
Engela's page

1 post. Alias of Scott Williams 16.

Open for testing of roleplay, character interactions and simulated imbibing of beverages.


For talk.

This is a private game, by invitation only!

So, my eldest daughter attempted suicide Easter of last year.

My wife, eldest daughter and youngest daughter have gone camping to be away from the house during this "bad" time.

I am looking for good, humorous, positive, etc. items to move me past the next few days, as, clearly, this is a challenging time as work has prevented me from joining them.

Please note, although I am battling depression and the current issues, this is not a 911 problem.

I am looking for humorous, fun or amusing ways to pass the next few days.

I WILL not surrender to my issues, but any enlightenment or levity is welcome!

To begin, my cats!

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Stands before wall.

Recalls discussion today and yesterday with teenager.

Begins pounding head into wall.

Carry on..


An old, balding man carefully wipes the bar clean. The night is cool, it should draw travelers this evening, he smiles widely in anticipation of the coin to come.

So, we begin.
Character creation

25 point buy
Non monster races are preferred but not required.
No 3rd party stuff please.
2 traits, one must be a campaign
I will use hero points

What I am looking for are heroes. This path requires people to do the right thing, to be big gosh darn heroes.

After posting your submission, head on over to the discussion thread and start role-playing. I will choose my party based on the interactions between you all from there.

This will be an exercise in writing for me, so I am looking for regular posting. Once a day is nice if possible, but this is a game, not a job. We are here to have fun folks!

If you have questions message me or post here.

I am looking forward to your submissions.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

1. Go commando, averaging one less load of laundry per month.

2. Stop shaving, beards are spectacular and bikini season is months away!

3. No shampoo, vinegar and apple cider work just as well, and you will have a shiny pelt!

4. Shower cold, come on now! Toughen up, its worth the chill!

5. Shower every other day! The aroma of a dedicated Paizon sends a powerful message of loyalty and commitment that out ways dainty civilized noses.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

1.Hair growing out of my ears
2. and my nose
3.My parents where right
4.I need reading glasses!!!!!!!
5.I can say "younger generation" and mean it
6. My daughters are far more tech savy then I
7.Going to bed before 9pm is my norm, my favorite shows are on after that, blast it all!!!!
8.I have white hair in my beard!!!!!!
9. My hair line is in full retreat...no, strike that, it has been routed.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Hey, I got an email alert that a payment method had expired, yet, when I checked my account, that particular card was not even listed. What's up?

When I clicked on the link in the email, the website was not valid.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

So, I am going to quit this habit, and anything is welcome to help with this. I am using the patchit itches and could use some good cheer to keep positive.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

So, in a short time we shall see if my rusty skills are up to the task of sitting behind the screen!

Wish me luck!!

(I am soooo doomed!)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Following another thread
Entry Requirements
And Spell Focus(Abjuration) to feats and change Prof with One martial weapon to all.
Abjurant Armor: By the looks of the RAW this is Ok, but should have ref to Mage Armor removed.
Extended Abjuration: Looks good but, should have a note that the Extended spells only function on the caster or if the caster is the focus of the spell.
Swift Abjuration: Can see the possible abuse of this one! Add language that ability functions only for spells with a range of touch(self only) or personal.
Arcane Boost: add language that the max spell to be burned is equal to you Abjurant Champion level.
Martial Arcanist: and language so that your caster level is eqaul to your BAB when casting Abjuration spells only.

Thoughts? Comments? Flame?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Our game has benn canned due to aa silly thing like real life getting in the way. whimper. So having nothing else to do for the day, i will ask the question, What do ya'll do in this case?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

The last time I have played a wizard was during 2nd edition.I normally play meat shields and combat monsters. Now I am about to advance to 3rd level. We are using the Beta PFRPG rules and I would love any advice or help.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Whoops, looks like Doubled up on this thread. My bad!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

The kings of leon will play at the St Augustine Amphetheatre on may 4th. I have heard them on the radio, has anyone heard them live? I might be able to get myself some uber tickets if its worth it.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I am breaking my posts up so that they are not eaten. Why should you care? Because the increase in tax will affect any one that deals with beer. EVERYONE. Every bar, c-store, diner, etc. According to my boss, this happened in the 90ies and it was brutal. With how things are now, he believes it will be far worse. The tax will increase the cost by about 20-30%, and reduce the sales by an equal amount. Ponder that. A loss of 20% in sales. This will mean that we will need to cut back on every level. Our CEO told us that 1 in 5 of us at the meeting would not be there if this goes through.

Readn tne books, any body have anything on the Game?

All right, here we go. I am currently running the AoWAp, we are currently at The Champion's Belt. While running this section one of my players took up the betting portion. Having just completed three 12 hour days of keg throwing, my mind and judgement were not at their best. This PC sought out the Varmint Patrol, and quickly started a fight, which he also quickly lost a purpose. His Bluff roll was a Nat20 and my Sense Motive was a Nat1. This happened at about midnight, and he then asked me what the current odds for them would be. Being rather tired, and all I threw out the number 50:1. He bet 7k gold. Any body care to make suggustions (or laugh) please go ahead.

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