
Duende Muerde's page

75 posts. Organized Play character for G4lkun.


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Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Will Save dc23: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

He looks collected and calm, the wost had passed, another madness another judgement by the world . . what what?

Intresting devices, now we are talking, when the knowledge or the search of it would drive one crazy, its not an unknown path, and specially one that has ot been not traveled in the past

Follow on Elu's steps he also drinks an extract of Heroism

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

K. History : 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

AS this happens he pulls out a wand of Shield and puts the shield on himself

It has happened more than once even to people more experience that us Elu miss, And it would be unfortunate, but archeology has its price, sometimes for learning more one needs to be ready to destroy, although if it could be avoided....

He revises the goblin launcher attached to one of the bombs just in case

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

[/i] The man with the goblin-like suit bows his head a bit [/i]

[/b] Thank you for your serrvice then, we must be sure to take your hospitaliity to the best, and see this corruption removed if possible [/b]

The question about the layout seemed important, so he waits for this reply as well

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Ah the dance of the words, one of his many guulty pleasures of ours, Elise seemed to have this on the bag, athough he would provide help, words can save the world or condemn it

Waht Miss Elise says its true, we are persuers of knowledge and meant no harm to the vault or that you are bound to protect, we are here to learn and become better, and at the same time to uncover the secret of the whereabouts or fate of the Sage jewel, Please let us go thru, and uncover this mystery

Diplomacy to persuade: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (14) + 24 = 38

This was to aid

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

K.Nature: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (2) + 25 = 27

Regeneration or healing capabilities, Assuming they are the guardians, if they have among their habits ,a way to bypass the duty (Be it a test or something ) , Weaknesss

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Consume : Ant Haul, Invetigative mind , Heightened awareness ( wand ) for now

Well , i certainly hope that the next endeavours are a bit more intellectual in nature, the delving thru the nature has its charms, but that was too specific

Says as he is playing with a wand at hand

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Sorry, i missed the token part for the slides.

Is it there now.


Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

There was something odd about this storm, what might it be

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

[o] He curses at the storm presecnce, in a way he thanks for the mask, in the other way those burden animals were casing a stir, and this was one of the things he had not the time to properly study, but it has to do [/i]

Come on you bests of burden, move

Intimidation: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

K Geography: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33

Pondering about the information given

AS usual with the Nexian landscape, and to add to that the dessert, we might also find guardians, if we are going to a place of knowlege i would not be surprised to find old guardians, but feel relieved that when try to kill us, it would be for duty, not due malice

With this said, i do hope that if they are bound to knowledge an arrangement would be possible, Although i won't bet my mask on it

*Nods at Ashwell remark

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

The man seems to be a amused by the devotion of this persons to the sages, he is used to a similiar feelings with his crew, so may undertand the need of bonding and servants

Listenong to the exchange to start forming theories and make notes ,and to study such gem indeed

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Not played those with this char

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Mostly being on his own during most of the time, the man dressed in leathers with the long coat, more fit to sustain concotions and reagenats than practical combat, but reinforced enough to have combat, the mask its amixure of leather and cloth with metallic frame and googles, with the shape of a Goblin, some may have hard of him, moving thru Oppara's nights, known as "El Duende Muerde" or "The Bitting goblin" , when in public he seems pleaseant enough to talk, unless he seems to be on his monologues, although converstaion would lead to understand he knows about alchemy, and many other sciences and topics

Greetings Fellow agents, I am .. or you may call me rather, The Bitting goblin, or "El duende Muerde" Which ever strikes your fancy, Duende is enough if too many suylabes are bothersome

I am glad to be here with you, I've come to help out during this specific endeavour, that promisses to be quite developing to intellect endeavours, and i believe so far i believe already has been so enligthening

He nods at Elu once, as he speaks to this

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

For Duende Muerde is going to be about 1190 gps for copying extracts from
Elu's book :

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

I'll be throing bombs. Got precise bombs anyway ,so can take away squares where allis are .

I'll need to review which formulas i'll have the money to copy ..

Always good to share the knoweldge.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

I am sure we'll find good knowlege sharing here

Duende Muerde's Formula book:

Lvl 1 .- Adhesive Spittle, Ant Haul , Anticipate Peril, Bomber's eye, Crafter's Fortune, Cure Light wounds. Detect Secret Doors , Disguise Self , Endure elements, Expeditious retreat , Heightened awareness, Identify, Illusions of calm, Longshot, Monkey Fish, Negate Aroma, Reduce Person, Shield, Targeted Bomb admixure, Touch of the sea, True strike

Lvl 2 .- Ablative Barrier, Acute senses, Aid, Alchemical Allocation , Aram Zey's focus, barkskin, Bear's Endurance, Bull's strenght, Cure Moderate Wounds, Darkvision, False life, Investigative mind, Invisibility, Kinetic reverberation , Protection from arrows , Resist energy , Restoration Lesser , See invisivility, Shadow Bom admixture , Spider Climb, Vomit Swarm

Lvl 3 Bouncing bomb admixture, Cure Serious Wounds, Displacement, Fly, Heroism, Monstrous Physique 1, Orchid Drop, Prot. from energy, Remove Curse , Remove disease

Lvl 4 Air walk, Death Ward, Freedom of movement, Monstrous Physique II, Viper Bomb admixture, Restoration

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Ah.. I will work on mine to show as well, and always a pleasure to exchange and learn from fellow alchemists.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Hello, Same here. Its been some time since i played pbp on forums with this char. Working on the provfile as well

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Rugged mentor for Kraven

Sorry for the late incursion. got some internet problems , but back fully now

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

@Ebonfist . We might start a new group fpr casual playuing on society if you don't mind to give away that grippli, catfolk, or skinwalker race boon, I would appreciate , nver was able to get that specific one and would liek to try a catfolk of skinwalker for when that happens .


Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist
Someone said wrote:

"I'd rather be friends. With you and with him," she answers Noir with a tilt of her head toward Duende.

"I'm not being paid by anyone to chase you, and you're not a suspect in any of the cases I'm working." She smiles at the cat-woman. "But if it's just for funsies and the challenge, how about we do it after dinner and drinks. On me.".

The man in goblin suit nods once

As was mentioned before we would like to be surrounded by capable people, and this might have future uses, we are in the street, and we know things and sometimes you might know things, its better to keep that healthy relationship in a workable fashion, that is a logical approach

He glances upon Noir

I guess we'll be around Skyreach for those drinks if the lady doesn't keep me busy or it doesn't strike her fancy for making me take the
challenge to catch her, something that might end quite ... intresting

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Wohoo !!

Thank you for running and for the rp.

It wa particularly nice to see Any

@Amy.- I can tell you now that all those remarks is because Noir's sister is also a swasvesigator with the sleepless detective, that is why all those remarks ( I paly that char )

Also Kitren is how some peopel on the family calls her as a pet name.

I personally lvoe the comviantion fo class

@GM , Please note the Downtime thing on the rpgchronicles please this is for the gauntlet boon.

Thank you all for the fun.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

The masked vigilante observes sthe sitautuin and shakes his head

Oh you fool, one has to have talent to escape death, There is a slight line beetwen genius and maddness, and you dear friend didn'thad waht you had to cross it, mwahhahahahha

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Thank you Mustapata for joining in for now.

Lets move things forward

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Ah the old trick he thought

For a villain i must say you are entretaining indeed, lets see what you dan do once you are to be found He follows with the plan he had at hand, as the admixure works on hus system and his magical arura, he drinks an extract of see invisibility as well*

Standard action, Drink extract of see invisibility

If something happens to Noir if of course there is a visible effect , Duende would like to try a K.Arcana if possible to identify the effect.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Have a wonderful trip, Enjoy the fantasy .

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

*Still during the work with the cage of souls he replied to Amy

Oh, that, He seems a bit a amused I would feel almost insuted that you haven't heard of me, or maybe that was just my perception, if I care for such trivial things, This is part of the motto miss,This is about fighting labels, of course there are plenty of peiole who waves the flag of heroism while really are trying to get advantage to themselves, so for taht reason i've donned this goblin suit, that would show that labels are not as they would be, because when people see the man in goblin suit they tend to think we are the bad guys, while this happens we expect to awake concience on to look beyond the cover of the book, that is why i formed the "League of evil" you see? And we are trying our best to make the society gain prestige as well

He doesn't expect this to make any sense regardles sand continues working on that, there might be more of it, there might be not

Oh dear Noir, That almost make me think you love me, Mwahahahaha.

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18 in case there was a spell

He moves to the room, while drinking a potion that prepares on the fly

Free: Spellcraft if there was a spell, Move action, enter the
room, Standard action : Drink Targeted Admixure extract

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Amy, Duende will reply during his turn, as the start of the reply . .

Things got a bit hectic last night had i wa snot able to do so.


Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Oh no . she is asking.

No one ever asked heh .

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

The adult man in goblin suit kept working on the cage of souls, one hardly could pass the opportunity to work with womething like this, the tendrils were .... unexpected.

Noir dear, don't this reminds you of that time in Mendev, Oh i do remember the face of our good old Caleb whom stayed inside that field, ah the surpisse, while we were working on the field mechanism, it was a shame that we lost Marie Rose that day, isn't it? .

He observes the work that Amestra is doing, yes so familiar indeed, to look upon the deication she put was fullfilling

Oh you don't disappoint Amaestra miss, your work and technique es exquisite, its always good to hve someone as handful as that He cackles at his own pun under the mask, whole comntinue to work over the mechanism

Fortitude : 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19 Fort in case si needed

Disable device : 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28 He keeps working on the mechanism as he speaks

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Fortitude: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (4) + 14 = 18 Fortitude.

HE runs over towards the cage of echoes, such magnificent artifact and of course he would need to see with his own eyes and work with his own hands, which kind of power this beckons?

Well, well, now lets see if my father is actually there He cackles as start to pull out his tools,

Diaable device: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26 Duende start to work with the cage .

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Just want to make sure that the boblin got the ref save for the Fire splash i see that still has the 21 dmg that recieved last roind


Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

He looks at the swarms jumping at hsi team

Oh dear, beetles i do hate beetles, its almost like their cousins the spiders He says obviously lying about the fact or joking

Let us see

He says as he releases a coupple of bmbs towards the swarmsg

Rapid shot. pumpkin bombs : 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 195d6 + 7 ⇒ (5, 3, 6, 4, 6) + 7 = 31 On red swarm ( Green square )
Rapid shot. Pumpkin bombs : 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 285d6 + 7 ⇒ (2, 6, 1, 5, 3) + 7 = 24 On blue swarm ( Red square )

Rapid shot bombs, Attacks vs touch AC Blue squares are out of splash, Reflex dc 21 or catch fire on swarms, Swarm takes 12 fire damage on spash area unles Ref 21, Splash mastery, if extending one of the areas 10 ft to hit both swarms

Bomb attacks .

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Area 3 is fine

It was a matter of know our own capabilities, this is not the fist time that we have dealt with creatures this big, and now this gives us at least some leeway for more atents to come to our, Well foudht indeed Amaestra miss

FLies still as the remainong of the spell still in place

Well fougth indeed

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

He takes some time to activate some charges of his wand of CLW, to gather what is left of the air lost on the fight

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Yes, we are close to finish this endeavour , It shall be done quickly and sharply now that the big pest has been dealt with, The moral strike for having lost such an ally should be sinking slowly into their souls

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

For the sake of resourcs tracking i would like to know how many bombs were needed or spent . Thank you

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

*He dodges to one side as flying to the side, dodging barely * [/1]

Reflex Save vs Breath: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (5) + 20 = 25

[i] Leaving him on the roof of the building part of his cloak singed by the acid

Oh now you have done it, that cloak is going to be repleaced but something more than what you are worth.

Looks over to the flurry of attacks that Noir does upon their prey

Worry not dear Noir, there is no comparision beetwen you and that beast, Once all this is over I'll be sure to show my support for your loyalty and attentions. Also that giant lizard is too fat.

Looks over to the Giant Nagajo plunging the big sword on it, it follows suit, as she start to pull out bombs as he activates his boots again, While cackling and throwing them all towards the beast


Bombs first range inc: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 12 - 2 - 1 + 1 = 185d6 + 14 ⇒ (5, 6, 1, 2, 1) + 14 = 29 Cold mg
Bombs first range inc: 1d20 + 12 - 2 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 12 - 2 - 1 + 1 = 195d6 + 14 ⇒ (6, 1, 5, 3, 1) + 14 = 30 fure dmg
Bombs first range inc: 1d20 + 10 - 2 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 10 - 2 - 1 + 1 = 165d6 + 14 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 2, 6) + 14 = 33 Cold dmg
Bombs first range inc: 1d20 + 5 - 2 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 2 - 1 + 1 = 45d6 + 14 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 2, 1) + 14 = 29 Fire dmg

5 ft step, Full attack Rapid shot, haste on first range increment heroism included, not point blank shot, Prescise shot to prevent cover, vs AC touch of the dragon. Fire, then cold then fire, then cold, If the rforwst bomb hits DC 21 or staggered till nest round , if Fire hits, Dc21 or catch fire 1d6

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Ah sweet Noir, always so eager to dispatch "justice"

The fight starts, he start to fly over to the hall, tapping once on the boots after drinking a couple of extracts , he flies over to clear the wall, moving fster due the magic of his boots, as it reaches the clear and looking at his peers fighting , he can't help but the cackle with gree, as he throwss a specillly prepared bomb twwards the dragon

Well well , lets see how far this reaches you, lets see if you like some fire to go along with with your chaos

Targeted admixure bomb fist inrement : 1d20 + 13 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 13 + 2 - 1 = 295d6 + 14 + 2 ⇒ (4, 3, 1, 6, 6) + 14 + 2 = 36 Hit to touch AC, if hits catching fire DC 21 to avould take 1d6 fire dmg persisntent

Preparatiomnl fly potion, and Targeted bomb admixure, Ysed hasted potion to fly diagonally and clear the wall 70 ft going up, for 35 ft for clear the wall, and throw one bomb at the dragon, takijng the xtra hit and damage from MAy's

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

I'll be posting a bit later , busy day at the office.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

My preference was to fight again ( And yes our gm is right, tic, toc )

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

For the record and for clarity

I read that Eskar wants to fight as well, I would like to figth the dragon as well but i am the one with ranged attacks, I uess for clarity sake we should state here what twe intent do do .

Unfortuamtely i can't give pots of flying sincei don' have the Infusion to make this work for some one else, So i understand the concers of getting to melee .

I can say tat at least Duende muerde can fly if needed.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

And how tall is the building where the dragon is currently?

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

So, we need tp vpte on theapprach here right?

I would go to fight the dragon . but i am the one with ranged attacks , So i'll leave tot rest ofthe group to see what we want to do

An i take that we could take the tiem to use wans adn such? To ehal ?

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Listens to his partner on the other side of the market, and grins

I've had better days, i can tell you, but as you well know, I am a very fun character, all smiles and giggles... until i blow it He cackles at his own joke while looking at the movements of the enemies

Glances upon Amsestra, and smiles under the mask towards her, then towards Noir, the sound of being amused is obvious That she is, indeed deligthful as a certain Kitten isn't it? He says in an obv ious inside joke beetwen them

Looks over to Amestra Don't take in a bad way, its that as mentioend before we are fond of talented people Grins under the mask

He feels the cut on his arm and looks at the goblin with a mixure of annoyance and amusement

Oh you are still here? Wouldn't i say that you are dead already

He ten says in golbin

Spoken in goblin:
You'll learn how to speak to your betters, vermin, as a goblin you should understand how the food chain works.

Bomb on pink : 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (19) + 13 = 325d6 + 7 ⇒ (1, 1, 6, 1, 1) + 7 = 17 5' step, and then throw bomb at pink, DC 21 for be on fire, , Blue and red takes 12 fire DC 21 Reflex for half. Can take away up to 7 squees of the 10 ft splas
Can extend 5 ft more so i think i can hit purple with spalsh as well , Blue squares are out of splash damage

Splash area of bomb .

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

The man with the Taldan accent, and goblinoid antics looks at Any aprocahing on the fight against the now burned goblins*

Oh by all means, I am always for a dance, specially with a talented partner, one that obviously is full of potential, and worry not about the fire, I have plenty of control about that, My flames only burns those whom are not intresting enough. You are safe The grin is very audible under the mask as well

Alas as the strike goes he archea an eyebrow behind the mask, but more will come, he had seen someone very familiar as her style, and it was always reasuring to have someone as her near, in his experiences

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

As the goblin moves over his area, he does a theatrical movement as he cackles

Ah.- how foolish of you to get yourself in such vulnerable position, this is not something i have to do a lot, its the last resouce of the Bitting goblin, but a resource indeed, Take that cur

Its not the best technique, but he throws a punch, a straight face to the face

AAop, Cestus: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 141d4 + 1d6 ⇒ (4) + (1) = 5

Alas the strike is probably more for the show than the actual efficiency, as most of the thetrics he puts on show

Belated attack of opportunity

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

The strikes comes, he Dodges with quick movements, maybe following the golbin movements, maybe following the goblin insticnts he lacked, maybe we was just lucky, it didn't matttered, what mattered is that they had decided to come to his playground*

Dodges oddly, maybe following the golbin movements, maybe following the goblin insticnts he lacked, maybe we was just lucky, it didn't matttered, what mattered is that they had decided to come to his playground

Oh the delusion, it would have serve better for you if you had decided to just follow me instead of turning your lives for naught, its hard to find good minions of late, C'est la vie

He spins backwards using the cloak to cover the movement and tnen as the cloak moves away to show his full body again he carries another bomb in his hands which he throws at yellow, while cackling as the explosion and the flame flood appear to engulf him as well, alas as the smoke clears out he seems not singed at all.

Bomb: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 275d6 + 7 ⇒ (4, 1, 2, 2, 6) + 7 = 22 Step, then bomb thrown DC 21 or catch fire, 10 ft radius DC 21 Splash damage or taking 12 fire damage . Bomb thrown at yellow. Splash on pink and blue. Yellow can take an attack of opportunity. Also precise bombs allow to remove Duende's Sauqre for the splash area

Well, at least they liked to go with a boom, Mwahhahahaha.

Solash bomb.

Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

Its funny when happensm but i take taht yellow moved thru Duende's threatning squares so is he entitled to an attack of oportunity with the cestus? Its unlikely that might hit, but those are are golbins , you never know heh

Please just confirm


Sovereign Court

Male Human ( Tadlan ) HP : 91/91 AC : 21 (24 with shield )/ Touch :15 / Flat: 18 Fort: 11 Ref: 14 Will : 9 Bomb : 18/18 Alchemist

{i] Looking at his partner, the cat dressed woman he moves forwad and start to pull an lechemical fire from one of his pockets throwing it towards the goblin that is down* [/i]

Such waste of time and effort, alas i wonder if this is just another trap, i do wonder ...

AS he throws the alchemical fire to the pink goblin he puts his gaze over the building, looking for the scene on top, specially looking for the prevviously seen dragons

Alchemical fire, first increment: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 211d6 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Move action to move forward, pullign alchemical fire as part of movement, Then throw the alchemical fire to the pink goblin