![]() That sounds like a very cool concept--kind of a riff on Michael Reaves' Shattered World, although in that there's a lot of inter-shard travel. Let's see what I get for stats: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 1, 6) = 12 =11* After reroll becomes (2,4,6,6)=16
Reroll 1s*: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8
That's pretty good for a lot of things. I'll make him an elf universalist wizard with the Arcanamirium Crafter archetype.
Elendyr is actually a native of Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. His extended family has lived there for several centuries. When Elendyr's keen mind and deft hands became apparent, his family encouraged him to study wizardry with an eye towards crafting magical items. After completing his initial studies at the Arcanamirium, he traveled to Kyonin for further instruction. He was returning home to Absalom when the world shattered around him, and he found himself in <location TBD, depending>. The first two years were not kind ones for him, as there were some who blamed all arcane magicians for the destruction meted out on Golarion. He had his mundane crafting and engineering skills to fall back on, though, and his utility barely outweighed the suspicions of his more insular neighbors. He's spent the time since the Sundering making and repairing all sorts of items and constructions. I'll update his profile shortly--I'm reusing the alias. ![]()
![]() Throwing my hat into the ring with Elendyr, an elf architect who happens to be very good with locks and sneaking...mechanically he's a rogue (unchained, if possible) with some appropriate professional and Knowledge skills. I still have to update the profile from the previous campaign I used it for. Background:
Most of the elves on Golarion are found in places like Kyonin or the Mwangi Expanse, places of great natural beauty, where they integrate their cities seamlessly into the surrounding forests or jungles. There are smaller communities of elves, though, scattered across the world...even in the city that lies at its very center.
Elendyr was born in Absalom, part of an extended family of artisans that make a very good living as architects and stoneworkers. Others in the community became mighty wizards or scholars, travelers and wanderers across the world, but Elendyr's family was content to stay in Absalom and do their part to build it up. If you ask Elendyr, he'll tell you that yes, he's an architect. He knows buildings and he's designed buildings. Yes, sometimes he has to get into places whose owners may object to his presence, but when you're putting up a building that's going to last past your death, you want it to look perfect from every angle--including from the roofs of the adjacent buildings. And you know, some of the people who own those buildings are so rude and inconsiderate as to lock or even trap the access routes, so he had to learn to deal with that. Sometimes they'd set guards, so he had to learn how to move quietly. All part of his job as an architect. For the past ten or twenty years, though, his particular passion has been Ancient Osiriani architecture. It started harmlessly enough, with a request from the Pathfinder Society to build a fine manor for the Ruby Prince. While others in the family did most of the design work, Elendyr led the research effort into the proper artistic elements to incorporate into the design, and prepared a report that the lead designers worked from. His older relatives were quite impressed with the quality of the report, so the decision was made that he would become the family's subject matter expert in that field--to go along with their experts on architecture as practiced in Thassilon, Azlant, Tian Xia, Vudra, and other distant lands. He continued to study artistic and construction techniques as best he could from descriptions of buildings, and learned the language to be able to access primary sources. He was unwilling to travel to Osirion himself, though. Then his research hit a dead end. Too many sources--too much information--hadn't yet made its way to Absalom, even in the archives of the Arcanamirum or the Blakros Museum. And the Pathfinder Society was no help at all. So the family elders decided that their expert needed to travel to Tephu, find what he needed to find, copy it, and return. They have given him five years to complete his research. Although initially reluctant to leave the city he loved, Elendyr has set out for Osirion--out of family loyalty at first, but that motivation was soon supplemented by a recognition of a truth uttered by a distant cousin: "It is true that, in time, all the world comes to Kortos. I simply wish to see it when it is not dressed for travel." Appearance: Like most elves, Elendyr is tall, slender, and graceful, with pale eyes, and long brown hair pulled back in multiple braids. When adventuring he generally dresses in dull green clothing over light armor armor, his equipment carefully blackened to avoid casting any telltale reflections. He wears a small amulet with a design of a hand with its index finger pointing upward, a yellow star at the fingertip. When not adventuring he wears brighter green, with gold trim and gold cord woven into his braids. ![]()
![]() Kunsheng also chooses to stay put, but Elendyr returns to his home, the mystery of the missing caravan solved and a small piece of the world put right. When I set up my first character in this game, I wanted to try to play a chirurgeon alchemist in PFS--in fact, the game credit was originally going to go to his near-duplicate. I've come to realize that the class isn't that great, and the backstory I had for him (follower of Qi Zhong) was...well, PFS is not the place to play a character who tries to keep to Qi Zhong's anathemas--particularly the one about not doing lethal damage to living creatures outside of a surgery. ![]()
![]() Thanks again! I would appreciate a wrapup post. Character name: Aeinquel
Using downtime to Earn Income; Trained.
Let me know if I've done this right; I haven't played much PFS2e lately. ![]()
![]() Simon Samarian wrote: One thing I did notice is that the new VC of the Find the Path Discord is a "Deneve Callois" - our first GM's alias. Do we want to see if they are the same person, and if they are, if they are free? Pros: they know the team and the story. Cons: I don't know if it'd be awkward since we never found out why they left. I'd noticed that as well. Given that this has dragged on for over a year (first post in Recruitment was February 29th, 2020), I'm thinking it's going to be hard to get back into this game, especially since we're in the middle of a fight. ![]()
![]() Grimacing in pain, Elendyr casts an arcane shield again, strides away with elven speed, and looses an arrow at the green orc. Longbow attack, incl. IC: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 1 = 28
Crit damage, if applicable, incl. IC: 1d8 + 1 + 1d10 ⇒ (2) + 1 + (3) = 6 Cast-Stride-Strike Current AC 20. ![]()
![]() Elendyr crosses to the front of the gate and casts a potent spell, fingers dancing through arcane gestures as he chants in an archaic dialect of the Draconic tongue. A small sphere streaks from his hand to impact in the midst of the orcs, spraying motes of gleaming dust over most of them. Move-cast-cast Casting glitterdust; DC 19 Reflex save. I have the 10-foot burst drawn on the map. ![]()
![]() If the gate is wood: Holding his bow loosely in one hand, the elf contemplates the gate for a moment, looking for possible weak points, before invoking arcane power. A blob of flame flies from his free hand at the barrier! Spell attack roll: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19 Craft check to recall engineering knowledge re the fortification (1 action), followed by casting produce flame (2 actions). ![]()
![]() Assuming that the party returns and updates Elendyr on the spectral encounter: INT check DC 11: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 The wizard steeples his hands, tapping his index fingers together. "These poor spirits are bound by emotion, correct? The weight of an offense against them, or an offense that they committed, that does not allow them to pass on to Pharasma's judgment? It seems to me that Sir Lawren must ask the ghost to forgive him, without anyone else present." ![]()
![]() Tyranius, we have a group playing through Fall of Plaguestone for PFS credit, and our GM disappeared just as we were preparing to start the third part. We're looking for a replacement GM to wrap this up. Discussion thread is HERE. There are a couple of caveats, though--this has been run very well so far, and we'd like to get a GM who's going to maintain that high level. Also (and I have my doubts this will happen; he's a VO, but he's been gone over two months), if the original GM returns before we finish we'd prefer if possible to finish with the original. Can you find us someone? ![]()
![]() 1. I advise bringing it up to Tyranius or one of the other online VCs and letting them follow their usual protocol (which, IIRC, is generally first willing). 2. If GM D returns in time, I'd definitely prefer to stick with him, so we can make that a condition for the replacement--that should be easy enough to go with, and I've seen it happen that way before. 3. My preference would be for unanimity, with the proviso that AFAICT we're all reasonable people. If, e.g., the first GM to pop up is a complete novice, or is someone that one of us has had a problem with in the past, then let's agree to communicate about it (via PM, if we want anonymity) before making the call. How does that sound to everyone?