
Eilyne's page

388 posts. Alias of Drogeney.


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female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s


Wow! That really sucks! I am glad things seem to be doing a bit better at least.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Yeah, it seems this game has ended on us.

At least we got further than one I applied to recently, we can't even finish recruitment cause the DM seems to have poofed on us.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

I'm still here at least.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne caught onto Brunner's words about the undead thing being the cat's master and changed her choice of targets. She had no dislike for the lynx and would rather not kill it. Better to kill the one commanding it and hope the creature would break free of it's control that way. She moved into the middle of her companions following what she thought was a safe path and then sent a whirling disk of wood, like a large circular saw blade, flying out at the abomination.

wood blast (slashing) w/pbs/precs: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 = 181d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 11

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Sorry for the delay.

Eilyne heard the warning about the big cat almost too late but fortunately the creature jumped tot eh side as a here to for unseen bearr trap sanpped shut! Eilyne realized this was bad and began to back up, staying in the same path she had moved in, until she had some distance from the creature. She puledd in her power to grow a thorn and let it loose at the giant feline.

wood blast w/pbs/precs: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 3 + 1 = 171d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 8

Move back along my path so I end thirty feet from the cat and attack.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne's head snapped to the side in the direction the arrow came from as she tried to see who, or what, had shot it.

Can't look at the map right now and didn't want to slow things down more than I already had. Two possible actions are being written, please use/modify the appropriate one.

Seeing the attacker Eilyne began to form a thorn with her graceful, dancelike, moves whish she sent lancing out at Barhador's attacker.

Gather power if needed for extended range if greater than 30 ft away or use the move action to try and move into the nearest treeline/cover.
wood blast: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 171d6 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 4 = 9
Add +1 atk and dmg if w/i 30 ft.

If attacker not visible:

Having no one to target, and not wanting to be stuck out in the open, Eilyne quickly moved towards the nearest cover.

I will move into the trees at as close to a 90 degree angle from teh attacker as possible or the nearest cover.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne clapped in delight at Gidget's success and said, "Excellent Gidget!" She threw her arms around the young woman hugged her while kissing her quite firmly on the lips for a moment. As quickly as she had kissed Gidget, Eilyne released her and stepped back into the underbrush and trees with the words, "I will try to teach you more after you get some more practice."

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne was happy to uncover Gidget's eyes when she succeeded at calling the water. She continued to press against Gidget's back as she looked over her shoulder and said, "I knew it!"

Eilyne reached out to gently grasp Giget's wrists from behind and said, "Now, try to feel the water, to call it, and direct it to flow." Eilyne began to gently move Gidget's wrists, directing her arms in ways that she was familiar with to direct her own power. She wasn't sure if it would work the same for Gidget but it seemed a good start. It was almost like they were dancing given the way the motions flowed and took the body along with it.

Sadly it seemed that the way Eilyne was used to may or may not work for Gidget, or maybe it was that they were to close together and it prevented things from moving. Finally Eilyne released Gidget's wrists, her own hands tracing along the girl's skin as she stepped back from her. "It may be that you will need to learn the movements that work for you since you have a different element from mine."

Eilyne moved so Gidget could see her and said, "You must find the movements to make the water obey you better, when done right it will look similar to this." Eilyne began to move, slowly at first to let Gidget see how she did it, but picked up her pace. As she did the green gold energy gathered and a seed floated from her garments. She grew the seed and began to change it's shape until she had a thorn which she launched into the ground nearby. The thorn struck and stayed there, quivering from the force of the strike.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne snorted and laughed lightly at being call m'lady and said, "I am not nobility, so you can just call me Eilyne." Eilyne stepped back into the edge of the underbrush where she felt more comfortable and the plants at her feet seemed to almost make way for her. Eilyne didn't know how approach the topic so she decided to just start talking and see where it went.

"There is something odd about you Gidget, I am not quite sure what it is though...hmmmm," the fey woman began to walk about Gidget, eyeing her curiously, and appreciating the young woman's appearance as well, before she said, "I think it's water, yes, water. I don't know why water but then why would I? I don't control water but I think you might...."

"Waterwaterwater, where can we get some for you to try...Oh I know," Eilyne's eyes lit up as she had an idea. "I want you to think of water very hard, think of it coming to you..." Eilyne looked at Gidget with exasperation and then said, "No, close your eyes first, don't think, feel..." Eilyne moved around behind the young woman and pressed close behind her as she reached around to hold her hands over Gidget's eyes.

"Think of the water, feel it in your mind, how can you move it, where can it come from, let your arms move on their own, to feel the flow of water through your hands, through the air..." She kept her hands over Gidget's eyes as she continued to speak.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

During the fighting Eilyne noticed something odd about the magical mist that had been summoned. Wherever Gidget was the mist seemed to follow. It wasn't unlike what plants seemed to do to her and Eilyne suddenly wondered if Gidget might be a fey too! She decided to speak to the young woman, if Eilyne was not far off Gidget was around her own age, and waited until she could speak to her alone.

When Eilyne finally saw Gidget slightly away from the others she slipped through the trees and underbrush and stepped out beside her. She was curious to see Gidget's reaction when Eilyne was suddenly there and stood with a slight smile waiting for the girl's attention to fall on her.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Gidget Human Hydrokineticest 1
HP 12, AC 12, FF 10, TAC 12, Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +1, CMB -1, CMD 11
Water Blast +2 (1d6+1+3)
Feats PBS (1st), Skill Foc Handle Animal (hbf)
Skills: heal +5, handle animal +8, know (nature) +4, perception +5, prof (rancher) +5
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 13
Burn (0/5), Gather Power, water blast (deals bludgeoning damage), Infusions: extended range (1brn, 120ft rng), Wild Talents: basic hydro kinesis *Sp) At Will-create water, purify water (as purif food/drink), dry (as prestidig)

There, I think that will work for Gidget and make sense why Eilyne will be interested in her. This is as bare bones as I could make it.

The idea is to take kinetic healer once she gets another utility talent to help with healing.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Except adding those modifiers is a necessary step in the process of making a character most of the time. I never deal with NPC arrays or I build them like I would a PC for a variety of reasons.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

I think he meant that build did not include the race mod in it and it would need to be added?

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Yeah, Eilyne would want a really good reason and seeing another who had powers similar to her's would actually make her take interest enough to teach them. I now have an idea in mind.

Oh, what is the "elite array" you mentioned? Is that the heroic arrays?

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s
Arkhan wrote:

Arkhan will brow beat the piss and s*#% out of that Red Shirt pansy until he makes a proper orc out of him! Rull Rules!

Or he probably should just stay a Red Shirt NPC...yea...probably...lol.

Nonono, you just beat him until The Next Generation comes around, then he'll no longer be the sacrificial Red Shirt!

I swear, figuring out how Eilyne would train anyone is turning into a challenge. I have no clue what to do with Gidget, or any other NPC really, given Eilyne just innately does what she does.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

I'm thinking I might just take up training Gidget, she's fairly close to Eilyne in age so maybe they can make a connection that way. The grand question is how is Eilyne going to train her since my own class is innate...decisions, decisions.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Hoping to get my NPC figured out by Wednesday.

I am assuming these are all adults?

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

When I looked earlier not all of them had names, then I just now realized I was looking at the combat summary section.


female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Is it the refugee stat blocks one?

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Hmm, I'll have to look through the list of NPCs it seems. Sorry I've been so hit or miss lately. This has been one of those fights where I really needed to see the map but can't when I am at work were I tend to do lot of my posting. Unfortunately by the time I get home I have been getting sidetracked in short order and losing track of it.

I will be trying my best to work on this.

Oh, did we have a full list of the NPCs we had saved?

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Crap! Sorry about that.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne stepped back from the attacker that had gotten in close to her and sent yet another thorn flying out at him.

[dice=woodblast w/pbs/precs]1d20+3+1; 1d6+4+1

Tiems like this I am glad that I took the Woddland Step talent.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne looked for the nearest enemy amidst the brawl and began to pull in the necessary power as she grew yet another seed into a long thorn to send lancing out at an enemy.

Can't see the map just now and I assume there is no enemy nearby. If there is I will five foot away and then attack. Add Point Blank please if it applies and I will gather power if needed to use extended range infusion if the target is greater than 30 ft away.

wood blast w/pbs (cot added in)/PrecS/Extended Range as apporpriate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 111d6 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 4 = 7

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

I completely agree with what they have said, you are doing an amazing job on these fights with so much going on to control.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

I was able to get in just now. I think part of it was a problem with the site that resolved itself and part was my connection being a bit wonky for some reason.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Anyone else having problems with Rolld20? I can't get into it to move myself.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne nodded her thanks to Nynaeve as the woman healed her. With the injury largely dealt with Eilyne moved back out of the fog to where she could see the bastard that tried to kill her. When she was close enough and could see him she sent a spinning disk of wood flying out at him. Let's see how he likes getting cut in half!

woodblast (slashing) w/pbs/precS: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 3 + 1 = 121d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 8

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne cried out in pain as the hobgoblin's axe bit deeply into her flesh. It was agonizing and she knew she couldn't take another hit like that. She quickly withdrew, moving faster than he could react and ducked into the trees until she made her way back into the gathered refugees and out of sight.

Full withdrawal.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne left it to the others to try and convince the old woman to come with them. She was busy trying to wrack her brain for alternative places of safety. She didn't trust that this fort would be left unmolested and, when the smoke from it's direction was seen, she knew that they would find no safety there.

Eilyne quickly realized the mistake she was making in searching for safety, she had been too long among humans and not her own kind. If you wanted a place to hide in nature you looked for one thing above all other. You found a cave, preferably a system with multiple ways in and out. That in mind Eilyne tried to recall if there were any cave systems she had come across that might serve their needs.

Knowledge (geography): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Generaly yes, Origins is rather inclusive, particularly when it comes to the GLBTQetc (I don't remember all the letters anymore) community.

It had been long enough that I forgot what the exact issue was with BLM last year, and I'm at work so looking things up isn't always possible.

Overall I like going, particualrly because it is smaller than Gencon is, but that's me.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne considered the dilemma as they traveled in between scouting and foraging for food for the group. She thought the problem over and said, "We need shelter and we need to see if the fort is intact. I don't think we can stay at the fort though. As soon as they get across to this bank in numbers the fort will be in trouble. I don't think we can stay at the fort for long and will need someplace else to stay."

Eilyne paused for a moment, spotting a bush of edible berries and grabbed a few to try one and make sure they were ripe before adding, "It is still smart to go there and see if there is any help we can get. This large of a group will be hard to move through the forest and remain unseen but then moving along the road is even worse."

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Ah, but there is the problem, as I understand it from people who have run Cons before. You can't run a gaming convention, like Gencon/Origins, like a trade show and make it successful. There have been other issues as well as I understand it, but I will admit that I am not that famliar with all the issues involved.

Having said that a quick bit of looking showed that, at least before 2017 the convention attendance was going up. I know there were some issues in 2018 that may have reveresed that trend and last year there was massive backlash over, I believe it was their stance on BLM, that was their excuse for not running the online portion they had intended too (though from what I heard it was going to be a disaster and they apparently had no clue what they were doing).

Again, these are only what I ahve heard from the leadership of some of the bigger campaign that I play in hat runs there so your mileage may vary.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Yeah, I guess Origins used to be as big as Gencon is but years ago they got taken over by a bunch of people who know nothing about gaming and have been running it into the ground. It has gotten so small that it is a joke by comparison. It's a bit of a miracle they survived having to cancel last year due to COVID because they just don't have the income to eat a year like Gencon does. I guess the only reason was that the Convention Center let them roll the rent over to this year instead.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

This coming Wednesday through Sunday my posting will be extremely slow to non-existent as I will be at Gencon in Indy and then two weeks after that for the same days it will be slow again for Origins in Ohio. I may be able to sneak some posts in but I wouldn't count on it.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne rolled her eyes at the argument now that the fighting was over and said something she’d heard her mother say any number of times in disgust, "Men" Eilyne looked towards where the refugees and injured were and said, "We need to stop talking and start healing, leaving comes after," her gaze sharpened, "Unless you want people to die while you talk." Obviously Eilyne was a bit annoyed that they weren't tending to the wounded and possibly dying so she turned and walked away to go do what she could to help with an angry swish to her stride.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne continued to stay just within her range ofthe swarm as she sent another wooden ball flying out at the swarm.
woodblast w/pbs/PrecS: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 3 + 1 = 151d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 12

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne rolled her eyes at the fact they thought fire was the answer. Instead she sent yet another ball of wood at the wasps to explode amongst them.
woodblast @ swarm w/pbs/PrecS: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 = 231d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 10

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne saw her blast strike true and was more than pleased. While she didn't want to kill the wasps for doing what was in their nature she couldn't let them just buzz rampant either. She sent anoter ball of wood flying to explode, hopefully, in the midst of the swarm.

woodblast @ swarm w/pbs/PrecS: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 71d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 9

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne cursed when she saw her blast fall far short, she'd never tried this before and should have known it would miss even if the idea was a good one. She didn't hesitate to try again, moving closer as needed to get her target in range.

woodblast @ swarm w/pbs/PrecS: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 3 + 1 = 211d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 11

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne rested well and nothing seemed to happen overnight. It wasn't until the swarm of bees attacked those gathering the fruit that anything exciting happened. Eilyne knew this was something she could deal with. She moved into range of the swarm and raised a seeds that grew into a big disk as it flew at eh swarm.

woodblast w/pbs/PrecS: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 = 81d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 7

I will try to aim for a section that and ally isn't in if I can. The blast deals full damage due to the amount of matter it flings around but not 1.5x like an AoE spell would.

...and then I roll like that...

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne was unsure of this newest addition to their group but he seemed friendly enough so she decided not to worry about him for now. Instead she paced their group staying slightly just in the edge of the undergrowth as she got used to the feeling of the plants making way for her until they reached the farm.

The place was deserted when they got there but at least they managed to find shelter for the night. When they set up watches Eilyne nodded in acceptance. She had no problem with taking the second watch so she said, "Alright," and then headed to the hay loft to sleep."[/b]

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne AC:13(FF:11/T:12)CMD:12 Saves-FO:+5 RE:+5 WL:+0 HP:17/17
2nd Kineticist {Plant} {Diety=undecided} F Human (Taldan) Defenses: 1xd heal 3pts

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

As they made their escape safely Eilyne stepped into the underbrush beside the path everyone was on and found that she wasn't slowed down in the least. The plants seemed to, not move aside, but simply let her through without complaint, even making sure she wouldn't trip over them, it was rather refreshing actually.

When they finally called a halt to talk Eilyne listened to Brunner as he directed people to get into groups so they could divvy up the gear better. She only understood about half of his words but Eilyne understood enough to figure out his meaning.

When they all began going through what they had found Eilyne found it was largely of no interest to her. She had no need of weapons, she was one, and she had no interest in armor. "I have no need of any of this," she said and passed on taking any of what they had found.

With the brief discussion of destinations Eilyne nodded in agreement at mention of the farm house. "Hopefully we can get there before they are hurt, if we are too late maybe we can at least find more supplies that will help us survive." Eilyne considered other options for food and she added, "Once it is light again I will start looking for medicinal herbs and plants we can use for food."

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Nothing that I need from the equipment so I am not too concerned about who gets what.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

HP 7 or: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
BAB +1
F +1
R +1
W +0


Feats none

Skills +1 to all
Diplomacy +8=+4+2+3
Heal +4=+0+2+3
Intimidation +8=+4+2+3
Knowledge (nature) +4=+0+2+3
Perception +4=+0+2+3
Survival +6=+0+2+3+2

Background Skills +1 to all
Profession (herbalist) +4=+0+2+3 (bs)
know (geography) +4=+0+2+3

Languages: none

Flesh of Wood Element wood; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0
Your skin toughens like timber and can turn aside some blows. You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to your existing natural armor bonus. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase this enhancement bonus by 1. For every 3 levels beyond 2nd, you can accept 1 additional point of burn to further increase this enhancement bonus by 1 (to a maximum of +7 at 17th level). Whenever you accept burn while using a wood wild talent, phytokinetic power causes your full natural armor bonus to apply to your touch AC for 1 round. You can dismiss and restore this effect as an immediate action.

Woodland Step (Su) Element wood; Type utility (Su); Level 1; Burn 0
You gain woodland stride, as per the druid ability (may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment). Due to your ability to manipulate plants, you can attempt a caster level check (DC = 11 + the spell’s caster level) as a standard action to also ignore magically manipulated plants (but not creatures of the plant type).

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne continued to motion everyone through as fast as they could while watching for any enemies. She knew that she might need to provide some covering fire and she was delayed acting for now.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Eilyne realized she wouldn't be able to see her targets very well from her current position so she came to the simple conclusion that she should help people move to safety. Eilyne moved up to the edge of the light and gestured for people to come her way as they reached her side of the bridge.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Seeing that the others had this fight Eilyne quickly made her way across the bridge and then around so she could try to see the supports. She didn't think she could easily bring them down and she felt certain it would take her some time to do so. If she didn't start as soon as she could it might be too late.

Dbl move.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

I am presuming that there are no active enemies on the bridge now. If I am wrong I will simply blast the closest.

Eilyne seeing the bridge clear, quickly began to make her way across to the other side. She knew that, from there, she could target anything that tried to come across and provide covering fire for the rest to come through.

Seeing an enemy on the bridge still blocking their path Eilyne quickly sent out another sliver of wood at the hobgoblin.
wood blast w/pbs/precS: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 2 + 1 = 161d6 + 1 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 4 + 1 = 8
In this case I am forty feet to the left of my current position.

female human phytokineticist (overwhelming soul) 2 | HP 16/17 | neg lvl 0 | AC 13; F 11; T 12 | F +5; R +5; W +0 | CMB +1; CMD 13 | Init +2 | Per +5 | dagger +! (1d4 19-20/x2) | wood blast +3 (1d6+1+4) | pbs/prec s

Whoops, sorry about that. I'll do my best to post when I get home tonight.

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