Estarion's page

Goblin Squad Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Zarine wrote:

I suffer a -2 pentalty to my caster level because Spell Perfection doubles modifiers from feats (Irrisen Ice-Mage adds 1 to your caster level of all spells with the cold descriptor, -1 to any spell with another energy type).

doubles bonuses, not penalties :D

Yeah, I played a spellfire weilder, the readying an action and the restriction to power based on you constitution score are what limit it.

You can be the paladin bar the door from invaders, it the fact that others can hide behind you for one lightning bolt... if you readied the action :p

Really, it was never that powerful, just a very nice feat. 4d6 at 4th is nice, if you absorbed 4 levels of magic, but by 5th (or 6th as a sorceror) it's not even better then a spell. But you can always have it incase you run out of attack spells, if you get targeted that is :p

3x5x2000 for a 5d6 fireball on shot


never seen a charge per round chart

I'd say do the "command word" x1800, that way you don't always have to use it.



and instantanious is not the same as 24hour duration, infact it should be multiplied higher, as it's duration is less then a minute per level :p

The worst and yet honest Paladin situation I was in was in a Forgotten Reamls game.

It involved a group with two paladins, me and a friend. We had been given info that followers of Ciric were either highway men/ murding travelers or building a force of some sort in waterdeep, those specific details are now lost on me now but the mission was to gather information from followers and report back. Being a paladin of Mystra, I hate Ciric.

We entered a bar in water deep and found a group of thugs with signet rings sporting the symbol of Ciric, so the other paladin went of over requesting a chance to speak with them, in an intimidating tone. They scuffled verbally which lead to some violence, followed by a flick of the wrist knife at the other paladin, then he proceeded to walk as though he had done nothing at the door, where I was standing.

He smirked at me.

I smited him in the face with my guantlet and he ran away.

That action received much arguing, perhaps I had used more excessive force then needed, but I used my fist and not my Longsword. He was ignoring the authority of a Paladin and his smirk made me raise my fist in anger. I would never feel guilty for doing that, nor I'm sure that NPC would've never had a problem shanking me in the back.

the dex based is nice, the +3 to damage is nothing when you can start slinging spells.

Beyond the core and agp, the dex build would work nice with the dervish dance feat from the Qadira book

Dervish Dance (Combat)

You have learned to turn your speed into power, even with a heavier blade.

Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 2 ranks, proficient with scimitar.

Benefit: When wielding a scimitar with one hand, you can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on melee attack and damage rolls. You treat the scimitar as a one-handed piercing weapon for all feats and class abilities that require such a weapon (such as a duelist’s precise strike ability). The scimitar must be for a creature of your size. You cannot use this feat if you are carrying a weapon or shield in your off hand.

Then you could maximize your dexterity's usefulness.

For this class, I don't see strength as much of a benefit as compared to the dex benefits, and with a 10 for strength you can shift them into a nicer stat like Int, Con or Wis.

The Magic Item Compendium (3.5) has a +2 enchantment called vampiric that does an additional +1d6 and you heal what ever is done that way.

What I would use would be a weapon enchantment that lets you use vampiric touch at will, cost you a butt load, but if that's what you want the only way to get it is to pay more :D and have a mage on staff :p