Guy in a fez with a monkey

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Goblinworks Executive Founder. RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter, 7 Season Star Voter, 8 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Dedicated Voter. 46 posts (68 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.

Is there an official expanded hierarchy for which version of a spell a spell-like ability uses beyond the standard order of sorcerer/wizard, cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger? In other words, a hierarchy that takes into account all of the spellcasting classes including the new occult classes.

Would like opinion/ruling on this.

When you give a dragon an inherited template that increases its size would you treat the beast as the larger size and assign damage from its attacks according to the dragon damage table, or first make the dragon then increase the damage from its attack via. the table on increasing damage with size?

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Quick question on the classification of subtypes.

Subtypes can be grouped into some large categories, i.e. energy (cold, fire, electricity, etc.), element (air, earth, fire, water), miscellaneous (mythic, incorporeal, extraplanar, native, etc.), but what about racial subtypes? All humanoids get a racial subtype, but what about subtypes like angel, demon, etc. that specific a race (species?) but applied to other types? Are they considered racial subtypes or a different classification? So if a template says a base creature loses all racial subtypes does that include these "species" subtypes?

Many of the 3.0/3.5 monsters specify that they can be summoned via the various summon monster spells. However, it has been said that Pathfinder intentionally limits the creatures that can be called via summon monster. So when I convert a monster to Pathfinder, how do you handle the statement that is can be summoned via summon monster? Do you ignore that text? Make a specialized spell for that creature?

The Phantom Armor entry mentions a Floating version, but there are not stats for it. (My best guess from the trend on the create undead table is 4 HD, guardian phantom armor with fly speed and a CR of 3).