Frost_giant1966's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts (64 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

I am looking for a group for play shadowrun(never played before).

I'm mostly at Wayvern's tale in Asheville where i also play pathfinder (which is bi-weekly) on Saturdays.

Grand Lodge

I am looking for a Pathfinder group in the asheville area. I am mostly
at the hobby gaming shop called Hillside games in tunnel road (between to Yoshida express and Play it again sports.) I'm usually here on Saturdays between 1pm to
8-ish pm.

That is all.

Grand Lodge

Any tips and techniques on painting dice.
Is it the same as paintings minis?

Grand Lodge

So i have an idea for a homebrew plane of Equestria. I will describe it as an undiscovered plane. Any ideas and suggestions?

Grand Lodge

Well, Season 3 of My little pony: friendship is magic will air until September the 17th.
While we wait, why not tell what we want to see in season 3 and what Should become canon.

Grand Lodge

Good question, when is the paizo fourms going to have custom avatar pictures?

Grand Lodge

This game is vary easy. only one word per post and no double posting. Has to make a story. I will start.
