Our mother is of the Heart Clan. Welcome to Akrivel." They both gesture to grass woven cushions set on colourful rugs. "Please, sit, we are curious about you."

Ose Panin wears a patterned green dress and copper jewellery studded with uncut gems, while Ose Atsu wears a dark blue tunic covered with amulets wrapped in copper and green cloth. Both twins wear black leather sandals decorated with copper studs and wear their hair long.

"So, tell us. What lies on the other side of Huntergate, and how did you come to pass through it?" asks Ose Atsu. Their sibling adds. "And what about you all? Which clan..." They dart a look at Nketiah, and correct themselves. "I mean, what of you families? Your friends? What do you do in your daily lives? What is important to each of you, and what are you most proud about?"

Roll 20 Link

The herd of the deer they had been stalking startles at the noise and bolt, and although Akosa is quick in reacting and looses several arrows after them, only two fall. The elf sighs.

"I will have to hunt again tomorrow to get enough meat for the feast. Let's head back now, before it gets dark."

It is clear that the failure bothers him, so any chance the party might have had at striking up friendly conversation with him will need to wait until he cools off.

Back in Akrivel, Nketiah is waiting for their return. Her eyes dart at the two small deer that they bring with them, but diplomatically refrains from commenting. "Our leaders would like to meet you, so after you have refreshed yourselves please meet me on that platform."

She points to an empty platform woven from tree branches, on which two figures sit cross-legged.

Roll 20 Link

A heads up that I'll be travelling from October 24th until November 10th, so my posting rate will decrease.

Roll 20 Link

Between them, Gofran and Bea find tracks of deer. Akosa, who has been watching them, nods in satisfaction. "Good, we can hunt these without too much danger. I would never live it down if something happened to you on my watch." He raises his head, concentrating for a moment.

"There's no wind, so we'll need to find a good spot to approach them from without startling them. I hope you can be quiet."

Everyone please attempt a Stealth check.

Roll 20 Link

"In this season, we hunt the red river hogs and the waterbucks. There's also river turtles and crocodiles, but the latter are very dangerous to hunt." Nketiah responds. "And there are plenty of tubers, fruit and nuts to forage, if meat is not to your taste."

Akosa begins to show signs of impatience. "If we keep talking about it rather than doing, no-one will eat anything. Come, follow."

The elf moves quickly along the treepaths, proceeding quite deep into the jungle before finally stopping to point at something below. "That's a stream there, animals often come to drink from it. If there aren't any there now, we will at least find tracks in the soft earth near the water." He begins to descend to the forest floor using a cleverly disguised vine ladder.

As the first stage of the hunt, you need to locate your prey! DC 17 Nature or Perception check. One PC can roll and others can Aid.

Roll 20 Link

"Indeed, it looks promising so far, but it's too early to tell how things will unfold," replies Nketiah. "I'm busy preparing for the feast tomorrow, but you should join them on the hunt. Besides, you could use the practice." Her sister elbows Jeryn playfully in the ribs, grinning.

Roll 20 Link

@rainzax, are you still with us?

Roll 20 Link

No, the hunters are just preparing to leave.

Roll 20 Link

Allying with the Ekujae

this part of the AP makes use of a simplified influence system. There are three prominent NPCs whose opinions matter greatly to the clan as a whole, so getting them on your side would be greatly beneficial. However, they aren't easy to sway and will require you to demonstrate your worth and character before they decide to take your side.

Each of them has different likes and dislikes - actions that impress them, or that they find abhorrent or frustrating. You can uncover a like or dislike with a DC 20 Perception check while interacting with them, or with a DC 20 Diplomacy check while trying to gather information about them. These likes and dislikes can also be uncovered through normal roleplaying and conversation with them.

The Ekujae have a tradition of giving gifts as a symbol of friendship and trust, so befriending these NPCs comes with material benefits as well.

The three NPCs are Akosa, Jahsi and Nketiah.

There are a number of scenes in this part of the AP (one of them was the dancing game, the hunt is another) - at the end of each scene their attitude can shift depending on your actions and behaviour, and how those align with their likes and dislikes. We'll be tracking these in the Campaign Info tab.

Roll 20 Link

Zélie hops off her branch and slowly approaches Gofran, sniffing in his direction. Her huge head is above his own, and she lowers it to playfully rub her cheek against his in a move that almost sends him stumbling backwards with the force.

Akosa laughs at that, a delighted rather than mocking sound. "Hah! She likes you! But I think she's too lazy to come hunt with us. What of your companions, will they join us?"

That's another 3 Influence Points with the Ekujae.

Are the rest of you joining the hunt, or do you continue to explore the city?

Roll 20 Link

Nketiah smiles at Bea. "You danced really well! Come, I will take you to wash, and we'll find some clean clothes for you." She gestures to the others. "For you as well, if you wish."

Some distance away, Akosa snorts at Gofran's remarks. "Well spotted. That's Zélie, she thinks she's a leopard. And she is not pregnant, just... well fed."

The lioness watches Gofran warily, her ears perked and alert, her body half-crouched as she stretches her neck to sniff in his direction.

Gofran can attempt a Nature check to try and put Zélie at ease.

Roll 20 Link

Apologies for the delay, I was sick + busy the last few days.

Mauuko unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 11 - 4 = 20
Mauuko unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 11 - 4 = 11
Mauuko unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 11 - 4 = 18
Mauuko unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 11 - 4 = 8
Mauuko unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 11 - 4 = 21
Mauuko unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (11) + 11 - 4 = 18
Senyo unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 11 - 4 = 9
Senyo unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (7) + 11 - 4 = 14
Senyo unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (2) + 11 - 4 = 9
Senyo unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 11 - 4 = 26
Senyo unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 11 - 4 = 21
Senyo unarmed DC 19: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 11 - 4 = 11

"I can't land a hit on him!" complains Senyo before conceding to Beau, breathless with laughter.

"They are very good," agrees Mauuko before likewise conceding to Bea.

By now, a sizeable crowd has gathered, and many of the spectators smile at Bea and Beau in appreciation, shouting friendly barbs at the losers.

You have gained 3 influence points with the Ekujae.

Akosa nods at Gofran. "We each have our favourite weapons. Let's go." As they move towards the edge of the city, an unusual sight greets them - a slightly pudgy lioness lying on one of the higher branches and watching them intently.

Recall Knowledge, Nature, DC 15:
Lions are not usually jungle animals, nor are they known for living in trees.

What is Hammid doing?

Roll 20 Link

Akosa nods curtly at Gofran, indicating his sword. "Never seen anyone hunt with one of those". His Taldane is heavily accented, but understandable. He grabs Gofran's forearm in a warrior's greeting, pointing a thumb at his chest.

"Akosa, of the Hawk Clan. My mother is of the River Clan." His gaze drifts past Gofran towards the dancing group, and a wry half-smile plays on his lips, pulling at the two white wavy lines painted on his right cheek. His clothes are various shades of green, down to his leather gloves, and a longbow is slung across his back.

Roll 20 Link

The girls whoop in excitement as both Bea and Beau manage to score a hit, making the anklets chime.

"Our turn!" they exclaim in Elven, and begin to show off their footwork.

Mauuko vs. Bea: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (19) + 11 - 4 = 26
Senyo vs. Beau: 1d20 + 11 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 11 - 4 = 11

Mauuko deftly touches Bea's left anklet with her own, while Beau manages to hop out of the way of Senyo's incoming strike.

"Oo-hooo! This one's quick! I'll have to play for real!"

Attracted by the whooping, music and laughter, several Ekujae drift closer, watching with interest. Among them, an elf with striking hazel eyes and twists of dense, curly hair that falls around his head like a mane, is staring intently at Gofran and Hammid.

Noticing that, Nketiah elbows Hammid. "That's Akosa, our hunt leader. If dancing is not to your liking, perhaps you'd like to go on a hunt? They're about to head out to find some food for tomorrow's feast."

Feel free to make multiple rolls. Jeryn, please roll Performance.

Bea - Mauuko: 1-1
Beau - Senyo: 1-0

Roll 20 Link

As the group stands conversing, a pair of tall Ekujae girls approaches boldly, asking Jeryn and Nketiah to act as translators. After introducing themselves as Mauuko and Senyo, they issue a challenge.

"Some of you were very nimble earlier when you were climbing the great trees. That was fun to watch. So we're wondering if you'd be just as good at daikada," says Senyo, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

After she translates, Nketiah explains. "It's a dancing game. Each player wears copper anklets, and each pair makes a distinct sound when struck. You dance along with the beat of a song, and use clever footwork to strike the other player's anklets and make them chime. If you manage that, you get points, and the player who gets 5 points first wins. But if you stumble or miss the beat you lose points." She smiles. "It's a lot of fun. If you want to play, I'll be happy to keep the beat for you, or one of you can do that if you like."

For those who want to play, make an unarmed attack roll with a -4 circumstance penalty (due to aiming for a precise spot).

Roll 20 Link

Hammid Acrobatics: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Moonlight has no trouble scaling one of the massive trunks, the roughness of the bark helping with the grip as the elf climbs up into the canopy with obvious agility.

Nektiah whistles appreciatively at Bea, exclaiming in Taldane. "Your arm! Like mine, although a little different. What a great gift you have." The half-elf smiles warmly, perhaps sensing Bea's dark mood. "Perhaps we can trade stories later, if you like?"

By now, quite a few Ekujae have gathered amid the branches to watch the strangers, several of them lifting a hand in greeting. They cheer and whistle as, one by one, Bea, Gofran, Beau and Hammid successfully navigate the challenge of reaching the platforms on which the tree-city stands, and once they're up they find themselves clapped on the shoulder with obvious appreciation.

Jahsi leans in to murmur something to Nketiah, who nods, then turns to the group. "My father is going to prepare a place for you to sleep tonight. You are welcome to share our food, and any other supplies you might need. Feel free to explore our city, although I'm afraid that not many of the Ekujae speak your language. and if you have any questions, I'm here."

Things are a bit freeform for this part, so feel free to come up with things you'd like to do.

Map of Akrivel purely for orientation purposes

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Roll 20 Link

Nketiah smiles at Jeryn. "We are making preparations for the harvest moon festival tomorrow, so your timing is great. Come, let us show our guests around." With a mischievous smile, the half-elf raises her artificial arm, which quickly unravels and shoots up into the canopy, then in a blink she's gone as she hoists herself up. Jahsi nimbly runs and climbs up the closest trunk, disappearing into the higher branches almost as quickly, then poking his head from between leaves.

"Come, come!"

DC 15 Acrobatics or Athletics to climb the trees. Or you can come up with your own inventive solution to try and get up to the level of the tree city. :)

Roll 20 Link

The Ways of the Ekujae

As both Jeryn and Jahsi explain during the travel to Akrivel, the Ekujae are particular about a few things. For one, respect towards nature - so killing animals other than for food or in self-defense is frowned upon, as is irresponsible use of fire. Secondly, their struggle with Dahak and, more recently, with the Aspis Consortium, has led them to view with suspicion dragon-associated characters, as well as worshippers of Abadar or Asmodeus. On the other hand, many of the prejudices towards certain heritages that exist in the areas north of Mwangi are absent here. Orcs and half-orcs in the Mwangi Expanse are well known as demon-hunters, so the Ekujae respect them, while elves and half-elves are received warmly. Generally, the Ekujae seem to value one's deeds over vagaries of birth and upbringing.

@Jeryn - Outside of specific social events there are no mannerisms or specific greetings described in the module, so feel free to come up with a few.

Jahsi looks delighted at Hammid's words. "You have heard stories of Akrivel? You must share them with us later! Perhaps at the storyteller's circle."

As he speaks, a figure descends from the canopy above tied to a rope. As she reaches the forest floor, the "rope" retracts into her shoulder, revealing itself to be part of the half-elf's body - an artificial arm of living wood. She smiles at the new arrivals, a brass staff in her other hand. "Greetings, travelers. I am Nketiah, of the Leopard Clan. My mother was of the Stargazer Clan. You are our guests, tonight and for all the nights you wish to stay. Welcome to our lands." Only then does she greet Jahsi and Jeryn, looking relieved to see them both in one piece.

Jahsi responds to her greeting, then turns to the group to explain in Taldane. "Nketiah is my daughter, like Jeryn. She is linguist of our clan. Also like Jeryn." He beams at the two women with evident pride.


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Roll 20 Link

Unexpectedly, Jahsi laughs and claps Beau on the shoulder, once his words are translated. "I like you!" the elf says in Taldane, then switches to Elven. "It is good that you take responsibility. And you seem very confident that you can withstand its corruption - perhaps we will put that confidence to the test, eh?"

Grinning, he nods towards the jungle. "Now, if there is nothing else, let us be on our way." He then whistles, a curiously modulated sound that, after a few beats, is echoed by the nearby birds. "Jeryn, you take the rear, make sure none of them get lost."

With that, Jahsi begins leading the way north through the forest with the grace and ease of one long accustomed to this environment. Although he slows periodically to allow everyone to catch up, the 10-mile journey is rather arduous for those not used to the jungle's humidity. After only a few moments under the dense canopy they find themselves drenched in sweat, and the air itself feels sticky and cloying. Jahsi stops at every stream they come across, encouraging everyone to refill their canteens or waterskins to stay hydrated.

At last, as the light begins to fade, their guide holds aside a curtain of vines, a half-smile playing on his face. "We're here. This is Akrivel." Except... where is it? There's only trees and lianas and thick-leaved bushes. With a mischievous grin, Jahsi directs the gaze upwards, and there -

Like a trick of the eye, the chaos of leaves and bark resolves into the shapes of dwellings. Woven tree branches form the foundations and buildings of a large treetop town, with bridges made of sturdy vines connecting them. Dozens of massive tree trunks, each over ten feet wide, support a wide weaving of branches that in turn supports the city above, and each is decorated with twisted roots and shoots that have been painstakingly arranged to form images of elephants and leopards. Further up the trunks, amid beautiful meshes of branches that have grown together to form wide platforms overhead, a staggering array of grafted fruit trees and terrace gardens creates a spectacular and colourful display.

I imagine something a little like this, but in trees. :D

Roll 20 Link

Jahsi approaches, frowning at Gofran's find. Whereas most people would look at gold with awe, or greed, the elven champion regards it with disgust.

"Blood of darkness," he says in Taldane, then elaborates in Elven. "We shun gold, for it is the blood of Dahak that was spilled in our battle with him long ago, and it is cursed. It makes even the kindest and noblest of people covet it, and the curse ensures that blood is always spilled from such greed."

He points to his own gold jewellery. "This gold has been ritually purified, and I am keledi. If the Great Darkness should ever return, I have sworn to sacrifice my life to fight against him, and I have proven that my soul is worthy enough of cutting the flesh of a god. I am a living sacrifice, and these mark me as such." He says the last part with a mix of pride and determination, no trace of sorrow or regret in his expression.

He nods at the gold bar that Gofran has wrapped in cloth. "I would advise against taking that. But if you insist on doing so, our sages can try to cleanse it."

Roll 20 Link

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Bea doesn't feel any magic from the gold bar, but it is clearly mixed with another substance, although neither she nor Beau can identify it.

Roll 20 Link

Gofran spends a few moments exploring the ruined temple, focusing on the one thing that feels out of place among the elven architecture - the broken wooden pillar. Even a cursory examination shows that it was originally intended to be crowned with a wooden carving of a dragon's head that has been bleached white. The dragon is obviously meant to represent Dahak.

At the base of the pillar, a cloth sack contains a thin gold bar, but it has a strange sheen on it.

Roll 20 Link

Mwangi and Elven should cover you for the first few days. :)
So beyond that, pick whatever you like.

Roll 20 Link


Roll 20 Link

Jahsi smiles at Bea. "We will not hold your ignorance against you, of course. Me and my daughter will travel with you to our village. It is a long journey, so let us know if you need a moment to rest, or if you need supplies. The jungle can be harsh to those unaccustomed to it."

Does anyone want to take a look at the temple area, or do anything else before heading to Akrivel?

Roll 20 Link

Jahsi squeezes his daughter's shoulder, whispering to her.

"You are right to be cautious, and I would like you to keep an eye on them. I will do so as well. But I fear what would happen if the portal is used again. What if each use weakens the prison that holds the Darkness?"

He then turns to address the others in Elven, pausing every now and then to allow time for translation.

"We were attacked. Charau-kas and boggards - the Cinderclaws - but they were so much stronger, with claws and scales and breath of fire... but that is no excuse." Jahsi holds his arms stiffly to the side, his muscles straining. "I ordered us to retreat and regroup. We returned and fought them off, but not before they opened Huntergate and sent some of their kin through. As to what they want... that is a dark tale best told away from here."

He nods to Bea. "You think far ahead, like a leader. I like that. For now, you must have questions. I can answer some, but for others we will need my other daughter, the lore-keeper or our clan." He gestures in a vague direction towards the jungle. "She is in Akrivel, our dwelling. You are welcome there, provided that you act with respect."

Roll 20 Link

Jahsi signals to the other elven warriors to lower their weapons as Beau sheathes his rapier. He addresses Bea in Elven, shaking his head sorrowfully.

"Beatrix, I am deeply sorry for the pain that these cultists have caused your people. It is through our failure that they were able to use the portal, and thus it is our responsibility. If you would seek reparations from our clan, I would understand that."

He nods at Jeryn in thanks as she offers to translate, switching back to Taldane. "My daughter is very smart. More smart than I. But," he smiles warmly, "I believe what you are saying."

"Jeryn, look at them, they are neither charau-ka nor boggards. Their clothes are scorched, so they felt the wrath of the Darkness. They are not of his followers. And perhaps they could help us."

Roll 20 Link

One of the elves, a man set apart from the others by his gold jewellery and bracers, lowers his bow and steps forward, giving a slight bow to Hammid and to each of the others as they are introduced, then starts speaking in halting and heavily-accented Taldane.

"Good day. I am Jahsi, of the Leopard Clan. My mother is of the River Clan. I speak your language a little." As Hammid mentions the portal, there is an unmistakable reaction to the name "Dahak", the elves tightening their grips on their weapons and looking at each other. Jahsi frowns. "Escape? No, no. It is other thing, but difficult for me to say. Not have enough words in your language." He shrugs and smiles self-deprecatingly, then winces as the motion pulls on the bandaged wound on his neck.

Roll 20 Link

The group quickly passes through the portal at the other end, trading the dry, scorching heat of the tunnel for suffocating, cloying heat. The humidity-saturated air, the loud noises of cicadas and birds, and the unmistakably tropical foliage visible beyond the immediate surroundings make it clear that they have emerged in a jungle.

Surrounding the portal exit, which shimmers for a moment and then solidifies into stone, is an open-air temple, its carved stone arches smeared black with soot. Charred branches and clumps of roots mark the shape of the garden that once stood here, but the plants and flowers have been ripped up and burned. In the middle of the ring of stone arches, in the center of a cold pit of charcoal, a half-complete wooden pillar once capped with a dragon's visage stands near a pile of carved rocks and a small sack of cloth.

And they are not alone. About a score of dark-skinned elven warriors are training their bows on the group, their postures wary and tense. Several of them bear wounds covered by bloody bandages.

DC 20 Society or appropriate Lore:
These are unmistakably the Ekujae - jungle-dwelling elves who keep to themselves and dislike trespassers on their territory.

Roll 20 Link
Raesilia Talbot wrote:
"You mean to say that such a thing has happened before, to point to this crypt as the source of undeath so readily?" she asks...

The old man shakes his head. "Not that I'm aware, miss. Was just a guess."

After some grumbling and complaining, he reluctantly agrees to a detour to the cemetery. There, most of the graves lie undisturbed, but the aforementioned crypt is indeed breached from the inside. Water has seeped into the interior, damaging what looks like ancient wards around an open marble coffin.

Back in Stachys, the late hour means there aren't many people in the tavern, and those present look skeptical at first, until the old man vouches for the veracity of Marius's tale, and then lift a couple of fingers to their forehead in a respectful salute.

Roll 20 Link

The magical lights illuminate a little of the murky water, revealing the well to be around 60 feet deep.

Roll 20 Link

As Bea pushes with all her will against the echo of the arcane manifestation, she feels something give. It is difficult to describe the exact feeling, but it is followed by a slight sensation of relief, of an unseen threat being lifted.


Roll 20 Link

Konstiantina can still feel that stronger presence, but as she moves towards it, the creature seems to be moving away. Entering the northern room reveals its walls to be lined with rotten vegetation and waterlogged pieces of wood, and painted with symbols of Arazni - a strange sight in an undead lair, to be sure.

An emaciated figure wearing the rags of what at some point must have been fine funeral garments, is huddled in the corner farthest away from the passage that enters from the well room. Her face is gone, burned away, and her wispy white hair floats around her skull.

She makes a warding motion with one hand as Konstiantina approaches, gnawing on the other. "Noooo," she moans, "not yooouuuu."

Roll 20 Link

Rose does her best to hide from the undead creatures (which Marius knows to be ghouls), while Lotti throws a little obstacle into their path, causing one of them to slip and fall to the floor green is prone. While the other remains standing, its triumph is short-lived, as Marius deftly severs its neck with one strike of his falcata, then brings it around again in a backswing to eviscerate it yellow is gone. Lisa and Konstiantina prepare themselves to face the rest, each calling upon their talents granted by their respective bonds.

Round 2

One ghoul rushes forward, only to slip on the magical butter and fall prone purple, while the one that had already fallen scrambles to its feet with impatient growls, navigating the area of the spell and bursting through the doorway. The others rush forward as well, but there is little they can do save claw at the rotting frame with long, black nails and scream. "Mine! Feed! Mine!"

Party is up!

Roll 20 Link

Wlecome back, rainzax!

About two weeks have passed in-game with the cleaning and the stairs being repaired. The other repairs are being supervised by NPCs while the party continues adventuring.

There has been an update on Discord - Karana's player has stepped back from their PbP games, so the question is if we want to recruit another player to keep the group size to five, before we continue onto Book 2.

Let me know what everyone thinks. Since I don't plan to run a lot of combat (many AP encounters were resolved peacefully, for one), I'm not so concerned about balance.

Roll 20 Link

We have now officially started Book 2 - Cult of Cinders!

I would like to ask everyone to please update your stats in the stat and inventory tracker Google document, including which skills you are expert in (and please, please update the inventory).

Once you pass through the aiudara's waystation (the lava tube), you will be in the jungles of Mwangi. Renali is happy to serve as a guide if you wish. She can help with foraging for food and water, building shelter for the night, scout an adjacent hex, or even help in combat (although she doesn't like to fight and only does so in dire circumstances).

Roll 20 Link

With Bea and Beau's efforts, the portal is repaired, and touching the hunter's arrow to the carved frame causes the stone within the aiudara arch to turn into a churning curtain of gold-and-silver mist. Renali's eyes go wide, and she claps her hands together in excitement.

As the group begins to step through, the mists of the magical portal fade, revealing a 20 foot-wide passageway stretching off to the distance. The
walls of the tunnel seem to be made of hardened lava, long ago scorched and melted. Tiny cracks and fissures line the walls, within which an orange glow flickers, giving the tunnel a soft, fiery illumination. The wall of gold-and-silver mist from the portal glows from behind, while a similar faint glow beckons about a hundred feet ahead. The air is almost uncomfortably warm and smells of smoke.

As the last person passes through the portal, a tremor rocks the tunnel and clouds of bright orange and yellow sparks begin to rise out of the scorched and melted walls. Within seconds, blasts of fire and smoke pour out of the tunnel walls to coalesce into the burning form of a dragon.

Gofran and Hammid:
The fiery dragon closely resembles classical depictions of the draconic god of destruction - Dahak.

The apparition hisses, plumes of smoke escaping its incandescent maw as it rears back and releases a torrent of flames that sweeps the entire width of the passage before it dissolves in an explosion of sparks and flames.

Everyone takes 6d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 4, 3, 5, 5) = 24 fire damage.

This apparitions seems tied to this place, and it is likely that you will encounter it again. As a manifestation of Dahak, there may be several ways to disable it before it manifests again - a sincere prayer to a deity that would oppose Dahak, an incredibly skilled manipulation to try and redirect its energies back on itself, or attempting to dispel its magic.

Roll 20 Link

Everyone ready to head through the portal? Or is there anything else you want to do at the citadel?

Roll 20 Link

It takes an hour of anxious and careful work, with Bea and Beau using the hunter’s arrowhead to guide the misaligned magic of the portal back into the proper pathways through the stone's intricate carvings and decorations. Bea is pretty confident that the portal should work now.

About Radek Angdur

Lawful Good | Male | Dwarf
Paladin (Sacred Shield) 1 of Torag

Radek was born and raised in the Sky Citadel of Janderhoff, he only rarely visits that great city, preferring to spend his time in the wilderness of the Mindspin Mountains.