Frost_giant1966's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts (64 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Maybe Twilight's a- oops too soon.

Grand Lodge

I don't watch anime much, But I'm more of a manga reader. One of my favorite manga series is Berserk.

Grand Lodge

What should be a good title for my Bard character Kobbi. I was thinking The Slumdog Sheik.

Grand Lodge

whats that?

Grand Lodge

any games going on today?

Grand Lodge

Good question, are The races like Catfolk and Ratfolk from the advanced race guide allow in PF society play?

Grand Lodge

Do we still have Pathfinder this evening. since there is a War machine tournament going?

Grand Lodge

at what time?

Grand Lodge

There have not been any games in the past weeks. So when is the next game over at Hillside?

Grand Lodge

Any tips and techniques on painting dice.
Is it the same as paintings minis?

Grand Lodge

@Alex Draconis
Then if Equestria is a massive nation. Then what should the planet be called anyway?

Grand Lodge

At first i got the idea of have Player characters as they enter the plane become any of the pony species based on their personalty and traits. But i scraped it because its a little too hard,also they no longer have fingers.

Grand Lodge

Check out my thread for any feed back.

Grand Lodge

So i have an idea for a homebrew plane of Equestria. I will describe it as an undiscovered plane. Any ideas and suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Wish granted, the pudding is expired.

I wish i have my own little dashie.

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Celestia: "Well, I guess that's the end of Discord."


What are some of your fanfics?

Grand Lodge

@Kobold cleaver

What are some for your fanfics?

Grand Lodge

Maybe show Zecora's homeland

Grand Lodge

Would sound like a cool idea.

Grand Lodge

Well, Season 3 of My little pony: friendship is magic will air until September the 17th.
While we wait, why not tell what we want to see in season 3 and what Should become canon.

Grand Lodge

VM mercenario wrote:
Frost_giant1966 wrote:

Well how i became a brony is this. My friend who is a good fan artist and if your asking, she's a gril. she wnts me too so i did just to find out what all this ruckus is about. 10 episodes later i have became a brony. And that's how Equestria was made! oops wrong story.

Oh, and Fluttershy is best pony! (and Luna also)

You silly pony, Fluttershy can't be Luna. Luna is already Luna.

Maybe she could be the new Luna, but then who would Luna be?

I mean that Luna is also my favorite.

Grand Lodge

Well how i became a brony is this. My friend who is a good fan artist and if your asking, she's a gril. she wnts me too so i did just to find out what all this ruckus is about. 10 episodes later i have became a brony. And that's how Equestria was made! oops wrong story.

Oh, and Fluttershy is best pony! (and Luna also)

Grand Lodge

Good question, when is the paizo fourms going to have custom avatar pictures?

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

According to Bronystudy.

94.6% of bronies (and pegasisters) are single, 2.9% are married.

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

This game is vary easy. only one word per post and no double posting. Has to make a story. I will start.


Grand Lodge

Lady long-hair

Grand Lodge

Wish granted. not sure how to corrupt it.

I wish i have Luna for my mount.