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![]() eric99 wrote:
Eric, In regards to HH, I have 10 and 78 (foil only), 20 (non-foil only), and 51, 84, 89 in both foil and non-foil. In exchange, I'd gladly take RW 25 if it's non-foil. Also, if anyone has spare RW cards 8 and 34 that are non-foil, I'd gladly do a very very lopsided trade in your favor. Email me at neurospartan [at] gmail (dot) com for more info and with any cards desired. I can exchange a list of extras, which are substantial. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
Lord Summerisle: "Animals are fine, but their acceptability is limited. A little child is even better, but not nearly as effective as the right kind of adult." ![]()
![]() Neil Spicer wrote: Lots of pearls Neil, thank you very much for your time. The detailed feedback is incredibly valuable. I'm kicking myself for what are essentially amateur mistakes, but that's the point of this competition, after all. The kind words regarding writing ability and creativity are much appreciated; it's nice to know that the gem is there, just needs to be polished a bit. Count on seeing me next year. ![]()
![]() Neil Spicer wrote:
You're a good man. I dearly hope you will take up the in-depth commentary where you left off at some point, though, as I found it incredibly helpful. ![]()
![]() Gauntlets of the Chittering Delve Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th
Description These crude gauntlets are crafted from segmented chitin and poorly cured hide with tufts of fur still attached. Spiraling Aklo runes are burned into each, extolling the powers of the Rough Beast. Upon activation, the gauntlets warp your hands, enlarging grotesquely and elongating your fingers into jagged obsidian talons. These claws allow you to dig through solid rock as if it were soft clay, burrowing through it at a speed of 5 feet/round. You do not leave a usable tunnel behind you unless you choose to, and any such tunnel is filled with rubble and counts as difficult terrain. Once so transformed, you cannot wield hand-held weapons, cast spells requiring somatic components, or perform any tasks requiring fine manual dexterity. However, you gain two primary natural claw attacks, each of which does 1d6 points of damage. If Rovagug is your patron, you can attempt to sunder items in combat with the claws as if you had the Improved Sunder feat. Additionally, your claw strikes can ignore object hardness of 8 or less. If you already possess the above feat, checks made to sunder gain an additional +2 bonus.
Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous item, shatter, beast shape III Cost 11,250 gp ![]()
![]() Vic Wertz wrote:
Much appreciated, lots to mull over for next year. ![]()
![]() Azmahel wrote:
![]() Congrats first to all who made it. Clark, Sean and everybody else, thanks for your insight in advance. Feel free to have at it below. Oberon’s Magnificent Pouch of Wonders
The bearer of the pouch can also cast a handful of the powder into the face of a single living creature within 10 feet. This requires a ranged touch attack roll to hit. If successful, the creature must succeed on a DC 18 Will save or fall asleep for 5 minutes. Elves and half-elves can be affected, despite their racial immunity. A creature put to sleep in such a fashion can be subjected to memory alteration at the pouch bearer’s whim, as if a modify memory spell had also been cast. The subject can attempt another DC 18 Will save to avoid memory alteration at a -4 penalty. So long as the pouch has at least one use left, the owner receives a +2 insight bonus to saves against enchantment spells and effects, and a +4 bonus on Diplomacy checks with fey. Once the last use of dust is expended the pouch becomes nonmagical, a drab and faded shade of its former self. A newly created pouch contains seven uses. Pouches found as treasure frequently hold lesser amounts. Construction
![]() I noticed a couple of issues with Sian Daemodus in the Asmodean Knot. I think she was originally statted as a 5th level rogue/2nd level (not 3rd) shadowdancer. Her CR is 7 and there is no mention in the Special Abilities section of her being able to summon a shadow or cast illusions, both of which she would be able to do as a third-level shadowdancer. No mention is made in her Tactics section of these abilities either. Not a big deal, but her HD and abilities should probably be reduced accordingly. I might restat her entirely in a future post if procrastination doesn't set in. Additionally, she shouldn't be able to cast darkness as a spell-like ability; her Fiendish Heritage feat has resulted in her trading this off for the DR 2/silver. Once again, my hat is off to Sir Richard Pett, SKR and the Paizo crew. This AP is everything I could have wanted for the inauguration of Pathfinder as a unified system. Although, as a recovering Planescape junkie, I'm a sucker for any adventure even involving tieflings, let alone a story arc featuring them as the main antagonists. ![]()
![]() I jacked a page from Sean's book and roughly sketched two additional CR4 encounters to bump the PCs to 2nd level before exiting the sewers. Both were intentionally designed to be tough combat-wise for a standard 1st level party but bypassable with good roleplaying and negotiation skills. Both were also based on off-the-cuff suggestions that SKR wrote in the "Special Encounters" section regarding the sewers. I thought these might be a nice break from the repeating encounter slog.
a standard otyugh stuck in the middle of a cesspit (I used tile A6 from the Sewers of Westcrown handout) that was torpid from hunger and not especially inclined to chase after fleeing meat on the hoof. It was bribable with food and any offer of at least Small humanoid size (like, say, a fresh goblin corpse) occupied it long enough for the PCs to squeeze past unmolested. Bonus points were given to any crazy enough to stick around and chat with it, as the creature could be convinced to slow down pursuing armigers by being told that they were carrying the "main course" (I allowed the PCs to avoid one Hellknight patrol at a roadblock if they pulled this off). The second was Spoiler:
a self-styled King-of-the-Sewers in the form of a crazy 4th level CN Ghlaunder-worshipping druid with a monstrous centipede animal companion. The image I had in mind as I gleefully and sadistically designed this guy was that of the scorpion-eating derelict from Hellraiser . Seriously, I gave him the Vermin Heart feat and a gossamer amberstone from SKR's Gods and Magic and it was all nasty fun. While he probably would be a TPK in a straight-up brawl, I included a couple of opportunities for the PCs to shift his attitude from unfriendly (offers of alcohol worked, as did the old riddle game). I wanted this encounter to serve more as local flavor and the opportunity to establish a unique contact for later on in the AP, rather than an excuse to wipe the players. Good times. Personally, I suggest prerolling all encounters and intervening tunnels before running the sewer chase rather than during; it adds to the "go-go-go" mentality that your PCs should be feeling throughout their underground run to just keep things moving. A sketched flowchart is useful here. Have a blast. ![]()
![]() Probably not, but . . . I was wondering if Tyraxalan, the copper dragon resistance leader from Mike McArtor's excellent Dragons Revisited would be making an official appearance somewhere down the line in this AP. As written, he's a perfect behind-the-scenes patron for Arael and Janiven, maybe attempting to recruit new blood to his cause after a wipeout of his latest cell. I'm planning on having him as a (very very remote and disguised) PC ally, just wanted to make sure he didn't already have a part to play. ![]()
![]() DMFTodd wrote: Via my kids (Graveyard Book, the Stardust movie), I've discovered Neil Gaiman. What should be next on my Gaiman list? Good Omens, a book he co-wrote with Terry Pratchett, is one of the funniest books I have ever read. Fragile Things is a remarkable collection of short stories. Neverwhere is a Sandman-like story set in an alternate version of London. Really, you can't go wrong with any of his works. Enjoy. ![]()
![]() mach1.9pants wrote:
Based on the power boost all PF races have received, I've adopted the quick and dirty rule of treating any 3.5 race with a +1 LA (half-giants, tieflings) as a ready-to-go Pathfinder race without level adjustment. Your mileage may vary, but I'd go ahead and use tieflings as written. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
No problem. One of the many, many things I love about Paizo is the responsiveness to customer feedback and the constant striving for betterment seen in each and every Adventure Path. As a long-time fan from back in the Dragon/Dungeon era, this has been my consistent impression throughout the years. While I personally loved the Set Pieces, maybe they would have been better served as bonus material to be downloaded from the website post-AP release. Anyway, looking forward to CoT and August 13th. Thanks for the reply, James. ![]()
![]() F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Shoggoths NightgauntsMi-Go Elder Things Tsathoggua More daemons Paris Hilton . . . scratch the last one. Some horrors truly are too cosmic for mere words. ![]()
![]() Greg/James, one more small bit of errata regarding the Hazneh:
Only seven of the eight area A1 rooms are detailed in the print copy. What animal is inscribed in the roof of A1h? And what treasure (if any) is inside? I set a lion in the roof in my version, but just wanted to know what the original setup was. Algebra trap + magma = win. Great adventure, Greg. This is giving CoCT a running for my favorite AP. ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
No more set pieces? Am I the only one disappointed? I actually find them very helpful for downtime and level boosts. Plus they provide great fodder for spinoff ideas and can be easily deconstructed for one-off adventures. What's going to replace them in the coming months? ![]()
![]() Spoiler:
I think this means the bad luck they bring to the pack's slaves and pets. Can't really think of a worse fate for a gnoll than having to fetch for and clean up after itself. toyrobots wrote:
![]() Four cards away from a complete RW set and the obsession is building. I have no interest in foils so if anyone needs any to complete their set, ask away. I NEED: RW 11 Buckler
I HAVE EXTRA: Foils RW 5 Hide armor
Regular: RW 2 Chain mail x2
All potions EXCEPT RW 39, 40, 46, 52 RW 58 Ring
All rods/staves/wands (72-87) EXCEPT RW 83 RW 88 Amulet
Happy Pathfinding. Mosaic, if you still need the RW 71 foil, let me know. Cheers! |