
DwarfsRBest's page

Organized Play Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 24 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

Are these gonna be out for Christmas? My daughter really wants one.

The Exchange

I hope Rasputin Must Die involves the actual Rasputin from actual Earth. Probably not going down, but wouldn't that be cool?!

The Exchange

Thanks for organizing. It was a lot of fun and, I think, will help me to better enjoy the rest of the Con.

The Exchange

ATTENTION all ye fridgeless masses. Cost Plus World Market over on Bear Creek is walking distance and has collapsable coolers for $12.99. They're way cool (heh, heh) and fold to a size that could be packed into a bag and brought on an airplane.

The Exchange

I see a styrofoam cooler in my future.

The Exchange

ZaiaFantasy wrote:
I'd like to mention that there is a bar near by call the Celtic Bayou that is fantastic.

Good to know. Dinner, then drinks!

The Exchange

Indeed. I'm down in the bar right now. $16 for a burger. The beer is quite good though.

The Exchange

I'm here at the Con and would like to get in on this. GA represent.

The Exchange

I would be arriving tomorrow if it were yesterday; as it is I'm here now.

The Exchange

Anything going on tonight? I just flew in from GA and wanna see who the early birds are. . . and if any want to throw down.

The Exchange

Where do I sign?

The Exchange

You're right Hogarth. I remember more reviews as well.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Summoner with Pikachu as his/her Eidolon.

The Exchange

. . .A Dwarf Barbarian named Callous Member who was a gnome rapist. He actually carried around a gimp-gnome in a burlap sack and would occasionally bring him out to. . . well, you know.

The Exchange

Cool. I'll be sure to keep an eye out. Thanks.

The Exchange

This is my first PaizoCon, and I'm stoked about it! Already have badge/banquet ticket, flight (from GA,) and hotel (in the block) booked and want to make sure I'm informed on how the deal goes down so as to garner the most gaming/forum/straight chillin' activity from it all.

Specifically, PFS. My group and I have run a few scenarios (strictly adhering to the rules as if we were hosting an open game,) but I've never actually played in an Organized Play Event, much less at PaizoCon.

Do I need to sign-up for PFS slots at the Con, or am I good to just show up and hop-on a table as I please?

The same goes for forums. Is sign-up required?

See ya'll at the hoedown!

The Exchange

Cool beans, Kaedian. Enjoy.

The Exchange

Agree with Deadmanwalking about the ambiguity of RAW on whether or not a light shield allows free use of the hand.

We've always played it as such in my group, but you should check with your DM.

The Exchange

I like the fact that you're building your toon primarily around a character concept, and you should let that guide your decision. It seems like a decision you'll want to make for yourself.

Outside of that: Why tank your WIS if you're really concerned about your Will? Iron Will can be good to boost a fighter, unless you're really bad, which you kinda are. If you're gonna go that route, go all the way and get Improved Iron Will too (the difference it makes is so much more significant,) but I'd just play to my strengths at this point if I were you.

The Exchange

It all depends on what you want to play. You can build a really effective Pure Ranger, Ranger/AA, Pure Fighter, Fighter/ AA, Zen Archer, or whatever.

Really focus on who you want your character to be, what you want him/her to do, how he/she behaves and then pick whichever class combo fits that best.

You'll have more fun if you do.

Plus, if you're into MIN/MAXing, it's a great challenge, and great fun, to do so within the confines of a clearly defined character concept.

If you don't care and just wanna wail, I'm also a fan of the Zen Archer. . . just make sure to play a Dwarf with Steel Soul and Deep Sight--Nasty, Son!

The Exchange

I literally (no joke) drink a toast to your ancestors at 9:41 EST. Huzzah!

The Exchange

One may carry things in a hand equipped with a Light Shield, thusly, may use spell components, reload a weapon, all that jazz, one is only restricted from wielding a weapon with said hand.

How else would a Dwarf carry a flask at the ready?!?

The Exchange

Glad you get the chance to play a Dwarf of an unusual variety. You'll amaze yourself with the potentials [never forget Steel Soul feat (from APG,) it's a killer (or a saver, I guess, heh-heh.)]
I really like the idea of the Gun Tank/Pistolero Stunty destroyer.
Alchemical cartridges will be cool with this character--think classic tinkering Dwarf that loves to blow things up!
Enjoy, Kaedian!

The Exchange

A Dwarf would be better. Higher WIS = better Will Saves. +2 vs. Spells. Take Steel Soul (from APG) to make it +4 vs. Spells. Your build looks solid, though. . . for an humie.
Also, have you thought about something along the lines of one of the Archetypes, like Shielded Fighter (from APG,) emphasising your Shield Bash technique or Tower Shield Specialist (from UC,) playing-up a more comprehensive level of defense.
Since you like Combat Reflexes/Stand Still/etc., Phalanx Soldier (from APG) does some neat stuff with versatile defense. A Plain-Jane Fighter works great too; you can do cool things, dialing-up or down emphasis on Shield Bash/TWF (a non-TWF shield fighter is underrated,) as you like.
Anyway, just some stuff to think about. Have fun!