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Varril Link : http://static3.paizo.com/image/content/PathfinderACG/PZO6814-VarrilFront.jp g

I'm playing Varril on RotR AD 3 right now (box rule with only character sheet) and my feat is like below.

Divine: d8 + 7
Hand Size: 7
proficient with : light armors / weapons
powers: recharge a card to use divine instead of any

He, Varril looks like incarnation of Shelyn inspired by Zon-Kuthon.

- He fascinate every boon to his side way ease (recharge to d8+7 )
- He destruct every bane (for combat - he uses all weapons as divine concluding 2d8 + 8 + @ while AD 3)
- He explores 2~4 times a turn consistently (spamming his power, ally, blessing with several cures)

furthermore, later role 'Incorruptible' will give passive +4 to all checks, more stabilized explores and others making him truly indestructible.

Is he... ok??
Am I playing something wrong? like... his powers are limited to use 1 per turn? (as far as I know it is 1 per check)

Do I feel like so because I'm just AD 3 ?

As far as I know,
sorcerer doesnt have Divine but allowed to have basic spells when she rebuild her deck.

Which means..

- Sorcerer stats with 3 Cures
- using Cure will banish during scenario
- After scenario ends, when rebuilding, bring cures from box since those are "basic"

Is this correct?

Me and my friends are going to play Wotr adventure path,
but we are struggling how to add CD characters within pure-wotr-characters.

1. put all CD cards (with adoptable adventure level for sure) into box and play usual.

2. pure(box) characters use default rule, while CD characters use OP rules.

3. All characters use OP rule (pure characters also choose 1 upgrade card after each scenario.

Which rule do we recommend? (fun & difficulty)

In case of 2 or 3, how about scenario reward? as OP rule said, skill-powers-card feat order...?

thank you in advance!


I started Pathfinder ACG about 2 weeks ago and so excited how it goes =)

I already bought all the RotR decks and all WotR decks as well as 5 class decks.

My favorite characters right now are Lem (RotR) and Varril (Inquisitor CD),
since they look like can do almost everything.

I enjoy maximizing versatile characters' abilities to get through tough situations.

Can you recommend me some more versatile characters?
I'm new to this game and wanna know more =)

Thank you!