Woman giving birth

EMU the Sparkly Vampyre's page

21 posts. Alias of Emperor7.


I sparkle! When I'm nekkid!

Are you bound up?

EDIT: Apparently, nekkid too

Gary Teter wrote:
I am testing something really, really stupid!

And I AM the test subject!

What? No love for sparkles?!

Dear Aberzombie,

I've noticed your frequent mentions of eating brains, but have seen this contrasted with The Walking Dead where very few brains are actually seen being eaten. Is this the result of poor writing, concern for TV graphic ratings, or a subtle ploy whereby meatbags...err, I mean humans believe they can live on after being eaten? Or, is it simply stating that most humans don't use their brains much these days? It could be that the zombies portrayed in the TV show are so new that they haven't figured out how to crack open a skull yet.

Would appreciate your insights.

Yours truly,

I'm not! I'm sparkly!

I'm so wasted..........


Where's my girlfriend?

Not Hu. Who.

I was turned before I hit 21, so I'm not old enough to drink. Forever! Waaah!


I'm so sparkly!

Angsty, the Androgynous Vampire wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Hey guys, I just kidnapped Angsty.
The man is always trying to keep me down.

Yay! I'm king now!

Oh wait, bummer....

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Someone needs to write up and post a vampiric bird
You do that. I'll settle for humping Emu until and egg pops out. or, maybe I'll just maul him like I would a frenchie.....

Good puppy. I don't understand why my French friend Angsty says so many bad things about you poodles.

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
Does being an Emu Vampire mean you have feathers? Do you sleep in a nest instead of a coffin?

*sob* I just want to be loved...

Llama Prophet wrote:
EMU the Sparkly Vampyre wrote:
Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
EMU the Sparkly Vampyre wrote:
What is this thing called, Love?
Meh, if that's what keeps your self-esteem from nose-diving....

Oh, I was supposed to say 'What is this thing called love?'.

If this is wrong, I don't want to be right again!

Your a vampiric emu? DO you lay eggs? Emu meat tastes real good. and it is healthy for you to.

Nah. I just refused to be called Emo.

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
EMU the Sparkly Vampyre wrote:
What is this thing called, Love?
Meh, if that's what keeps your self-esteem from nose-diving....

Oh, I was supposed to say 'What is this thing called love?'.

If this is wrong, I don't want to be right again!

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
comes in from the snow and gives the new sparkly vamp a cold, wet humping

What is this thing called, Love?

Bi-Polar Poodle - Happy wrote:
EMU the Sparkly Vampyre wrote:
Secretly watches his friend Angsty get hummped by poodles
*sneaks up behind EMU and humps him/her/it*

Oh, that's so wrong, but it feels so right. I've never felt so loved. Is this what it's supposed to feel like? I'm not sure... Will people think I'm cool now?

Secretly watches his friend Angsty get hummped by poodles