
Flyer777's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 26 posts (27 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.


Liberty's Edge

Fixed. Thanks Nefreet

Liberty's Edge

So I have run into a couple of interesting questions regarding these weapons abilities.


So a couple of notes about breaking, would it apply to sunder even though combat maneuvers seem to target a creature rather than its gear? I always thought as much was the reason we use cmd instead of item ac.

Shattering - a few notes
Shattering does extra damage to objects when you crit.

PFSRD said wrote:


Objects are immune to nonlethal damage and to critical hits.

So how does shattering work with inanimate objects?

Finally... if we agree that despite some fluidity questions that breaking damage would apply to the damage done during a sunder attempt. Would shatter apply to sunder attempts as well? If so this would be the first I have seen of a combat maneuver with the ability to crit.

Thank you in advance for your insight.

Liberty's Edge

So I don't know where to post this so I decided to just post it here. After playing with mythic character's for a few month's and watching the general power level of champion archmage trickster etc. I have found that they are all severely potent at what they do. In previous posts, people have been fear mongering regarding the abilities of the archmage and hirophant and while they are amazing... those surge abilities are the ONLY thing that create a better action economy for a caster. Several other abilities allow fighters and the like to Mythic Vital Strike twice in a round doing high hundreds of points of damage with a foe murdering legendary weapon.

And this is not counting the action economy of monsters with agile templates (I've seen 12 goblins with that template...*shivvers*)

I know that magic is scary for a lot of people, but the swift action economy was allowing combinations that simply hadn't existed before as now casters had the chance to experiment with being awesome.

I therefore humbly request to the developers that your reverse your faq ruling and allow Arcane and Inspired surge to cast a spell as a swift action. It is awesome and legitimately the kind of awesome we need from mythic spell casters in a world all too often overcome by DPS olympics.

Thank you.

Liberty's Edge

Well Said Magnuskn... I retract my statement that all divine casters are skilless devotees. The ones who hang out with heretics are quite well versed.

Liberty's Edge

Here Here headfirst.

Liberty's Edge

*What Follows are Opinions only*
Arcanist - An interesting spell progression. I think I would have allowed bloodline points to into bloodline or school, but I am admittedly biased towards wizards. As is though, I think you have effectively eclipsed the sorcerer as a play class. Ammo+flex>Ammo

Blood Rager - This is an excellent idea, but it creates a few dangerous precedents. First, attaching it to another spell-casting spell list with level caps feels lazy... just write it down. Second, Place an alignment restriction on this class please, a dip into paladin creates a truly frightening combination that was never meant to exist.

Brawler - A surprisingly efficient martial class... a little predictable perhaps, but I will be interested to test it out. The knockout ability is frankly terrifying since its based on their damage stat (see assassinate/knockout blow or quivering palm for other similar abilities)but awesome blow is ferociously weak compared to almost every other ability in the class. I think you need a better capstone or take of the size restriction.

Hunter - I cannot express my seething hatred for this class. Not only was it done 5 ways from Sunday in the the animal companion book, but the ranger is already a fighter/Druid hybrid. There is no need to combine these two together and then center it around the animal making another boring pet class. I cannot wait to look at the playtest and see how many Dino Hunters we get. Why not scrap this and create a monk/druid hybrid centered around wild shape? it would remove some of the clunkieness from the druid and create a neat super/martial class option. If I am harder on this its because druids are my favorite class and already struggle competing with Cleric/caveliers/rangers/summoners on a variety of levels and this just seemed like more of the same.

Investigator - Seems interesting, but a few points.
1. Inspiration - adding a d6 to a take 10 or take 20 is nearly impossible to do before results are announced. Also unlimited use on Knowledges, linguistics and spellcraft seem a better fit to a wizard. I can't imagine what makes them infinitely inspired about book learning.
2. Poison Use - Why? most of this class is very holmes-ish when looking at alchemist abilities, I am curious why poison use stood out as a signature ability for them to share. It seems counter intuitive.
3. Investigator Talent: Amazing Inspiration (I see the mythic comparison now). Device Talent, Expanded Inspiration, Intelligence Inspiration, Underworld Inspiration (Again... free skill success)
Overall - the skill system in pathfinder is already a little waning, but having a character who has the skill points to dabble in everything and a number of class ability built around never failing is just kind of boring. A and endless pool resource is redundant and the message sent is just spend for killing and knowing everything is free. Still one of the better classes in the play test despite all this.

Shaman - I actually liked this class alot. Some of the hexes werent hexes they were revelations (See Battle Master) but other wise it had flavor, interest, flexibility. If I know someone who is even breathing in the direction of a huanted oracle I am sending them here... otherwise just an excellent all together concept, with good space dedicated to creating a good selection of spirit options. I also think that this is a class that other developers will build on readily.

Skald - I like the idea, but its a bard Archetype already. I agree that spell keening seems overly punitive. And the rage song is really a martial party concept. That being said, I could see this in a low magic game easily.

Slayer - Between the Slayer, the investigator and the Ninja... Im not really sure anyone will ever play a rogue again. Ever. Honestly, Full BAB, Half Favored Enemy, Half Sneak Attack, and Improved Quarry... its kinda terrifying. The only thing that made me giggle was the talent list where you specified that asterisk entries affect sneak attack and cannot be combined... but there is only one marked with an asterisk...why??

Swashbuckler - Now I am not sure that a dex based melee fighter needed its own class, but what a way to do it. I am actually kind of excited about this one. I think you would have to play it a bit over the top, but Sooo worth it. That being said, there are a lot of questions about action economy that will only be answered after a few plays.

War Priest - I think that Fighter/Cleric is a mis label here. Its much closer to Cleric/Paladin. A very Utility oriented Paladin but still no skill points. (Sorry divine spell casters, now shut up and go back to being too absorbed in prayer to learn to do anything practical). All things being equal its a decent blend of the two and one I would consider in a party that was lacking divine support and martial prowess.

These reviews reflect the opinions of their author and should not be taken as words from on high. If you would like the on high version of this review please message me with your cc info and you can acquire it for the low low price of 19.95

Liberty's Edge

Interestingly enough, My GM said that it doesnt work because of the wording behind major hex. Essentially because you can only choose to replace a hex with a greater hex on level 10,12,14,16,18 & 20.


Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

Perfect Tommy wrote:
Flyer777 wrote:

Relativity Torc

I play casters pretty exclusively; usually prepared casters. But I voted against this item every time. Wayyyyy tooo powerful.

You are allowing casters to cast quickened distintegrates with up to +9 on the DCs .. and while the dc plus might vary, to do so many times per day.

I didn't understand why darkwood and mithral. Minor nitpick - if its not an artifact it isn't unique.

Spellslingers (banned) have to give up a swift action - and half their schools.

So aside from the aesthetic. So I am confused by your response. My item does not give any specific metamagic feats or abilities. My item ONLY adds the level (1-9) of the sacrificed spell to the CASTER LEVEL (1-20) of the next spell. This may affect things such as caster level checks, duration, number of people affected or damage, but to my understanding of spell casting, it should never affect spell DC's. Could you clarify this for me?

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

Relativity Torc
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11th
Slot neck; Price 92,400 gp; Weight .5 lbs.
Several materials from Darkwood to Mithral seamlessly transition into one another in this unique, but largely undecorated torc. Small globes of lead and gold adorn the ends, signifying the transmutational nature of magic.

A spellcaster who prepares spells may, as a move action, sacrifice a prepared spell to add the level of the sacrificed spell to the caster level of the next spell she casts.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mage's lucubration, creator must have 10 ranks in Spellcraft; Cost 46,200 gp

So I would really love some detailed and hard nosed critique. As a copywrighter I am used to taking careful care of word count, and in hindsight I think that perhaps I was a little too sparse. Please give me as much detail as you feel comfortable with and PM me if you have any really juicy personal jabs ;)

Liberty's Edge

In Hind sight I have realized that it in fact is clear once you read it out loud.

Elysian Bronze weapons ALWAYS grant you a +1 Damage vs Magical Beasts & Monstrous Humanoids. Once you hit one kind (such as a Bronie) you gain a +1 to attack in addition to the Plus one to damage against that one type of creature. So it starts at +0/+1 and caps at +1/+1

Liberty's Edge

So I am having some trouble deciphering how Elysian Bronze work and decided I could use some help.

Quote: A weapon made of Elysian bronze adds a +1 bonus on weapon damage rolls against magical beasts and monstrous humanoids; this damage is multiplied on a critical hit. After a creature uses an Elysian bronze weapon to deal damage to a magical beast or monstrous humanoid, the wielder gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that specific creature type (for example, against chimeras, not all magical beasts) for the next 24 hours, or until the weapon deals damage to a different kind of magical beast or monstrous humanoid.

The question is how and if this is a stacking effect. So if I am stabbing a griffon (why... I really don't know as they are quite beautiful and majestic.) The first stab is +1/+1. Now that the weapon is attuned do I gain an additional +1/+1 against griffons until I attack another magical beast or monstrous humanoid for a total of +2/+2?

Or is it just that I don't get any bonuses from attacking other beasties until I hit them at which time the bonus transfers from griffins to Magical Flying Bronies

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

This [ubiquitious slot item] resembles a completely normal version of what would reasonably go in this slot. Then proceeding to describe the item without ever showing a difference between the normal and magical items that would go in that slot.

Example: "This spiked codpiece resembles an athletic cup made of steel with adamantine protrusions to ward off unwelcome advances to your most sensitive of areas."

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Aside from b&&!%ing about items that we didn't put days and weeks in designing, I think that I may have found one profoundly good rule of development that I hadn't thought of for a long time.

"If you are pondering if/how people are going to understand your message, do not write an additional paragraph describing it in a different way. Go back to your original headline/description/disclaimer and write what you want to say in as few words as possible."

When I was writing my item, I would take my draft to a different friend every time. If the questions they asked me was something that should be clear the first time, I rewrote it.

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

If I am trying out for this show, then I would like to audition for the Dark Horse. Shadowy and Unknown first timer, running like crazy to show up the Veterans.

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

Solspiral... I am suitably humbled. Thank you for your guiding enttish light on this most beautiful of contests and times of year.

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

shujan wrote:
I would give you fame for that. Have fun RPing as the guy who kills angels, dragons, and little orphans named Billy.

I believe that they already created a system for such folks. Its called Infamy.

Perhaps I was harsh. But it's hard to think of how much soul my characters/players would have to sell to acquire some of these items.

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

2 people marked this as a favorite.

After seeing the number of items from RPG Superstar that have been published in one form or another, I have to say that formatting is the last thing I check on my list. I look for items that I can see one of my character's using and doing amazing or troubling things. I run a fair number of PFS games as well as my patented AP Weekends. So I do a lot of thinking about how this will affect game play.

My real concern so far is that so many items don't seem to think through the visual effects of their items. If I walk into a random town with a robe made of dead orphans, a hat made of mutilated angel feathers, and wielding a sword that appears to all people to be formed a thousand tortured dragon in the 9 hells can one expect to have any meaningful RP with the world around him.

I've read through SKR's advice threads and don't know where it comments on things such as this. But to all people who do this in the future: please remember that most characters are "mostly" decent. Touched in the head to be sure, but decent. Magic items have an opportunity to bring more options, both mechanically and creatively, into a players hand. Make it zing! Make me want it! If it does, I don't care if its written in Sanskrit! I'll run it through Google translator and vote for it anyway.

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

I am in the same boat...but, barring terrible coincidence, I cannot imagine that my item was disqualified and so many other of these got in. That being said, to those of you whose items have made me laugh, smile, and consider adaptation for my game: THANK YOU!!! And to all of you most worthy foes: HAVE AT THEE!

Liberty's Edge Star Voter Season 6

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have to admit that I have voted for several items that have almost no tactical value whatsoever. They just seemed like amazing things to enhance roll play and character.

Liberty's Edge

I understand this, I would like to take it, but I already got shot down on a Rogue archetype that I qualified for. I think you are right, but before I take it I would like to insure against retcon.

Liberty's Edge

I know that this is going to sound out of place, but here goes.

I am playing my first ninja for PFS, Not asian...not wushu, Quaderian/Slaver...very fun!!

I would like to specialize in NL damage and would like to know if the wording of this feat was a mistake or was intentionally written to exclude the only other full class with Sneak Attack from being able to do precision damage with non-lethal weapons.

Bludgeoner (Combat)
You can knock foes out cold with just about any blunt instrument.

Benefit: You take no penalty on attack rolls for using a lethal bludgeoning weapon to deal nonlethal damage.

Normal: You take a –4 penalty on attack rolls when using a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage. You cannot use a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack.

Special: A rogue with this feat can use a lethal bludgeoning weapon to deal nonlethal damage with a sneak attack.

Liberty's Edge

Andrew Christian wrote:
Flyer777 wrote:

Muleback Cords - Animals have a back slot so...yes.

Not sure if it is officially FAQ'd for PFS or for Pathfinder RPG, but there is a thread out there where Mark Moreland basically says that animals can only use the Amulet slot (might be one more, but that's what I can recall).

Didn't find it in the FAQ, so I guess expect table variation on this.

I personally wouldn't allow it.

See Previous Post about my eternal and undying acquiescence to the demands of GM's concerning ambiguous rules.

Liberty's Edge

Thod - Kudos...Hope its Helpful

Heirloom Lance - Have been chastised and relinquish the magic back into the void until the Gods see fit to return it to me.

Muleback Cords - Animals have a back slot so...yes.

Weight - Convoluted Yes, Annoying...only before the 7th Level stat explosion most flying mounts get. And Finally if +8 Dex and +10 Natural Armor arent enough for your average Druid's Flying Serpentus...then consider mitheral breastplate barding. Or A high enough ride check to screw that guy hat just nailed your mount at DC 28

Liberty's Edge

Love me a Handy Haversack...Miss Heward...
If it's a GM that I am not familiar with I will bring it up. But I know most of the GM's in the area and we are pretty tight with things so most of them know already.

Liberty's Edge

Alexander_Damocles wrote:
clarence garrett wrote:

uses an ancestral lance to great effect.
even cast masterwork item on said lance and has now enchanted it.
Whoa, hold up. Everything I have read says that we can't do that little trick. Now I hear a VC has a player doing it? I'm so confused...

Since I am the player in question, I will attempt to diffuse this before it turns in to another plethora of rules interpretation. It was decided by me and my VC that the spell worked as written and described in the Guide and FAQ's. Now... adjusting for human error and alternate realities, My VC knows that I will (with only minimal grumbling) acquiesce to any adjustment he asks me to make in result to a rule change. That being said, I keep a printed copy of the rules, a detailed explanation of the reasoning and process we used and a short story that fits the character to present to any GM who has issue with it and (because it's ambiguous) leave it to their discretion on a game to game basis as to whether or not they wish to allow it to work at their table as we understand it. This has proven to be a more equitable solution than endless RAI vs RAW debates on the Boards. I encourage every player with these issues to talk with their favorite PFS GM or VC if possible to see what works best for you.


Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Right Then... A Few Notes on Flying Mounts from a player perspective.
1. Don't recommend it until level 5 or 6 (7 if you have to wait for a mount to fit you.) until that point most flying creatures worth of mount status are sitting at fair or clumsy flying and with the average 180 being a DC 20 fly check plus any other environmental factors, the odds of falling to your death are high...very high.

2. Military Saddles. Hate to say it, but get tied in, its less damage to fall on the dead corpse of your best pal and thank him for it at his funeral than it is to thank him for it in the afterlife. That being said, this can conflict with a Ring of Feather Falling as it is a *I belive* at least a full round action to cut yourself out of it.

3. Feather Falling: This by no means releases the need for feather falling, as I have fallen out of a military saddle on more than one occasion. It took a few trips to the land of unconscious to get me on board that one.

4. Skill Focus Flying for your mount. Do This...Do it Now...and Don't stop putting ranks in it until its level 10 (garnering your mount a +6 bonus).

5. Wind: Think of your mount like a beautiful kite you have strapped your mortal coil into for kicks and giggles. Would you take it up in a Hurricane?...Thought Not. Although... a note for druids. The Cloak of Winds Spell can keep you airborne for combat in crappy conditions. Highly recommend keeping a few scrolls of that one handy.

6. Weight. Anything over a light load will keep your mount grounded. make sure you know what that is and adjust accordingly.

7. Charging: Charging is tricky until you get Ride by then it evens out nicely. Also.. The Wheeling Charge Feat from Cities of Golorian is an absolute must for 3D combat.

7. Try to get ahead of your GM in the rules and roles dept. I mean page numbers, requirements etc. It will make them more comfortable, and let you focus on the real reason you have a flying mount...Looking Freaking Awesome.

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