Durin1211's page

Organized Play Member. 45 posts. 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.

Liberty's Edge

I am running The Godsmouth Heresy at Marcon this year. On Friday Evening and continuing Saturday Afternoon

Liberty's Edge

I have preordered the Pathfinder RPG.

I love the Pathfinder AP. As a 37 year old father of 1, with a job and a slate of obligations I like having Adventures all planned out for me. My Group only plays every other week and my campaign is only the second half of our D&D days so we are only to Sins of the Saviors in the Runelords Campaign.

My Basic thought was to run Pathfinder RPG AP with my players playing 3.5 Characters. What modifications would they have to make to play Pathfinder adventures. I read something a few months ago that if they start with more HP and take feats every other level the power would equalize with Pathfinder Characters.

Any insights anybody?

Liberty's Edge

The Green Man Review reviewed The Sordsman of Mars in their recent batch of reviews.


Liberty's Edge

I declined the Featured Selections for SFBC this month and was browsing the other reccomendations when what did I see but Northwest of Earth by C.L. Moore And it had the Planet Stories logo on it.

Are you letting SFBC have some of your extra's or will this be printed in their Hardcover format?

I think this will certainly get the Planet Stories name out there which is a good thing.

Liberty's Edge

This game sounds really interesting. Has anyone played or GM'd it. I would love to hear your thoughts.

My group plays 3.5 D&D I thought after Runelords we would take a break and try something else for a bit.

Liberty's Edge

Well I finally have lost my mind. I found a set of the three core books on sale and I am going to give 4e a try. I don't know who I will play with as my gaming group are all 3.5 die hards.

We do not want to switch yet I was intrigued so bought the books. Maybe I have some compulsive habit.

Ohh well

Liberty's Edge

I am very much looking forward to the new Dresden Files RPG that is coming out. I love the books and I think playing in Dresden's world will be a blast.


Liberty's Edge

What do you all think about setting the WOTC adventure Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk in Nex.

Liberty's Edge

Does anyone have any advice on wrapup once Runelords is over. My Crew will most probably want to keep playing into Epic Levels. Anyone know of any intersting higher level adventures once Runelords is over

Liberty's Edge

I am playing a Cleric that focus' mainly on healing. Does anyone know the book the Churgeon Prestige class is in.

Or any other Prestige Classes you would recomend.

Liberty's Edge

The Earthman from Mercury.


I just finished reading The Secret of Sindharat on vacation. I finished most of it on the flight.

Normally I read Steven Erikson or other modern fantasies or SF. I can not tell you how fun it is to read a book that you can finish on an airplane ride.

It's refreshing.

Like a pallette cleanser between works of modern fantasy.

Stark what a great Character. I would love to see the game stats for him.

And the beauty Brackett puts into her description of Old Mars.

The fast pacing of the plot.

I an now a Planet Stories Subscriber

If you like George R.R. Martin , John Scalzi, Robin Hobb, Terry Brooks, Steven Brust , J.K. Rowling, Steven Erikson read planet stories.

It will blow your mind how good these stories are.

I wonder if GRRM named the Stark Family for another fictional Stark.


Liberty's Edge

When I first started playing D&D a couple of years ago I started with playing a Fighter.

After a while I thought I would branch out into something different. When I told the gal that had been playing the Cleric that I wanted to give it a shot,she said Good "Now I can play something else."

The group I play with is very particular about the clerics. They always want ones with the Healing Domain so they get the extra healing. In Forgotten Realms there are only 6 Diety's with the Healing Domain. So I kind of get a narrowed selection.

How do you all keep the Cleric a fresh Character to play?

Liberty's Edge

I am so confused as to what WoTC is going to do with the Eberron campaign setting. While I see the flavor of 4e might possible make more sense in Eberron there are a few things that have me scratching my head.

In Eberron each race except for Shifters and Changelings has a dragonmarked house. That includes Gnomes, Half Elves and Half-Orcs. If all of the above are getting tossed out the window and 4e is adding Tieflings(I know nothing about them and don't like them)and Dragonborn.

How can they possible work the new 4e system in Eberron.

I liked the Eberron concept. It reminded me a little bit of the Vlad Taltos books by Stephen Brust. Anyway I liked the concept.

One other thing that rankles me is getting rid of the nine alignments. I think it is a fairly easyway of catogorizing a characters personality/values. I remember looking at the Alignment discription box in the 1e players handbook and it made sense to me and I was 12 at the time.

I played D&D in gradeschool for a few years but wandered away from it because of a lack of folks to play it with. I have been enjoying playing D&D 3.5 since a friend asked me if I wanted to play because he knowsI love the Fantasy genre. It just seems to me that 4e wanders to far away from the core of the game.

Liberty's Edge

Once RotRL is over and we have a group of 15th level Characters will there be Gamemastery or other modules to use tied to Varasia if the group would rather keep playing with those Characters than starting afresh with at 1st level Characters for Pathfinder #7?

How would you wrap up the Campaign?

Liberty's Edge


I am somewhat intriqued that if the Runelords used sin magic in their lost empire of Thassilion it means that "Sin" as an idea exists and that the power of sin is harnessed by these Runelords.

Is there an oposite group of folks that harnass the power of "Virtue" to combat these Runelords.

Also what is the Moral Code by which Sin and Virtue are considered and established.

Are we talking the 10 Commandments here?

Just a few questions? Maybe they are aswered in #1 because I have not finished reading it all the way through yet.

Our group happens to consist of people from the Church I go to and I am sure they will want the answers to this.