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At Paizocon, I'll be running a panel Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm in Evergreen G called "The View from the Fire Mountain".

I'll be hosting that panel and we'll be doing all sorts of previews of "Way of the Wicked" Book Seven and "Throne of Night".

In addition to talking about all our current projects, we'll be devoting a portion of that panel to talking about our future as yet undecided projects. We'll be previewing a couple of possible candidates for upcoming adventure paths, taking suggestions from the audiences and then holding a small straw vote on which path you would prefer.

This sort of straight-from-the-fans data is very important to us. It represents a chance for you to have a real impact upon our future products. And of course we're not promising that any of those projects will be our next AP, but we are certain that at this panel we'll be listening.

So be heard and get a glimpse from a the top of the Fire Mountain. I look forward to meeting you all.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

The last day of our Throne of Night Kickstarter has arrived! Pledge now or forever pay full retail!

Fire Mountain Games, the critically acclaimed publisher of "Way of the Wicked" is raising money to publish their second adventure path and you can be a part of it!

If we can make it less than another $2200, then everyone will receive an exclusive 32-page adventure written by myself available nowhere else.

Pledge now and make it a reality as well as getting a substantial discount on the books themselves.

Together we will build this Throne of Night.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

This map is the first of several linked hex maps that will explore the Azathyr, a region in the underworld where our newest adventure path, "Throne of Night," will be set.

Drawn in full color by our artist Michael Clarke, this is very close to what will appear in Book One: Dark Frontier.

We are kickstarting this series of books right now. We're already funded and have cleared our first stretch goal.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

We're half way through our kickstarter for Throne of Night and we're already funded and almost to our first stretch goal -- Book Seven of "Way of the Wicked".

Support us to get this new book at a special preorder price of $20.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

You can read the synopses of Book One and Book Two of our new adventure path "Throne of Night" right now on our kickstarter page.

Check it out!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Wow! Thanks for the plug, Liz!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

At last, our second adventure path begins its journey to completion. The ENnie-award nominated publisher of "Way of the Wicked" brings you its second adventure path -- "Throne of Night".

Play noble dwarven explorers reclaiming lost glories. Play wicked drow subjugating all they survey.

A level 1-20 Pathfinder compatible adventure path.

Six hundred page full color books allowing you to build your own empire in the worlds below.

Check it out now!

Conquer the darkness.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Would you like to see previews of multiple pieces of artwork for our upcoming adventure path?

You can see the Fungal Jungle here on the cover of Book One. Who knows what dangers lurk within its strange reaches?

You can see the Great Jumping Off Point here. How will you cross this great gulf into the deep places of the earth?

You can see a deep gnome here. Will these hardy folk be your allies or your slaves?

You can see a myceloid hunter here. What does this strange hunter of the fungal jungle want of you?

You can see a cave fisher here. Can you survive its deadly embrace?

You can see a cruel drow baroness here. Will she be your greatest enemy or an ally in your vicious campaign of subjugation?

All of these pieces are drawn by the great Michael Clarke who illustrated all of "Way of the Wicked".

Throne of Night Book One: Dark Frontier is coming soon.

You can see more previews at our facebook page.

Conquer the Darkness.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

5 people marked this as a favorite.

"Way of the Wicked", the only villainous adventure path for the Pathfinder RPG, has now officially sold over 3000 copies.

We at Fire Mountain Games continue to be humbled by the overwhelming reaction and fan support to our first product line.

All six books spanning levels 1-20 are available for sale here on Paizo.com, DriveThruRPG and Pathfinder SRD store.

Thanks again everyone and onward to our next project -- Throne of Night.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Having just completed the ENnie-award nominated, critically acclaimed "Way of the Wicked", Fire Mountain Games now turns its energies to Throne of Night, the subterranean sandbox adventure path. A Pathfinder compatible Level 1-20 adventure path where you need never see the sun.

Here is the cover of Book I: Dark Frontier.

Will you be a noble explorer of the depths of the earth forging a grand alliance or will you conquer an empire beneath a heel of iron? Will you be a cruel drow slaver subjugating all you survey or a valiant dwarf hero reclaiming lost glories? Are you bold enough to claim for yourself a Throne of Night?

Book One is coming soon. Five more books will follow throughout 2013.

Conquer the darkness.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

You shouldn't follow this link.

Why? Because these guys are peddling serious crack. A pre-painted, modular castle system that to my eyes looks fully compatible with Dwarven Forge products and is stackable so I can build high-rising walls, towers and barbicans amongst the terrain I already own.

That's why I'm warning you. Don't follow that link. Or your credit card will be as doomed as mine already is.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Today is the last day to get your deck of CREATURE CARDS!

Pledge at the $16 level and above and not only do you get two decks, you also receive a high-resolution PDF of all 54 monster images suitable for use as Pathfinder handouts.

What does that frost giant or dragon look like? Wonder no longer with CREATURE CARDS!

Thanks for your support,
Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards

You can find the new shoggoth preview art here! This beastie is featured in our new Creature Card set (being kickstarted right now!) and in Way of the Wicked Book Six.

Check it out and revel in the horror.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards

If you haven't heard, we are producing a deck of playing cards using full color monster art.

You can use them as props in RPGs or simply to play any normal card game.

And hitting our target will not only allow us to make a great product but also help fund our future Pathfinder-compatible products.

So, pledge today!

Thanks for your support!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards

Check out full color art of the Hounds of Tindalos. Originally featured in "Way of the Wicked Book Two -- Call Forth Darkness" they are now part of our Creature Card Kickstarter!

Bck them today!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter!

We've posted Michael Clarke's latest preview on our kickstarter -- the frumious bandersnatch!

Check it out.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Check out our kickstarter! Creature Cards


Fire Mountain Games is taking the amazing art from both "Way of the Wicked" and our upcoming "Throne of Night" adventure paths and creating a deck of Creature Cards.

Not only are these cards (printed by Bicycle[tm]) high-quality props useful for any fantasy RPG, they are also a spectacular gamer geek conversation piece. Next time you play poker, play it with monsters.

Thanks for your support!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Want to see the preview sketch of Way of the Wicked Book Six: The Wages of Sin looks like?

Come visit us on facebook.

Book Six will be available in November. Reap what you have sown.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

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Promised only lies!

ahem...I mean, wow! The front page. Thanks, Paizo!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

4 people marked this as a favorite.

It's official. Sometime this weekend, someone bought the two thousandth copy of "Way of the Wicked", probably here on Paizo.com.

Thanks to everyone who made this possible. Thanks to Mike Clarke for his amazing art and maps. Thanks to Jason for freelancing with a no-name start up. Thanks to Jesse and Doug for their editing. Thanks to Chad for his help with stat blocks.

And of course, thanks to all the fans and reviewers. We couldn't do it without you.

Onward to Book Six! Onward to three thousand!

And if you haven't checked out the Pathfinder RPG's only evil adventure path, there has never been a better time.

The time is right to be wicked.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Our new book "Way of the Wicked Book Five: The Devil My Only Master" is now available for sale!

In addition to continuing the critically acclaimed "Way of the Wicked" AP, it also features new archetypes and feats for villians written by none other than the writer of the Pathfinder core rulebook, Jason Bulmahn.

Check it out!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

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Let me just throw out a crazy idea. And before I go any further, let me make clear -- I'm not saying FMG is publishing this. And our recently announced Throne of Night AP is definitely NOT this.


For a century there has been nothing but endless war in the Nine Nations. For a century there has been only destruction, death and devastation. Hardly anyone alive today can remember why the great war began. But now there is at last one fragile chance for peace. It lies in the hands of the Emissary.

The Emissary would be an adventure or perhaps even an adventure path where you need never draw a weapon or cast a hostile spell. Yes, violence will likely happen from time to time if you fail at your mission to bring peace to the Nine Nations.

There would political maneuvering, intrigue, stealth missions, traps and puzzles galore. There would be fantastic monsters and an epic quest through nine different fantastic realms locked in senseless war. You don't defeat the dragon with a sword. You defeat it with a riddle contest. There would be all sorts of danger and adventure -- just not combat. Or at least no essential combat.

Combat is only something that happens when you fail in your destiny as the Emissary.

I know there would need to be a few system tweaks here and there to accomodate the lack of focus on combat. But I think it is definitely within the realm of the possible with just a few house rules. And I am definitely not describing an adventure that is just a series of diplomacy checks. I'm really describing an adventure that is fundamentally focused on puzzles and roleplaying.

So, sound interesting? The most boring snooze-fest ever? What do you think? I really am incredibly curious.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Fire Mountain Games is pleased to announce its next product line. Starting in early 2013 we will be releasing "Throne of Night".

"Throne of Night" will be a campaign where your characters need never see the sun. Build an empire in the depths of the earth and defend it against all foes. Explore an alien world beyond imagination and make it your own.

Two adventure paths in one, you can play either noble settlers epitomized by the dwarves or wicked overlords exemplified by the drow. Though there will be notes on playing any race and class, the campaign will focus on those two points of view.

We'll be releasing more details all day today so visit the web site or our facebook page for preview art and further information.

Of course we welcome your questions!

And to answer your first question: Aboleth? Yes, lots.

Fire Mountain Games is the ENnie award nominated publisher of Pathfinder's only evil adventure path the critically acclaimed "Way of the Wicked" for sale now at Paizo.com and DriveThruRPG.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

We here at Fire Mountain Games will be giving away three free Reaper Silver Dragons to those who like us on facebook.

This silver dragon makes a perfect opponent for "Way of the Wicked", the Ennie nominated villianous adventure path compatible with the Pathfinder RPG.

The drawing will be held next week August 31st at 5:00 pm pacific time.

If you already like us on facebook you are already entered to win!

And thanks to Reaper for donating these dragons! If you have somehow missed that Reaper is holding the world's coolest kickstarter, you should check it out.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

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Mythic Adventures was just announced at Gencon for later next year.

Rules for higher level play perhaps? More details to follow.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Fire Mountain Games is pleased to announce that preorders are now open for the exclusive Ogre 6th ed. expansion pack OGRE: Nightfall.

Learn more at firemountaingames.com/ogre.

More information to follow.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

"Way of the Wicked Book Four: Of Dragons and Princesses" is the #1 download on Paizo.com and is the #6 Top Selling Product by Other Companies.

Continuing the critically claimed, ENnie award nominated "Way of the Wicked" Adventure Path, "Of Dragons and Princesses" is an epic tale of war and intrigue against the noble kingdom of Talingarde.

By your hand, the king lives or dies.

We've also received our first review...

"Overall, there’s little question that Of Dragons and Princesses stands alongside the previous three adventures as a high-water mark among adventures. 5 stars!" -- Alzrius, Paizo.com

We continue to be humbled by all the support and kind words we've received for "Way of the Wicked".

And if you haven't yet checked out Pathfinder's only evil adventure path, there has never been a better time to be wicked.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Wow! Our first time on the front page of Paizo.com!

Thanks to Liz and everyone who made this possible.

And if you have any questions about "Way of the Wicked" I would more than happy to answer them.

There has never been a better time to be wicked.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Makes sure your voice is heard! Vote in the ENnies! Voting runs from July 20th - 29th.

Fire Mountain Games has been nominated for best electronic book for "Way of the Wicked Book One: Knot of Thorns". We humbly ask for you consideration.

A free preview of our product is available here.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Way of the Wicked, Pathfinder's only evil adventure path, has just released its fourth book.

With the release of this book you can now run a dedicated villainous campaign from 1st to 16th level. And even if you never intend to run an evil campaign, with these four books you have new full color maps, new monsters, new magic items and a fully detailed wicked scheme by an Asmodean cult for your heroic PCs to thwart all fully compatible with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

The critics have spoken.

  • "An apex of the art of adventure crafting" -- Endzeitgeist, Paizo.com

  • "I'm pretty well blown away by Way of the Wicked" -- Neuroglyph, ENWorld

  • "An adventure path as epic as anything by Paizo." -- Shane O'Connor, RPG.net

  • We are now Ennie-award nominated.

And are we stopping? No. In the next few months we will release Book Five and Six. This adventure path goes all the way to twentieth level.

And we've brought on Jason Bulmahn, writer of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Corebook and Lead Designer of Paizo, to deliver us a big cup of evil awesome. And has he delivered! He's written a mechanical toy box of archetypes, magic items, spells and feats designed to make your villains (both PC and NPC) shine with unbridled infernal glory. His work will be released exclusively in Book Five and Book Six of the Way of the Wicked Adventure Path.

You can order the print and PDF versions right here at Paizo.com.

So, what are you waiting for? See what all the buzz is about and take your first step along The Way of the Wicked.

It's never been a better time to be the bad guy.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

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Greeting everyone,

I'm back from PaizoCon. Great con!

But I can now officially announce that Jason Bulmahn will be freelancing for Fire Mountain Games on Book Five and Book Six of "Way of the Wicked", Pathfinder's only evil adventure path.

Books One, Two and Three are already available for sale here on Paizo.Com and on DriveThruRPG.

Why wait any longer?

It's the perfect time to be wicked.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Anyone remember the minis swap from last year?

I note its not on the schedule. This is a tragedy. Any plans to have the triumphant return of the miniatures swapmeet?

Gary McBride

"Way of the Wicked", Pathfinder's only evil adventure path, continues in Book 4: Of Dragons and Princesses.

A book with that title wouldn't be complete without, of course, some dragons and here is the mightiest, meanest one you're going to meet -- Chargammon the Black.

This is the black and white sketch by Michael Clarke. In the book it will be in full color and a full page image.

The first three books are available for sale right now at Paizo.com and DrivethruRPG both in print and as pdfs.

It's never been a better time to be wicked.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

New Preview art from the upcoming Way of the Wicked Book Four: Of Dragons and Princesses. This is Setia, consort of the dragon, protector of the seas.

And the first three chapters of Pathfinder's only evil adventure path are for sale now at Paizo.com and DriveThruRPG.

Find out what all the buzz is about and learn how much fun it is to be wicked.

Fire Mountain Games

More than one thousand copies of Fire Mountain Games new villainous adventure path "Way of the Wicked" have sold! Thanks to everyone who has supported us and given villainy a try.

And if you haven't yet walked the Way of the Wicked, what are you waiting for?

"An apex of the art of adventure crafting" -- Paizo.com
"An adventure path as epic as anything by Paizo" -- rpg.net
"I'm VERY impressed and, would it be possible, I'd rate this 6 stars" -- DriveThruRPG
"I have to admit that I’m pretty well blown away by Way of the Wicked" -- ENWorld

Check out Pathfinder's only evil adventure path, for sale today on Paizo.com and DrivethruRPG. Books One Through Three are available now! Book Four is coming in June!

Who wants to be the hero, when it's so much more fun to be wicked?

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Get exclusive art and updates on our facebook page.

"Way of the Wicked Book Three: Tears of the Blessed" is now available in print at DriveThruRPG!

You can now purchase thirteen levels of the critically acclaimed "Way of the Wicked" -- Pathfinder's only evil adventure path.

Talingarde is the most noble, virtuous kingdom in all the world. Become the agents of its utter ruin. Become the villian you were meant to be.

"An apex of the art of adventure-crafting. 5 stars!" -- Endzeitgeist

"Being bad never felt so good. 5 stars!" -- Shane O'Connor, featured reviewer at RPGNow

On sale now.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

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Greetings all,

My name is Gary McBride and I own Fire Mountain Games. We are right now half way through "Way of the Wicked", Pathfinder's only evil adventure path and are considering what comes next. We won't be making any definite decisions for some months, so this is your chance to toss out suggestions.

If you could have any third party adventure path for the Pathfinder RPG, what would it be? Don't worry about practicality or marketability. We'll worry about that for you. Instead, describe your dream product no matter how outlandish. What would be an adventure path that would make your heart race?

Remember, we can't use Golarion or Paizo's IP and we aren't interested in licensing anything (beyond using the Pathfinder Compatibility License). But we can make an epic adventure easily portable to any fantasy world.

What should it be? We're listening.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Greetings all,

I just posted a summation of all the reviews that have been written so far about "Way of the Wicked" on rpg.net and ENWorld.

Check it out!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Pathfinder's only evil adventure path -- "Way of the Wicked Book Three: Tears of the Blessed" is out and for sale here on Paizo.com.

And here is some preview art.

This is a statue of Mitra, Lord of Light, the three in one. He is the god of the sun, healing, valor and other such pusillanimous rot and the deity of almost all of your enemies.

Send his statues crashing down and slay his chosen.

Bring Asmodeus to power in the kingdom of Talingarde and make your enemies pay.

Be the bad guy.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games


For sale at Paizo right now, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game's only villainous adventure path continues with Book Three: Tears of the Blessed

The Vale of Valtaerna is perhaps the most sacred site in all of Talingarde. Herein you gather an army of darkness and storm this sanctuary of the blessed. Your mission is simple -- before winter's end, all must die.

And then all throughout the realm will be heard the tears of the blessed.

"Author Gary McBride and artist Michael Clarke have...definitely upped the ante of the quality one can expect from 3pps, rivaling Paizo's APs in style, artwork and writing. I have nothing to complain. Nothing. I'm VERY impressed and, would it be possible, I'd rate this 6 stars." -- Endzeitgeist

"This is an adventure of grandeur" -- Shane O'Connor

We're half way through a twenty level journey along the Way of the Wicked. It's never been a better time to be the bad guy.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

As of today, both "Way of the Wicked" books -- "Knot of Thorns" and "Call Forth Darkness" are now bestsellers on DriveThruRPG. I would like to thank all of our loyal customers who have made this milestone possible. Rest assured, that more is on the way.

But you don't have to buy your copies there! You can buy them right here on Paizo.com where hundreds of copies have already been sold.

Take a look at Pathfinder's only evil adventure path and see what all the buzz is about.

Make 2012 the year you became wicked.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Fire Mountain Games on Facebook

Preview art from the soon to be released "Way of the Wicked Book Three: Tears of the Blessed." Pathfinder's only evil adventure path continues!

Here are the Angels in Iron by Michael Clarke.

In your adventuring career, you've battled devils. You've bested demons. You've mastered daemons.

But how will you fare against angels and archons?

Find out in "Tears of the Blessed".

Be the Bad Guy.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

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Announced at Gamestorm by Jason Buhlman -- Paizo's new fall hardcover the NPC Codex. Will post more details later.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games
Maker of "Way of the Wicked" the only evil AP for Pathfinder

Fire Mountain Games will be at Gamestorm from now till Monday morning.

If you live anywhere near Portland, Oregon or are going to con from points farther afield, be sure to stop by the booth and say hello.

We will be there all weekend, promoting Pathfinder-based villainy and running "Way of the Wicked" demos.

Mike Clarke, our resident artist, will even be doing sketches. Get your character drawn as a villain.

Regardless, off to the con!

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Here are some sample full-color maps from Pathfinder's only evil adventure path, "Way of the Wicked".

This is noble, doomed Talingarde. This is the map of the isle where you will wreak your vengeance.

This is Farholde. This small northern settlement of Talingarde has, unbeknownst to any of its residences, a critical part to play in Talingarde's destruction.

These are only two of the beautiful rendered maps drawn by talent arted Michael Clarke.

See more of his work in "Way of the Wicked Book One: Knot of Thorns" and "Way of the Wicked Book Two: Call Forth Darkness" for sale now.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

"Way of the Wicked", the Pathfinder RPG's only evil adventure path, just hit #1 (for Call Forth Darkness) and #8 (for Knot of Thorns) for top downloads from other companies.

We've now received nine 5-star reviews and two 4-star reviews for our first two books. It's fair to say that we are overwhelmed by the response.

I want to thank everyone who purchased a download and help support "Way of the Wicked". "Way of the Wicked" continues in April with Book 3 -- Tears of the Blessed.

And if you have not yet walked the Way of the Wicked, maybe its time you did.

You've saved the world plenty.

Isn't it time the world needed saving from you?

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Recently, my six year old daughter has gotten deeply into Godzilla and Mothra films. And so over the last few months I have had the opportunity to repeatedly screen most of the 30+ Godzilla and Mothra films. I have learned several things...

1) Space is bad. Anything that comes from Space hates us and is likely pure evil.

2) Nuclear Testing is worse. Nuclear testing offends the gods, nature and giant lizards. Don't do this.

3) When little fairy girls ask you to do something, you do it. Now! It may already be too late.

4) Giant Heat Rays mounted on trucks are the biggest waste of tax dollars in the history of pork barrel spending. They do nothing but anger Godzilla. When he's angry, he breathes fire, melting your giant heat rays into costly slag.

5) Your tax dollars are better spent on plucky young scientists nobody believes. Their ideas may sound like hockum, but they might just work. They'll never drive off the Big G forever, but at least he'll swim off into the sunset poignantly today.

6) Japan is made of monster candy. They could attack anywhere on Earth, or at least anywhere along the Pacific coastline. But has Portland, Oregon ever been thrashed by kaiju monstrosities? Hell no. Not when there is delicious wonderful Japan just sitting there!

7) Do not accept help from the US military. They're help is even more worthless than the giant heat rays and they are probably responsible for the nuclear testing (boo! hiss!).

8) That glowing green thing in the lab? Don't ignore that. It may be man portable today but within the week it will be godzilla-scale in size and angry. Likely it is either from Space or from Nuclear Testing and we know what that means.

9) Your plan to create a monster jail and cage up the monsters -- yeah, that isn't going to work. Just thought I'd let you know.

10) History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of men.

Gary "Go Go Godzilla!" McBride
Fire Mountain Games

Endzeitgeist, perhaps the most prolific reviewer on paizo.com, just reviewed "Way of the Wicked Book One: Knot of Thorns." What did he have to say about the book?

"Editing and formatting are top-notch, I didn't notice any glitches. Not one. Excellent job!"

"The artwork (and there's a lot of it) is also full-color and features portraits of all major players... And they are Paizo-level. I mean it. These pieces of artwork are STELLAR."

"Content-wise the adventure is a great mix of railroady sections and the coolest sandboxy infiltration I've read in quite a while. In fact, the overall writing is stellar and up to the highest standards you could want."

"The finale is epic, smart, cool and offers so many ways to achieve victory it's almost frightening - without being easy, mind you!"

"Fire Mountain Games have come from the nowhere, put out this little pdf and blown me out of the water - neither content, nor production values or bang-to-buck-ratio leave anything to be desired from this stellar, brilliant opening of their villainous AP. The novelty of an evil campaign and its challenges are addressed and solved admirably, the scenes feel new and give credence to the overall conspiracy and just about every aspect of this book can be considered a PEAK PERFORMANCE."

"Author Gary McBride and artist Michael Clarke have, with this opening, definitely upped the ante of the quality one can expect from 3pps, rivaling Paizo's APs in style, artwork and writing. I have nothing to complain. Nothing. I'm VERY impressed and, would it be possible, I'd rate this 6 stars."

Way of the Wicked -- 6 star villiany. For sale at Paizo and DrivethruRPG.

It's never been a better time to be the bad guy.

Gary McBride
Fire Mountain Games