I have been playing pathfinder for 3 years now and in my campaigns I have made 2 characters. Now thinking about mine got me very curious about all your characters. So in this thread I would like you to leave me posts talking about you characters. This is a good time to brag about you great heros or villians and if you are a DM, tell me about a cool Npc you made for your game. I'll start with my messed up druid:
Dunali started off as a human druid with a velociraptor animal companion named Raptin. She found herself an adventuring party who were about to go back in time to save a wounded hero from the undead evils of this world. Basically...we failed. So we came back to the present to try and stop this man from the past from destroying the world as the new Undead Matador(lol). So we were on our way to this BIG castle when we had to stop for the night. We were attacked by furry men with fangs, one bit me. Happens to be next full moon I turned into a werewolf. Then a long time away we had to go to this World Tree and I saved Loki's life(my DM loves Marvel). He said he liked me and went away. A few minutes later these women on pegasi tried to kill me because I was a werewolf. Then I turned and Loki came back to help fight. After they were all dead I though to myself, "Hmmm. All the enemies are dead and I'm a werewolf with nothing to chew on, oh I know I'll attack my party:P" So a LONG way away we were in a room and there was a table of rings, I thought, "Ooooooo. This one is for humans I'll take it", that my people was my inner girl talking and now that I know what it did, I should have told her to shut up. It was a 9 Ring of Men. I turned EVIL! Later in the game my Raptor was Awakened and he became a ranger who fights undead, oh yea and he was a GOOD raptor (yet he still listened to me...). I got teleported one night to a good temple. I managed to run all the way to basement with every goodie-goodie following me when I spotted a glowing sword. I went to grab it and it turned out to be a Holy Avenger, and it burned. But then it grew darker then it came to a pitch black and the holy symbol on it turned to a skull. Now to get away I ran upstairs to find out my DM picked my lvl7 feat, Leadership and there was a Nightmare waiting for me. I got back to my ship and everyone was like, "Where have you been, where did you get THOSE!?" I then said two simple words, "Long story". That weapon was now my Shadow Avenger and it did:+16/+11 1d10+10 crit 19-20 +2d6 good alignment +2d6 evil alignment +1d6 cold also if I touch you you take 150 damage or I could heal myself 150 damage. Then in a nutshell the game ended because we did a spell to wipe all evil and undead from the world. But we kinda destroyed the world but not before I could mess up the spell(me being evil and all). That was the end of Dunali. Yet with my next character because of the mess-up of the spell she messed up our new world...
I play a summoner in my current game. At level's 10 and 18 I get abilities called Aspect(10) and Greater Aspect(18). Basically what they do is I could take points from my eidolon's evolution pool to add evolutions to myself. At 10th it is 2 points and at 18th it's 6 points(not 6 added to the 2, 6 in total). I am not allowed to take Ability Increase with this ability. Dragons kinda don't exist in this game so my eidolon is actually a Wyvern. I was thinking of taking something to look cool for example I was thinking of wings(2), horns(2), a tail(1) and scales(1). If there is anything cooler than that or anything that you wanna provide as an example, just post it. All the evolutions are in the
If my eidolon has the mount evolution which makes it a combat training mount, can I ride it bareback? If I shaped it's scales a place to hold on(I can make it whatever I want) would I still need a saddle? The point of a saddle is to save hp from falling off, if I go unconscious. If I go unconscious in the first place my eidolon will die and I'll fall anyways. So if I do the scale thing, do I still need a saddle or face some penalties? It will get VERY annoying travelling with then putting on the saddle each time it disappears. If I do get penalties, what would they be? Thanks:)
I have been looking into making a new character(for fun maybe to use later if I die). I want her to be a druid. Can this all work:
An Animal Lord, Nature Warden, Pack Lord!
To do the Nature Warden part I need to be lv 6. I heard from my DM that I can use both an archetype and a prestige class. I saw Animal Lord in the Bestiary as a ranger, can it even be a druid? Is it even a race or class? As for the Pack Lord I understand how to divide the levels I earn to all my companions(I was thinking because the minimum of Nature Warden is lv 6 it can be something that turns large at 4th level[most do that at 7th], I found a giant chameleon. And then something small that will lv up at 7th because we will go over lv 12 in this campaign). If I do do the Animal Lord, which animal should I pick, I like the canines for the actual shapeshift but I also like the bonus from the dinosaurs. How would I even turn into a Trex if all these creatures are about medium size? Can I turn into all the creatures under their species(ex:Canine-Dog/hyena/wolf) or just one I have to pick? If there is a species type and I can think of another one in that type, can I change into it or it's the Dm's call? Thanks for all the help, this is just really awesome:)
I have a eidolon that's lv4 at the moment and at lv5 I want to change it. Right now I have a serpentine but I want it to be something like a dragon(not like these dragons we fight in Pathfinder but looks similar to one). I want it to stand on 2 legs and it's arms to be it's wings. I would use Biped form but it has claws as it's free evolution. I wanted bite so I could use Quad. form, but then it would have to walk on all fours, right? Would it be possible to use Quad., and still walk on two legs? I know I could just use 1 point to buy the bite evo but I already have max attacks with my idea. Any ideas?
In my campaign we have to fight a high level undead wizard named Koodlock. The only way to kill him is to stab him in the heart with a spear(like a vampire with a stake) that I possess. We left off last game with me fighting him. When we ended I had one round haste left. No matter how hard I try to touch him in the heart he will jab away. This spear can be both a regular and ranged weapon. What I want to know is will this work: I cast invisibility and go behind him at a range(he won't know unless he has see invisibility which I don' think he prepared). He won't know where I am. Now because it's not a double movement I can normally attack once. Because I used haste and have an extra attack(one I used with the spell), can I still hit him once? This is really confusing me but if I can't I can still always do it in more than one round. Thanks.
I found a new feat I, it may be good. It's called "Aspect of the Beast"
Aspect of the Beast:
Aspect of the Beast
Whether by magic or a curse of your blood, some part of you is more beast than man.
Prerequisite: wild shape class feature, see Special.
Benefit: Your bestial nature manifests itself in one of the following ways. You choose the manifestation when you choose the feat, and then you cannot change it.
Night Senses (Ex): If your base race has normal vision, you gain low-light vision. If your base race has low-light vision, you gain darkvision out to a range of 30 feet. If your base race has darkvision, the range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet.
Claws of the Beast (Ex): You grow a pair of claws. These claws are primary attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage (1d3 if you are Small).
Predator's Leap (Ex): You can make a running jump without needing to run 10 feet before you jump.
Wild Instinct (Ex): You gain a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +2 bonus on Survival skill checks.
Special: A character that has contracted lycanthropy can take this feat without having to meet the prerequisites. A ranger who selects the natural weapon combat style can take this feat without having to meet the prerequisites (even if he does not select Aspect of the Beast as a bonus feat).
As for the vision what kind do humans get, is it normal or low light? Thanks if anyone thinks another one is awesome on this list let me know what you want me to do with it:)
As a backup character I am thinking of doing another better druid(I hope she will stay sane. No more rings of men for me). I was looking into the druid class, now that I have played it before and I saw archetypes and prestige classes. I seem to like one of each: Pack Lord(archetype)
Pack Lord:
I can have more than one animal companion. Every level I can either add one or make another one one level higher(I'm lv 4 I can have one companion lv 4/two lv 2/one lv 1 and one lv 3).
and Nature Warden(prestige class)
Nature Warden:
Starting at lv 6(I need to take ranks in certain skills and have a B.A.B of 4[lv 6]) I can get new powers like reviving my companion, getting DR's for my companions, and even if I'm a druid favorite terrains(that my companion can also take part in the bonus).
Can I take both? If I can't which one seems better? If I do use the Pack lord, should I use one with a lv 4 advancement and another one lower, whose strong as a medium creature? Any ideas? Thanks:)
I play a summoner and I am getting my character planned out already for future levels. The main enemy we are fighting now is somewhat undead:
Sort of undead:
In my previous campaign we wiped all evil and undead from the planet. I have reasons to believe because in that game I played an evil character, I messed up the spell. Now my new character is facing undead created by evil Yellow musk creepers(made by an undead named Koodlock) that is turning animals and people undead. We have only heard of undead in stories and there are strong and weak ones we've fought, some have been affected by disrupt undead.
With my eidon it's going to be having a breath weapon. My eidolon has two heads and it says in the Ultimate Magic(where the evolution is listed) that I can add additional breath weapons to the extra head. Does this mean I can't have both heads attack with the same breath weapon at one time for no extra damage? Should I use fire because it will work better than cold(that it doesn't affect it). If fire affects undead does it do extra damage? Thanks.
Let's say my eidolon has two pairs of limbs(4 legs). It says it comes with hands or feet, can I turn them into claws or do I have to get the evolution? I don't want the claw attacks. Can I have claws without the evolution or claw attacks.(A crocodile has claws but they don't get claw attacks) will this work?
At level 4 I'm going to have a 3 headed hydra that later on can fly and breathe fire. I want to (for fun) give each head a different name for when we role play. Any ideas. The three names if you could should have to do with each other, but they don't have too. Thanks:)
I have been playing pathfinder for a good amount of time but I just found that on this site is something called "Online Campaigns". What are they? Thanks.
-Amber Mikaelson(If you get the joke of the name, good for you:)
In my game I am a summoner and I have a serpentine based eidolon. I want to take the feat "final embrace" where I meet all the prerequisites. My question is in the description it says:
"You gain the constrict and grab special attacks. Your constrict attack deals damage equal to your unarmed strike or primary natural weapon melee attack. Further, you can grab and constrict opponents up to your size."
Does the part that says I gain the constrict and grab special attacks mean I get those two as free evolutions? Or is it just saying I benefit from the size of the victim and I still have to buy the evolutions with my pool?
In my new game I play a summoner and I just leveled up to level 3. It says in the book that my eidolon gets a second feat. The one's I already have are evasion(given at level 2) and I took dodge at level 1. Should I take mobility, or is there something better for a level 3 serpentine eidolon? I wanted multiattack but I get it later plus I can't take it yet because I only have 2 nat attacks Thanks.
-Amber Mikaelson(If you get the joke in the name, good for you:)
If you can't buy a certain evolution then can I just add cool parts into my eidolon's structure. He's a serpentine with the skill intimidate. So when he uses that can I give him a frill(that will pop out with his forked tongue) and a rattle. They will have no other use but to add in some cool effects. Another thing I wanted to do is when he speaks(which he won't do often but he has bluff and I don't so...) I want him to draw out the s's like a hiss, can he also do that. Am I allowed to do these things or is it the DM's call? Thanks:)
As some people know I play a summoner with an eidolon named Hunter. As a summoner I have a spell-like ability that is Summoner Monster. Of course I can't use it unless my eidolon's not there. I'm at level 2 so I get another level one spell. If I took Summon Monster can I use it as a spell while my eidolon's there? Also is it worth it to take the spell or should I go with Mage Armor for another spell known? Thanks:)
This time in my campaign I'm playing a summoner. I'm only level two now and last game I almost died. I was looking in the Bestiary 3 and saw a page for an "Eidolon, Unfettered". It says that either you take special precautions or have a special death and the connection will become severed and my eidolon can still roam the world. How do both things work, what kind of special death or precaution can I do to let my eidolon stay? Thanks and if you don't know exactly how just let me know the book it's in please:)
Two quick questions on mounting an eidolon with the mount evolution:
It says I can only take this for quadraped or serpentine forms. If I made a biped that looks like a dinosaur I can't ride it? If I can what are the rules or penalties I'm going to have?
This book of evolutions came out with the Advanced Players Guide, but in Ultimate Magic it made a new form, aquatic they never said this in the book, can I mount that type of form.
Thanks to all who submit posts on this thread and if I left out something you want to add let me know.
My next character will be a summoner. I will choose to take an eidolon and I have a few quick questions about it:
I have a look in mind for what my eidolon will look like and what it will do, do I have to make it look like something or can I just make it awesome?
The form I am taking for it is a biped. It comes with the 2 Claws evolution,(2d4 of damage). I want to take the Improved Damage evolution for that, do I have to take it twice to get both claws up to a d6, or is it just one in general?
Not in the Advanced Guide, but in Ultimate Magic it has new evolutions. One of them is an extra Head. With it it says I can add extra bites, gores and breath weapons to that head separately. When it comes to the extra breath weapons I would choose for one head fire, do I have to do fire to the other head, or can I do a different one?
For the attacks of the evolutions I have: 3 bites, 3 gores, 2 claws, 2 stings and wing buffet. Do I get to do all this in one turn, or one of each type of attack per turn?
When we restart our game I am going to be a summoner. Now I am thinking on what to go for, an eidolon or to use the powers on myself. Can I do both(one one day and the other another day)? If I do have to choose which would be easier because I know if I die, or even go knocked out my eidolon would be gone for the day? Thanks.
I already have my perfect eidolon built out on a piece of paper but I have run into two questions:
1) If it's a serpentine and it has a tail slap attack would giving it a poisonous tail add an attack or replace the tail slap?
2) If I give it gills it can breathe underwater, would it make it unable to breathe air like a fish, or can it do both?
Thanks a lot on this.
Next game I possibly am going to be a special type of cleric. The game I am told we can not play any evil, so I have a limited number of deities. There are two sets of the two domains I like: Animal/Plant and Fire/Sun. They all could come in handy with my character. Which set should I choose, when it comes down to helpfulness. If you have any more suggestions, let me know...
If you have read some of my older posts, I have been cursed by a magic item. I am a druid and my normal alignments are any neutral, I changed to a Lawful Evil. It says in the core that if that happens I lose my powers(strange but I'll see soon enough what that means).My cleric party member tried to use the spell Atonement. It would normally work for a magical alignment change but my DM said that the magic from the spell has to be stronger than the curse put on me. It's not by a long shot! Is there any way to increase the power of the spell?
P.s. Some people have the right idea and say to make a new character. I don't want to because this is my first game and I want to see where it goes. Thank you.
Today we finally got another piece to saving the world. We found and trapped the sea serpent and after 450hp worth of hits, we killed it. The point of this mission was to slay the sea serpent and cut out it's heart. I got two items from this adventure that I don't know what to make of:
I got one of it's smallest scales(still at 5 1/2 feet though). I thought I could make it into a shield, because of it's thick structure. If I do it will be considered a tower shield and take a -12 penalty to hit with my sword. Any other ideas what to make this scale into?
One of it's teeth(originally it was a big 20lbs tooth, I cut part of the tip so now it's hollow). I think I could make this into a dagger, although it is hollow. What should I make this into?
Suggestions will help with these items. If I can't make them into something cool, how much would the raw materials be worth? Thanks a lot.
In a couple of months my game will be restarted. I'm having trouble what to pick as my new character. Please let me know which one of these to choose, and please if you pick that class, answer the thing in the ():
Druid-With a animal companion(which companion to pick)
Witch-With a familiar(which one to pick and which hexes/feats)
Summoner-With an eidolon(which parts to pick)
Or a mix of all three. Please tell me what to pick and the things to choose and anything else helpful about that class. Thank you.
Please tell me your best character that you've ever played. Tell me your build, weapons or just something awesome they did. Here's mine:
I'm a 9th level druid. I have an ally named Raptin. He used to be my animal companion until I "Awakened" him. Now he has an intelligence of 14 while I have a 16. I also have a Nightmare named Shadow. I have very little knowledge when it comes to Lord of the Rings. I wish I knew more before I put on one of the 9 Rings of Men but, I din't. I used to be able to go down to -37 hit points untouched thanks to the ring but then while my cleric was fighting an undead guy, I was too. He kept channeling positive energy, I vaporized then came back 4 minutes later starch white in black armor. Now I apparently have to kill my party to stop them from destroying me. Wish me luck, I'm gonna need it...
I am a druid who used to have an animal companion. He didn't die or run away, he's just not an animal anymore. I turned him into a magical beast using the spell clearly named in the title of this thread. Now I want to teach him a language and I want to teach him druidic(sorry about spelling). My DM says that it's a language I'm not able to teach to others or I lose everything about me being a druid. Is there a possible way I could teach him?
In my campaign we have one bad guy who's very evil. He's called the Matador. We had a mission a while back to save him, we failed so he's undead now. He apparently has a sword that glows green fire and when he sliced a gold dragon, it zombified. I was trying to make peace with him and said the wrong thing. He said he wanted me dead. He came over to me and was just about to slice me when his sword was about an inch away from me, he stopped. Then he took his sword, put it into the ground and kneeled at me with his hands in a cup. After that he was speechless and left without hurting anyone else. I thought it was very odd, he wanted me dead then something must have happened to make him stop. One of my partners said something that might be true: Maybe we have the same lord, but I'm higher on his list. I actually don't know who my lord is, but apparently as my DM says, "I doing well for him." It's a whole big problem with me having one of the 9 rings of men and I don't know who has the One ring. Does anybody know what the Matador was doing? I don't...
In my campaign we have one bad guy who's very evil. He's called the Matador. We had a mission a while back to save him, we failed so he's undead now. He apparently has a sword that glows green fire and when he sliced a gold dragon, it zombified. I was trying to make peace with him and said the wrong thing. He said he wanted me dead. He came over to me and was just about to slice me when his sword was about an inch away from me, he stopped. Then he took his sword, put it into the ground and kneeled at me with his hands in a cup. After that he was speechless and left without hurting anyone else. I thought it was very odd, he wanted me dead then something must have happened to make him stop. One of my partners said something that might be true: Maybe we have the same lord, but I'm higher on his list. I actually don't know who my lord is, but apparently as my DM says, "I doing well for him." It's a whole big problem with me having one of the 9 rings of men and I don't know who has the One ring. Does anybody know what the Matador was doing? I don't...
I can use a spell in the future to transform myself into a dragon. I was looking at the dragons I could turn into and saw that there are a few I like but of different things in their stats. If I was transformed into a Blue Dragon could I still use my druid spells, or can I only use the dragon's?
I am a level 9 druid with a velociraptor animal companion. I just leveled up so I have new spells now. Thanks to my other post on Rule's Questions,"Help with Spells" I know now what will happen. I want to make my velociraptor a magical beast. I could with the spell Awaken. Using this spell will give him human intelligence. So he'll be able to speak common language and possibly another I choose, he'll have an alignment, he might be able to use items like a sword(or if that's too big a dagger) along with his natural moves. The only downside is that he won't stay my companion, he might leave but because it says that he will perform tasks for me, it might stay, or I could use my leadership feat. Would this all be worth it or would it work?
I have a problem. I am undead, sadly. I tried using a healing potion and it caused damage. I have two spells and did an experiment. I heal on the harm spell and get harmed by the heal spell. It's very weird. My DM said that I could try this: Instead of using a Healing Potion to heal me I could use something called an Inflict Potion. Who can I buy this from or who can make one? Any ideas?
I can do level 5 druid spells there are a few I don't get. First is "Animal Growth". An animal can double in size. If I used a medium sized animal would I be able to ride it? Second is "Awaken". An animal or tree gains human intellect. If I used it on my animal companion I heard that it could speak common language and talk to me. Would it be able to use items after a check. I wanted to use this but my only thing is that he might not be loyal enough to stay my companion, he may leave. Is this true? These answers will really help me. Thanks:)
I used to be a Neutral werewolf druid. For all of you who love Lord of the Rings, I need your help. I never saw that and is very stupid on that topic. Without knowing I put on one of the 9 Rings of Men(I know now, I needed to know then though). Now my DM won't tell me what's happening to me. Some things that I know is that now I'm Lawful Evil, I can't be killed and I'm not shifting under the full moon. Also my ring has transported me places I didn't want to go, corrupted a Holy Avenger by touch and made me a Nightmare(the horse). The part I just don't get is that I have 2 new spells, harm and heal. Weird part is that I heal on the harm spell(and so does any undead, my DM says I might be undead). Also I get damaged by the heal spell. I can't use my potions and my cleric can't heal me. For all of you who have an idea on what I am now, please help.
If you'd read my previous posts I've been playing a werewolf character. I'm just been told now that I'm not just a werewolf. I'm either all vampire or a mix of the two. The story is that in the same month I got bit by a werewolf and a vampire(just my luck). Now I got bit by the werewolf first and this was before my first full moon. Now me and my friend Kenny have been looking some stuff up and we've realized that lycanthropy is a disease and that vampires are immune to disease. Now because I got bit by the wolf first and I'm not dead am I all vampire from that standard or am I a hybrid of both? Either way I'm good, I honestly like vampires better. Which do you guys think I am?
If you'd read my previous posts for the last three months, I've been playing a werewolf character. I'm just been told now that I'm not just a werewolf. I'm either all vampire or a mix of the two. The story is that in the same month I got bit by a werewolf and a vampire(just my luck). Now I got bit by the werewolf first and this was before my first full moon. Now me and my friend Kenny have been looking some stuff up and we've realized that lycanthropy is a disease and that vampires are immune to disease. Now because I got bit by the wolf first and I'm not dead am I all vampire from that standard or am I a hybrid of both? Either way I'm good, I honestly like vampires better.
If you'd read my previous posts for the last three months, I've been playing a werewolf character. I'm just been told now that I'm not just a werewolf. I'm either all vampire or a mix of the two. The story is that in the same month I got bit by a werewolf and a vampire(just my luck). Now I got bit by the werewolf first and this was before my first full moon. Now me and my friend Kenny have been looking some stuff up and we've realized that lycanthropy is a disease and that vampires are immune to disease. Now because I got bit by the wolf first and I'm not dead am I all vampire from that standard or am I a hybrid of both? Either way I'm good, I honestly like vampires better.
When we restart the game I'm going to be a druid with a spinosaurus animal companion. The bigger one from the bestiary has the swallow whole ability. When I get it as a medium size can I use swallow whole on a smaller creature. The rules say one size under the creature. Would I be able to use it when it's medium or large sized?
When we restart our game I was thinking of what to get as a companion as a druid. Someone on another board mentioned a Megaraptor. I don't know what that is but it sounds cool. Which bestiary is it in and can it be a druid's animal companion? Thanks.
My Dm said that we are going to restart soon and I'm going to be a druid. For a druid, the key to success is an animal companion. I've been a druid before with an animal companion, both of us never died so it's good to have one. I'm thinking of having a Spinosaurus because not only does it have a swim speed and can hold it's breath but it has the ability swallow whole. When it's large it can swallow a medium sized person. Is this a good choice? I need suggestions. Thanks.
My group is restarting the game in a couple of weeks. I am choosing to be a druid again. I am having a hard time deciding what should be my animal companion. I've had a velociraptor before and I may still want a dinosaur. Judging by all of the feats and stuff which should I pick:
Stay with a Velocirptor
Rattle Snake(w/ fangs)
Or give me some better ideas for one. Thanks and please help before we restart.
I am a level 9 druid. I noticed something about familiars but I don't know much about them. It says in my beastiary that a Compy(dinosaur) can be a familiar. Can a druid have a familiar because I'm a caster? What kinds are there and is this one good.
I'm DMing for one day in the game I play and I've made the enemies. One is a TRex. I wrote it all down but I'm not so sure about one thing in the beastiary. They can swallow someone whole only if they're grappled. It has the ability "grab" but what kind of check do I or the team have to make to see if they're grappled and if they stay grappled? What check do we make, who makes it and what do we have to roll to see?
So in my game we have to save the world. One of the items we need is a Red Dragon's Scale. We can't fight him or offer anything in return. Remember he's Chaotic Evil so it's almost impossible. My DM says it's possible but is there a way I can get this? Please I need options.
What is your best weapon? I would just like to know.
Mine is a corrupted Holy Avenger named the Shadow Avenger. It starts with a +13/+11. It does a 1d6 of cold damage and if there's Chaotic or Good in the alignment it does an extra 2d6 of damage. So for example if their alignment was Chaotic Good it does both. So in all if it hits twice and their alignment was as said before it does 1d10+7/1d10+7, 4d6 of extra damage and 1d6 of cold. Also once per game day I can choose between doing 150 damage by touch(of course they need to make a fortitude save) or heal me 150hp.
Now tell me about your weapons. Mostly about your favorite.
I would like to know about your character in pathfinder. Tell me some special things they can do. Here is about mine:
My name is Duna, I come from the country of Indol. I am a level 9 druid and I have an animal companion. He's a Velociraptor name Raptin. I am Lawful Evil because of my ring. My DM put in the 9 rings of men from lord of the rings. Now I'm evil and immortal. I am also a werewolf. I corrupted a holy weapon and made it evil. I have a mount, he is a Nightmare named Shadow(if you don't know what a Nightmare is, just ask and I will explain). Once per day I can either heal 150 hp or deal 150 points of damage. You wouldn't want to face me. Well that's me(but only on Saturdays).
So like I said before tell me about your character. I would like to know.
If you play this game then tell me about your character you play. Leave some facts about yourself. But for now, this is me:
My name is Duna. I come from the country of Indol. I am a 8th level druid. I have a pet Velociraptor(dinosaur) named Raptin. Recently I've been going through some weird stuff on my quest with my party to save the world. Since last month(game time) I've been cursed with being a werewolf. Recently I found a ring and I just found out today that it made me Lawful Evil and immortal! I was at -39 in battle today still standing and NOT a werewolf. There is a downside to this though. My party leader said that only the ring will destroy me when it wants to. I tried to take it off and he said I couldn't because it was,"Precious to me." Now I found out we would be wiping all EVIL off the world. I'm now evil!
What do I do? Any suggestions about what to do, asking a question of what we need to save the world, how to get off this RING or just a plain out question. Like I said before tell me about your character. Wish me luck...