
FiliDestro's page

Organized Play Member. 31 posts (83 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.


M Human Archaeologist Bard 1

Working on making an alias now. Thanks for running Wise Fox! It can be hard to get into PbP games and I'm glad I can be part of Gameday VIII.

I would love to join this, I haven't played 2e since a short-lived play test game a while ago. I would prefer to play Amiri, with Ezren as my second choice.

Congrats to The Emerald Duke! I hope you guys have a fantastic game!


Hassim Al-Murad
Male human cavalier (Honor Guard) 1
LG Meduim humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +1
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +0 Dex, +1 shield)
hp 12 (1d10+1+1)
Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +1
Speed 30 ft. (20ft. w/armor)
Melee scimitar +5 (1d6+4/18-20) or
. . longspear(reach) +5 (1d8+6/x3) or
. . light mace +5 (1d6+4) or
Ranged shortbow +1 (1d6/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)

Special Attacks

Challenge 1/day (Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage equal to the cavalier’s level against this target. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge. The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends.
Whenever an honor guard issues a challenge, he can select one ally as his ward for the duration of the challenge. Whenever the honor guard is adjacent to his ward, he takes a –1 penalty to Armor Class, and the ward receives a +1 dodge bonus to AC.
An order of the seal cavalier can make a free bull rush or trip combat maneuver anytime he takes the full-attack action against the target of his challenge. This free combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.)

Tactician 1/day (At 1st level, a cavalier receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.)
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 15

Feats: Antagonize, Saving Shield

Traits: Reactionary- You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.
Desert Nomad- You gain a +4 trait bonus on any saving throws made to resist the effects of being in hot conditions, and a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws against fire effects.

Skills: Acrobatics -5, Bluff +6, Climb +0(no shield) Diplomacy +2, Disguise +2, Escape Artist -5, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +6, Perception +1, Ride -1(+4 when riding Mount), Sense Motive +5

Languages: Common

SQ: An order of the seal cavalier adds Disable Device (Dex) and Linguistics (Int) to his list of class skills. Whenever the cavalier uses Bluff to conceal information about his sworn charge, he receives a competence bonus equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).

Combat Gear: acid (2), caltrops, holy water; Other Gear scale mail armor, light steel shield, scimitar, shortbow, arrows (20), heavy mace, longspear, crowbar, grappling hook, 50ft of hemp rope, chalk (10), candle (10), hooded lantern, lamp oil (5), backpack, bit and bridle, riding saddle, saddle bags, belt pouch, bedroll, flint and steel, an iron pot, mess kit, soap, waterskin, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), animal feed (5 days), 15 gp, 3 sp

Special Abilities

Antagonize: Use Diplomacy or Intimidate to goad creatures

Saving Shield: Whenever an adjacent ally is the target of an attack, you can, as an immediate action, grant that adjacent ally a +2 shield bonus to AC. You must be wielding a shield to use this feat.

Shake It Off: When you are adjacent to one or more allies who also have this feat, you gain a +1 bonus on saving throws per such ally (maximum +4).

@Ngozi & DM:
Hassim would probably have been quite shocked seeing a baby phantom with multiple umbilical cords ooze out of Ngozi's face the first time. It probably would have been met with a stare and awkward silence. The second time, Hassim would have acted normal, accepting it as a part of who Ngozi is. Hassim would look to Ngozi when it came to questions of the dead and spirits, seeing him as a kind of expert on the subject.

@Eisith & DM:
Hassim would see some kinship with Eisith, both of them trying to fade into the background rather than drawing attention to themselves. On the other hand, Hassim tends to get more serious in dire situations. He might be a bit confused by Eisith's more open and somewhat crazed demeanor during dangerous events. Eventually he might get a little laugh out of it, knowing he can behave the same way at times.

@Dhomirren & DM:
You would likely be the first Ratfolk that Hassim has ever met, and would likely be surprised at the idea of a rat person having a pet cat. He might even find it a little humorous. That said, he would likely have a lot of respect for Dhomirren. The reason for that would be his kinship in caring for and having companionship with an animal.

@DM Chapel:
Are you okay with animal companion archetypes? I was considering the Bully archetype specifically.
Also, I changed Hassim's order to the Order of the Seal, it makes a lot more sense for the kind of order I was thinking of when first making Hassim.
I almost have the crunch ready, I'll post it as soon as it's done.

He will be taking the Honor Guard archetype, and is trained to guard leaders in battle. I plan on playing in a way that discourages enemies from attacking his allies, trying to force them to focus on him instead. His secondary roll will be melee damage, which I think he will be able to deliver on considering the spiritualist and the skald doing debuffs/buffs.

Time Zone: Mountain Time
Current Games: I'm playing in one PBP, it's RotRL and my first PBP game.

Hassim Al-Murad:
Picture of him 20 years from now.

A little over 2 years ago, Hassim began his required military service for the Qadiran Kingdom. During his time there, he had a leader that he looked up to. That leader brought him into a secret order called The Keepers of the Shining Star, an anti-apocolyptic organization of Sarenrae worshipers. His military service ended recently, and his first mission for the Keepers was to go to Saringallow and investigate rumors about weird things happening there. (This is a flexible part to me, but I thought it might be a good reason to be in town, and looking at the product page I thought it could make sense.)

Hassim is quiet around people he doesn't know, friends of his know him a little better. They know that he can be serious during missions and maybe overly focused. They also know that when he's relaxed he has a good sense of humor. All around he is a good, loyal companion.

Do you want all the crunch written out for the application? He is a human cavalier, order of the star, his mount will be a camel. I've picked stats, but I haven't done skills, feats, traits, or equipment yet.

I will keep that in mind.

I'm interested in makeing a camel riding cavalier from Qadira (If you are using the Golarion setting). I'll work on the crunch, and add details before the deadline.

@GM I worked out some of the details and kinks in Wrath's backstory and thought I would post what I had written out.

Backstory Rewritten and Expanded:

-----The Way of the Silver Claw was originally formed sometime after the emergence of the dwarves from underground. A small group of dwarves were trapped in a winter storm in the Mindspin Mountains. Zandet, the silver dragon, saw their plight and guided them to his caverns. His actions saved this poor group of dwarves. They numbered less than 50. He offered to let them stay, and in exchange for them working the stone in his cavern into a home, he would teach them. The dwarves liked this idea and decided to accept the offer.
-----Zandet taught these dwarves that there are impurities within all mortal beings and that we must seek to root them out in order to become a perfect self, or our societies would fall. He taught them that all vice stems from these seven impurities: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath. The Way of the Silver Claw focuses on three tenants. The first was overcoming the vices inherent to mortality, this was the main goal and tenant. The second was learning about yourself and the world around you, as this would help you to see the vices in yourself and in the world. This would help you to overcome them and give you the chance to direct others in doing the same. The third and final tenant was preserving and protecting innocent life, as all innocent life has the potential to overcome the vices of mortality.
-----Zandet taught them Draconic and a strange runic language they didn't know. Most of their records are written in this language. By the time Wrath is born, the conclave has lost the knowledge of dwarven and predominantly speak Draconic but are taught Common and to read and write the strange runic language(Thassilonian) that their records are in. Zandet often taught and lead this group in a dwarven form, and at some point fell in love with one of the dwarven women and had several half-dragon children. The eldest was named Pride at his coming of age, but eventually overcame his vices and was renamed Zanikus.
-----Sometime after this, Zandet disappeared. No one knew where he went and everyone was afraid that the Way would be lost without him. Some of the elders remembered the Gods of their fathers, the dwarven Gods. Particularly they remembered Torag, the father of all dwarves who loved all of his children. They gathered the congregation and Zanikus led the congregation in humble supplication to Torag asking for guidance. Miraculously, he heard and answered their prayer. Torag sent down a solar angel, Ambriel, who knew all of the teachings of the Way of the Silver Claw. She stayed with the dwarves for a long time, teaching and guiding them in the Way as Zandet had. Zanikus and Ambriel fell in love and had four children together. When Zanikus died, Ambriel left the eldest Master of the Way(one who had overcome the vices) as their leader and teacher so that she could return to heaven and be with her beloved.
-----Wrath is a descendant of one of Zanikus' and Ambriel's children. His ancestors going back have all been given the gift of natural arcane power, a sign of their draconic heritage, and a few have been born with blonde hair, a sign of their celestial parentage. Wrath was born with icey blue eyes, the same color that Zanikus had. It was seen as a sign that dragons blood flowed strongly through him. He was also born with the blonde hair, a sign of his celestial ancestry. The conclave marveled at his birth, for the combination was quite rare (usually one side overpowered the other). Seeing this, the eldest Master of the Way gave him a special amulet made from one of the scales of Zandet, a precious relic.
-----After birth, Wrath was raised by the community with the other children. He did not know any members as his father or mother, but all were seen as elders and teachers.
-----At a member's coming of age ceremony, they are named after their greatest vice. Only after overcoming this vice are they able to shed themselves of this name and take on a new name. Wrath has recently gone through this ceremony. He received the name Wrath, and the red rune of Wrath was tattooed into the backs of his hands. He wasn't surprised by this, he had become known as one to enact his own physical justice on people when he thought they had done him or others wrong. The appropriate thing to do was to tell your elders and that they would resolve it in the most appropriate way, but Wrath's emotions got in the way of this. Sometimes he was quick to anger and frustration and expressed these things in a less productive way. When he was a child, on of the other young ones stole his amulet. Greed. He despised that vice, always taking never giving. He hurt the poor kid rather that telling one of the elders. Not many members forgot that day. Only when he can completely control his anger and sense of justice will he be able to shed his shameful name.
-----At their coming of age a member of the Way would be sent out into the world in search of better fulfilling the tenants of the Way. The Master of the Way, the same that had given him the amulet, had a dream the night before the ceremony of a town named Sandpoint and a celebration happening there. She believed that it was a sign that Wrath should seek out this town and that he was meant to be there for the celebration. With this guidance, Wrath set out with the few belongings he owned, in search of Sandpoint and whatever it held. He got there long several days after the Swallowtail Festival to find out it had been attacked! He currently is doing his best to help Sandpoint recover and feels that because of the dream there is something more he needs to do here for Sandpoint.

M Human Archaeologist Bard 1

I see a lot of people have created their characters and are able to use them to post. This is my first time doing PbP and I'm not sure how they were able to do that. Do I need to so as to make play easier? If so, where can I find instructions to do so.
Very excited to do this, I mostly DM with my local group so I am excited to get the chance to be a player.
Wrath's primary stats will be Physical.


I must have done the math wrong, I can't figure out how I got to that number. It should be 19 (10 +2 BAB, +3 Str, +1 Dex, +3 Cha[Scaled Fist Monk])

Yes I did take the Scion of Humanity trait, I wasn't sure where to record that so I ended up forgetting to record it somewhere.

I have been thinking about this character for a while so I have had a lot of thoughts about how all of this works, I just wanted to get something out there so I could be considered for the campaign. Let me expound upon your questions.
The Way of the Silver Claw was originally formed sometime after the emergence of the dwarves from underground. A small group of dwarves were trapped in a winter storm in some mountains. Zandet, the silver dragon saved this group of dwarves and they swore fealty to Zandet, who then became their leader and teacher. Zandet often taught and lead this group in a dwarven from, and at some point mated with a few of the dwarves, leading to draconic bloodlines spreading through a fairly small community. After a few dwarven generations Zandet disappeared. The leaders of The Way of the Silver Claw prayed to Torag seeking his guidance and fearing that the Way would be lost without Zandet's direction. In response, Torag sent an Angel, Ambriel, to watch over and guide this small congregation. Ambriel fell in love with one of the Masters of the Way and they had three children, all half celestials. Wrath is a descendant of Zandet and one of these half celestials. At this point, all of the members of The Way of the Silver Claw are descendants of Zandet and many are related to Ambriel in some way. The fact that both the draconic bloodline and the celestial ancestry are coming up is quite unusual and he is considered favored among the Way. The Master's of the Way gave him one of the scales of Zandet at his coming of age. It is a precious relic that he wears as an amulet, though there are other scales that have been preserved and he is not the first to have both of the bloodlines visible in him. The Arcane bloodline would come from him being from a family line of Sorcerers going back to the eldest son of Zandet, without a generation being skipped.

A lot of this has just been in my head and hadn't been written out yet. I didn't want to give to huge of a text dump for you to read through. The original group that was lost in the storms was less than 50 in membership. Now they number at around 35, the slow decrease coming from some members choosing not to have children and isolation from other communities.

Let me know if you have any other questions about him or if you want any more details filled in. This is most everything I have already thought through.

If you don't think that's a good enough reason for the Arcane bloodline I can just have him be a plain draconic sorcerer.

This is Wrath, follower of The Way of the Silver Claw. Wrath is a loyal and dedicated monk of The Way of the Silver Claw, a group that venerates silver dragons and particularly the silver dragon Zandet, their founder. Wrath has arrived in town just in time for the Swallowtail Festival.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Blooded, Dwarven appearance) Scaled Fist Monk (Unchained) 1
LG Medium humanoid (Dwarf)/outsider (native)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+4 monk, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge,)
hp 11
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Speed 30 ft.
. . unarmed strike (Dragon Style) +5 (1d6+6/x2) or
. . flurry of blows (Dragon Style) +5/+5 (1d6+6/1d6+4/×2)
Special Attacks
Dragon Style
. . While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep effects, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. You ignore difficult terrain when you charge, run, or withdraw. You can also charge through squares that contain allies. Further, you can add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on a given round.

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 21
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Dodge, Dragon Style
Traits Magical Knack(Sorcerer), Scholar of the Ancients
Skills Knowledge (Arcana) +3, Knowledge (History) +6, Linguistics +2, Perception +4, Use Magic Device +5
Languages Common, Thassilonian, Draconic
Gear -

Special Abilities
Angel-Blooded Spell-Like Abilities
. . 1/day-Alter Self
Stunning Fist- 1/day, as part of attack, Target is stunned for 1 round, DC 14 fort save negates.
Evasion- If a monk succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage.

Backstory and Connection to Sandpoint:
Wrath was born into a small Monastery in the northern Mindspin Mountains. The Way of the Silver Claw has been around for centuries, a congregation of dwarves who have venerated silver dragons since it's inception. The silver dragon Zandet was their first teacher. He taught these dwarves that there are impurities within all mortal beings and that we must seek to root them out in order to become a perfect self. He taught them that all vice stem from these seven impurities: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath. The Way of the Silver Claw seek to follow Zandet's teachings, even though he hasn't been seen in many years. At a member's coming of age ceremony, they are named after their greatest vice. Only after overcoming this vice are they able to shed themselves of this name and take on a new name.
Wrath has recently received his new name, he received this name because of a lacking in emotional restraint. Only when he can completely control his anger and sense of justice will he be able to shed his shameful name. All his life Wrath has studied the teachings of Zandet. The Way of the Silver Claw focuses on 3 tenants, overcoming your vices, learning about yourself and the world around you, and preserving and protecting innocent life. It was at this point that going out into the world would best help Wrath to progress toward fulfilling these tenants. Wrath's master told him to go to Sandpoint and that there would be a festival there soon, and that he had a dream that terrible things would happen there. Wrath was sent to help this town in any way he can and to represent The Way of the Silver Claw.

Wrath is of dwarven appearance, he has blond hair and a short darker blonde beard. His eyes are an icey blue color. Wrath has a more fit build than you might expect for a dwarf. Red symbols are tatooed onto the backs of his hands, a reminder of his vice. Wrath wears a plain tan shirt that has the sleeves cut off. He wears baggy brown pants and leather boots.
Wrath under normal circumstances is very calm and slow to take offence. He is focused and because of his upbringing is slower to get jokes or to laugh. He does enjoy the company of others and cares about people, and that is how he gets into most of his trouble. Wrath is very loyal to those he consider's friends. If someone were to hurt, threaten, or insult one of his friends he would be quite angry and might physically harm these assailants. Wrath's friends would describe him as someone you can always rely on, a friend who is loyal through the thick and the thin, he is the kind of person that would never betray a friend. Wrath's second joy is learning new things about the world around him. It isn't unusual to find him consumed in some book or conversation with the elderly. Wrath doesn't particularly enjoy fighting and sees it as something he has to do when there are no other options. He knows that it brings out his weakness, something that is easier for him to avoid than control. Despite this, Wrath only tries to avoid combat when he believes there is a better solution.

This is Wrath, follower of The Way of the Silver Claw. Wrath is a loyal and dedicated monk of The Way of the Silver Claw, a group that venerates silver dragons and particularly the silver dragon Zandet, their founder. Wrath has arrived in town while the party has been at Thistletop. He has sought to help Sandpoint's residents recover from the goblin attacks. Regretting his delayed arrival in Sandpoint, Wrath has vowed to stay and protect the town from any threats, goblinoid or otherwise.

Male Aasimar (Angel-Blooded, Dwarven appearance) Scaled Fist Monk (Unchained) 2, Crossblooded Sorcerer 1
LG Medium humanoid (Dwarf)/outsider (native)
Init +1; Senses Perception +5
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+3 monk, +1 Dex, +1 Dodge, +1 deflection)
hp 22 (2d10+1d6)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike(PA) +4 (1d6+6/x2) or
. . flurry of blows(PA) +4/+4 (1d6+6/1d6+5/×2) or
. . unarmed strike +5 (1d6+4/x2) or
. . flurry of blows +5/+5 (1d6+4/1d6+3/×2)
Special Attacks
Arcane Strike
. . Swift action, all weapon attacks add +1 damage
Dragon Style
. . While using this style, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against sleep effects, paralysis effects, and stunning effects. You ignore difficult terrain when you charge, run, or withdraw. You can also charge through squares that contain allies. Further, you can add 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus on the damage roll for your first unarmed strike on a given round.

Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +6)
. . 1st 5/day(3+Cha+Bonded Item)— Snowball
. . 0 (at will)— Mage Hand, Message, Detect magic
. . B Bloodline spell; Bloodlines (Crossblooded) Draconic, Arcane
Str 17, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 17
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 21
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Eschew Materials, Dodge, Dragon Style, Power Attack, Arcane Strike
Traits Magical Knack(Sorcerer), Indomitable Faith, Scholar of the Ancients
Skills Acrobatics +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (History) +8, Linguistics +3, Perception +5, Use Magic Device +9, Lore (The Way of the Silver Claw) +7
Languages Common, Thassilonian, Draconic, Dwarven
Gear - Ring of Protection +1, Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges), Acid (2), Trail Rations (6), Waterskin, Soap
225gp 9sp 9cp

Special Abilities
Angel-Blooded Spell-Like Abilities
. . 1/day-Alter Self
Stunning Fist- 2/day, as part of attack, Target is stunned for 1 round, DC 14 fort save negates.
Evasion- If a monk succeeds at a Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage.

Draconic Bloodline
-Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the Cold descriptor, that spell deals +1 point of damage per die rolled.
-Claws (Su): you can grow claws as a free action. make two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Each of these attacks deals 1d4+Str - 6 rounds/day

Arcane Bloodline
-Arcana: Whenever you apply a metamagic feat to a spell that increases the slot used by at least one level, increase the spell’s DC by +1.
-Arcane Bond (Su): Amulet. At 1st level, you gain an arcane bond, as a wizard equal to your sorcerer level. Your sorcerer levels stack with any wizard levels you possess when determining the powers of your familiar or bonded object. Once per day, your bonded item allows you to cast any one of your spells known.

Backstory and Connection to Sandpoint:
Wrath was born into a small Monastery in the northern Mindspin Mountains. The Way of the Silver Claw has been around for centuries, a congregation of dwarves (a mixture of sorcerers and monks) who have venerated silver dragons since it's inception. The silver dragon Zandet was their first teacher. He taught these dwarves that there are impurities within all mortal beings and that we must seek to root them out in order to become a perfect self. He taught them that all vice stem from these seven impurities: Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Pride, Sloth, and Wrath. The Way of the Silver Claw seek to follow Zandet's teachings, even though he hasn't been seen in many years. At a member's coming of age ceremony, they are named after their greatest vice. Only after overcoming this vice are they able to shed themselves of this name and take on a new name.
Wrath has recently received his new name, he received this name because of a lacking in emotional restraint. Only when he can completely control his anger and sense of justice will he be able to shed his shameful name. All his life Wrath has studied the teachings of Zandet. The Way of the Silver Claw focuses on 3 tenants, overcoming your vices, learning about yourself and the world around you, and preserving and protecting innocent life. It was at this point that going out into the world would best help Wrath to progress toward fulfilling these tenants. Wrath's master told him to go to Sandpoint and that there would be a festival there soon, and that he had a dream that terrible things would happen there soon. Wrath was sent to help this town in any way he can and to represent The Way of the Silver Claw. Because of bad weather and minor incidents on the road, Wrath arrived in Sandpoint late for the festival to find that there had been an attack by goblins. Things seem to have settled at this point, the cathedral has already been dedicated and life has mostly returned to normal. Wrath goes about town looking for anyway to help the victims of an attack he should have been there for. Regretting his delayed arrival in Sandpoint, Wrath has vowed to stay and protect the town from any threats, goblinoid or otherwise.

Wrath is of dwarven appearance, he has blond hair and a short darker blonde beard. His eyes are an icey blue color. Wrath has a more fit build than you might expect for a dwarf. Red symbols are tatooed onto the backs of his hands, a reminder of his vice. Wrath wears a plain tan shirt that has the sleeves cut off. He wears baggy brown pants and leather boots.
Wrath under normal circumstances is very calm and slow to take offence. He is focused and because of his upbringing is slower to get jokes or to laugh. He does enjoy the company of others and cares about people, and that is how he gets into most of his trouble. Wrath is very loyal to those he consider's friends. If someone were to hurt, threaten, or insult one of his friends he would be quite angry and might physically harm these assailants. Wrath's friends would describe him as someone you can always rely on, a friend who is loyal through the thick and the thin, he is the kind of person that would never betray a friend. Wrath's second joy is learning new things about the world around him. It isn't unusual to find him consumed in some book or conversation with the elderly. Wrath doesn't particularly enjoy fighting and sees it as something he has to do when there are no other options. He knows that it brings out his weakness, something that is easier for him to avoid than control. Despite this, Wrath only tries to avoid combat when he believes there is a better solution.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I am on Mountain time.

LordKailas wrote:

You should be able to do what you want and play whatever class you want to. Below are a quick run down of the different methods available to you.

Cleric(any deity) + Separatist Archetype + Animal Domain
Druid + animal companion
Hunter + animal companion
Ranger + animal companion
Any Class + Animal Ally Feat
Any Class + Exotic Heritage[Sylvan]

It needs to be mentioned that the last option while allowed by the RAW was not intended to be used this way by paizo. Also, while it costs the same number of feats as the animal ally chain, the resulting animal companion is weaker since it's CL-5 vs CL-3.

If you can get dm approval to allow you to use a Yak as a bonded mount there are even more options.

In any case, if you are using a feat/class option that doesn't get an animal companion at first level you could always simply purchase one for 24gp to have at 1st level. Since all of the options I listed kick in before 5th level then it will keep up with you statwise since a yak has 5 HD to start with. Combined with the feat Boon Companion your yak will advance as an animal companion equal to your character level.

Thank you for giving a variety of options!

Buying the yak at level one is a great idea I never thought of!The Animal Ally feat with Boon Companion changes things a lot. I want a full divine caster and I was just going druid because of the full animal companion. This makes the cleric, shaman, and oracle attractive options.

Many thanks!

Gray Warden wrote:
Oracle is your best option in my opinion, as it synergyzes well with Halfling's racial bonus to Charisma. Go Nature or Lunar to get the animal companion, the only house rule would be to allow yak as animal companion choice in addition to those allowed by the respective revelations. If the GM agrees, congrats; if not, pick the closest quadruped among those allowed and pretend it's a yak.

This is a viable option I hadn't thought of. Thanks!

Wonderstell wrote:

Are you asking if something you'll never use is a fair trade-off for basically all shaman class features?

Normally, if people want to remove a class feature they look to archetypes. Here are 14 archetypes that trades away Wild Shape.

Death Druid, Drovier, Elemental Ally, Feral Child, Fungal Pilgrim, Halcyon Druid, Life Channeler, Nature Fang, Planar Extremist, Road Keeper, Season Sage, Sunrider, Supernaturalist, Survivor.

If there's really none of them that interests you, then either homebrew or just simply don't use Wild Shape.

Haha, I wouldn't call it "all shaman class features", that's laughable. It wouldn't give me access to hexes or wandering spirit, I would just get the 4 abilities (spirit, spirit greater, spirit true, manifestation).

Most of those archetypes (and yes I did go through them before the OP) give up the Nature Bond class feature. You would think that if you wanted to be helpful you would filter those out before posting, since I basically said having an animal companion was required.

I just want you to know that your reply was not helpful at all.

I am not experienced in Homebrew or anything like that. So I am making a character and I want advice on what might be a reasonable trade out. I want to make a gypsy halfling who worships Desna and rides a pet yak. Because I want the yak at first level and I want it to stay applicable through the whole game I dont have a lot of class options.
My plan would be to go for druid, since I want to be a full divine caster. The only thing is that I don't see my character using Wildshape for flaver purposes, so I was looking for options to replace it. One of the ones that came up was the shaman spirit, specifically Heavens. Some of the abilities are fun and flavorful but I am not sure if it is a balanced trade off. Do you think it is?

The other option I thought of was playing a shaman and seeing if my GM would let me have a yak spirit animal (familiar). But I wonder if that might be a lot to ask. Let me know what you guys think.

I am not experienced in Homebrew or anything like that. So I am making a character and I want advice on what might be a reasonable trade out. I want to make a gypsy halfling who worships Desna and rides a pet yak. Because I want the yak at first level and I want it to stay applicable through the whole game I dont have a lot of class options.
My plan would be to go for druid, since I want to be a full divine caster. The only thing is that I don't see my character using Wildshape for flaver purposes, so I was looking for options to replace it. One of the ones that came up was the shaman spirit, specifically Heavens. Some of the abilities are fun and flavorful but I am not sure if it is a balanced trade off. Do you think it is?

The other option I thought of was playing a shaman and seeing if my GM would let me have a yak spirit animal (familiar). But I wonder if that might be a lot to ask. Let me know what you guys think.

Poison Minion (4 RP): Drow sometimes augment their slaves and frontline warriors by making them toxic, causing their bodies to internally produce mawbane poison. The resulting poisonous creature makes a potent weapon in the effort to discourage neighboring monsters. Any creature that hits such a character with a bite attack is immediately exposed to its poison. The save DC for this poison is equal to 10 + 1/2 the character’s Hit Dice + the character’s Constitution modifier. Mawbane Poison—ingested; save Fortitude as above; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 Constitution damage; cure 1 save.

I was just wondering if there is any rule on if you can or can't collect it. I plan on playing an infiltrator type and wanted to poison food and drinks of enemies, poison is expensive and the DC scaling would be nice. I don't see it coming up a lot, but it would be cool on the rare occasion.

I FAQed the post where I quoted the Shield Master ability. I would just like to know what the designers meant.
With the Emissary, I just wish it had abilities that I could use more frequently and that would get better over time. Having it's two big abilities be once a day isn't so great, and guidance doesn't get any better over time. Mauler actually looks really interesting, I just don't think it is right for this character RP wise.

Grandlounge wrote:

It's a reasonable reading but it also invokes shield other which stopping is not optional. With shield other once sharing is started casting the spell it has to be stopped by moving out of range or dismissing the spell. Can, in this case, could be referring to initiating the ability from which point the shield other rules take over.

I have seen it read both ways. I think your reading is simpler and it is the one I run with.

I can see how both interpretations could be made. I guess the questions is what does "as if under the effects of" really mean. And can the familiar stop touching me as a free action? The only thing I have to compare to is dropping a weapon, which is a free action. I mean it is just letting go of me.

Edit: Found out that ending a spell is a standard action. It's just weird to me because this is an ability not a spell.

Mark Seifter wrote:
If the familiar doesn't have line of effect to anything, it's going to be tough for it to use its abilities. It might potentially manage it while taking at least some cover, though.

I'm trying to understand what "line of effect" is with this ability. I guess my question is does it work with ranged attacks? The familiar can not reach a melee enemy just like it can't reach a ranged enemy, so if the familiar can see the enemy and is in the same square as it's master, then it can use the ability?

Now that I look, Aid Another says "In melee combat...", so I am guessing that is the caveat?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Grandlounge wrote:

I have used several protectors and they are fine. Carry familiar satchel use the familair when you need to, have a potion around for them to drink. Pick something with a good fly speed so if the health gets low it can get away.

If the familair's health is getting low, have it ready an action to stop touching the pc of just top touching them on their turn. It's easy enough to stop when you don't want to use it.

For an enemy to target the familiar I would say they have to make a check to know what it is doing as the ability is a supernatural ability.

Thank you for this, since the Ioun Wyrd doesn't need to breathe it could even fly into a bag of holding or something like that. Also, about having it let go:


Shield Master (Su)

At 5th level, whenever a protector or its master takes hit point damage, as long as the protector and its master are touching, its master can split the damage evenly between them as if under the effects of shield other.

Because of the wording I would assume it never has to let go, you can just choose for it to not take half damage from the attacks that hurt you. Has there been some errata or FAQ on this?

Grandlounge wrote:
Weapons are used for aid rolls that is why benevolent weapons exist. Therefore you can use dex with natural attacks for aid rolls endless some one has better rules citations.

Wow, the benevolent enchantment makes a huge difference, particularly the armor version that I can enchant it's barding with. This has the potential to make it's aid another attempts increase my AC by +7.

Thank you all for the things you have posted, I've learned a lot of helpful things.

SorrySleeping wrote:
Despite the familiar entry, the Ioun Wyrd still uses Str for its stat block. Also aid another isnt a natural attack, so the familiar getting dex or str wouldn't help.

The familiar entry trumps the Ioun Wyrd entry.

As I look through forums, it seems to me that when you use aid another you are using your weapon, meaning the natural attack that the Ioun Wyrd has.

Thedmstrikes wrote:
There are spells which specifically repair constructs as if they were magically healed...

I found the spell you were talking about, it's a second level spell called Make Whole.

I'm also really excited to have a Wyrd as my familiar, it's gonna be pretty great.

SorrySleeping wrote:

Familiars don't change a whole lot unless you go Mauler or Sage. Familiar's already have a lot of story relevance and they are another roll for Perception/Sense Motive.

Emissary is a bit too limited but can be useful. The once/day will save and the once/day cleric power could be useful, but so is delivering touch spells (mainly for ally buffs).

Protector is just asking for your familiar to die. A lot. It can be useful on a Cleric or anyone with Channel Energy, but on a Magus you have no way to heal the damage. You'd be trading away everything for sometimes getting +2 to AC. He still has to roll his Aid Another check. (Something it can fail with a natural 1 or just fail because he has a -3 to Str).

Would I not use it's Dex when using Aid Another since it is higher? It says in the Familiar entry that they use Str or Dex for natural attacks, whichever is higher. The aid another and bodyguard entries just say attack roll, so I would assume that I would use Dex rather than Str.

Also, can you expand on asking for it to die? Shield Master is not always in effect, I can use it when I want rather than every time. What about the archetype is deadly for my familiar? What are the big things I would be losing with the Protector?

Okay let me break down builds for the two and see what you all think. The first thing that I wanted to point out is that my GM is not the type to try and kill someone's familiar, so I am not worried about it being attacked directly very often at all (I know, there are still AOEs). Second is that the Ioun Wyrd can not be healed normally anyways since it is a construct, but I'm working with my GM on a homebrew way to take care of that. So here are the build ideas I have, let me know what you think (I will be a level 6 Magus):

Ioun Wyrd (Protector)
N Tiny construct
Init +4; Senses blindsight 30 ft.; Perception +2

AC 20, touch 17, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +3 Natural, +1 ring of protection, +2 size)
hp 24 *Half of my HP*
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +6
Immune construct traits

Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee slam +8 (1d4–3) *This is because of the familiar rules stating that familiars use their master's BAB and either Str OR Dex of the familiar (whichever is greater)*
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Str 4, Dex 19, Con —, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 5 *Belt of Dex +4, there is a table on PFSRD showing which magic items your familiar/ animal companion can equip*
Base Atk +4; CMB +1; CMD 11
Feats Extra Item Slot (Ring) *Traded out Dodge for this, ring of protection will be better than having dodge*
Languages Common (can’t speak)

Magic Items:
Belt of Dex +4 (I'm crafting it)
Ring of Protection +1

How I would play it:
With the Belt of Dex, it can use bodyguard 4 times a round, with a +8. This is a pretty consistent +2 to AC. I would also plan on casting Burning Gaze on it so that it can also attack during it's turn. I would only use Sheild Master to take half of the damage that it takes, I might use it far down the road when we have the same number of hit points. I don't think I would ever use In Harm's Way.

What I would lose with this build:
Alertness: Honestly, I think I can live without it.
Improved Evasion: What do you guys think of this? I mean I can see it being nice to have.
Deliver Touch Spells: I wasn't planning on having it fly all over the battlefield all of the time. I feel like this is also better for other classes than it is for Magus.
Speak with Animals of it's Kind: this will never come up...
Spell Resistance: Honestly I haven't dealt with SR very much, how bad would I miss it?

Ioun Wyrd (Emissary)
N Tiny construct
Init +2; Senses blindsight 30 ft.; Perception +2

AC 19, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +3 Natural, +2 ring of protection, +2 size)
hp 24 *Half of my HP*
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6
Immune construct traits

Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (average)
Melee slam +6 (1d4–3) *This is because of the familiar rules stating that familiars use their master's BAB and either Str OR Dex of the familiar (whichever is greater)*
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Str 4, Dex 15, Con —, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 5
Base Atk +4; CMB +1; CMD 9
Feats Extra Item Slot (Ring) *Traded out Dodge for this, ring of protection will be better than having dodge*
Languages Common (can’t speak)

Magic Items:
Ring of Protection +2

How I would play it:
Guidance at will, +1 bonus to various options both in and out of combat an infinite number of times per day. This can be cast on other members of the party as well.
Share Will: I could see this being useful, but once per day is kind of limited. Also, if both fail both suffer the consequences could really suck.
Domain Influence: This one is kind of hard because of our setting, some bad people have blotted the "true religions" out of history. We are on the brink of them coming back but I am not sure which domains would be involved, which means this could end up being great or being terrible.

What I would lose:
Alertness: Again, not a huge loss.
Share Spells: No more Burning Gaze, or Shield...
Delivering Touch Spells: Again, I planned on keeping the little guy close, so this is nearly useless to me.

Honestly, I just don't want to keep him tucked away all of the time, but I do want to keep him close to me, preferably in the same square as me. If you guys see any errors let me know. Also please let me know which you think I should use. I just don't have a lot of experience with Familiars and some of the abilities. Thanks!

Hm, I really thought someone would reply by now. Are the Familiar archetypes just not good? Should I just get the basic familiar?

I'm trying to decide which archetype would be best for my familiar. I'm playing a magus. I want something that will be useful frequently. I guess I just want to see what you guys have liked having and which you prefer. Is losing share spells worth it for the Emissary archetype? Would you say guidance at will is better than having the bodyguard feat and using aid another each round in combat? If I go with protector I can either switch the Ioun Wyrd's Dodge feat for Extra Item Slot and give him a belt of Dex to increase his AoOs and his AC. Let me know what your experience has been with either or both. I appreciate any input.