Right Then... A Few Notes on Flying Mounts from a player perspective.
1. Don't recommend it until level 5 or 6 (7 if you have to wait for a mount to fit you.) until that point most flying creatures worth of mount status are sitting at fair or clumsy flying and with the average 180 being a DC 20 fly check plus any other environmental factors, the odds of falling to your death are high...very high.
2. Military Saddles. Hate to say it, but get tied in, its less damage to fall on the dead corpse of your best pal and thank him for it at his funeral than it is to thank him for it in the afterlife. That being said, this can conflict with a Ring of Feather Falling as it is a *I belive* at least a full round action to cut yourself out of it.
3. Feather Falling: This by no means releases the need for feather falling, as I have fallen out of a military saddle on more than one occasion. It took a few trips to the land of unconscious to get me on board that one.
4. Skill Focus Flying for your mount. Do This...Do it Now...and Don't stop putting ranks in it until its level 10 (garnering your mount a +6 bonus).
5. Wind: Think of your mount like a beautiful kite you have strapped your mortal coil into for kicks and giggles. Would you take it up in a Hurricane?...Thought Not. Although... a note for druids. The Cloak of Winds Spell can keep you airborne for combat in crappy conditions. Highly recommend keeping a few scrolls of that one handy.
6. Weight. Anything over a light load will keep your mount grounded. make sure you know what that is and adjust accordingly.
7. Charging: Charging is tricky until you get Ride by then it evens out nicely. Also.. The Wheeling Charge Feat from Cities of Golorian is an absolute must for 3D combat.
7. Try to get ahead of your GM in the rules and roles dept. I mean page numbers, requirements etc. It will make them more comfortable, and let you focus on the real reason you have a flying mount...Looking Freaking Awesome.