Endency's page

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Hello all, I looked around a bit, but couldn't find anything on the subject. Can a creature with more than one head, such as an Ettin, wear more than one head slot item?

So in a home brew I'm running with some friends we have a party of four and one of the players recently died. He's wanting to reroll a hunter and go really heavy on the scouting. Now I'm 100% all for him doing this. However in my experience stealth missions like this tend to take time. A lot of back and forth between the DM and the PC. What I don't want to happen is this player get significantly more game time than the rest of my other players. So my question is, how can I keep the scouting missions fun/useful but also keep the rest of the party of sitting around doing nothing for extended periods of time?

Sorry for typos and such posting from phone.

Hello all, I have a couple questions regarding Coup De Grace and I apologize if these have been addressed in another thread, I couldn't find anything definitive. First and for most, can a player preform a Coup de grace on themselves? And second, does DR, or similar damage mitigation apply to the damage and/or the DC of a coup de grace?

I was talking with a Gm friend of mine about different character builds and a question came up. Can you stack weapon focus with itself? Weapon focus can be taken more than once, as long as you pick a different weapon. So let's use an Alchemist for an example. He picks up weapon focus bombs, and then weapon focus long bow. Then he grabs the explosive missile discovery. Does he get +2 to his attack rolls when using explosive missle? Our general thought was no, but also thought it might be worth asking the forums. Thanks.

Can you add sneak attack damage to a touch attack? No spells or anything, just wanting to make a touch attack.