GM Plastic Dragon |
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I apologize for any inconvience or irritation, but this is an INVITATION only game, based on an Interest Check I posted some time ago, and applications are only open to the players I contacted there.
* Cue the Soundrack Music! *
Episode One:
The Sunless Citadel
It is a period of quiet unrest in between all too many civil wars.
Eldritch Knights, daring maidens, dashing scoundrels, heroic adventures, and righteous quests...These were once the legacies of old Taldor, a formerly-proud empire that has since fallen from its former glory.
Now rival nobles battle each other with bitter knights and proxy armies for personal power rather than honor. The Eldritch Legion that once fought for peace and justice is a lost and broken order. Taldor’s former region-states, now kingdoms of their very own, look down upon her with contempt. A fragile, smoldering truce with Qadira once again threatens to ignite the flames of war.
All this while worried rumors filter through the streets that dark cultists in Qadira, the Dark Jewel of the East, are creating a an airborne armada and a massive flying fortress with the firepower to destroy whole cities in its wake.
Meanwhile, far from the noble houses and stature of Oppara, the capital of Taldor, there are people living simple lives, far from the pain and fury of War. These common folk, going about their day to day lives, or who perhaps seek to remain out of sight of the local authorities, may soon find themselves thrust into the spotlight of history…
Evil Grows Beneath The Earth
Why should anyone travel the cracked cobblestones of the Old Road? The fortress that once cast its shadow across the road does so no longer. Some whisper that the earth swallowed the dwarven fortress whole in retribution for foul rituals performed there.. Four brave adventurers resolved to discover the truth and find their fortunes set off down the Old Road weeks ago, but they never returned…Their townsfolk are worried. Will you answer the call?
The Requirements Will be:
Build: 20 point buy system OR 4d6, drop the lowest, for six stats.
RulesCore rulebook ONLY. Nothing "Unchained". No Elephant in the Room.
TraitEach character will be allowed (1) Trait. AP Traits will be considered on a case to case basis, but NOT automatically allowed. No Flaws.
Hit Points: Max at 1st, Rolled thereafter, minimum ½ HD per level.
Funds: Average starting gold for class
Posting Rate Post Daily if possible, min.5 posts per/week. Communicate if there will be absences if necessary. Life Happens.
The Party: 6 characters based on background and fit. Any characters not chosen will be first in line should other characters leave, and possibly offered NPC roles as the game progresses.
Alignments No evil. It’s up the the Players to explain why characters are staying.
Dieties: I will allow either Greyhawk or Golarion dieties for this game.