Wax Golem

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 2 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 18 Organized Play characters.

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It was short!


I was a player in this,and I missed the first half of this 2 part mod. found it very drab and very unthought out, as far as the faction mission was in a practical point imposable to realy do, the battle between the monkey and robot (interesting) but pointless, at lest the player who played the robot took it out by inbedding it on some jagged ruin thing in the 2nd dig area. The other monkies where to drawn out (4 Waves?), the GM threw the last 2 on us at one time to shorten the fight and to add alittle worry for our skinn's. herd alot of grumbling from the GM about how this mod was poorly writen. and he had to do alot to liven it up to keep the players involed. Only good thing we all liked was it was a short mod to play through.