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Xbow rangers are on the bottom of the list of rangers. To be fair if you’re wanting a ranged combatant, fighter is much better all around. So I cope with it by not even wasting my time playing it. Dual wielding is where the Ranger is most effective. It can even beat out a dual wielding fighter on its hunted target at certain levels ![]()
Vlorax wrote:
Yes I understand, but I don’t see that example that way. I see that without my weapon I’m doing 75% less damage. Then a character 1/2 my level has a reasonable chance to kill me. I don’t want to derail this any further than it has so we can agree to disagree. ![]()
Personally I prefer PF1 with Automatic Bonus Progression, and I expect I'll prefer PF2 with the equivalent, since, like you, I want all of my numbers stuff to be built into the character and allow magic items to be mostly cool abilities and flavor things. I completely agree with you. The way I like to think of it is this: If a 10th level PF1 fighter steals a 20th level PF1 fighter's gear while the 20th level fighter is bathing, equips the gear, and attacks, the 20th level fighter is toast. Even a 1st level PF1 fighter pulling this trick can get to the point where the 20th level fighter needs a 20 to hit, but the 20th level fighter has enough HP to wait for the 20s to come. I... First, thank you for adding to the conversation. A DEVs input is always appreciated. I do understand what you are saying. Its just a design choice that I really don’t like. I like to feel that my characters ability is due to his competence not my equipment. ![]()
I’ll disagree that fighters are the least reliant on magic items. I believe that casters are the least reliant on magic items. As for Doggieberts comparison to PF1. I feel that the argument is flawed. Having played PF1 at high levels I never felt that all those items were required to be effective. Those were just power gamers must haves. Unlike in PF2, where 75% of my damage done is attributed to the weapon I’m using. ![]()
I’m happy to hear this. I have made clear my disdain for this edition. That said I have a couple of friends that want to give it a try. So I’ll give it another try and see if I like it any better. I agree with most your cons and a few of your pros. Though I can not agree with this one: “You are less dependent on items and treasure, and your build is the base of your powers.” I find martials are more tied to equipment more than ever, sine the number of damage die are tied to it. Hopefully it will go well, time will tell ![]()
Alenvire wrote:
TBH the comment section is not the best place to answer your question. You’ll either get that the system is horrible and reasons their group stopped playing, though most of them have left. Or you’ll get the other end of the spectrum that everything Paizo does is fairy dust and rainbows, which is mostly what you’ll get now. There are very few honest balanced reviews. You will have to read the updates and previews yourself to get an idea if the new system is for you. Better yet, wait untill it releases, and read through CRB before you buy it. Hopefully there should be enough information by then to draw an educated conclusion. ![]()
Kaelizar wrote:
Meh, the Ranger is still lower than a bottom rung class. The addition of the latest 2 feats does not change that the Ranger class in its current state is flawed to its core.
I have to agree with you. With today’s update it is clear they have no intentions to make any drastic, but needed changes to this class. As such, this edition is probably not for me. Maybe things will change as the play test goes on. Time will tell. Unfortunately I believe there are others like me that will just check in every now and then to see if there have been any changes, leaving Paizo with little more than an echo chamber for feedback. ![]()
The Ranger needs more than just a few spells to be viable. Hunt Target needs to be replaced or completely reworked. Most of the feats need to be replaced or reworked. Currently the only way to make the Ranger work is to put most your feats into multi classing. Snares are worthless. The Xbow feats are not good at all. Using favored aim, with a heavy xbow will only give you 2 attacks every 3 rounds, and that’s if you’re doing nothing else. With the light xbow you get 1 attack a round. Both make HT pointless. I could go on for awhile, but I’ll leave it at that. ![]()
This is going to be long so buckle down. It appears that the ranger class has been an after thought in some of the recent RPGs. Much like 5e ranger, this new ranger appears to have been just thrown together with just a hodgepodge of random feats and skills that don’t synergize at all. Not to mention the main staples of the class are paltry compared to other classes.
I much prefer it tied to proficiency or class level than a magical +. Your basically saying you’re an awesome 10th level fighter but if I take your magical sword away you can’t do any damage. With this method why aren’t we limiting the damage dice casters get for their spells to the magical plus to their staff. Make classes good at what they do. Don’t require items to make them viable. ![]()
I’ll agree to disagree. I admitted the 1st vs 20th level was a bad example, but since you want to bring it back up I’ll counter your critique. Even with all these combat feats a 20th level fighter will still do less than the level 1 if he hits. As for your other point about characters needing magical items to complete their quests, those magic items were mostly artifact quality or legendary at least. Again trying to make a fighter have to have a magic weapon to be any good at combat is lame. ![]()
Yes, I admit the level 1 vs level 20 is a bad example and a bit hyperbole. I still believe tying ones combat effectiveness to magic items is a bad choice. Magic items will be somewhat rare and not every martial is going to get a magic item at the same time. So now one martial character is doing most the damage during combat. Not fun for the other characters.
If we go with your example of high levels with low level gear the only ones affected are the martials. Casters will be relatively unaffected. This is why I believe damage dice should be related to the characters ability, not items ![]()
I would like to see the amount of damage dice you get from weapon attacks tied to Something other than magic weapon pluses. I feel it’s weird that a lvl 1 fighter could do more damage then a 20th lvl fighter could just because they have a magical weapon.
No you didn’t miss anything. Snares are a worthless gimmick or too situational to matter at best. I admit they are good in defensive positions, but how many times in n adventure are you ever setting up in the defense. You could say when your resting, so let’s hope they step in that one 5ft square.
So much wrong with Rameths comparison of the fighter and ranger. C bows have reload times, 2 for heavy and 1 for light. I didn’t see any feats that bring the reload times down, I could be wrong. Also the favored aim feat that gives a ranger +2 to targets not concealed or screened takes 2 actions. So round 1 you get 1 attack since one action to hunt the target and 2 actions to favored aim. Next round you have to take 2 actions to reload a heavy and 1 for a light. ![]()
I must say, with the information provided, that this ranger class will be as bad or worse than the D&D 5e ranger. Hunt feature as written is trash, it boils down to getting a +1 on attacks, and then only if I multi attack one target, and I believe it costs an action to activate. Sorry no. Snares, while entertaining and has flavor, it’s just fluff. You will hardly ever if at all get to use them for combat. There aren’t many battles that are coming to you as the adventurer, as you are the one moving forward.
I for one am happy with the LG only Paladin. Though I’m fine with the LE anti Paladin and even a LN paladin. No other alignment really makes sense. There are a few things I don’t like about the 2e paladin, but I’ll have to wait untill the book is out before I worry about it too much. Hopefully we can make changes as needed through the play test period. ![]()
A suggestion or rather a plea actually is to allow add ons for some of the remaining brewmasters, geography buffs, item masters, and so on. I had to go with the crowdforging buddy reward, I would have liked to do the geography buff or the Alpha instead, but needed the second account. I would just like the ability for naming whatever it is the reward allowed you to do, it doesnt include anything else. If not that allow me to upgrade my reward level and add a basic buddy account. just a thought thank you for your time. ![]()
I like the way the game is heading, even enough to support it with my own money, but I am still very wary at the same time. These saftey nets to avoid a sheer gank fest are a good start, but birds of a feather flock together. I just see all the gankers banding together and having a huge raiding party in the wilderness killing everyone that enters. It will be large enough that all the deterents they have in the game will have no effect on them. I hope it doesn't go that way but previous experiences have shown me otherwise. |