Psychopomp, Shoki

Esteban "Bantha"'s page

43 posts. Alias of Phantom Genius.

Happy New Year! Please help us on our adventure. We are exploring B----wall and may have just encountered the boss villain, but lost our DM. We are third level, still in book one, and would like to stay together and continue the adventure. We have heard the caravan system is awkward, so we have just been travelling and adventuring.

Here is the link: Campaign Link

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A cleric, an anti-paladin, a bloodrager, and an omdura that have been very successful in cleaning up <spoiler> and almost reaching third level now find themselves in need of a DM to continue the HV AP. We are flexible and easygoing and I could probably buy you a copy of the pdf if you don't already have it.

We await your application.

I applied for an AP with a strange character generation system and ended up with a Con of 3. (The other stats are pretty fantastic.) I guess with the right race, I could get it to a 5, but that's still -3 hp per level and death at -5. I considered the toughness feat. I am also considering a Goblin with "Roll with it" so as to not take much damage. But then I would be at -4hp per level and dead at -3, because Goblins get Dex not Con bonuses.

Can anyone save this character? A barbarian with ranged attacks and hope for really good d12s? Toughness? A half-dwarf gets that for free and I could put the +2 in Con...Is there a way for a dwarf to take a goblin-only feat like "Roll with it?"

We are looking for a GM to lead us into the great adventure path of the Jade Regent. We have lots of characters, made with a 20-point-buy and with the JRAP Player's Guide. {See the nearby JR forum posts.} No evil and no CN.

I have started picking characters to join me, but obviously the new GM would have final authority. We are fully ready to join the caravan.

Does anyone know if there will be new demons or other fully developed adversaries in this book? The average level of our group is about 18.5, so this seems like a very useful tool to begin an adventure in the abyss.