
FbTex's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Looking for a Friday night Game. I live in Buda, but would be interested in the South Austin/San Marcos area.

Are yall still looking for gamers for Pf or M&M?

Are you still looking to form a group in South Austin? I'm in the Buda area and looking for a S. Austin group to game with

I'min Buda, do you sill have a game going?

A self-perfectionist Psychic/Monk, you get to add your wisdom twice to your AC Add ahead band of Wisdom +2, your ac goes up by two instead of one. Make the character a Udine with +2 dex and +2 wis, you can start off with a 25 AC if you can get the stats to 20 at first level,
a 20 flat footed and 24/19 cmd
not bad starting out.