Villamar Koth

Einarr Alfasson's page

27 posts. Alias of Whiskey and a Bonesaw.


Uskara Olym
"Anevia Tirablade"

F Human Rogue 3 HP 17/17 | AC:14_T:11_FF:11 | F +1_R +6_W +0 | Init +7 | Perception +5 (102 posts)

M Elf Wizard(Conjurer) 5/Riftwarden 1 HP 20/35 | AC:12_T:12_FF:10 | F +3_R +3_W +7 | Init +2 | Perception +7 (80 posts)
"Horgus Gwerm"

Human Aristocrat 4 HP 18/18 | AC:9_T:9_FF:9 | F +2_R +1_ W +5 | Init -1 | Perception +2 (68 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
"Irabeth Tirablade"
(0 posts)
Arnistolientar Popswicker
Chromie Blackwater

M Gnome Bard 1 (38 posts)

Denver Randleman
(0 posts)
Fire Giant
DM Unruly
(0 posts)
Kormok the Flesh-Carver
(0 posts)

Meyer Lansky
(0 posts)
Michael Stamford

M Human Cavalier(Honor Guard) 4
HP 52/52 | AC:19_T:12_FF:17 | Init +3 | Perception +8 | Sense Motive +7 | Fort +7_Ref +4_Will +2 | CMB +8 | CMD 20 | Speed 20 | Lucerne hammer +9(1d12+4/x2) | Cestus+8(1d4+3/19-20x2)
Mount Vitals:
HP 43/43 | AC:20_T:12_FF:17 | Init +2 | Perception +7 | Fort +7_Ref +6_Will +2 | CMB +8 | CMD 18(Trip 25) | Speed 50 | Bite +6 (1d4+4/x2) | 2 Hooves +4(1d6+2/x2)
(776 posts)
Wing Clipper
The Mighty Monarch
(2 posts)
Raymond K Hessel

Male Ifrit Master Summoner 2 HP: 20/20 | Init +10 | Per: -1 | AC:16_T:12_FF:14 | F:+2_R:+2_W:+2 | Eidolon HP: 11/11 | Init +1 | Per: +12 | AC:15_T:11_FF:_14 | Claw x2 +4 1d4+3(10ft reach) (112 posts)
Trusk, the Warchild

M Half-Orc Cleric 1 HP 4/10 | AC 16_T 10_FF 16 | F+3_R+0_W+3 | Init +2 | Perc +2 | Channel 1d6 2/3 | Greatsword +3 2d6+4(19-20/x2) | CMB +3 | CMD 13 (207 posts)
Fire Giant
The Unruly GM

City Map Current Location Map Loot Sheet (880 posts)