
Everthefool's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 81 posts (89 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

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The huge sculpts are fantastic. That said, I'd rather see new huge models that haven't been issued before so we aren't winding up with duplicate huge red and black dragons from prior sets.

Please give us unreleased huges, there are so many available to choose from!

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So, a number of months ago the party Ranger (played by a great guy who is just a tad on the introverted side), Zandu, decided to help the shopkeeper's daughter and was quite willing to go along with what she actually had in mind. Needless to say he was caught in a compromising situation but managed to extricate himself before it came to blows.

He was subsequently banned from the Sandpoint General Store, nor were his companions welcome back. Shayliss, however, came to visit him at the Rusty Dragon Inn and he still proved willing. She got a footnote most of the party's trips back to town.

Well, the party JUST returned for a very brief trip to Sandpoint from Magnimar as a slight detour before heading to Fort Rannick. The party dropped gear at the inn and went their separate ways with the exception of Zandu who was welcomed with exuberant hugs and kisses from Shayliss which very quickly turned to tears and hiccupping speech. Zandu's player was expecting a new adventure hook to follow... what he got instead was...

Shayliss: <insert random sobs, etc..> "I'm late, Zandu, and if I don't get my moonblood soon, mother will start to suspect."
Zandu's player: Stammer, stutter, fluster...
Rest of the players: <Hysteria, laughter, grins, and comments about evil GMs>

It took much prompting from yours truly, and a lot of OOC peer pressure from the rest of the players (easily 10 minutes or more of him trying to figure another way out, then another 5 before agreeing they needed to be wed before he left for another 2-3 weeks minimum), but Zandu finally agreed to make an honest woman out of her and go seek her hand in marriage with the sour faced and ham fisted Ven Vinder.

Zandu entered the General Store and found Mrs. Vinder behind the counter who he'd never directly met before and it took a moment before she realized who he was and went to fetch Ven. Ven stood in the doorway to the side room, flexing his fists, and said, "I thought I told you that you weren't welcome here any more?"

Zandu agreed that was the case, and began a valiant effort to choose, in character, the right words to profess his love for Shayliss and ask for her hand in marriage. Now, he didn't do too bad on his own, but not being a party "talker" he wanted to rely on his Diplomacy check to bolster his own choice of words. The die tumbled and...


The other three players were reduced to near tearful, hysterical piles of mirth and poor Zandu's awkwardness, and yup, Ven stepped forward and clocked the ranger hard. Zandu, however, did not raise his hands and did nothing to harm master Vinder despite new blows flying in each following round.

After three rounds, a resoundingly successful Fort check to retain his wits from the pummeling, Zandu once again (quite well in character) tried to profess his intent to wed Shayliss as well as his love for her. Still not confident with his roleplay of the moment, Diplomacy was once again the go to move. A new and different die altogether tumbled and...


<by now, and all throughout the preceeding, the peanut gallery was in full force making it difficult to keep the scene on track. They were also in tears and gasping with laughter. (example: One of them in mocking hillbilly patois, "I knocked up yer daughter, Ven.")>

More pummeling ensued with no attempts at defense and black-eyed, split-lipped, and bloody-nosed Zandu once again made a fantastic fortitude check to remain conscious. Once more he tried to plead his case between fist blows, and he finally found the right words (again, well done in character, and this might have gone far more smoothly if he hadn't rolled to begin with, lol)and with a final Diplomacy check threw a...


Realizing the ranger's intent, and knowing the growing reputation of his daughter, Ven finally "heard" what was being said. In a bid to save face, before hitting Zandu again, he muttered "hit me, boy". Zandu's player blinked and said, "what?" So I repeated as Ven, "Hit Me!" and then slugged Zandu again.

They each slugged one another two more times, Zandu again made his check to remain conscious, and Vens fortitude check was a...


Ven was knocked off of Zandu and thunked down with his back to a shelf as he shook his head and wiped blood from his mouth. Ven said something along the lines of, "Well, it's good to know you have a little fire in you, lad." And proceeded to set the terms of the wedding. As a hero of Sandpoint, Zandu would foot the bill for the wedding and there would be no dowry. He would not take Shayliss away to "for'n parts" but their home would instead remain here in Sandpoint.

The party thus delayed their departure to the East for a week. Father Zantus performed the ceremony, Ameiko hosted the reception (as a wedding gift) to Zandu and Shayliss. Shayliss is residing at the Rusty Dragon Inn and working with Bethana to help Ameiko since she now has an estate to manage until Zandu and Shayliss's new home is built.

What I think I loved just as much as all of that as a GM, was the Dwarf Wizard, Mikel Forgehammer (one of the other PCs), and the party's resident magic item forger deciding to make and provide a pair of magic rings to use as wedding bands, the cost coming from his own pocket as a gift for the couple. He stated, "Well, he's a family patriarch now, he's starting a family. That means a lot to a dwarf and I owe him respect for that, of course the rings are a gift!"

Ultimately I think he went with a pair of Rings of Protection +1, but his initial thought was to craft a Ring of Featherfalling for Shayliss since she's expecting because, "Well, since she's pregnant, that should keep the baby from being hurt if she takes a tumble..." <more laughter from the table as a whole>

If for no other reason, that (close to an hour, all told) made going out to run a game worth every minute of prep as well as all the sessions prior.

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Has there been any thought given to printing corrections to the handful of cards that have been boxed with errors (the 14 difficulty recharge spell, "Orek" Vankaskerkin on the adventure card, etc...)?

And might those cards be shipped to subscribers if they are printed, or will they only be corrected in future printings of the game?

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Tangent101 wrote:

Halfling anti-Paladin

Human Cleric of Amadeus
Gnome Barbarian
Dwarven Sorcerer

<clap clap> "Ooh, rock me Amadeus!"

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Reign of Winter set, PLEASE!!!!!!

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Is anyone else out there hoping/praying Reign of Winter will be the next set to follow Legends of Golarion and Wrath of the Righteous?

If done right, so many of those winter touched NPCs and Fey, etc... will make brilliant minis.

Anywho, here's hoping Paizo is listening/watching the boards, so speak up if you'd love to see RoW in mini form.