Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs, Summoned Dino 3rds, Divine Favor +4 3rds, +2Sacred, 4rds +3 Wrath 4rds,Ring of Foe focus vs chosen opponent (DRAGON), Dwarven Seething, Inspire Courage, Summoned Lillend 4rds, Blessing of Fervor 6rds being used to-Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.Sacred Armor SR 19 for 9rds, Holy Strike 9rds
Karnog. Fire Protections NOW.
The Dino has 3 rds left including this one. The Lillend has 4. I have been subtracting rounds in the Stat block.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs, Summoned Dino 4rds, Divine Favor +4 4rds, +2Sacred, 5rds +3 Wrath 5rds,Ring of Foe focus vs chosen opponent, Dwarven Seething, Inspire Courage, Summoned Lillend 5rds, Blessing of Fervor 7rds being used to-Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.Sacred Armor SR 19 for 10rds, Holy Strike 10rds
Perception check, plus See invisible:1d20 + 18 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 18 + 2 = 22
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan Redhammer wrote:
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs, Summoned Dino 4rds, Divine Favor +4 4rds, +2Sacred, 5rds +3 Wrath 5rds,Ring of Foe focus vs chosen opponent, Dwarven Seething, Inspire Courage, Summoned Lillend 5rds, Blessing of Fervor 7rds being used to-Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Duncan flies up 30ft and has a good look around to see if he can spot the threat.
I'll take a look, Lillend yer wit me.
The Lillend invisibly follows the dwarf...
The above is a MOVE action
Once he reaches the appropriate height, Duncan uses a couple of his less powerful (and often forgotten) abilities.
Swift action- Sacred Armor (Spell resistance 19 for 1minute)
Standard Action- Good Blessing (Holy Strike- Minor. 1d6 vs evil for 1minute)
Sacred Armor:
Sacred Armour14/16 minutes per day, +4 level bonus
At 7th level, the warpriest gains the ability to enhance his armor with divine power as a swift action. This power grants the armor a +1 enhancement bonus. For every 3 levels beyond 7th, this bonus increases by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 19th level). The warpriest can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to his warpriest level. This duration must be used in 1-minute increments, but they don’t need to be consecutive.
These bonuses stack with any existing bonuses the armor might have, to a maximum of +5. The warpriest can enhance armor any of the following armor special abilities: energy resistance (normal, improved, and greater), fortification (heavy, light, or moderate), glamered, and spell resistance (13, 15, 17, and 19). Adding any of these special abilities replaces an amount of bonus equal to the special ability’s base cost. For this purpose, glamered counts as a +1 bonus, energy resistance counts as +2, improved energy resistance counts as +4, and greater energy resistance counts as +5. Duplicate abilities do not stack. The armor must have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before any other special abilities can be added.
The enhancement bonus and armor special abilities are determined the first time the ability is used each day and cannot be changed until the next day. These bonuses apply only while the warpriest is wearing the armor, and end immediately if the armor is removed or leaves the warpriest’s possession. This ability can be ended as a free action at the start of the warpriest’s turn. This ability cannot be applied to a shield
Holy Strike-:
Good Blessing
Holy Strike (minor):
At 1st level, you can touch one weapon and bless it with the power of purity and goodness. For 1 minute, this weapon glows green, white, or yellow-gold and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against evil creatures. During this time, it's treated as good for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. This additional damage doesn't stack with the additional damage from the holy weapon special ability.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs, Summoned Dino 4rds, Divine Favor +4 4rds, +2Sacred, 5rds +3 Wrath 5rds,Ring of Foe focus vs chosen opponent, Dwarven Seething, Inspire Courage, Summoned Lillend 5rds, Blessing of Fervor 7rds being used to-Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Duncan flies up 30ft and has a good look around to see if he can spot the threat.
I'll take a look, Lillend yer wit me.
The Lillend invisibly follows the dwarf...
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs, Summoned Dino 6rds, Divine Favor +4 6rds, +2Sacred, 7rds +3 Wrath 7rds,Ring of Foe focus vs chosen opponent, Dwarven Seething, Inspire Courage, Summoned Lillend 7rds, Blessing of Fervor 9rds being used to-Gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Burned by hellfire and remembering the last time he and Grungsdi we damaged by the curse, Duncan remains aloft in his magical flight and pulls one of his Scolls of REMOVE CURSE and casts it upon himself Move+Standard action,
Lillend, please heal me and keep Singing, that caster might come back.
The Lillend casts CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS on Duncan.
CSW at CL7:3d8 + 7 ⇒ (4, 3, 8) + 7 = 22 Stand Ready, Dwarf you sword will still be needed before long
The celestial creature complies, remaining invisible and nearby Duncan, ready to heal the dwarf should he need it. It continues to inspire Courage in the group.
Feeling the Healing wave flow through him and mend some of the extensive damage done by the Cursed Blast, Duncan uses a Fervor to Swift Cast CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS upon himself as a swift action, sacrificing his prepared Bestow Curse to do it.
CSW at CL16:3d8 + 15 ⇒ (4, 3, 2) + 15 = 24
With some more effort Duncan's Cursed Wounds Close a little more.
This leaves Duncan at 121/154 HP
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Duncan and his T-Rex do destroy the tiny yellow caster.
Forgot about that blast. Is there a save?
Save if allowed, plus Sacred bonus, Dwarf, Smite Cha, For Focus:1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 9 26 fort/19ref/28will
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Forgot to mention in my post that Duncan is using Karnong's blessing of Fervor for 30ft enhancement bonus to Movement. Duncan's fly speed is 60ft. (So 120ft charge range)
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Kalim Gudlavaletti wrote:
Yeah, if you save it's just a flat 5d6 no matter the level. The object thing just deals with how much of a large object you can do away with.
GM. So does the Dino get a save vs the Disintegrate? I think it does but I am biased obviously
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs, Summoned Dino 7rds, Divine Favor +4 7rds, +2Sacred, 8rds +3 Wrath 8rds,Ring of Foe focus vs chosen opponent, Dwarven Seething, Inspire Courage, Summoned Lillend 8rds
Lillend, move Invisibility with me and keep Singing
The celestial creature complies, remaining invisible and nearby Duncan, ready to heal the dwarf should he need it. It continues to inspire Courage in the group.
Duncan charges the Caster on the beach from elevation attempting to cleave this new caster in twain.
Get in Line Kalim, he's Mine! Duncan Activates SMITE!
2 hand PA, DF, Wrath, GTR Wpn, Sacred,Inspired:2d6 + 2 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 20 ⇒ (3, 6) + 2 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 20 = 58 If the Caster is hit it's Shaken, Sickened and Flat footed vs Duncan
Confirm Critical:1d20 + 21 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 - 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 21 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 - 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 50 2 hand PA, DF, Wrath, GTR Wpn, Sacred,Inspired,SMITE:2d6 + 2 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 20 ⇒ (4, 1) + 2 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 20 = 54 Woot! Hopefully a Crit is enough to one shot this clown!!! 72 Damage if it confirms and another 40 if the target is evil. Smite attacks bypass DR
Seeing the dwarf Shine Golden with his Smite Attacks, Duncan's own Celestial T-Rex bites at the closer small caster that was hiding behind the now dead T-Rex.
Full Attack vs Tiny Summoner:1d20 + 20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 20 + 2 + 2 = 28 Miss Chance:1d6d4d6 + 22 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 2, 3, 1) + 22 + 2 + 2 = 46
Full Attack vs Tiny Summoner:1d20 + 15 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 15 + 2 + 2 = 30 Miss Chance:1d100 ⇒ 39 Bite damage:4d6 + 22 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4, 4, 6, 6) + 22 + 2 + 2 = 46 If the T-Rex succeeds at the Bite attack he will use his Auto Grab and attempt to Swallow whole next round
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
baldwin the merciful wrote:
ducan may a % roll for each attack. 20% and less you miss...blur. I forgot to tell Nym that on his attacks but that's alright, no recon for me too.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs, Summoned Dino 8rds, Divine Favor +4 8rds, +2Sacred, 9rds +3 Wrath 9rds,Ring of Foe focus vs chosen opponent, Dwarven Seething, Inspire Courage, Summoned Lillend 9rds
Lillend, go Invisible and keep me friends alive.
The lillend complies, casting invisibility on itself and remaining near Kalim while maintaining its Bardsong.
Duncan sees the opening left at the Charging T-Rex's back and focuses his anger of this new target Free action to target, for the ring of For Focus. Duncan's AC is +2 higher vs the T Rex he makes a Flying charge of his own towards the top of it's skull driving his blade as deep as it's magics will take it, trying to find it's brain.
2 hand PA, DF, Wrath, GTR Wpn, Sacred,Inspired:2d6 + 2 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6, 2) + 2 + 6 + 12 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 37 If the T-Rex is hit it's Shaken, Sickened and Flat footed vs Duncan
The Sword Attack drives deep into the back of the T-Rex's thick skull, doing tremendous damage as it reads it's head back and roars in pain
Duncan's own Celestial T-Rex bites back at it's dinosaur attacker,siezing on the exposed throat with two vicious bites and trying to tear the things throat out.
Full Attack vs bad T-Rex:1d20 + 20 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 20 + 2 + 2 = 30
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Desmond Aeros wrote:
I absolutely did not, apologies Duncan. I totally missed that you were buffing us. I just don't have it in my mind that Duncan is a buffer, I'll try to change my mentality on that. However that is why I track my bonuses so closely so it's easy to see what I remembered and what I missed!
All good. Warpriests can make decent buffers but they need to choose either Party Buff or Self Buff+Attack. Since the medium dinos are fodder he's choosing buff. Plus Duncan is trying to conserve spells by using his daily special abilities instead of spell slots and he doesn't want to separate.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Desmond Aeros wrote:
Slish! Slash! Slice! Dice! Again!!
Full attack, focusing on the one to the south of Desmond, 5 foot stepping to get the flank.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Nym and Kalim have actions remaining for the round.
3? did my T-Rex attacks during Duncan's last action not successfully kill at least 1 or 2?
From his higher vantage point Duncan could see the T REX in the trees just Fine.
I see it. The T Rex is invisible and silenced. It has not left the trees.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan hated breaking from a fight. But he still felt they were being probed.
To the water. Me bets still on under the harbour. Let the Dino come ta us on the soft beach sand where it's big feet will kick up sand and leave prints when it moves. Me invisible seeing eyes haven't seen it leave the tree line yet.
Duncan did take the time to summon a Lillend Azata, just in case. He still had 10 uses of his battle companion ability left.
Use yer song and guard me friends please. Oh, and the webbie winged bald man flapping beside me needs healing there be an evil red dragon about.
The Lillend moves to heal Kalim with a Cure Serious Wounds and commences her bardsong
Everyone add +2 Competence from Inspire Courage
Duncan flies 20ft up to look around.
Duncan's Summoned T Rex chows down on the Last remaining medium dino that just attacked it.
Bite Full Attack:1d20 + 20 ⇒ (14) + 20 = 34 Bite Damage:4d6 + 22 ⇒ (2, 1, 4, 6) + 22 = 35
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Spellcraft:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 Steady everyone. This ain't the main event yet.
Don't forget to add +2 Sacred to Attacks, skill checks and Saves for 1min for everyone due to Duncan's Charge last round
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
baldwin the merciful wrote:
The T-REX:
The T-REX moves forward and the trees move and others collapse in it's path, it gets to the edge of tree line and beach then suddenly disappears and it goes deathly silent in the direction the monster was coming from.
GM Question about the Attacking T Rex:
Your Curse gives Duncan permanent See Invisibility. Is the T-Rex still there?
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan Redhammer wrote:
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs, Summoned Dino 9rds, Divine Favor +4 9rds, Wrath 10rds,Ring of Foe focus vs chosen opponent, Dwarven Seething
These small Dino's can only touch his AC on a 20.
Duncan sees the Big Dino's were still are good charge distance away.
He decides to kill another fodder dino, and aid his allies.
He grants himself the WRATH spell against his chosen target and shouts Iomedae!!! as he fly/charges at a downward angle at the medium Dino on the edge of the field above the Halo's white behind Karnog (so he ends his move between his allies and the soon arriving Tyrannosaurus. He finishes the charge with an Overhand chop, maintaining a height 5ft in the air, so to get a higher ground bonus).
If the attack is successful his allies received Iomedae's inspiring word +2 Sacred to Attacks, skill checks and Saves for 1min
The dwarf Roars mightily and cleaves the things head in twain, his sword GUTBUSTER gleaming mightily and shining brightly in the morning sun, granting hope and confidence to the allies to have such a mighty holy warrior at their side. Everyone gets the sacred bonus
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Kalim Gudlavaletti wrote:
Kalim drops a good old-fashioned Fireball on the Tyrannosaurs. Not like he could use them against a red, anyway. [dice=DC 21]10d6
That's the spirit Mage. I'll be hungry after this. Usually kill em before roasting, but I'll try anything once, Bwahaha.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Edit: I said Karnong's earlier casting of GOOD HOPE, but I meant HEROES FEAST
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Hero's Feast (+1Morale to attack and will saves, +4 vs poison/fear), Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone (DR50/Bludgeoning) 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs
Reacting too slow keep his shield up against the couple of dinos, one actually managed to find a seem to scratch him through his magnificent Celestial plate, however Karnong's earlier casting of GOOD HOPE had granted him some extra vitality that absorbed the wound.
The dwarf recognised what this was.
This is the first wave O delays.
He flew straight up 30ft, Drawing his sword as part of the action. Accepting whatever attacks of opportunity the Dino's could muster.
These things can only touch his AC on a 20.
Duncan had only cast a 30min fire protection and his Flight and DEFENDING BONE spell had hours left to run.
He could afford a summon or two....
He uses a STANDARD action to summon a rift from the Upper Planes Summon Battle Companion is a standard action SLA and called forth a Celestial Tyrannosaurus to chew on the smaller Dino's. He placed the rift directly at the backs of the Dino's attacking Nym, since the "dumb" Animals had the good sense to go after their casters. Kalim generally flew and so would likely evade his dinosaurs but Nym had rarely used fly spells. He would protect the ground based wizard.
Then he uses a swift action to cast DIVINE FAVOR upon himself (+4luck to Attack and Damage)
Smaller Magic's only. This is meant ta waste our resources. Fly up if ye can.
The tyrannosaurus appeared in the opening adjacent to the smaller dinos and chomps down on the morsals in front of it. Since it's BAB is +13 it gets 2 attacks and it has reach
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Right, If I were a Thousand year old Fire breathin' lizard, with Smarts ta match me age, I'd be in a place not obvious ta find. One not easy ta reach and with an escape route. I'd make it so anyone wishing ta get in would have ta expend alot o'resources just ta git there. I'd soften them up wit layers o' defences so the field is ta me advantage when I meet em. There ain't no mountains I can see here. And the forest, despite being thick is not impassable and to easily set fire by me dragon breath. If I had a fight there, It would take decades Fer the trees ta cover me hiding spot.
Duncan turns toward the harbour.
Me bet's UNDERWATER. Sure he can't fly underwater but at his age, teleportation is easy ta get skyward and he's unlikely ta fear anything that lives in the bay since e's likely the biggest, baddest predator around. Being an underwater cavern means 90 percent O treasure hunters couldn't find it let alone reach it. Only reasonably experienced adventures could afford ta water breathing. The ships COULD hold minions or just be a cover. Might be a few natural predators guarding an entrance plus whatever E could bring in. If ye ain't got any better ideas, I say we check out the bay.
Duncan's reasoning he knew was sound. However it could also be a double feint. But if it was he couldn't see an alternative nearby unless there was a permanent magical veil over the forest covering something else.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Karnog Kegmeister wrote:
Karnog carefully approaches the grisly scene, taking the claws and eyeball down with gentle hands.
"Aye, Duncan, and done with the skill of a surgeon. These body parts were practically harvested, not torn asunder. Very curious, indeed."
He wraps the pieces in cloth and stores them in his bag of holding.
Duncan's buffs: Protection from Fire, Good Hope, Overland Flight 5hrs, Defending Bone 16hrs, Gtr Magic Weapon 16hrs
So what's the plan? The dragon's here and he's tauting us. We know the place now so portin back in's always an option if we need ta run. Let me summon a Dino ta charge towards where we think the lair is and use it ta provoke the defences. While that's happening, we prep spells an poke at the defences. We still need ta find it's Cave or Lair. I'd rather trap it inside where flying would be restricted. I can Dimensional Archor it as well so it can't Port away....Caster's ye need ta worry bout it's magics while I do the choppin and see if I can be enough trouble that it keeps it's focus on me. But we'll need a moment or two ta git enough spells up ta have a chance. I got about 15mins of protections prepped fer this. So can't cast then yet. The thing might live in a Tunnel Complex. Don't want em running out before the main event. I'll cast Resist fire on everybody now. we got 30 mins ta find the dragon. Duncan Casts Resist Fire 30, for 30 mins each
Duncan's Big Fight prebufflist, cast once we find the lair:
Moment of Greatness (party gets to Double any morale bonus affecting your person 1 time before making a roll)
Good Hope- +2 Morale bonus to attacks, saves, ability checks, skill checks and damage rolls.
Life Pact A dying ally siphons HP from all other allies to stay alive.
All 16 mins
Karnog has another resist energy Communal prepped if Duncan's runs out. I don't think Kalim cast the group stoneskin yet and might still be too early....
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
This...be more n' just the dragon. This is worship. Mebbe the dragon's in league with the Orcus cult or has a following of it's own. It's certainly old enough and powerful enough ta attract more'n a few.
He started to wonder if the hobgoblin and Kobold army were really as independent as they first appeared....
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan Redhammer wrote:
[dice=Knowledge: Religion]1d20+12
Bastard Red's only demonstratin' why we should show no mercy when we fight it.
Duncan wasn't disturbed by the totem, he was angry.
Had his actions brought this about?
He'd hoped the red being told they were coming would cause it to return home to protect it's hoard, thereby keeping it away from their home. It had worked, but he hadn't counted on it attacking orctown first.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Then big damn heroes it is. Let's be away. Same plan as before. Within sight of the lair. We prep and see if the gods will bless us this day
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan floats back to Karnog and the others using THE OVERLAND FLIGHT spell that was still running on his Armor. Baldwin, I pinged these guys with DETECT EVIL earlier I think, what was the result?
When he is rejoined with the others he hands over the scale.
Well, we know she's not a dead dragon zombie. So we can't ressurect here as an ally, unless ye think the spell was awry for some reason so I might cast Ressurection on it anyway. If she is alive and captive then going into a fight without her riding in with us ain't an option. Which means back ta square one O Rollin in with spells running and hoping our numbers is enough ta blow through his protections and guards before trying ta murder a Gargantuan ancient Wyrm.
He casts a look back at the Kobold army and their leader. He keeps his voice low.
What about that lot? The gods have put an army in front of us led by a caster who is powerful enough ta move them around undetected and see the invisible. Might be they're open to more coin? A share of the soils and some upfront? I'm keen Fer treasure as the next dwarf, but I'm less interested in gold as I am in getting repeated attacks from the Wyrm off Tha board before we focus on Killin a demon Lord. Could we make use of this lot?
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Is the Hob and Kobolds still here or did they port away?
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
10,000 as agreed. Karnog, Desmond. Send over Tha rest. He allowed us ta Scry Fer half and Kalim says it's hers.
Duncan's Dwarven greed caused him to harumph. If the silver was alive, then they didn't actually need the scale for a ressurection, however, a deal was a deal.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan take half of his 5000 and gives it to Karnong to hold. The rest of the 2500 he keeps in his pouch and walks the 50ft towards the Kobold army as instructed. The throws the coin purse the remaining distance towards the Kobolds.Since I'm guessing another minute or two has elapsed. Duncan will use another minute of his Sacred armour ability to impart SR17 to his armor for the next minute if things turn sour.
Come down Kalim. I need yer magics fer the next part. If the scale be what we're lookin fer then we complete the deal, fair n square.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Thank ye Desmond.
He turns to the Hob.
Ye say yer scale be one from the Silver that battled here? Beggin yer pardon but it wouldn't be the first time a merchant has fudged the history of their goods. Then I offer he yer price. IF it be hers. 2500 now and ye let me Sorcerer friend cast Scry on the scale so we can see if it's hers. If it is, ye get the rest of the coin. Shouldn't be no problem there since ye say it be hers...and ye're too powerful a wizard ta steal from since apparently Disintegrate is in yer power to cast, so we all doing this the honest and peaceful way. Diplomacy to let them Scry the scale before completing the deal:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32
A 20! Huzzah! Hopefully the awesome negotiation to let them Scry the coin works. If the Hob says no after that roll he's probably be lying about the scale being from this battlefield and belonging to the Silver we are looking for.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Duncan Redhammer wrote:
He turns back to the Job and projects his voice again, Is yer SILVER scale from this battlefield?
Fantastic question! Obviously someone who has been through a meat grinder with me. All those battle wounds have made you wise.
As much as Duncan re:ME. Loves to charge in and smash he is supposed to have a good wisdom. Which I will totally roleplay via my knowledge that DM almost always has a wicked twist
While they are conversing Duncan uses his Detect Evil SLA on the Hob and his forces, as if taking in the breadth of this band and listening for telltale signs of a lie, like a merchant making a story up to jack up prices.
Sense Motive to detect lies:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Yer asking alot Fer one scale. Let me check with me friends...per chance how's an army the size a yer's findin yer way to a seemingly random battle tween 2 dragon's. A force the size of yer's attracts attention, less ye expect me ta believe ye keep yeselfs invisible the full 24bells. We be pretty familiar with the area and ain't heard tell O ye or even a stray kobold...
Turning to Karnog, Duncan opens a very fat coin purse, not bothering to hide it. He wanted to keep the Hob I interested in the gold, but felt confident they could make short work of a small army of Kobolds like they did the Centaurs, if the Job decided to simply try to take it.
Whad'ya think? He might O been the one ta through that spell at Desmond, but given that lads lack o will power and the spells failure, pretty sure we can take em if this goes sour. I can pay half O what he's asking outta me own purse and so long as the scale is genuine we either get a solid spot ta port into and rescue the silver OR she'd dead already an we ressurect her and take a big ally in. Though gods know my decisions ain't been goin' well lately
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Karnog Kegmeister wrote:
"Second and third hand information is rarely as accurate as we'd like, Desmond. If he slew the silver and flew away with both Meathead and her corpse, he may be planning some nefarious spells of his own. Much as I hate to face the red, backed up with a necromancy-d silver, that would be even worse."
Duncan turns his back to the Job and lowers his voice, I don't think he's lyin. If he has a silver scale then it might be worth purchasing, but it could easily be from a Dragon far too young to be of aid. If the red carried her off and the scale does belong to her we could at least use it as a focus for Kalim's scrying and get a reliable location for a teleport. Might even tell us if she's dead or not. If she is dead, we resurrect her. If she's alive then at least we know he hasn't animated the corpse.
He turns back to the Job and projects his voice again, Is yer SILVER scale from this battlefield? How much d'ye want Fer it?
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Totally Forgot Duncan actually has ranks in Diplomacy I'm so used to having someone else be the face
Diplomacy:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23 The red I seen before Gargantuan in Size and I believe the silver mighta lost. Should be at least a blood covered scale or two rent by the Reds claws laying about somewhere, eh?
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Hobgoblin or Orc wrote:
"I've got green, black, and red scales fer sale."
Really? Per chance did ye find any scales O the silver? I'm told twas a Silver and a Red that battled here last night.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Hobgoblin or Orc wrote:
In reply. "HAIL...we scavenge battlefields. No need fer hostilities. Jus' looking for remnants and what brings you to field?"
Calain, not one to lie, answers honestly.
Actually we be looking per a couple bits o dragon scale. Might ye a found any? I'd be willing to part with a bit o gold fer it. Not even after alot just a small piece or two.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan mutters quietly, There be a Hobgoblin at their centre, likely the leader. I'll try ta hail him.
Duncan raises his shielded hand in a wave at the Hobgoblin. Ho there, Friend. We be here ta investigate the ground. Quite a battle last nigh apparently. No need fer the invisibility. We can see ye fine and ain't hostile less ye wish ta force a fight.
He does use a swift to enchant his armor with SR17, Using his Sacred Armor Ability, just in case the hob throws a spell at him.
Quite a force ye have surrounding ye. What's an army o' Kobolds doin here might I ask ye?
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Kalim and Duncan are up.
You said you'd reveal my perception results on my turn
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan takes a move Action to study the mass in detail, using his detect evil class ability while he looks at them
There be a small army of Invisible Kobolds in the middle of the field in battle formation Perception:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
My cursed holy symbol gives me permanent see Invisibility Perception:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Mother wrote:
"Yer gonna h'lfta pull the siv'r from the Red's belly. Don't think he left a carcass. We can show you where they battled if you like."
Duncan looks agast at mother's proclamation, not at the fact the Red had won, but that it had consumed the WHOLE carcass.
Mother, I saw the red was gargantuan but the a silver dragon of advanced age entirely eaten? That would be like meself eatin Karnog here in one sitting. It must've taken hours to sit there and consume a body nearly equal to it's own size..an not leave a single scale behind. There MUST be somethin. Even the tiniest portion will do.
This spell functions like raise dead, except that you are able to restore life and complete strength to any deceased creature.
The condition of the remains is not a factor. So long as some small portion of the creature’s body still exists, it can be resurrected, but the portion receiving the spell must have been part of the creature’s body at the time of death. (The remains of a creature hit by a disintegrate spell count as a small portion of its body.) The creature can have been dead no longer than 10 years per caster level.
Upon completion of the spell, the creature is immediately restored to full hit points, vigor, and health, with no loss of prepared spells. The subject of the spell gains one permanent negative level when it is raised, just as if it had been hit by an energy-draining creature. If the subject is 1st level, it takes 2 points of Constitution drain instead (if this would reduce its Con to 0 or less, it can’t be resurrected).
You can resurrect someone killed by a death effect or someone who has been turned into an undead creature and then destroyed. You cannot resurrect someone who has died of old age. Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead creatures can’t be resurrected.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan follows out Karnog. His friend had done good work here today, bringing some hope to a nearly destroyed people. It was terrible that such tragedies occurred in the world in which the small and pathetic masses did what they could to eek out a living when dragon's and demons and gods played out their designs on the material plane. How his goddess had seen fit to bless the Wayward Smith to actually play a role in the drama that was unfolding was beyond the ken of the young Smith he'd begun his life as.
Gods, twas barely a day ago I bargained with the First King O one of the Hell's. second only to Asmodeas himself and now I'm actually looking for a fight with a Great Red...
He glanced back briefly, wondering if any one among them would be marked by fate as he and his fellows had been.
Then he thought about Desmond, for the Rogue was still invisible and had no doubt looted a couple of the dead while the dwarves were in conversation with Mother.
Come along Sneak. Might be we can get out of here and find ye some red scales ta sink yer mighty stilleo into. Bwahahaha!
It did amuse the dwarf to imagine the Rogue attempting to backstab the dragon with such small blades. Would they even go deep enough to reach a vital spot?
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Karnog's 3 channel's would have cured AOLT of low level HP considering the cramped area and the fact it's a spread. Alot of the wounded, assuming they are low level might even be fully healed or at least up again. Assuming ave rolls that's 28 HP healed per channel to EVERYONE in a 30ft Radius. Duncan will use up to the entire remaining charges on his Wand of CLW if required. I am just trying to get a picture of how many wounded are crammed into this space. Karnog confimed 3 channels so if he moved into 3 different 30ft radai, that's effectively 90ft radius of squares covered. Not trying to Hand waive the number of wounded but Mass Healing big areas is the one thing Channel is really good for and Karnog his a Very High level cleric.
Duncan waits for Karnog's channel blessings to be completed. The powerful cleric's magic's wound have stopped the bleeding for many and outright cured a few of the wounded.
Only read this action if GM believes Karnong's Channels spreads insufficient to stablize all the wounded. Duncan will only do this action if there are still lots of wounded left over AFTER Karnong's Channels.:
Seeing many of the less wounded begin to rise as thier injuries miraculously are healed, Duncan sets those now fit enough to work,
Gather those that can be moved and move em over here with the most wounded. I got me a spell that should help the rest a ye back on yer feet. He waits a moment to get as many wounded as he can packed into the biggest section of the room available.
Duncan will sacrifice his prepared Cleanse Spell to Cast MASS CURE LIGHT WOUNDS- at this level it would cover a 65ft radius Mass, Cure Light Wounds:1d8 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24
The massive healing wave washes over everyone in the radius, further knitting and for some, completely eliminating the many burns left upon bodies by the Dragons attack.
Anyone hit by both 1 onf Karnong's channel and Duncan's spell should have healed around 40hp. Plenty to heal a whole bunch of low level NPC/Villagers
Duncan's ears prick up at Karnog's mention. Ye Prepared a Resurrection? If we can't enlist or bring back the silver we'll need ta attack this red as soon as we can. We can summon a bunch o Roc's and Dino's an Angels ta help.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan begins moving among the Wounded and looks for any outside of Karnong's channels that might be dying and begins casting STABILIZE on any deteriorating creatures.
Dressing wounds with whatever is available.
HealCheck:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Normally warpriests had a weaker ability to channel energy like a cleric, but Duncan had never been granted this particular gift, he'd instead been given a limited ability to Smite evil creatures down with his goddesses wrath.
An ability he fully meant to use on Orcus and the red for bringing these circumstances about...
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan does likewise and follows his fellow dwarf.
He had been with the party some time now but had joined after the founding of Orc town and thus was not well known among it's inhabitants.
It did disturb him just a little that they referred to Karnong as a god, but to simpler people's he could understand why.
The gifts and prayers bestowed upon Karnong and he were among the greatest powers a true god could bestow and were rare indeed.
He inwardly reflected a moment as he realised he was close to achieving the highest state of divinity within his warrior class in Imodae's church.
If skill at arms and blessings were an indicator (which they were not) he should be a high priest or general in the Inheritors armies by now.
He death was approaching and he knew it, for like a shooting star or a spark from a hammers blow on a hot forge, the brightest sparks were often short lived.
If this adventure didn't kill him he resolved to travel to the World wound soon.
But first, he had to help kill a Wrym and find a way to save Grimm's soul or at the very least give it a chance at redemption.
While he has all but given up on his son based on the law demanding recompense for Grimm's crimes, his goddess, apparently, was not.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Duncan already has Greater magic Weapon and Defending Bone Running- 16hrs. And he activated his Overland flight at prayers thinking they were going to port to the Lair
Duncan stands at the entrance.
Karnong, If the people are taking refuge here and the dragon followed they are likely dead. Let's check for surviors and the silver, then go kill the Red. He could be razing the village we just left while we dally here.
He looks at Desmond. You first, Sneak. Should be fine. I don't think the Orcs would have trapped their own sanctuary.
The Dwarf casts Protection from Evil on Desmond and recharges the spell slot with a Pearl of Power.
Yer, protected fer the next quarter bell (16mins)
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
Kalim, if there's a change we can take the silver with us, we shoud take it. Can ye scry her? If she went after the Red, then we already have an ally, just need ta link up with her. If we can't find her we'll have to port near the place. Exact don't matter as long as we precast before we leave and we're close enough ta get in there before they expire.
Dwarf Warpriest 16 (Champion of Faith) Int+1, F17,R10, W18, + 2 v Spells/PoisonAC37/T17/FF35+4vs Last foe to hit , CMD+28+4vs Bull Rush/Trip, CMB+16 +6 for Trip HP121/154, Percep+18,Diplo+12,Intim+23, Religion+12
This is a tactic meant to enrage us. If the dragon has taken prisoners it's likely it realises we would have connection to them and charge off after. We'd be walking into a trap. The prisoner's, if any are alive, are likely exactly where the dragon wants us to find them.I have 5 hours of flight. I say we use a couple to find the Silver if need and let some of the dragon's defense's expire. Let's get the map, teleport in 200ft away from the lair mouth, cast our protections then attack.
Duncan looks at the Mayor and describes the location.
We need a Map, Mayor. And we need to talk to the Silver if ye know where she is of have means O contacting her.