![]() If you're dying (ie unconscious, knocked out, helpless, 0 Dexterity) and you're on the Material Plane, gravity pulls your body to the ground. Material Plane: The Material Plane tends to be the most Earth-like of all planes and operates under the same set of natural laws that our own real world does. Normal gravity pulls you to the ground. If you can no longer support yourself in a standing position, you fall to the ground prone. Without this "natural laws" rule, one could argue that I shouldn't fall when a pit opens under my feet. Sure, there's a falling rule, but there's nothing that states when I fall. ![]()
![]() One of the Magic domain's granted powers. Hand of the Acolyte (Su): You can cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. This attack is treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon, except that you add your Wisdom modifier to the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. 1. Using a supernatural power doesn't trigger an attack of opportunity, but does throwing the melee weapon trigger one? (Or is throwing the weapon part of using the supernatural ability?) 2. If I throw a 2-handed weapon, do I get a 1 1/2 Strength modifier bonus to damage? ![]()
![]() Yeah to cast Daze, you need to target a creature you can see or touch. You can't target a square an invisible creature may be in. If you want to try to touch an invisible creature in a square, it's a standard action, but then you can't use Daze because that also uses a standard action. (Daze is not a touch spell). I was thinking you could try to Grab the invisible creature, then next turn if you're still grabbing the creature, cast Daze with a successful Concentration check. But I don't think this works because you have to maintain the grapple with a standard action, and none of the following actions (move, damage, pin, tie up) includes casting a spell. ![]()
![]() The elephant has to begin its turn in some legal space (its starting square), and begins its trample move through oponents. If it ends its move on an illegal space (ie, an opponent's space) it moves back to its last legal position. So it could, in the OP's situation, get moved backed all the way to its starting square. ![]()
![]() Yes. Jumping up 10 ft, you will naturally fall 10 ft, but since you deliberately jumped, you will take 1d6 nonlethal damage. Jumping up 10 ft. is an Acrobatics DC 48 check. However, if you can jump that high, you have a good chance to soften your fall with an Acrobatics DC 15 check and take no damage. ![]()
![]() I think I got it now. If I am lawful neutral. I summon a celestial creature, it gains the lawful subtype and the good subtype. (Used mainly for attacks, natural or wielded weapons, overcoming DR). I summon a fiendish creature, it gains the lawful subtype and the evil subtype. Or, if I were chaotic neutral. Celestial creature gains chaotic subtype and good subtype. Fiendish creature gains chaotic subtype and evil subtype. ![]()
![]() Is there a damage type on swarm damage? (bludgeoning, piercing, and/or slashing?) I looked and couldn't find the type under natural attacks. It could be: A) Other - B/S/P (But as a secondary attack? That doesn't sound right). B) No type of damage, it simply deals its damage. (But suppose a creature damaged by a swarm has DR 5/Bludgeoning?) C) Use the damage type dealt by a similar single creature of the swarm. Example, bat swarm uses dire bat's bite (B/S/P), crab swarm uses giant crab's claw (B/S), etc. I would go with "C", but is there some rule I'm missing on this? ![]()
![]() When not in battle: "Let's go horse, giddyup. Haha, stubborn horse... ah there we go."
In battle: "Go horse, go! Yah! Yah! For Pete's sake, Move! Yah!"
Whether there's danger or not, 12 seconds outside of battle is no big deal. You don't need an instant response from your mount. In battle, that same 12 seconds is 2 rounds and is a big deal. When there's enemies about or off in the distance and you need that instant response from your mount, I'd say you need a Ride check, even if your mount doesn't know what the heck is going on. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote: Spells with the Evil descriptor are evil; that's why they have that descriptor. Same goes for Good or Lawful or Chaotic. That means that certain classes can't really cast them at all (divine classes of different alignments), but that other classes (arcane spellcasters, for the most part) can cast them as much as they like. But casting alignment spells a lot will and should turn the caster toward that alignment, unless the GM doesn't care about alignment and doesn't enforce such changes, in which case the GM should let EVERY player at the table know that alignment doesn't impact the game so that players who do play as if it does have a chance to adjust their play styles as appropriate. Removing the alignment types of certain spells has implications, though, and before you do so make sure that no one in your group is planning on building a character who uses the alignemnt descriptors in their character build!
![]() Grick wrote:
Charm Monster This spell functions like charm person, except that the effect is not restricted by creature type or size.I submit that "Target: One humanoid creature" for Charm Person is targeting the humanoid creature type and not humanoid looking creatures, based on Charm Monster. Even though Charm Person doesn't say humanoid creature type, it's humanoid creature type. ![]()
![]() I would say if you've rolled initiative and are tracking rounds and taking turns to perform actions, you're in battle. Start making ride checks. Even if a horseback archer is 500 ft. away and wants to get closer. If you rolled initiative to act, you're in the fight, make a Ride check even if it's only to get closer. ![]()
![]() darkwarriorkarg wrote:
LOL Hey, you try to drag 150 lbs. with your mouth and no hands. See what a bad circumstance that is... and you have more than a 6 Strength. ![]()
![]() Point: To prepare spells, a wizard must sleep for 8 hours. Counterpoint: Ghost are undead and don't sleep at all, let alone for 8 hours. Point: However, you don't have to sleep (or slumber) to regain spells, just rest and not do anything physically or mentally exhausting for 8 hours. Counterpoint: So then what? How is a ghost wizard going to study any spells without a spellbook? Point: You can prepare Read Magic without a spellbook. And, being a cantrip, cast it over and over again. Counterpoint: And, what good will that do without a spellbook? Point: Then, the ghost wizard finds another unoccupied wizard's spellbook. Hopes that that spellbook is left open. Casts Read Magic. Checks to see if it's a spell the ghost wizard knows... Counterpoint: ...And the spell is 2nd level or lower because a 3rd level spell will take up 3 pages. That's if the 2nd level spell is on both open pages to view, and not one part on an open page and one part on the next turned page. Point: ...yeah, yeah, yeah, and that. Then, the ghost wizard can study that spell! Woohoo! Counterpoint: Pfft. Point: And maybe the open paged spell will be Prestid... Prestig... that one cantrip that does minor tricks. Counterpoint: Prestidigitation? Point: Gesundheit. Then the ghost wizard can use that spell to turn the pages of that spellbook, and any other spellbook he or she comes across... er.. floats across in the future. Counterpoint: ... Too bad Read Magic requires a clear crystal or prism as a focus. Ghosts can't use physical objects. Point: DAMMIT! ![]()
![]() Redspyke10 wrote:
It's in the rules under Lifting and Dragging. "A character can generally push or drag along the ground as much as five times his maximum load. Favorable conditions can double these numbers, and bad circumstances can reduce them by half or more." ![]()
![]() 1. Yes, you have one hand free when holding a bow. If you are holding a bow and have an arrow in the other hand (because you used a free action to draw the arrow but didn't fire it), then no, you don't have one hand free. 2. Yes, if you catch an arrow, you now have an arrow in your hand and can use that arrow with your bow to fire it. ![]()
![]() d20pfsrd.com wrote:
The capacity numbers Redspyke quoted have the Tiny x1/2 rule already calculated in. A Medium creature with a 6 Strength can carry twice as much as the values posted above. So, by RAW, a Tiny owl can drag 150 lbs for 10 ft. as a full-round action. ![]()
![]() Jeraa wrote:
...or a simple torch. ![]()
![]() Mysterious Stranger wrote:
What happens inside my computer is magic. I would use Read Magic to decipher this. ;) ![]()
![]() Dust Raven wrote:
Ooo, good one. I like this. Brings up some interesting things. I picture a wizard creating a magical beast by casting spells on it and altering it, like experimenting on it in a lab. What spells the wizard casts create auras, but they will fade over time (unless a permanancy spell is involved, who knows with those crazy experimenting wizards). So, if magic is invovled by making "arcane magical writings" in a book, those inscriptions may (or may not) create some magical auras.... But, those auras, like all auras, fade away. This also makes me think of magical traps. Would Detect Magic detect a magical trap? I say, with a weak 50% confidence, ...yes (?). Okay, maybe 55%... You can't dispel a magical beast with Dispel Magic (throws the Permanent ongoing spell theory out the window). You can't dispel a spellbook with Dispel Magic... well, there's no ongoing spell or magical effect to supress. Is a magical beast magical? Yes, or was created by magic or something. Unclear. Does Detect Magic detect a magical beast? I don't think any GM ever said it does. Is a spellbook magical? Unknown, the "arcane magical writing" inside a spellbook could be an ongoing effect of magic, or was magical when writen but that was done a while ago and the aura has faded. Does Detect Magic detect a spellbook? I don't think any GM ever said one does. I guess this one goes to GM interpretation. I'm guessing most GMs say "No" to a spellbook showing up with Detect Magic. I'm still unclear on this, but if my GM said it does, I wouldn't argue.
People have brought up good points for and against the subject of this topic. I appreciate that. Thanks. ![]()
![]() Diego Rossi wrote:
No. You're trying to prove a point here somewhere... ![]()
![]() A paladin uses Lay on Hands to damage an undead creature. This requires a melee touch attack. The paladin misses. Is one use of Lay on Hands wasted with no effect, or is the paladin holding the charge with Lay on Hands and can attempt another touch attack next turn? If yes, could that paladin use a held Lay on Hands to heal rather than make another melee touch attack against an undead? ![]()
![]() @TimrehIX - Yes, scrolls and spellbooks are different. You can't cast spells from a spellbook's pages, although that doesn't mean it isn't magical. Can you use Dispel Magic on a scroll? What would happen? I'd imagine, if anything, the same thing would happen with a spellbook. ------ @Parka - Good points... but switch spellbook with scroll for your questions. Does a scroll suffer for lingering in an Antimagic field?
Can a wizard read a scroll in an Antimagic field?
Can a wizard copy a scroll into a spellbook within the confines of an Antimagic field?
Same situation. The scroll is still magical. The magical writings on the spellbook are still magical. ![]()
![]() I ask because of two reasons: 1) The spells written in the spellbook are referred to as "arcane magical writings". Now, maybe the book itself isn't magical, but the writings inside are magical? (So, a blank spellbook isn't magical, whereas one filled with spells has magical writing.) 2) You use Read Magic on someone else's spellbook. Read Magic deciphers magical writing without a skill check. And you use read magic to decipher magical inscriptions, keyword magical. Heck, it's even in the name of the spell, Read Magic. So what I assume is correct is that a spellbook is not magical, but the "arcane magical writing" (aka spells) inside the spellbook are magical. ![]()
![]() Here's an example that's been coming up a lot in my games. Rogue: I listen at the door.
Everything is fine. Players open the door. But... Rogue: I listen at the door.
So, the monk listens at the door only when the rogue rolls badly. And if the Monk rolls badly, then the next character steps up and makes a roll. Repeat, until someone gets a good roll or we run out of PCs. I try to hint at it. GM: Rogue, you just listened at the door and heard nothing. The Monk doesn't trust you and you are a little bit insulted.
This is just one of the many things that happens. A player flubs a roll and another player runs up to try and get a better roll. I don't know. Maybe this is a minor issue that annoys me a bit and I should just let it go and expect everyone to make a Perception check at every door, every time. ![]()
![]() Adamantine weapons ignore hardness that's less than 20. Plus, the adamantine weapon hardness goes up to 20, and has more HPs. So, if you sunder a lot, or plan on breaking stuff. Adamantine weapons are the way to go. Concerning the enhancement bonus, there is no difference between an adamantine weapon, and a masterwork adamantine weapon. Both give a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls. ![]()
![]() In the adventure Crypt of the Everflame (by Jason Bulmahn), there is a room filled with water with some pits. The hazard says, "Creatures that step into the pit must make a DC 10 Swim check or immediately begin to sink into the dark water. Characters carrying a medium or light load sink 10 feet per failed check, while characters carrying a heavy load sink 20 feet per failed check." ![]()
![]() I'd say it's up to the GM on this one, on a case by case basis. Whirlwind says, "Some creatures can transform themselves into whirlwinds..." So, a creature becomes a whirlwind. What are creatures transformed to whirlwinds in the GMs world? Are they just swirling air currents, or is there something physical in the middle of all that air? Some things a GM might have to think about:
GMs call. ![]()
![]() My players have leveled up. They are not resting. How should current HPs be handled? For example: A character has a maximum of 15 HPs, has taken 6 damage and is down to 9 HPs. That character levels up and gains 7 HPs to his maximum, bringing his maximum HPs to 22. Leveling up options for HPs: A) The character has taken 6 damage, why make it seem like he has taken more damage? Keeping him at 9 HPs means he has now at 13 damage. Give the player the benefit and add 7 HPs to his current total.
B) The character is at 9 HPs and is still at 9 HPs, he does not get "healthier" by gaining a level. It's not like someone cured him for 7 HPs of damage. If he wants to get to his max HPs, he need to rest or heal per the rules.
C) Leveling up resets everything. The character is at max HPs. Kudos for everyone!
![]() Hugo Rune wrote:
Defensive Stance says, "While in a defensive stance, a stalwart defender cannot willingly move from his current position through any means." Saying you "slowed" to a stop because you activated Defensive Stance is far from being correct. Defensive Stance doesn't slow your previous movements. It doesn't care if you've moved beforehand. It doesn't say you have to be stationary for the entire turn or action. All it cares about is that, once activated, you don't move from your current position. "After I move with charge, I activate Defensive Stance. Look, I'm not moving from my current position!" Activated Defensive Stance after you've moved with a charge doesn't negate the charge. Nothing blocked my movement. Nothing slowed my movement. No square that I moved in contained a creature. I made it from point A to point B.
The OP's question has been answered. Yes, you can activate Defensive Stance during a charge, after moving and before you attack. Whether you have an issue with the flavor of how it looks in your mind, or think it's "cheese", or think that's not how it should work is irrelevant. ![]()
![]() Hugo Rune wrote:
Charge is a single action. But, you can still perform a free action while charging. Suppose a player wants to charge an orc 10 squares away. After moving 4 squares, the player wants to drop a key (free action) in that 4th square, then continue charging the 6 squares to the orc. Are you going to say dropping the key breaks the charge? ![]()
![]() FilmGuy wrote:
I would use the spell duration and weight limits according to the spell. I would set the caster level to the level of the character wearing the boots, rather than the boots' caster level of 3. Simply because the boots say, "these boots allow the wearer to levitate as if she had cast levitate on herself". Bold mine. If you cast levitate on yourself use your own caster level. ![]()
![]() I had a druid player try this with dogs. The main problem was limited spacing in rooms when fighting. The other players would complain because there was no room to end a space in because the druid's dogs were everywhere. The other melee characters couldn't get to the BBEG, because all the good melee spaces had dogs in them. ![]()
![]() TimrehIX wrote: No, you can only trade in a druid spell for the summon natures ally spells. I thought so too, but it doesn't say that though. The cleric spontaneous casting says, "lose any prepared spell" as opposed to "lose any prepared cleric spell". The druid spontaneous casting says, "lose a prepared spell", which still isn't "lose a prepared druid spell". The way it reads, a multiclass cleric/wizard could prepare Magic Missile, and then "lose" it to spontaneously cast Cure Light Wounds. ![]()
![]() Select a type of natural attack, say claws. Whenever you hit with a claw attack, you get a push attempt. When you gain enough levels to choose another evolution, you can select this one again and choose a different natural attack, say slam. Now, whenever you hit with a claw attack or a slam attack, you get a push attempt. ![]()
![]() Can a multiclass Cleric/Druid "lose" a cleric spell to spontaneously cast a summon nature's ally spell of the same level or lower? (And vice-versa, "lose" a druid spell to spontaneously cast a cure spell of the same level or lower?) Spontaneous Casting does say "any spell". Some reason I've always assumed it was only the spells from that class, not from other classes.