
FriendlyNeighborhoodMadScientis's page

Organized Play Member. 15 posts (1,525 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 17 Organized Play characters. 15 aliases.


I'd probably be interested, if there's room. I can bring in an inventor or a summoner, both lvl 1.

Strawberry Machine Cake wrote:

The 'interest check' tables are looking good as well. Looks like 6-01 might take off soon. I'll also look at options to give current reserve players a spot in an additional table. Recruitment still open!

If 6-01 fills up too soon, I might have to pull out of the game, the character I'd want to play is in the middle of a bounty, but if it finishes before the game starts I'd love to play!

I think I'm probably not gonna have the time to commit to the whole round robin, but have fun!

I will tentatively throw my hat in the ring, I haven't GMed on pbp before and I'd need to make sure I can handle the time commitment, but if I can it would definitely be something I'm interested in.

Gothic_Artificer wrote:
Gothic_Artificer wrote:
I’m starting the game, shortly! Just give me a couple hours to set things up!
Scratch that. I need to rest, then look up how to form a fresh forum, for hosting a PbP game. Unless everyone is okay with playing through Discord.

Are you still planning on running the Confirmation?

Gothic_Artificer wrote:

Anyone running Tier 01-02 scenarios? I have a level 01 Swashbuckler for PFS1, that needs some more experience.

Inversely, is anyone interested in playing through “The Confirmation”, a Tier 01-02 scenario? I’m also looking to GM it.

I'd be interested! I haven't done society play in a while, but I was thinking about getting back into it, and I've got a couple of characters I haven't had much of an opportunity to use that could work.

Alright, in that case, I think I'll go with the oracle vigilante, primarily because I can probably play the alchemist in a different game and have it work, whereas the oracle vigilante looks like it would work best specifically with Hell's Rebels in 2E.
I'll finalize the statblock and the alias soon.

GM Xavier Kahlvet wrote:
My only concern right now is that there isn't a person with Medicine, but when there's lay on hands on the table then it isn't a HUGE deal.

The alchemist I built has medicine (it's not great, since he doesn't have a great wisdom modifier), and has Elixir of Life as one of his formulae, so I could go with him to fix that.

My oracle has heal, but he can only cast it twice a day at first level, so it probably would be a better idea to go with the alchemist.

Alright, I still haven’t made a decision yet, but I’ve got stat blocks and info for both for everyone to look at if they want to, assuming everything in the background works for the campaign.

Edrakk Chrysanthemum:

Edrakk Chrysanthemum
Male tengu alchemist 1 Advanced Player's Guide, 24
Uncommon, NG, Medium, Humanoid, Tengu
Perception +3; low-light vision
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, Tengu, Tien
Skills Acrobatics +5, Arcana +7, Cooking Lore +7, Crafting +7 (+9 when Identify Alchemy action on an alchemical item you have the forumla for.), Diplomacy +4, Medicine +3, Nature +3, Society +7, Survival +3, Thievery +5
Str 12 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 18 (+4), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 12 (+1)
Other Items studded leather, dagger, light mace, sling (20 sling bullets), alchemist's tools, backpack, bandolier, batches of infused reagent, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, caltropss (2), chalks (10), flint and steel, formula book, rations (1 week)s (2), rope (foot)s (50), sheath, soap, torchs (5), waterskin, purse (5 gp; 3 sp)
AC 17; Fort +6; Ref +7; Will +3
HP 15 Hero Points 1
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] beak +5 (finesse), Damage 1d6+1 Pier
Melee [1] dagger +5 (versatile Slsh, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 Pier
Melee [1] light mace +5 (shove, agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 Blud
Melee [1] talon +5 (versatile Pier, agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 Slsh
Ranged [1] dagger +5 (versatile Slsh, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 Pier
Ranged [1] sling +5 (propulsive, range increment 50 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d6 Blud
Feats Alchemical Crafting, Alchemical Savant, Seasoned, Squawk!
Other Abilities advanced alchemy, formula book, infused reagents, quick alchemy, research field, tian xia, toxicologist

Born in the city of Goka to Kora and Tak-Tak Chrysanthemum, Edrakk grew up helping out in his parents’ restaurant, the Early Bird’s Breakfast. They were by no means wealthy, but the restaurant gave them enough income to survive. Edrakk quickly became interested in cooking, as well as medicine and biology, and it was clear that he needed to get a good education if he was going to “spread his wings”, as it were. Eventually, they saved up enough money to send him to Alabaster Academy in Kintargo. Once he began his studies, he discovered that he not only has a passion for creating gourmet dishes, but also for studying the opposite: poisons, venoms, and other deadly concoctions. Currently, he spends his day-to-day life studying and trying to avoid getting his ingredients mixed up.

When Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune took over in Kintargo, his first reaction was to try and avoid whatever conflicts might arise. While he disliked the new regime, he figured he has more important things he needs to be worrying about, and it wasn’t like there was anything he could do. However, he took particular offense at Proclamation the First, as he fears that hunting ravens isn’t far from hunting him and other tengu, as well as Proclamation the Seventh, so he is now looking to try and help where he can.

Rigel Exaltae / Stargazer:

Rigel Exaltae / Stargazer
Male human oracle 1 Advanced Player's Guide, 67
CG, Medium, Human, Humanoid
Perception +4
Languages Common, Varisian
Skills Acrobatics +6 (Whenever you roll a success using the Balance action, you get a critical success instead.), Athletics +4, Circus Lore +3, Deception +7, Nature +4, Performance +7, Religion +4, Stealth +6, Thievery +6
Str 12 (+1), Dex 16 (+3), Con 10 (+0), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 18 (+4)
Other Items studded leather, crossbow, daggers (2), light mace, sling (20 sling bullets), backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, belt pouch, bolts (20), chalks (10), disguise kit, flint and steel, material component pouch, rations (1 week)s (2), rope (foot)s (50), soap, torchs (5), waterskin, wooden religious symbol, purse (1 gp; 28 sp; 8 cp)
AC 18; Fort +3; Ref +6; Will +6
HP 16 Focus Points 2 Hero Points 1; Resistances all physical 2
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +6 (versatile Slsh, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 Pier
Melee [1] light mace +6 (shove, agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 Blud
Ranged [1] crossbow +6 (range increment 120 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d8 Pier
Ranged [1] dagger +6 (versatile Slsh, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4+1 Pier
Ranged [1] sling +6 (propulsive, range increment 50 feet, reload 1), Damage 1d6 Blud
Divine Oracle Spellcasting DC 17, attack +7; 1st (2 slots) heal, ray of enfeeblement Cantrips (1st) chill touch, dancing lights, daze, divine lance, forbidding ward, shield
Focus Spells 2 Focus Points, DC 17; 1st Cloak of Shadow, Spray of Stars
Feats Cat Fall, Natural Skill, Steady Balance, Vigilante Dedication
Other Abilities component substitution, cosmos, curse of the sky's call, darkness, ravounel

Rigel Exaltae grew up as an orphan on the streets of Kintargo, stealing to make ends meet. After one particularly risky theft, to avoid being caught by the guards, he hid in the cart of a traveling circus. When they found him, they decided to take him in, and he joined their troupe. He discovered that he had a knack for performing, and particularly enjoyed attempting feats of acrobatics. He travelled with them for most of his life, exploring the world, and eventually becoming a follower of Desna. Recently, he returned to his home city of Kintargo to try and continue his career in the arts.

When martial law was declared, Rigel quickly became fearful for his life as a follower of Desna. Around a week ago, he was almost caught in an alleyway by a couple of guards, until something very strange happened: he found himself completely enshrouded in shadows, and the guards both passed him by. He quickly realized that he had somehow gained strange cosmic abilities, and decided to secretly use them for good. Using some of his old circus supplies, he threw together a costume, and now, by the cover of darkness, commits acts of rebellion against Chellish rule wherever he can as the Stargazer. (At least, that’s what he wants to be called. He’s fairly new at this, so chances are, no one actually knows who he is yet.)

The 2e rules for the vigilante suggest that the issue is it being publicly known, so unless the GM objects, I think it's probably fine for the party to know, and I expect it would be revealed pretty early.

I'm mainly worried about being to well-known as having powers to be able to have a secret identity later.

I'm having a lot of trouble picking which one I want to take. One issue that may decide it how I'm going to maintain a secret identity starting at level 2 based on whatever we're doing at level 1. Would it be at level 1, I would basically be Peter Parker with the ski mask and the sweatshirt at the wrestling match and I only get a good costume at level 2, or is there no way to have the secret identity beforehand?

GM Xavier Kahlvet wrote:
FriendlyNeighborhoodMadScientis wrote:

Hello all, Tusk told me you were looking for another player and suggested I throw my hat into the ring (after checking with the GM). I'd be excited to play in this AP. I have a couple concepts for you to look at.

Tengu (if that's ok) toxicologist alchemist with the cook background, a student at Alabaster Academy
Reason for protest: To protest the government, specifically, the pest control proclamation, since he's kind of a big raven

Human cosmos oracle of Desna, acrobat background, planning on taking the Vigilante dedication next level, an aspiring acrobat who's secretly trying to use his cosmic powers for good
Reason for protest: Either protest the government, since his religion is outlawed, or meeting a contact

Welcome welcome! For the record, I'd be fine with a tengu.

Great! I don't really have a preference between the two, so if it's ok, I'll wait for when we get another player to decide.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello all, Tusk told me you were looking for another player and suggested I throw my hat into the ring (after checking with the GM). I'd be excited to play in this AP. I have a couple concepts for you to look at.

Tengu (if that's ok) toxicologist alchemist with the cook background, a student at Alabaster Academy
Reason for protest: To protest the government, specifically, the pest control proclamation, since he's kind of a big raven

Human cosmos oracle of Desna, acrobat background, planning on taking the Vigilante dedication next level, an aspiring acrobat who's secretly trying to use his cosmic powers for good
Reason for protest: Either protest the government, since his religion is outlawed, or meeting a contact

I think it would be great! I've played a few strange characters, role-playing and speech wise, and they all work fine. The main problem I've run into with weird characters is when I don't fully commit to the weirdness, because then I end up trying to get through the scenario/session as a normal person while still role-playing, which is much harder. But I do agree that if it causes a problem, you should dial it back a bit.

I'll play!