
Ersigen's page

Organized Play Member. 17 posts (262 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 6 aliases.

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Male Dwarf Rogue 1
Rath wrote:
"I'm sorry, Master Darknugget, I don't smoke tabac.

Pete bellows out a laugh that sounds like gravel sliding through sluices. "Blimey 'e's daft! No! I mean these pipes!" Pete flexes an arm and points to the bulging muscles there - then points to the magnificent arms on the monk. "I bet ye can make some hay with those trunks! Ha! As for smokey-smoke...I don't mind if I do...."

Pete pulls out a pipe and lights it...and soon great clouds of smoke are billowing all over.

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Male Dwarf Rogue 1

Seeing the monk eying him...Pete glares back quizzically. His sharp eyes easily discern the strength of the monk's frame...despite the loose fitting attire. "The teetotaller's a little topheavy methinks" chuckles the dwarf in the foam of a fresh mug. "No matter, those arms are hooge buggers. Only a fool would mess with those. 'OY, Lightweight! Where'd ye get thoze pipes!? "

Sovereign Court

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Still recruiting? How about a spot for Ersigen? A sinewy young halfling with an enormous ball of curly brown hair and great bushy sideburns. Good teeth. He is rugged and muscular and knows his way about the fields and woods. He has an affinity for animals and loves dogs. He wears an enormous onion-domed top hat so as to fit his massive 'fro. Great plumes of sweet weedsmoke billow from his long curved pipe and linger in his locks. Began his career as farm hand then stable boy and then as a ranger (lvl 1). Living by an orchard he developed a taste for fruit brandy and he soon set up shop running the farmer's copper still in a little shack at the edge of the forest. He rode the farmer's dogs, hunted in the farmer`s forests and tended to the farmer`s flocks. For cash he collected the farmer`s fruits, fermented them and made brandy for the local yokels. Life was good until one day the foolish lad had a scandalous and ill-advised affair with the farmer's wife as well (and she isn't even a halfling!). Now he's drunk and penniless in Sandpoint and looking for work. But first he has this bottle of hooch to finish. Looking to switch to the rogue class.