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Undone wrote:
Honestly if a GM gave those rules to us, I'd scoff, walk around, leave, and find a better gm. ![]()
John-Andre wrote:
Yes but purposerfully attacking players because of a low stat is immqature at best. If you dont want dump stats then dont use point buy and just give your players an array ninstead. I mean really punishing the ENTIRE party on magic items prices because the dwarf dumped cha? What a rip. ![]()
TriOmegaZero wrote: And then your Wis-based skills are worthless. Not worth it for me. Meh so you lose perception and sense motive...there are other party members for those. Possibly party members for who wisdom is an actual important stat and therefore thye will already have better scores in those skills. ![]()
So my DM banned the Summoner class which after all I've heard I can't blame apparently they are rather powerful. So my goal is to make the best summoner I can without being an actual summoner. So far my idea is an CG Evagelist Cleric with the Heroism subdomain. I take Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augment Summoning, and Sacred Summons. I can then summon as a standard action and as long asI'm within 30 feet affect them with the heroism spell(domain power) and then also add on Inspire Courage(from the evangelist archetype). Is this the closest I can get ignoring the whole eidolon factor for a decent summmoner? ![]()
sigh why would I take a feat to gain a cohort and then let the DM create him? Seems like a waste then, since its probably not going to be what I wanted. Example: Currently we are level 13 (4 bard/1 cav/8 battle herald) and if any class was ever intended for leadership its the battle herald, heck the breastplate of command was built for this class too and affects leadership. My cohort? A sword and shield dwarven ranger. The story? Since we are doing kingmaker and spoiler(army fights) My battle herald found the dwarf on the littered battlefield and realized he wasnt dead. Healed him and now the dwarf owes a life debt even though he resents it. Now could my dm have made all this...well possibly, did I want to leave it for chance and get stuck with a wasted feat? Hell no. The problem isn't the leadership feat, its d-bags that abuse it. And to fix that? Oh your crafting-bot's house collapsed on him and he died and everything he was making is ruined. Teach players not to be abusive douches and everything works out. My group has had Kobold Magus', and Orc Alchemists for its cohorts among players. Edit: My dwarf cohort has a tiger animal companion, my Battle Herald's name was Siegfried...seemed appropriate to name the dwarf Roy ![]()
Dragonchess Player wrote:
Sorcerer: Does a sorcerer with the sage bloodline (page 72) use her Int or Cha to determine uses per day of arcane bolt? The sage sorcerer uses her Int to determine the number of daily uses of her bloodline powers, including arcane bolt. Therefore, whether arcane bolt lists Int or Cha, the sage sorcerer still uses her Int.The bloodline power lists Cha because that's the standard terminology for sorcerer bloodlines (because all other sorcerers use Cha), and because there may be a way for a non-sorcerer to gain access to that bloodline power, in which case it should be based on Cha (like other sorcerer bloodline powers) instead of Int. —Sean K Reynolds, 07/14/11 http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1fz#v5748eaic9o7y how else would a non-sorcerer gain access to the sage bloodline except by eldritch heritage? |