
Everthefool's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 81 posts (89 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.

So, we've got our mitts on the awesome red dragon evolution set, and we know we've got the special Reign/Winter two pack of huge minis coming up.....

But... what will be the next special, evolution, or builders series after that?

Anyone have any insider dirt or tempting tidbits they're willing to share (feel free to comment, Erik)? Inquiring minds want to know!

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Has there been any thought given to printing corrections to the handful of cards that have been boxed with errors (the 14 difficulty recharge spell, "Orek" Vankaskerkin on the adventure card, etc...)?

And might those cards be shipped to subscribers if they are printed, or will they only be corrected in future printings of the game?

LOVING this game. But we had a question when facing Bruthazmus (we went ahead and went with the "hard" option when we faced him).

All the other Bugbears in the game are classified as goblinoids, but Bruthazmus is not reflected as a goblinoid on his card details. Should he also receive the additional d4 difficulty for Approach to Thistletop, or worse yet, the d4 for the scenario and the +2 difficulty for the location that buffs goblins faced there?

Or, is he a mutant Bugbear and isn't actual a goblinoid like his less fuzzy Bugbear mates in the monster deck?

Did I mention we are loving this game?

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Is anyone else out there hoping/praying Reign of Winter will be the next set to follow Legends of Golarion and Wrath of the Righteous?

If done right, so many of those winter touched NPCs and Fey, etc... will make brilliant minis.

Anywho, here's hoping Paizo is listening/watching the boards, so speak up if you'd love to see RoW in mini form.