The shock grid is hard to interpret and determine which squares are connected to which computer, especially since the distances covered from each computer seem to be variable. It also wasn't clear whether the players could make perception checks to determine which squares were part of the shock grids.
Did no one else think to include shooting out the motion sensors? It was one of the first ideas my players went after getting their weapons back.
Where is the dividing line for the Transparent Aluminum Wall for the oozes cell in Area A4? If the door in the NorthEast corner of the room doesn't provide access to the desk in the southwest corner, are the players supposed to circle back and get Bordle after they leave the Smoker? If so, why can they find the password for the Smoker at the desk only after going through the Smoker?
Gerno's tactics don't make sense with the map. I understand Argent raising the Blast doors to lengthen the sight lines for sniping, but the walls and doors that divide the Foyer from the hallways going East and South make sight lines to the elevator door very short. She can't really snipe to the elevator door from anywhere other than the square adjacent to the door. Ranged PCs has no place to go based on Gerno coming in one door and the Vesk coming through the other.
The four player adjustment for Tier 1-2 just impacted Gerno, but the two Vesk Enforcers were what really tore through the party. At plus 8 to hit and D12+5 for damage, the first level characters were easy to hit and could only take about two hits before they were down. By the time the party got the the final encounter, they had just recovered all their Stamina but no one was at full hit points due to the resource drain from the rest of the scenario. The Party managed to drop one of the Vesk, but didn't get more than halfway though the Hit Points on the second before eveyone dropped