EsperMagic's page

Organized Play Member. 584 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Well it's pretty explanatory in the title, but Im trying to build a weather manipulator(think Storm form the x-men), but I'm not sure what is the best way to go about it. It's a 20 point buy game and I'm stuck deciding between druid or sorcerer. I'm leaning towards druid because or access to the storm and air domains through the storm druid archetype which also will give more castings of my domain spells spontaneously. PLus it seems a bit more thematic at least. Any suggestions? I'm assuming i'll be a human though if I go druid I might be convinced to switch to a dwarf.

So after looking through the archetypes and the bloodlines for the new Bloodrager calss I saw something that peaked my fancy. The arcane bloodline makes you really good at shutting down enemy casters, if of course you can get into a threatening range with them. The untouchable rager makes you really good at avoiding their spells thanks to your SR. You only lose your own casting ability(kinda sucks I know) but still is this a viable approach to a character?

Would you build it just like a normal Barbarian?

Maybe even go ham and also pick up the Primalist archetype to grab some awesome Rage powers if necessary? Mainly just Superstitious and Witch Hunte instead of the 4th level bloodline power?

Ok so I'm making a False Priest Sorcerer into a false priest PrC. And for the first domain I get Im taking trickery because well of course its probably the best. On the second domain my choices are Evil, Law, and Charm. So two questions: One, Is it legal to take sub-domains with this PrC ability? and two, What is the best second choice?

Or Crimson Assassin depending on the site you use.

OK so I decided rolling up Red Mantis Assassin could be legitimately fun. I'm using a 20 pt buy for 16th level in the campaign I'm currently in. My class choices were Ninja 5/RMA 10/Ninja 1 so far. I picked Ninja because I felt with the sneak attack, propensity towards being dex-focused(hence weapon finesse and two-weapon fighting), and the cha-based ki pool that it would be the best class. I picked Half-Elf for my race because well...with the ancestral arms alternate racial trait I basically get exotic weapon proficiency anyways which is what the human feat would have eventually been burned on anyways. I figured the point bonus was the same so something more fun than human this time.
I did my abilities thusly:
Str 12
Dex 22(+2 racial, +4 levels)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 8
Cha 14

I figure I can pick up a cha headband and a dex/con/maybe str belt whenever I need it.

Now my question are for the feats. So far I have all the pre-requisites and improved initiative. Im sure toughness will be needed eventually, but that still leaves feats for 9, 11, 13, and 15. Im thinking Improved Critical could be one, but I have no idea on the others?

So Im kinda interested in making a character who is all about using a crossbow in combat. Though Ill be honest it doesnt seem like the best weapon. Im torn between Inquisitor or Fighter for the class. Any suggestions on a 20 pt buy level 16 character?

Ok so currently the party is a half-orc scarred witch doctor, a human ninja, and a human barbarian. I'm really interested in playing a support role as the fourth member. With a 20 point buy starting at level 1 and going to lets say level 8 what is the best thing I can build? All paizo books are allowed. Wordcasting is also allowed.

So I saw the Spire Defender archetype for the Magus which gives you Combat Expertise and Dodge at level one. So even with the oddity of how the armor proficiency works with the archetype I still have 0 ASF with the levels in rogue. If I'm a half elf then the drow magic alternate racial trait gives me Darkness as a SLA so I can enter Arcane Trickster a level early. The build will be a level 15 character with 20 point buy. So I figured max damage at level 15 is if I can spellstrike and sneak attack at the same time with an intensified shocking grasp is 10d6(Shocking grasp)+1d6(scimitar)+7d6(SA)=18d6 or 29d6 on a crit. But is this viable? Im not really looking to do the standard wizard build so I thought this might be a little more interesting. Rogue 3/Magus 2/AT 10

Ok so I want to try out a full necro-based witch. Gravewalker Archetype, Spell Focus Necromancy, Death patron, and a scythe. I just think it would be sweet. So going with those criteria and a 20 pt buy, what is the best I can do? I'm thinking Half-Elf to trade Skill Focus for MWP: Scythe and take the +2 to INT. It will be level 15. The charisma checks would be done off of a HB of INT/Cha +6 for the most part on the undead spells. So cha would be roughly a +3. Is this enough?

So I just had this thought come over me that this ccould be pretty sweet. But there are a lot of planeswalker and I kinda want to see just how many of them I can make characters out of. Any suggestions/help/advice would be great.

Jace- Human Wizard School: Illusion Opp: Necromancy and Evocation
Chandra- Human Sorcerer Elemental Fire bloodline
Kiora- Merfolk Summoner
Garruk- Human Druid/Barbarian
Elspeth- Human Paladin
Liliana- Human Oracle of Bones
Tybalt- Tiefling Rogue/Bard?
Ajani- Catfolk Rage Prophet with the Fire Mystery? I dont even know...
Sarkhan- Human Dragon Disciple

I'm probably going to end up statting up some these based on which ideas end up the most interesting but Im confused what people would do for say Gideon, Venser, Koth, Nyssa, Tezzeret, etc.

Ok so currently I have a 15th Level paladin but my AC is only 35. How can I increase this to say closer to 40 or more?

AC= 10 + 14 Armor + 3 Dex + 5 Natural Armor + 3 Deflection Bonus

It increases to 38 when using Smite Evil due to my CHA mod being +6 and deflection bonuses not stacking.

If it helps I'm using a 2-handed weapon.

SO since reading KBrewer's guide about a year ago I've been enamored with the concept of a reach cleric, just never really got around to playing one. I've seen it said that Evangelist is a great archetype for the inspire courage you gain and I tend to agree though only having acces to medium or heavy armor through feats is a bit of a let down. What though is the best alignment? I'm kinda stuck between LG or CG. Cayden Cailen and Desna seems like good choices for the Heroism and Luck domains respectively. Am I missing out on anything?

I want to play a Bladebound Magus, whose blackblade actually holds the soul of a dragon and as we grow through fighting together I start to slowly become more and more dragon-like(Dragon disciple) The only way I can currently think of doing this is One level in sorcerer possibly crossblooded (Draconic/Orc) or (Draconic/Elemental), maybe even taking the tatto archetype to up evocation DC's as well, then taking four-seven levels of Magus and then going into DD? Are there better ways to do this?

OK, so the Witch is hands-down my favorite class currently in Pathfinder. I've been working on a new build for one and was wondering what feloow posters thought.

Level 1

Level 6

Level 12


1 person marked this as a favorite.

So my DM banned the Summoner class which after all I've heard I can't blame apparently they are rather powerful. So my goal is to make the best summoner I can without being an actual summoner. So far my idea is an CG Evagelist Cleric with the Heroism subdomain. I take Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augment Summoning, and Sacred Summons. I can then summon as a standard action and as long asI'm within 30 feet affect them with the heroism spell(domain power) and then also add on Inspire Courage(from the evangelist archetype). Is this the closest I can get ignoring the whole eidolon factor for a decent summmoner?

I know people have probably seen Brewer's Reach Cleric guide by now. I'm curious could the same build in ways work for a druid? Sure you'd have to take a Shaman archetype but a reach lion shaman druid might be pretty sweet. Especially with the AC or Heroism domain. What do people think?

P.s. Also of note a reach-alchemist?

So if Horse Master allows a cavaliers mount to stay equal to his character level, would it apply to a single dog from the Huntmaster archetype as well? Or say each time you take it apply it to a dog?

Also can you stack multiple boon companions as long as you dont exceed your level?

I'm just curious for a possible campaign sidestep of having PC's fight four elemental heroes. So Fire, Earth, Water, and Air. The problem is I'm having trouble differentiating the heroes from one another at points. Earth would obviously be a tanky fighter-like character, Air possibly a Ninja who abusives the greater invisibility ninja trick, Fire would probably be an evoker and water would be...well I don't know a Monk? Maybe?

Anyways looking for advice on how to do to these four characters and make them memorable. I was looking at giving them each the appropriate sorcer bloodline through Eldritch heritage outside of Fire who would maybe be a sorcerer with Efreeti anyways.

Any Advice? Looking for builds that would seriously challenge either individual level 14 characters or a party of 4 level 14 characters depending how I run it.

So far I have a human cleric of pharasma with the Death and Repose(Ancestors) domains.

I figured the feat Heirloom Weapon can give me Scythe proficiency.
I'm not going to mess with cheating death at all via Undead creation or what not. I'm not sure Pharasma's position of resurrection spells by they could be handy thematically if 'someone died before their time.'

I don't see death as healing much so probably I'll use negative energy channeling(it's also as a nod to karthus' Requiem in LoL.)

Spellwise, I'm looking at a lot of debuffs probably, I'm not sure on summons because the flavor seems off, though I could limit myself to angels and demons or something weird.

As far as the scythe I'll probably want to make it magical in ways that it benefits me even if Im not heavy into combat. Considering one level of fighter for heavy armor proficiency and martial weapon proficiency to free up the trait.

It's a 20 point buy and Im not sure where I want things. Clearly death would be almost a caster in my mind but at the same time I dont want the scythe to be merely for looks. Is there a way to turn scythes into staffs?

Title says it all. I recently made thisd sheet for a Battle Herald and I was looking for the advice of people on this forum jHCQ/edit

So I have a feeling that my current PC is going to die soon.
Reason why in detail kingmaker spoilers

KM Book5:
We are in book 5 of Kingmaker and decided to very early in teleport to the roof of Irrovetti's castle and fight our way through. We just hit level 12.

Basically I think we are far too underleveled to survive our current situation. So I want to have a good backup character prepared. I saw a thread on reddit today about winter themed characters and it inspired me to do a Cleric with the Ice and Death domains(ice being a subdomain of water). However I got stuck on ability points since outside of high wisdom and possibly cha for channelling I wasn't sure what I wanted. I know I probably wont be doing melee. So my question is how would you build the guy?

Base things: Lvl 12 Cleric of Ice and Death. Human preferably but not necessarily. Inspiration: To bring endless winter upon the land., so probably NE or something.

He seems like he would need to be a class that got a bonded item. Either wizard or Sorcerer: Arcane Bloodline to account for his dagger. But I'm unsure how to do his magic. He is shown having ingredients which leads me more to prepared spells. But it seems tough on how to incorporate his deal-making magic into the current pathfinder system

So far the best base I have is an Ifrit Wishcrafter sorcerer with the arcane bloodline

I really like the druid class but did not really enjoy playing a straight melee or straight caster version of the class. Is there a way to make a good fun balanced druid? Perhaps it is my lack of knowledge with the divine spell list that made my caster days unfun but it seemed I was relegated to Flame Strikes, Ice Storms, and the Lightning Lord ability if I wanted to be relevant in combat at all and melee wise, it just seemed like a less effective fighter. I guess what I'm looking for is a build that balances both aspects and is fun to play...I have a 20 point buy and this would be a level 12 character. Any advice? long story short, I wanted to be a Wild Caller Summoner because standard summoning with SNA seems like fun. However our GM banned summoners as a whole. So my next option is the line of Shaman archetype druids. Now I know as a whole Lion and Saurian tend to be the cream of the crop there. What I am mainly wondering is for the nature bond with these archetypes, is it better to take the domain or the animal companion?

For Lion Shaman the domain choices are Sun, Glory, Nobility, and Animal
For Saurians they are War, Strength, Destruction, and Animal as well.

My second question is whats better cats or dinosaurs? I know most dinosaurs have an issue being inside due to size, but we are playing Kingmaker so not sure how much of an issue that will be.

Thirdly, with a 20 point buy at level 7 my stats are as follows

Str 16
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 11
Wis 16
Cha 7

So caster or melee? Which ends up better in the long run?

Also should I just skip the whole shaman idea? And if so, are there any other ways to standard action SNA?

Thanks for any and all answers.