Endency's page

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If third party is an option, I would highly recommend checking out Spheres of Power. It overhauls the magic system and it would go a long way to making the very specific set of magic that he uses. After that I feel like either an inquisitor or a ranger are the most in theme with a Witcher.

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Watch a UFC fight. Those guys can take a lot more of a beating than I could. It's really no different. A hero is trained to take a hit. A commoner is trained to work a plow.

GM let me play a Zen Archer that used a revolver in a campaign that took place in the early 1900's. Was fighting a handful of gargoyles. Rolled a 20 on my attack. "Roll to confirm crit" Another 20. "Roll to confirm auto kill" 'nother 20. "Uhh..well keep on rolling" This time rolled like an 18 or something. Instant kill on the first gargoyle and the bullet ricochets off his skull and crits the gargoyle next to him killing it as well. Was pretty rad.

Had a "boss fight" once where my players were meant to run away or die once.(spoilers they were gonna die no matter what) The idea was to send them to Hell and have the campaign take place there. Most of my players were cool with it. Had one who was not and I think is still upset about it to this day. This was roughly a year ago, and the campaign is long done with and over.

I apologize I meant versatile channeler, not alignment channel. Does that work?

Rysky wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Plausible Pseudonym wrote:
Phone posting so I can't find it, but there's a terrible FAQ that they don't stack, profane and sacred are the same type of bonus with different flavor names.
can you provide that faq or which book it's under? I've never heard of it.

I just checked through the PDT posts and couldn't find anything.

While I would say they can stack, I personally don't think they should, also I'm curious how this situation would occur, spells from Clerics of a Good and Evil Deity cast on the same person would fall under no stacking due to same source I believe.

Anybody have any examples?

Don't know if it actually works, but I think if you're a Holy Vendicator with alignment channel. You can get a sacred bonus to your armor class with Vendicator Shield, and then get a profane bonus to your armor class with stigmata.

I think the real question is... Would it be more thematic to make it a bloody Skeleton to imitate the self ressurection ability of the Phoenix. Or a burning Skeleton, you know for that whole "fire" thing.

Once your wife starts to get rage powers to give out while her raging song is active you'll get some nice goodies. On top of that you can't move while in defensive stance so if your wife beats you on initiative you're likely to at least have a small bonus to your attack and damage until you can get into a good position for defensive stance.

The werebear-Kin skin walker has a trait that let's you recover 3x as much hp when sleeping for 24 hours.

Personally I like the race. I'd go with a lightning kineticist.

Could grab dazzling display and flavor it as juggling your guns.

Hello all, I looked around a bit, but couldn't find anything on the subject. Can a creature with more than one head, such as an Ettin, wear more than one head slot item?

How does the Mystic Theurge fair with sphere casting?

If you'd be willing/able to reroll Gnome there's a whole feat line based sound the spell called Haunted Gnome, haunted Gnome assault, and haunted Gnome shroud.

thorin001 wrote:
VRMH wrote:
Klorox wrote:
there's no reason to believe they won't work together.
...apart from the fact that the breath weapon isn't actually a bomb any more.
Where does it cease being a bomb for rules purposes?

It's kind of does in the description. "Instead of drawing the components of, creating, and throwing a bomb, the alchemist can draw the components, drink them, mix them within his body, and then expel them as a breath weapon as a standard action." But again only kind of. I would probably allow it personally.

Non-magic probbaly goes to the monk, arcane is probably baby the witch but sorc is close second. Divine is paladin hands down, love the iconic plate wearing holy warrior of justice. Then nature would have to be druid. And Occult is kineticist easy. Love con being the caster stat and I love using hp as a resource, hello burn!

As long as you're fine being evil. The hangman archtype for the vigilante in ultimate horror seems like it would make a great bounty hunter

You could cast regular possession on a glass golem.

Charisma being your "force of personality" and also what keeps undead... going. I've always thought that having a low charisma makes a character care less about their well being. They might have suicidal tendencies, or be very depressed. Things of that nature.

I like building my characters as I play them. I usually start with ideas for my build in mind. But if something major happens to my character, like say nearly dies to a disease but makes a miraculous recovery. I'll decide to grab great fortitude, or increase my con score to go along with that.

Swarm Kineticist and Luck Mystery

Could I vital strike with a Lightning Javelin?

Does it have to be a spiked chain? Could you use a scorpion whip?

Don't really wanna get into the morality of war. But the war god Gorum is Chaotic Neutral

I would venture toward charisma. It's your force of personality and I've always thought characters with low charisma would likely be suicidal.

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Guh Lore E In

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Pretty much all of the dragon slayers plus Grey could easily be kineticist. Dragon Disciple fits thematically. So mayhaps consider bloodrager instead for them. Erza if you really need to stick to paizo pf products, maybe a Warpriest? But of you can use psionics unleashed then aegis/soul knife/metaforge all the way.

I once shoved a demi Lich into a bag of devouring. He may have ended up there.

To my knowledge these aren't stated out in any books. However I would venture to guess they border on demi God level of power. I would look at monsters such as Hastur, Dagon, or The Emperyeal Lords to get an idea of how strong they might be.

If you plan on using one in a campaign, maybe instead of being a proper monster, it could be the dungeon the players delving? I don't know what you're going for however, that's just a shot in the dark.

Back when we were doing Skulls and Shackles I had a drunken monk carpenter who used his tools and ship parts (oars, anchors, etc) He was a lot of fun but then the captain and first mate died and the campaign with them.

Rangers don't tend to be very feat starved you could always varient multiclass cleric. They get channel around level 7 if I recall correctly.

I would like domains and channeling to be made better. Specifically the varient channeling to be better.

It says it's similar to mage hand, not functions as mage hand. So in imo no finger pointing is needes.

Imbicatus wrote:
Endency wrote:
Imbicatus wrote:
I want to agree with you but it doesn't say anything about targeting a creature just "focusing your stare". Not to mention again but you can do it blind and all you need to do with a dc 20 concentration check.
You Focus your stare on one creature within 30 feet. If you are aware of that creatures location you can do so, but if you are not aware, there is nothing you can focus on.

So wouldn't that mean all I actually need to a noise or smell to just know a creature is there? I wouldn't actually need to know his exact location?

Imbicatus wrote:

I want to agree with you but it doesn't say anything about targeting a creature just "focusing your stare". Not to mention again but you can do it blind and all you need to do with a dc 20 concentration check.

Azten wrote:

That's easy. Blind or not you're still looking at them and forcing your will upon them in an insidious way. It's Bole Stare, not Bold Sight.

Except he doesn't even have to look at them. Really he doesn't even have to know theyre there. Just every turn throw out a 30 foot radius stare aura and see if you ping something.

My issues with the Mesmerist is three fold and all have to do with his hypnotic stare. 1. Creatures have zero ability to know that it has happened. 2. The creature doesn't even have to see the Mesmerist or even know he's there. Would probbaly be more okay with the no save of you at least had to make eye contact. And 3. The Mesmerist can use this ability when he's blind. It's hypnotic STARE how do you use this ability on a creature you can't even see?

I really like the class, but it's hypnotic stare just rubs me the wrong way.

I've house ruled that a magic set of the thieves tools works just as well.

So in a home brew I'm running with some friends we have a party of four and one of the players recently died. He's wanting to reroll a hunter and go really heavy on the scouting. Now I'm 100% all for him doing this. However in my experience stealth missions like this tend to take time. A lot of back and forth between the DM and the PC. What I don't want to happen is this player get significantly more game time than the rest of my other players. So my question is, how can I keep the scouting missions fun/useful but also keep the rest of the party of sitting around doing nothing for extended periods of time?

Sorry for typos and such posting from phone.

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Deflect arrows, bestow curse, and fickle winds might help.

I always thought a spell thief should be able to steal buffs from creature they get sneak attack off on.

A Swarm kineticist. Thinking something in the same vein as the Swarm plasmid in bioshock, or Shino from Naruto.

Can the Titan Mauler wield a two handed weapon in one hand?

Not a golem, but you could be a beast bonded witch and spend lots of gold on making a Homunculous as powerful as you can. Then commit ritualistic suicide to shove your soul into it.

Does the darkness domain power 'touch of darkness' trigger the Fetchlings 'shadow blending'?

I am 100% for the kineticist. Probably my favorite class at this point. Currently trying a void kineticist based around kinetic fist.

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Am I the only one who's thought immediately went to Heman and Battle Cat with this one?

Sorry for the long string of questions. Can I channel smite into a touch attack? If so would it be able to get sneak attack on that as well? And again if so what type of damage does the sneak attack deal? If its the energy type is it subject to the will save for half?

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I think more feats should be like two weapon fighting. I'm that you can do it regardless of feats. Feats just make you good at doing it. Like power attack. Make it something like -2 for +2 and power attack makes it -1 for +2

I've always saw a 5ft step as a quick dart or a cautious step in a particular direction that is too quick to open up an AoO and it doesn't require any focus so you don't look away to open up an attack either. Maybe mindless creatures wouldn't bother with a 5 ft step but I see no reasoneed animals wouldn't be able to make them....did-a-chuck

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