EsperMagic's page

Organized Play Member. 584 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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To be fair I wouldnt worry too much about it. If youre focusing this heavily on melee as a sorcerer youll probably be dead soon enough and time to reroll

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why not put the 16 in INT and the 15 in DEX with the +2? It only starts you with a 17 Dex but youll get the +1 at level 4 anyways taking you back to 18.

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Undone wrote:

Normal content (No Crafting, dazing spell, leadership, or sacred geometry) Otherwise all normal content legal.

9th level casters 10 pt buy
6th level casters 15 pt buy
4th level casters 20 pt buy
No casting 25 pt buy.

How bad or good is that for the structure of the game? Does this help simulate the extra dice some classes got long ago in 1st ed?

I feel that classes really probably should have been printed with a base point buy attached.

How does everyone else feel about this?

Honestly if a GM gave those rules to us, I'd scoff, walk around, leave, and find a better gm.

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Take one level of Oracle, get the waves domain, and the water sight revelation...cast fog or obscuring mist on yourself constantly shoot from concealment always.

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John-Andre wrote:

Also, one thing I hate is that I mention these people I know, who run games that make me want to have some input on how it's done elsewhere, and the feedback I get invariably runs to "He's a bad GM".

Seems like for some of you, unless your GM allows you to get away with whatever the hell you want, "He's a bad GM". I'm talking to you, EsperMagic.

Right underneath this entry box, there's a reiteration of Wheaton's Law: "The most important rule: Don't be a jerk." That also applies to offline people as well. If the only thing you have to contribute to the conversation is "He's a bad GM", that's being a jerk.

In another thread I posted about the GM who had an entire group sit down and create an adventuring party that consisted of nothing but mundane types. I got a lot of comments of "He's a bad GM" even though he did exactly what these people said he should have done. (Yes, he did. Go back and read my posts. Don't skim this time.)

What makes for a good GM in your eyes, then? Not all of us know the game so well we can handle munchkin characters. Not all of us know the game so well we can deal with the power creep in the 3.Paizo system. And not all of us are ferking BAD GMs.

Yes but purposerfully attacking players because of a low stat is immqature at best. If you dont want dump stats then dont use point buy and just give your players an array ninstead. I mean really punishing the ENTIRE party on magic items prices because the dwarf dumped cha? What a rip.

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TriOmegaZero wrote:
And then your Wis-based skills are worthless. Not worth it for me.

Meh so you lose perception and sense motive...there are other party members for those. Possibly party members for who wisdom is an actual important stat and therefore thye will already have better scores in those skills.

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Dumping wisdom is fine. Not only is Will one of your strong saves, you get to add your charisma bonus to it as well.

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A battle oracle would be the easiest one. You'll still be a full caster but the revelations give you weapon focus, weapon and heavy armor proficiency and the like. If you can find an axe with reach than brewers Jargonaut guide would be a great place to start.

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scumbag gm: sure you can take this feat, removes all use by building the character for you...

"but maybe I wanted a witchguard npc for my witch'

Nope I built it to be fair enjoy your kobold paladin.

PC- kills himself just to roll up a new character without a wasted level 7 feat.

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something suicidal to get better scores on your next character. Or alternatively dont use such a terrible system for determining scores.

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Meh while I agree its cluttering the forums it does certainly point out the stupidity of all the paladin threads.

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we frequently drink while playing so I dont see where the issue lies...

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play a spellcaster craft them all

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Handy Haversack Super Pack

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Its still cheesy. I mean all i see for any caster-build anymore is no forget that, get this sla early and do how optimized to you need to be for a game where you roll dice? Like you have to try hard to be bad at it.

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IM honestly hoping they errata that SLA thing. All it results in is people saying take an assimar do blah blah blah 4 levels early...seriously its stupid.

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Maybe if GM's are going to micromanage their paladin PCs they should just instead ban the class, rather than risk ruining a players enjoyment.

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Rolling dice just seems so ancient nowadays...besides then Im relying on luck to give me a good concept. When instead I could just pointbuy the character the way i want to play it....

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You could just do the smart thing and get rid of alignment altogether. It's normally nothing more than a hindrance to various classes or character ideas.

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So my DM banned the Summoner class which after all I've heard I can't blame apparently they are rather powerful. So my goal is to make the best summoner I can without being an actual summoner. So far my idea is an CG Evagelist Cleric with the Heroism subdomain. I take Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augment Summoning, and Sacred Summons. I can then summon as a standard action and as long asI'm within 30 feet affect them with the heroism spell(domain power) and then also add on Inspire Courage(from the evangelist archetype). Is this the closest I can get ignoring the whole eidolon factor for a decent summmoner?

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sigh why would I take a feat to gain a cohort and then let the DM create him? Seems like a waste then, since its probably not going to be what I wanted. Example: Currently we are level 13 (4 bard/1 cav/8 battle herald) and if any class was ever intended for leadership its the battle herald, heck the breastplate of command was built for this class too and affects leadership. My cohort? A sword and shield dwarven ranger. The story? Since we are doing kingmaker and spoiler(army fights) My battle herald found the dwarf on the littered battlefield and realized he wasnt dead. Healed him and now the dwarf owes a life debt even though he resents it. Now could my dm have made all this...well possibly, did I want to leave it for chance and get stuck with a wasted feat? Hell no. The problem isn't the leadership feat, its d-bags that abuse it. And to fix that? Oh your crafting-bot's house collapsed on him and he died and everything he was making is ruined. Teach players not to be abusive douches and everything works out.

My group has had Kobold Magus', and Orc Alchemists for its cohorts among players.

Edit: My dwarf cohort has a tiger animal companion, my Battle Herald's name was Siegfried...seemed appropriate to name the dwarf Roy

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i love the people just arguing this. why? if you dont like it dont allow it in your game, but most of you never play together why the hell do you care if they do this?

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Dragonchess Player wrote:

@ SAMAS and EsperMagic: Please explain how you are taking a sorcerer archetype (wildblooded) without taking any sorcerer levels... we'll wait.

Sorcerer: Does a sorcerer with the sage bloodline (page 72) use her Int or Cha to determine uses per day of arcane bolt?

The sage sorcerer uses her Int to determine the number of daily uses of her bloodline powers, including arcane bolt. Therefore, whether arcane bolt lists Int or Cha, the sage sorcerer still uses her Int.
The bloodline power lists Cha because that's the standard terminology for sorcerer bloodlines (because all other sorcerers use Cha), and because there may be a way for a non-sorcerer to gain access to that bloodline power, in which case it should be based on Cha (like other sorcerer bloodline powers) instead of Int.

—Sean K Reynolds, 07/14/11

how else would a non-sorcerer gain access to the sage bloodline except by eldritch heritage?